dance with me // prinxiety co...

By inactive-spooks

9.7K 515 634

Virgil DeVoy, a dance major, is haunted by his past relationship. He always seems to come to the conclusion t... More

before you start the story!
tweleve (epilogue)


673 41 45
By inactive-spooks

tw: none

Virgil sighed. It was time for him to meet Roman at the coffee shop as he'd promised earlier that afternoon.

The rest of his and Patton's rehearsal went well, by the end of their session they had managed to run it through completely without any missteps. Now all was left was some picking to do so that it seemed less awkward and uncomfortable and moved more smoothly, and, of course, a lot more rehearsing.

He hadn't gone back to his dorm after his and Patton's session. He changed in the bathroom of the performance arts hall and then found an empty practice room with a piano.

He was in no way a professional and he had never dreamed of being one either, but he had grown up taking piano lessons, so he knew a few things about it. He had been tapping on random keys and working out familiar melodies from his favorite songs since Patton had left.

His phone buzzed in his pocket.

1 Text from Princey 🌟

He opened the message app and read the text.

where u at?

He chuckled quietly, pulling the lid over the keys gently as to not hurt the instrument. He typed a quick response.


Virgil smiled down at his phone, pushing the bench underneath the instrument and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. He flicked the room's lights off as he walked out, shutting the door behind him.

He walked rather hurriedly in the direction of the shop, after all, he'd hate to keep his new friend waiting.

He arrived a short few moments later to find Roman sitting at a table with two cups in front of him and he found himself being waved over.

"Eight ounce American style, two shots of creamer and a packet of sugar, just like you usually get." Roman nodded towards the cup in front of Virgil. "I even clocked in so I could make it for you myself."

"What a welcome." Virgil's comment was sarcastic, but he smiled gratefully at Roman.

"You are welcome."  Roman grinned.

Virgil glanced and the mug's sleeve.

"Did you seriously put your number on the cup?" Virgil asked.

Roman chuckled. "Yeah, maybe you'll actually text me sometime."

"Dude, we just exchanged numbers, like, not even three hours ago!" Virgil exclaimed. Even though he was shaking his head, his amused smile told Roman that he wasn't upset.

"So, uh, Remus told me about your, I don't know if this is the best way to put this, but he told me about your breakdown last night." Roman gave Virgil a gentle, sympathetic look. Their lighthearted natter fell, morphing into a rather somber exchange.

"Yeah, well. It happens a lot over stupid things, don't get too excited." Virgil's amused smile melted into something Roman didn't exactly like.

"Sorry for bringing it up." Roman apologized quickly. "Anyways, tell me a little bit about yourself."

Virgil chuckled awkwardly, "well, there's not much to tell. I was adopted and raised as an only child by a lovely lesbian couple that loved me unconditionally. I grew up with my best friend Patton and I watched him fall in love with Logan in middle school. I started dancing in eighth grade with Patton, but we branched off eventually seeing as he preferred hip-hop and I liked more delicate styles. All was well until rather recently." Virgil found himself trailing off. Something told him that he was going to talk about it with Roman eventually, but that now just wasn't the time. "What about you?" 

Roman cleared his throat and Virgil rolled his eyes, a small smile had found its way into his face.

"Well I was born to a lovely mother and a hard working father. I was loved rather violently by my brother who was, and to this day remains, freakily good at reading people like books. I grew up with a strong love for Disney. In both middle school and high school I was president of the drama club. I love everything about theater; the lights, the costumes, the makeup, the set designs, the exhilarating beating of my heart when I stepped on stage, the crowd's applause after I get done belting out that last note."

Virgil smiled at Roman, he liked when people talked about what they loved. It was adorable how in detail they'd get.

"Talk about it more." Virgil mumbled, a small smile finding its way onto his face.

"Huh?" Roman asked.


"Oh!" Roman was suddenly very excited as he cleared his throat again. "Well, everything about each show is absolutely breathtakingly fascinating, and though it might seem as if the onstage stuff is the only part, it really isn't. There's so much more that goes into the creating." Roman thought for a second. "In a way it's like choreographing a dance routine. There's thousands upon thousands of tiny little details that go into creating this beautiful piece of performance and without those pieces the performance wouldn't happen."

Virgil tried to suppress his smile, but it fought perseveringly onto his face. There was just something about the way the man's eyes lit up when he talked about what he loved. He liked the little sparkle that shone brighter as he explained the stuff Virgil had most likely covered briefly in one of his lessons back in grade school.

For the first time since Virgil's first meeting with the theater dork he thought, maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

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