With Love...

By enoliveshipper10

53.3K 1.1K 1.7K

" You like her!" " Wanna say it a little louder? I don't think they could hear ya in Spain." oOOo A cute, sil... More

1: The First Greeting
2: It's Showtime!
3: JoJo's Family
4: This Is Why You Always Lock Your Balconies
5: Demons
6: Leap
7: Night Out
8: Prank War
9: The Onstage Whoopsie
10: Rest Stop Fiasco
11: Suprise!
12: Travel Time
13: Birthday Suprises
14: Happy Holidays
15: New Years Eve Party
16: One Show At A Time
17: Challenges
18: Elizabeth's Big Day
19: Two Show Day
20: You're Officially Old!
21: Disney World
22: How To Quicky Gather Toursies 101
23: Why Cookie Cake Is Always Good For Negotiations
24: Pains
25: Long Week
26: Interview
27: Cleared
28: Off With A Bang
29: The Girl With Blonde Hair
30: Josh's Girl
31: Falling For Ya
32: Recovery
33: Trip
34: Illinois
35: The Girl With Glasses
36: Day Out
37: German Chocolate
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
38: Brother's Protection
40: Dress Shopping
41: Oh Boy
42: Married
43: Girls Day Out
44: Deployed
45: Dad?
46: Thanksgiving
47: Leaving
48: Gone
49: A Future
50: With Love

39: Late Night Ice Cream Excursion

720 15 29
By enoliveshipper10

Don't ask what provoked this idea. I wrote this chapter at around 2am a while back and kept it. Enjoy!

Bexley walked into Ben's and Josh's room to see them and JoJo talking enthusiastically.

" Whatcha talking about?" She asked.

" Mama Cook's coming into town!" Josh announced excitedly.

" Is she?" Bexley sat next to him.

" Guys, I have a dilemma." Sky marched into the room.

" Mama Cook's coming into town!" Josh announced before he could say anything.

" My day just got significantly better. But, how does one...ask a girl out?" He asked, mostly to the girls.

" Oh my God! Are you gonna ask Cara out?" JoJo bounced.

" Announce it to the whole world, would ya?" He winced.

" Hey, you did the same thing to me!" Ben shouted.

" What does she like to do?" Bexley asked.

" I don't know. I know she loves violin and old libraries. And I know that she's German." Sky said.

" And you almost kissed..." Ben added in a sing song voice. Sky mumbled something under his breath.

" Sky, there's at street two blocks from here full of old shops and things like that." Josh said.

" See, now go ask her out." JoJo ushered him out the door.

" Wait, right now?" Sky asked as the significantly smaller person managed to push him right to the door.

" No time like the present." She gave him a final shove.


" Bex." Josh took her hand. They were on the same block as their hotel, walking home after their show.

" Yeah?" She smiled at him as he lead her into a small park nearby. Lights were strung into the trees giving it a warm, magical glow.

" You know I love you more than anything?" He took her hands.

" Of course." She nodded.

" Well, um..." Josh bit his lip, " I need to ask you something, it's very important."

" Okay?" She tilted her head ever so slightly.

" Bexley, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. I love you so much," He got down to one knee, "Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" He held out a ring. Bexley's hands flew to her mouth as tears streamed freely down her face.

" And we don't have to get married right away. We can wait a few years. I know were young-" His rambling was cut off by her lips meeting his.

" Was that a yes?" He looked up at her.

" Yes." She nodded tearfully. He slipped the ring onto her finger as they both rose to their fully heights.

" I love you!" Bexley threw her arms around his neck.

" I love you too." He kissed her temple.


Bexley was basically overflowing with joy as she walked into her and JoJo's hotel room.

" You good there?" JoJo glanced up from her book.

" Yeah, yeah." She said coolly.

" Okay, spill." JoJo smacked her book shut.

" Nothing." Bexley waved it off. JoJo caught the glint of her ring and she was over.

" OH MY GOD HE FREAKING PROPOSED!" She shouted. Bexley chucked a pillow at her.

" You'll wake up the hotel." She hissed.

" They can fight me. My best friends just got engaged!" JoJo called. Bexley laughed, looking down at her ring.

" Lemme see." JoJo called her over. Bexley sat next to her on the bed, showing her the ring.

" Oh my God, my bestfriends are getting married." JoJo repeated, hugging Bexley.

" You know what this calls for?" JoJo started.

" What?" Bexley squinted her eyes ever so slightly.

" Ice cream." JoJo hopped out of the bed, grabbing her wallet.

" At 10:30?" Bexley chuckled.

" No better time. Come on, we can grab Cara on the way." JoJo gestured for her to follow.

The three girls walked down the street to the only ice cream parlor open at the hour. Cara had noticed the ring pretty quickly and began bouncing up and down with excitement.

" Wow, people?" The guy behind the corner looked genuinely surprised when the three girls walked into the shop.

" Hi, we're celebrating." JoJo said.

" What?" He asked.

" Anything and everything." Cara covered smoothly for Bexley.

" Well, what can I get for ya?" He asked.


" Where were you guys?" Ben asked as he, Josh, and Sky rushed into the lobby.

" Getting ice cream." JoJo held her ice cream cone protectively close to her.

" We thought you died." Josh dramatised.

" Of course you did." Bexley deadpanned. Josh asked her a silent question, in which Bexley simply nodded.

" Why ice cream anyway?" Ben asked. JoJo squinted at Josh who gave the most minute of head shakes.

" Why not?" JoJo shrugged.

" Fair enough." Sky nodded, eyeing Cara's ice cream.

" Hey cuz, you better watch your ice cream." JoJo said to Cara, nodding towards Sky.

" Mine." Cara turned her body to hide the ice cream.

" Okay. Well, now that we no you're alive. Goodnight." Ben kissed JoJo's forehead.

" Night babe." JoJo smiled. Sky waved to the girls as he and Ben made their way to the elevator.

" I thought we weren't gonna say anything?" Josh smirked at Bexley.

" I didn't." She held up her free hand in surrender.

" We're girls, we noticing things like that." Cara smiled, nodding to the ring.

" Also, I am proud of you. That is a very impressive choice of ring." JoJo added.

" Thank you." Josh grinned.

" You sir, should go to bed. You have a busy day tomorrow." Bexley poked his nose.

" So do you." He countered.

" I don't  require six cups of coffee to function." She said.

" Fair." He nodded.

" Night Angel." He kissed her.

" Night Dork." She smiled as he walked away.


" You guys seem more lovey dovey than normal." Ben commented as he and JoJo laid shoulder to shoulder on his bed. He looked over to the other couple that seemed to be glowing with happiness.

" Look who's talking." Josh deadpanned. The girls shared a smirk as the guys began to argue.

" Something's different!" Ben stated.

" What?" Bexley asked, resting her chin in her left hand.

" I don't know what." Ben said. The other three sighed dramatically.

" Is there something I don't know?" He asked, resting his chin on JoJo's shoulder.

" What don't you know?" Sky and Cara walked in.

" How was your date?" JoJo asked.

" Great." Cara grinned, climbing to sit next to her.

" Sky, do you know what's going on?" Ben asked.

" No. Should I?" He knit his eyebrows.

" Oh, they still haven't figured it out?" Cara chuckled.

" You know too?" Ben asked.

" It wasn't that hard to figure out." Cara laughed.

" JoJo?" Ben pouted.

" Ben, Sky." Bexley sighed, holding up her hand.

" That's your hand." Ben stated.

" What's on her hand?" JoJo asked.

" A ring." Sky said, flying right over his head. Then the lightbulb went on. You could literally see it.

" Oh my God!" Ben shouted. Both boys jumped to tackle Josh.

" You finally did it!" Ben beat Josh with a pillow.

" Took you long enough!" Sky yelled.

" What is happening in here?" Chaz and Nick walked in to see the three girls sitting along one bed and the three guys beating each other with pillows on the other bed.

" Josh proposed to Bexley." JoJo stated.

" Ohh!" Nick jumped into the wrestling. Chaz gave Bexley a hug to congratulate her, then jumped into the roughhousing.

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