Star-Crossed One (Male OC x H...

By StarLightUpMyDays

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A story of a young man on how he acts when his original dream got crushed to pieces and how unlucky stuffs ke... More

Chapter 1 : Wish
Chapter 2 : Scattered
Chapter 3 : Support
Chapter 4 : Different
Chapter 5 : Talent(s) ?
Chapter 7 : Training ?
Chapter 8 : Audition
Chapter 9 : Hello New Dream
Chapter 10 : GoodBye
Chapter 11 : New Enviroment, New People
Chapter 12 : New Routine
Chapter 13 : Addition
Chapter 14 : Deal
Chapter 15 : Commitment
Chapter 16 : Debut Prep
Chapter 17 : Out and In
Chapter 18 : Compete
Chapter 19 : Wrong ?
Chapter 20 : Eliminated
Chapter 21 : Big Things Happening
Chapter 22 : TWICE
Chapter 23 : Deal
Chapter 24 : The New Fellaz
Chapter 25 : Secret and Promise
Chapter 26 : Differences
Chapter 27 : In Between
Chapter 28 : Chance
Chapter 29 : Empty Heart
Chapter 30 : Responsibility
Chapter 31 : Tour Of Self Healing
Chapter 32 : KQ Fellaz Unite
Chapter 33 : Conflicted
Chapter 34 : Mix of 9
Chapter 35 : Mix Of 9 Pt.2 "Ranks"

Chapter 6 : Dots & Lines

570 36 30
By StarLightUpMyDays

---Still In The Same Day---

Kyoya sighs while still thinking about his decision minutes ago.Quitting basketball was definitely one of the hardest decision for him, but there's nothing he can do about it. It's like his love for the game is gone , along with his vertical and speed because of that injury.

He walks back to his house on his own , while staring at the orange sky that he always love. It just gave him that calm feeling when he's facing life problems. Kyoya sighs once again showing his uncertain feelings once again while walking and his own words got repeated multiple times inside his head.

"I'mma head to WcDonalds , some good chicken will help me right now."

Kyoya head out to the closest WcDonalds which is located close to the crowded part of the city. That part of the town is crowded but not to the point that it can makes you struggle to breathe. Kyoya was enjoying walking in calm vibes when-

"Uhh Ano suumi-masen ?"

He turn his attention to the owner of the voice.

"Yes , can i help you sir ?"

"Uhh aigoo..."

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Aigoo ? Did he say aigoo ? Is he perhaps ?

"Ahjussi , are you korean ?" I said in korean and my deduction was right.

The man widen his eyes while still looking at me. His eyes is shining full of hope like that one time when you found the solution to your math problem.

"Oh you're also korean?" He answer back in korean.

"Yeah. Is there anything wrong ahjussi ?"

"Ah yes , i don't know where this building is.  Can you tell me the direction ? My phone's battery ran out an hour ago and since i've been stuck in here." He said while showing me a paper with an address written on it along with a picture of the building.

"Ah this is that new entertainment company building. No problem, i can show you the way sir. It's pretty close actually."

"Thank you very much !"

The two of us head to the designated place. On the way we held a dialogue in Korean which is something that i haven't do for a while.

"Are you an athlete ?"

"Ahaha you can say it like that...  , i've retired..."

"O-oh sorry.., is it because of an injury ?"


"I see, you have a great body structure tho..."

"Thanks , if you can inspect my body easily like that. I guess you're a trainer in that company ?"

"Not wrong , but eh let's call it that."

"Fair enough. Hey uh ahjussi , i'm not too fond with the K-Pop Industry but JYP is one of the most famous entertainment in South Korea right ?"

"Yeah , is there anything wrong ?"

"Nothing , that just means that you're an important person."

"Yeah you can say it like that."

"Ah i see..."

"Well yes and i'm their CE-"

"Oh here we are"

We arrived at the place , it was a building with rather a futuristic design.There's a lot of big transparent glass that show the content inside the building with a lot of people seems busy with their own work.

"Ah thank you for showing me the way youngman , i haven't catch your name by the way."

"Ah right , Yabuki Kyoya sir or in korean Lee Kwangjin."

"I see , Kyoya are you interested in becoming an idol ?"

"Me ?"

"Yeah , you have a great body structure and a pretty cute face."

"Uhh thanks i guess.....but doesn't it takes more than that to become an idol ?"

"Exactly , but you already got two features that idols have. So wanna give it a shot ?"

"I dunno..."

"Very well , if you're interested come here again at this date. Here's also my business card."

He hands me a flyer and an business card. 

"Park Jinyoung , CEO ?"

Ah he's the CEO....

Wait a minute..

CEO !!!???


"A-ah it must've been very rude of me Mr.JYP-"

"Ahaha nonsense you've been really kind and i really hope you give that idea of mine a lot of thinking. Remember...many people are fighting to get this chance and not many that caught my eyes. Hope to see you later Kyoya."

With that Mr.JYP walks to the building leaving me in the crowd. I-i just talk to a famous person casually , holy dang...

But idol life ? I never really give it a thought....


"I'm home"

"Welcome back Kyoya"

"Hey uh mom can we talk for a bit ?"

"Sure , anything wrong ?"

"So uhh how should i put this... I met JYP-"

"Sorry what ?" She stop doing her own activity and look at me with confusion.

"I met JYP."

"Ah you mean the building ?" She replied before continuing her activity. 

"N-no i mean the person , Park Jinyoung."

"I see....


"I met Park Jinyoung mom and uhh he gave me his business card..." I said while showing the card that i received earlier to my mom. The simple white business card with blue linings that is very JYP-themed.


"C-camera ?" Kyoya said with confusion.

"What is it honey ?!" As fast as the lightning , the head of the Yabuki Family arrive at the crime scene with their trusty camera.


"Hm ? Ah it's only JYP Business Car- WAIT JYP ?! HOW ?"

"I'm home ! Ee-eh what is everyone doing here ?" Nako said while entering the house.








"Okay let's sit down and talk about this while eating dinner."

Agreeing to the idea , we all sit down on our own seat in the dining room. The food for today is nothing special but the stuff we're about to discuss is definitely something special.

"Kyo-nii,  you'll have to explain a lot about this !" Nako said striking up the conversation.

"Yeah and you better act nicely to him or i'l count myself as a failed parent !" Dad adds.

"Okay ! Just let me start will ya ?"

I explained to them what happened today starting from school until how i met one of the most famous person in the K-Pop Industry. Explaining every detail , even the conversation with Mr.JYP himself. Minutes later , my explanation finally ends.

"Now mom let me ask you something."

"Hm ?"

"Do i used to dance back then in elementary school ?"

Mom stopped for a moment , like she's trying to recall what happened. But not too long after that she continues while smiling.

"Yes , you used to win a lot of competition back then in elementary school." She answer before she starts the dinner by drinking the cold green tea.

"I see... , umm this might sounds awkward the image of an idol suits me ?"

Mom quickly choked on her drinks after hearing that random question , same goes for Dad and Nako who choked on their own food.

"S-son are you good ?! You didn't hit your head right ?!" Dad asked sound all shooked.

"What ? Of course i am and no i didn't." 

"Kyo-nii didn't you want to become a professional basketball player ?"

That question broke my heart, and to answer that i want to say yes but i can't. Since that injury , i lost my speed , my vertical ,and my ryhthm. I lost my athleticism , my biggest asset as a basketball player.

"I can't do that anymore Nako.... this injury finally gets the best of me not only that i know this sounds weird but i'm bored by the fact that my game won't be as exciting as before.."

"I see...sorry Kyo-nii.." Nako apologize sounding all sad and sorry about my condition.

"One girl told me , every people are gifted with two talents. Now then if what Mom said is true , then maybe dancing is my other talent. She also said that maybe i should get back to dancing. This might be a chance for me."

We all know who that one girl is , thank Momo for opening my mind to other possibility like this.

"SON IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT THEN YOU GO FOR IT !!" Dad suddenly said with fiery tone.

"Yeah , and hey now both of our children will be artists so why not ?"

I can only smile as i heard their support for me. I got a second chance to do something that i lov-

"But before you do that , i think it's about time we tell you about the world of idols especially with Nako already count as an idol. Right honey ?"

"Oh i guess ?" Dad replies.

"Okay you two listen closely..."

Both me and Nako stay silent and open both of our ears to gather as much information as we can from this quick announcement.

"The world of idols is not as bright as you two think.."

"Yeah , the two of us have experienced it and oh boi it's not the good one."

"What happened Dad ?"

"Well maybe it's better if your mom tells it first."

We all turn our attention to Mom where she seems to hesitate to tell us the story of her life, but then she lifts up her head and starts.

"Being an idol especially a female idol , you must be extra careful. Nako please listen to this. Never trust anyone even the producer , the CEO, and especially the manager.

"But why ?" Nako asked with curiosity.

"I trusted my manager , he's a nice guy on the outside but little that i know that he's just a sick rapist. He trapped me and tried to rape me- It's a really scary experience.... Thank God there's one man that saw what happened and saved me from that rapist."

Mom turn her attention to dad,

"Yeah i saved her , that day the two of us was supposed to perform on the same stage.I'm really glad i decided to check the source of the sound." Dad explained.

"Yeah , and fans are not always on your side. There's always that one fan that is overprotective with you that he brings threat to everyone close to you even your own family. I remember when your Granpa used to deal with them my sasaeng fans." Dad continues while laughing.

"Yep ,Kyoya you better be prepared to handle that. Someone not that handsome like me had a lot of sasaeng fans, i can't imagine how many of them will actually be a fan of someone as hot and handsome like you hahahah- Argh" Dad joked but quickly got cut by Mom's jab to his ribs. Oofs poor dad.

"Overall the thing is to always be careful and don't fully trust anyone because they can help you to rise up or strike you down." Mom said finishing the lecture.

I knew the entertainment industry is always not as bright as the idol's smile but i never thought it was this dark.

"Wow that's a lot to take in.." Nako said.

"I know right..." I add.

"Oh right Kyoya when is the audition ?"

"Oh it's next month."

"WHAT ?!"


It's the next day , last night i actually tried to pull off some dance moves. I also asked Nako for tips and stuff but eh i guess JPop and KPop details are different since KPop focus more in having a perfect and synchronized performance.

There's also something that lingers inside my head. I kinda feel bad for leaving the basketball team without telling Yuga , he's been there with me ever since the bottom. He's bout to be so mad at me but i guess i deserve it...

Arriving at my class i slide open the door , there's those girls that always say good morning to me which i reply kindly as always, there's those people who come to class early just to do their homework, and wait that'a Yuga.I sigh before i approach him.


I expected him to show anger on his face like how he always show it when his junior won't practice properly but it's the opposite.

"Oh hey Kyoya , how is it going ?"

His tone sounds calm too like always , which is weird.

"You're not mad ?"

"Mad ? For what ?"

"I quit the team..."

"Ah about that ? Of course i'm mad."

Oh shiet....

"But hey we're talking about you. Someone like you won't quit without a strong reason and i can't stay mad to my boi so whatever the reason is. I decided to not give a damn , whatever happened you'll always be my guy."

"Yuga.... , thank yo-"

"So what is it ?" He said quickly cutting my unfinished appreciation.

"What is what ?"

"The reason ?" Yuga ask once again trying to clear my confusion.

"I auditioned."

"For ?"

"Becoming an idol ?"


"No , i auditioned to become a K-Pop Idol."


"Park Jinyoung's JYP Entertainment."

"Damn it why didn't you auditioned for SM ?"

"Why should i ?"

"Well if you got accepted maybe you can.....y'know introduce me to Krsytal." Yuga said while rising his right eyebrow.

"Yep you're still the Yuga that i know."

Both of us laughed hard making everyone turn their attention to us but who cares , i'm really glad Yuga decided understand me.

"Oh about JYP , if i'm not mistaken there's this one girl from the first year that said that she'll auditioned for the same company."

"Hm ? Who ?"

"Hirai Momo."

That's about it for chapter 6 , hope y'all enjoy it and if you do don't forget to comment. What shall happen in the future now that Kyoya decide to pursue his new dream ?

See you guys around , and hey

I'm out boiiiiiiii

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