Chapter Twelve|| Connection

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The warm fire sending heat to my skin. "I'd rather not do this right now." I address the presence of Kylo. My eyes fixed on the fire. "Yeah, me, too." He agrees. I let my eyes wander up to see him. He stands shirtless before me. My heart flutters and my blood rushes. No matter how hard I want to refuse him, I want him. "Why did you hate your father?" I ask trying to distract myself. He approaches me. "You had a father who loved you, he gave a damn about you." "I didn't hate him." He objects. The full scar is visible to me and I feel a tinge of guilt. "Then why?" I stand. "Why what?" He asks. I clench my jaw. "Why what? Say it." "Why did you kill him?" I ask. "I don't understand." "No?" He steps closer. I can see the hurt in his eyes. "Your parents threw you away like garbage." "They didn't." I hiss. "They did. But you can't stop needing them. Like you can't stop needing me." His voice lowering again as he comes closer to me. "I'm your greatest weakness." He states. He's not wrong. I close my eyes and look away from him. "Did Skywalker tell you what happened that night?" He asks. "Yes." "No. What he told you was a lie and you know it." He can sense my conflict. "He had sensed my power, as he senses yours. And he feared it. That night I woke to him standing over my sleeping form with his saber ready to kill me." I shake my head. "Liar." "You say that, but I can feel that you know I'm right." I look up at him. "I'm sorry." I apologize. He reaches his hand out to me and I take it. He pulls me in. His warm lips capturing mine. His fingers sliding into my hair as he holds the back of my head guiding me to lay down. He rests over me on my bed. His touch giving me life. He swiftly lifts my shirt over my head. His lips tenderly kissing down my neck. "I've missed you, Angel." His breath hot against my skin. "Don't call me that, you're not Ben," I argue sweetly working at my own pants. "I don't care." He growls as his teeth graze my neck. "You're still my Angel." He reaches down and makes quick work of my pants one-upping me. He hooks his arm under my back pulling me up to him. His kisses are intense and primal. My teeth rake teasingly over his lip before his tongue slips into my mouth. "Kylo." I pant at the feeling of his hand against me. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He places a hand on my back and sits up a little bringing me with him effortlessly. His free hand pushes his pants down. My eyes fluttering shut when he pushes into me as he sets me back down. My fingers coming through his soft hair. He keeps a firm grip on my thigh. He doesn't waste any time finding the pace he wants. This isn't loving or gentle at all. This isn't Ben. This is Kylo. His fingers digging roughly into my thigh. My nails dragging down his back. My sweaty nose pressed against his neck. He's gotten a lot stronger, his consistency never wavering not for a second. He sits up and takes hold of both my wrists. My arms pushing my boobs together. His eyes watching me unfold under him. I clamp my eyes shut and my pitch spikes for a second when he suddenly decides to thrust harder into me. His fingers free one of my arms. He pushes His two middle fingers into my mouth. His fingers gently play with my tongue. He pulls them out and force pulls me up to him. In one motion he shifts to sit with me on him. His body wrapping around my small frame as my cheek rests against his chest. He holds me in place and isn't merciful in his fucking. "Kylo." I don't even recognize my own voice. My body tensing up with my release. Coming to reality his fingers dig into my thigh and my arm letting me hang from around his neck as I lean back. His lips against my neck. I can't think straight at this point. His lips lightly sucking on my neck. I pull my head up and press my sweaty forehead against his. His lust-filled eyes locked with mine. His hips jerks once slightly off pace. Is that a sign? I move my mouth to gently kiss at his neck. My teeth lightly graze his earlobe and I can feel him shiver. He lets out a struggled moan and one of his hands flock to my hair. He smashes his lips against mine as he twitches under me reaching his breaking point. He pulls away from my lips for air and we both catch our breath.

He hasn't gone away yet. He lays behind me, holding me against his chest. I close my eyes and try to sleep. I sit up once he's gone. I redress and make my way down the side of the hills. I need answers. I hop down to the hole. The dark place. I peer down it. Fuck it. I jump down into the water. I hold my breath sinking down and quickly swimming my way back up. I gasp for air dragging myself out of the water. I approach the reflection of myself. What do you have to offer?


I sit in front of the fire. Kylo sits across from me. He was back when I entered my hut. "I should have felt trapped or panicked. But I didn't." I explain to him. "This didn't go on forever. I knew it was leading somewhere. And that, at the end, it would show me what I came to see." I meet Kylo's attentive gaze. "I thought I'd find answers here. I was wrong." I break his gaze. "I'd never felt so alone," I confess. "You're not alone." His deep voice comforts. He may not be Ben, but some of him definitely peaks through. "Neither are you." I swallow the frog in my throat. "It's not too late." I slowly reach my hand out to him. He looks at my hand for a moment before reaching out to me. His mind completely connecting with mine when his hand touches mine. All his pain. I can feel it. "Stop!" Master Luke's voice rips through the silence as my hut crumbles. I pull away and when I look back Kylo is gone. The rain pouring down. I stand. I'll make him answer me honestly about that night. "Master, is it true? Did you try to murder him?" I ask. "Leave now!" Master Luke orders. "Stop!" I call chasing after him. He keeps walking. Frustrated I force shove him to the ground. His saber in my hand. He looks up at me. "Did you do it?" I ask. "Did you make Ben turn? Did you create Kylo Ren?" I shout. He sighs and thinks. "Tell me the truth," I order. "I saw darkness. I'd sensed it building in him. I'd seen it in moments during his training with you. But then I looked inside, and it was beyond what I ever imagined. Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, and pain, and death, and the end of everything I love because of what he will become. And for the briefest moment of pure instinct, I thought I could stop it. It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame, and with consequence. And the last thing I saw were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him." Master admits in shame. "You failed him by thinking his choice was made. It wasn't. And it still isn't. Not completely. There's still conflict in him. If he turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide. This could be how we win." I hope. "This is not going to go the way you think." Master Luke warns. "It is. Just then when we touched hands, and he opened himself to me, I saw his future. As solid as I'm seeing you. If I go to him, Ben Solo will come back to me." "Y/n, don't do this." He pleads. I extend his saber to him. He turns from me. "Then he's our last hope. Trust me, Master, I'm going to get my Ben back."


"The second I launch; you jump back out of range," I order Chewie as I prepare my pod. I have to go to him. "And if you see Finn before I do tell him-." Chewie cuts me off. "Sure, that works. Tell him that." I smile nervously and climb in my pod. Once I'm in I force shut the door and take a deep breath. Hell, I hope this works. I try to calm myself as I prepare to launch. My sweaty palms gripping Master Luke's saber. I close my eyes tightly as I break off into space. My hands shaking. If this goes badly. I don't even know what I'll do. I take deep breaths and try to calm myself as I dock. And I can't help but feel excited to see him. I let out a soft gasp and open my eyes when the pod lands. Here we fucking go.

As my pod lid opens, I can already see Kylo standing over me. I feel embarrassed recalling our night together. I have no doubt a few of the marks he left are visible. He looks me over and steps away as two stormtroopers take me. I mean what did I expect. I am still the enemy. They cuff me and Kylo grabs my arm dragging me along with him. He stands closely behind me in the elevator. I take a deep breath and turn to him. "You don't have to do this." He ignores me and stares straight ahead. "I feel the conflict in you. It's tearing you apart." He still looks straight ahead. I step closer to him. "Ben, when we touched hands." He looks at me now. "When you let me in, I saw your future. Just the shape of it, but it was clear. You will not bow before Snoke. You'll turn. I'll help you. I saw it. Please, I love you." He moves swiftly. His hand pressed against the wall behind me, trapping me. "I saw something, too." His face moving closer to mine. "Because of what I saw, I know that when the moment comes, you'll be the one to come to me." I can't think with how close he is. "I told you, Angel. I'm your greatest weakness." I close my eyes and move from being trapped under him. My back to the elevator door as it opens.

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