Skywalkers Apprentice || Kylo...

By xCornDogx

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Please read this! Sent off to train with Master Luke Skywalker by your orphanage once your powers first awoke... More

Chapter One || Ben
Chapter Two || Love
Chapter Three || Luke
Chapter Four || Apprentice
Chapter Five || Jakku
Chapter Seven || Han
Chapter Eight|| Maz
Chapter Nine|| Kylo
Chapter Ten|| Monster
Chapter Eleven|| Master
Chapter Twelve|| Connection
Chapter Thirteen|| Snoke
Chapter Fourteen|| Rocks

Chapter Six || Finn

75 1 0
By xCornDogx

As we walk someone wanting my attention causes me to turn around. "Huh?" It's one of the guys thugs. I quickly turn to another one covering the droid with a blanket. "Hey! Get of him!" I shout kicking the guy back as the other grabs at me. I bite his arm and the guy backs off. But they don't back off completely. It's been a very long time since I've had proper combat training. I fight against the guys the best I can. I plant my foot in one's chest shoving him back and I barrel another one over my back. The other quickly grabbing me from behind. "Hey!" Someone calls in the distance. I draw my saber and they back off quickly. Once they've fled, I move the cover from my friend. "You alright?" I ask looking over him. He beeps about who they we're. "They work for him. The guy who wanted to buy you." I explain. "I guess I was right. He wanted you really bad." I brush my hands off standing up straight. My little buddy starts beeping wildly about his friends' jacket. "What? Who?" I ask. Looking up my eyes meet a man a few feet away looking at us. "Him?" I ask. I book it after the man. He doesn't get far. He must be new here. I run around the side of the covering he entered and hit him in the face with my elbow. He falls to his back. "Where are you off to, thief?" I press, my saber in hand. Not drawn but in hand. "What? Thief?" He asks confused. The droid zaps him. "Hey, what?" He asks squirming. "The jacket." His eyes snapping back to me. "My friend here says you stole it." I explain. "I've had a pretty messed up day, all right?" The guy pleads. "So, I'd appreciate it if you stop accusing me of-." The droid cuts him off zapping him once more. "Ow! Stop it!" He snaps. "Then where did you get it?" I asks. "He says it belongs to his master." I accuse. The man lets out a sigh. "It belonged to Poe Dameron. That was his name, right?" He asks the droid. I look at the droid as he looks at me. "He was captured by the First Order." The First Order? Those are the bad guys, right? "I helped him escape, but our ship crashed." He pauses and look at the droid. "Poe didn't make it." My little friend hangs his head low. "I tried to help him. I'm sorry." The man apologizes. The droid sadly rolls outside. Man, that's tough. Does that mean this guy is with the good guys? What did Master Luke call them? The Resistance? "Hey, so you're with the Resistance?" I ask hoping I'm right, I stick my hand out to him. "Obviously." He says as I yank him to his feet. "Yes, I am. I'm with the Resistance, yeah." He reassures. "I am with Resistance." He whispers. That's so cool! Getting to be a real hero! "I've never met a Resistance fighter before." I admit, clipping my lightsaber back. "Well, this is what we look like. Some of us. Others look different." Real smooth stranger. "My little buddy, BB-8 says he's on a secret mission." I explain. "He says he has to get back to your base." "Apparently, he has a map that leads to Luke Skywalker." I snap my head to him. Do I tell? No, I think it's best to keep myself secret for now. "The Luke Skywalker?" I ask. He nods. "And everyone's after it." Why does everyone want to find Master Luke so badly? Things must be pretty rough out here, I guess. "Luke Skywalker?" I whisper faking disbelief. "I thought he was a myth." I play into the role. Just then our lovely droid comes wheeling in beeping all sorts of nonsense. "What?" I ask. "Slow down." We follow him to look outside. Two stormtroopers in the distance talking to the thugs from earlier. They spot us and raise their blasters. "Shit!" I exclaim. The guy grabs my hand and drags me behind him. "Come on, BB-8!" He calls him to follow. We keep our heads low; blaster shots all round us. I could deflect them if he'd let my free hand go. "Let my hand go!" I ask. "Come on, we gotta move!" He ignores me. "I know how to run without you holding my hand!" I persist as I rip my hand from his. "BB-8 hurry up!" I shout as I turn and deflect a shot that would have hit him. "This way!" I call out running ahead. We stop in a tent. I catch my breath. "Why are they shooting at both of us?" I ask. "They saw you with me. You're marked too." I turn to face him. "That's not fair." He sharply turn to me. "Hey, I'm not the one who chased you down with a lightsaber!" I roll my eyes and check on BB-8. "Are you okay, little buddy?" I ask. He responds but the guy hushes him coming over to us. He grabs my hand and drags me with him. "Stop doing that!" I shout at him. I can hardly believe my eyes! TIE fighters flying overhead. This, this is the action I've craved all my life. I'm jolted from my thoughts when a blast explodes behind us knocking us down. I quickly scramble to the man. "Hey." He sits up. He looks around. "Are you okay?" He asks. That's my line man. I nod. "Follow me." I help him up and he follow behind me. The sand exploding all around us. This adrenaline, I've never felt like this before. "We can't outrun them!" He exclaims. "We might! In that quadjumper!" I point to it. "I heard some of the locals talking about it a few days ago! It's out best shot!" I explain shouting back at him. "Don't we need a pilot?!" He points out. "I can do it!" I've made it pretty far on my own in Master's old ship, and BB-8 seems to know some stuff. He points to the closer ship. "What about that one?" He asks. "That ship is total garbage!" I explain just as our luck runs out and the quadjumper explodes. "Well, shit. Garbage it is!" I shout making a sharp turn back to the ship. We race up the ramp. "I think the gunner position down there!" I direct him and make my way to the main controls. "You ever fly this thing?" He asks me. "No! The locals say this ship hasn't flown in years!" I call out. "Alright." I whisper to BB-8. "A little help buddy?" He give me the best pointers he can to the controls. Thankfully we manage to take off. "Okay." I mumble under my breath. "Here we go, I've got this." I tense up taking off. This ship is definitely rough. BB-8 barks instructions at me. "What?" I call back to the man's shouting. "Stay low!" He instructs. "It confuses their tracking!" He explains. "Hold on little buddy!" I flip us down to fly close to the sand beneath us. The TIE fighters manage to scrap a shot on us. "What are you doing?" I call out to the guy. "Shoot them!" I order. "I'm working on it! Are the shields up?" He asks. "I'm working on that!" I call looking at BB-8. He directs me to the shield controls. I force flip the switch since I can't reach it. "Ah ha!" I celebrate the small victory. "We need cover quick!" The guy orders. "Hang on! We're about to get some!" I shout sensing the fallen ship nearby. I make a sharp turn around the large mound of sand and feel proud spotting the wreckage. Small victories! This flying thing isn't so bad. I've only slightly hit some stuff. Pretty good for my first real flight I'd say. Most of this is coming from my instincts. I cut close to a large piece of the ship and make a sharp turn last minute in hopes of breaking them off at least a bit. It works and one is forced to break off. The man manages to shoot down the other one. "Nice shot!" I compliment. The fight's not over yet. The second TIE fighter catching up to us. "The cannon's stuck in forward position I can't move it! You gotta lose him!" The man calls out. I close my eyes. Focus. Breathe. I relax my body and mind. "Be with me." I whisper. My eyes snapping oven. "Let's do this." I grumble. "Get ready!" I shout letting the force guide me. "Okay, for what?" He asks. I don't quite know. I speed forward and make a quick turn to the wreck beside us diving into it. "Are we really doing this?" He asks. "Yup!" I call out. This ship is full of tight squeezes I'm surprised I'm actually managing. I bite my lip hard focusing on my surroundings. I spot the exit ahead and speed out. I hope this works. I drop up straight down hopping the guy can land a shot. The second I feel the ship go down I flip us upright. "Whoo!" The man celebrates. I relax and direct us up into space. I lean back in the chair and wipe my hand over my face. I'm okay. I did it. I set us on auto pilot and rush to meet the guy. "Amazing shooting!" I exclaim. "That was some flying." His compliment overlapping with mine. "Thanks." "How did you do that?" He beams. My face drops. "I don't know." I admit. "No one trained you?" He asks. "No, I've only flown once before and I crash landed on Jakku." I confess. "Your last shot was amazing. You got him with one blast!" I exclaim. "You set me up for it." He pushes the credit on me. I shake my head. "That was perfect." I rejoice. BB-8 beeps nervously at me. "It's okay. He's with the Resistance." I reassure. I pat his little round body. "He's gonna get us to your base." I smile. "And I'm coming too." I volunteer myself. Wow! To join the Resistance and fight against the Empire! Like a true Jedi! I stand and turn to the man. "What's your name?" I ask him. "Finn. What's yours?" He asks. "I'm Y/n." He nods and thinks for a second. "Y/n-." He's cut off but the hissing of a pipe behind us. "Help me with this!" I order rushing over. I lift the grate and climb down.



"Sir... we were unable to acquire the droid on Jakku." A general informs me. Damn it. I turn to face him slightly. "It escaped capture... aboard a stolen Corellian YT model freighter." He explains. "The droid... stole a freighter?" I press. "Not exactly, sir. It had help." I turn to face him fully. "We have no confirmation... but we believe FN-2187 may have helped in the escape." I activate my lightsaber. Slashing at the controls unable to control my anger at the failed mission. Once I'm pleased, I retract it. "Anything else?" I ask since he hasn't left. He takes a deep breath. "The two were accompanied by a girl. A Jedi reportedly, sir." He elaborates. I force drag his neck right into my hand choking him. The first one coming to mind, Y/n. No, I killed her. I clench my jaw. "What girl?"

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