Last July

Por AriHaruno8

959 265 201

"Listen Kenzy, I know I've been an ass and truthfully maybe you shouldn't even bother returning my calls. You... Más

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three 🍷
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter Forty eight
Chapter Forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter Sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter Sixty three
Chapter Sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one
chapter Seventy two
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter Seventy Six

Chapter seventy three

13 1 0
Por AriHaruno8

My day started out being stuck in bed. Reason: the one person I'd tried and failed miserably at avoiding was sleeping next to me, only now naked as she'd done for the past few days. She laid against my chest, her hand sprawled against my groin, while my hand rested against her lower back. I watched amused as she inhaled, taking in a deep breath, shimmying closer to me stealing more warmth. If I moved an inch, he wake and I didn't want to rob her of sleep. She needed it, especially since we went to bed early this morning.

I glanced at the swaying tree outside my window, realising that it was raining today, another indication for me to stay inside. I glanced at her sleeping form again, moving to tuck a lock lock behind her ear, stroking her cheek. She was beautiful. Her caramel skin glowed in the sunrise, as if she needed anything else to bewitch me. I knew we were going to have problems the moment her eyes clashed with mine the first time we met, but I didn't dream we'd end up this way.

Ziploc stirred against me, her feet falling over mine under the covers and she moved closer stealing more heat. She wasn't cold, I knew that much, but it was either she liked to cuddle or she enjoying having my body against hers. I chose the last one. Her eyes slid open moments later, her tongue darting out to moist her pink lips, my own immediately feeling jealous of being robbed of the opportunity to do it myself. She gazed at me taking steady breaths before moving to glance around stretching then falling atop my body. I don't complain.

"You're still here" she said.

I nodded. "You want me gone?"

" you weren't here yesterday or the day before"

"I had work and I was preparing the surprise" my hands moved to her waist, nudging her forwards towards me. She leaned in, running her nose against my neck before her tongue encircled the outline of my ear.

She really shouldn't have done that.

"Good morning andrew" she said softly before moving to invade my mouth, her lips grazing mine before she nibbled on them like her favourite snack, her tongue darting inwards, encircling mine. I hugged her close, though she wouldn't understand what it meant having her here or even this close. Just really even having her, considering all the f***ed up things I'd said and done to her. She groaned wrapping her hand around my shoulder, pressing her body into mine further before we slowed breaking the embrace.

Kenzy smiled sitting up against me, blush creeping to her cheeks and I raised a brow gliding my eyes down her body. She smacked my arms shaking her head giving me a warning and I raised my brows higher considering that her fingers now traced the art along the length of my shoulder. I knew she'd find it obsessing, just as the other, I glanced at my arm that she had diverted her attention to, was used to oogling.

"Are you sure you don't want one?" I asked. " I can't promise it won't hurt like hell, but I can promise it at a reasonable price "

She gasped shaking her head.

"I already told you, my mother would disown me" she looked away from me gazing through the sunlit window. "Especially now since I know how she feels"

There was alot of emotions in the words she'd just disclosed and I could tell it was really pulling in her. I wasn't privy to everything that went on when she left, hell actually, this entire summer, apart from the fact that she had a douche of an ex, I didn't really indulge in knowing anything. Yet that came back biting me in the ass one of these days. But, I resolved to learn much more. I could pull things that I needed to know from her easily and if she refused to tell me willingly, I wasn't opposed to using methods that would force her to scream it instead.

"Had a bonding session returning home?"

She nodded.

"It wasn't all that bad. She still hates that I'm a writer, happy that he's gone though" she explained. "Very happy actually. My dad volunteered to murder him if he came anywhere near me again"

I sighed.

"But he did, didn't he?"

I felt her tense as her head fell, disconnecting us. I reached out using my thumb to lift her head, catching a glimpse of her saddened expression.

She didn't know, but every time I saw her sad, or cried, my blood boiled and I had more than half the mind of carrying out her father's good will. I really wanted to kill him. First for his stupidity for leaving her in the first place and second because he had the damn audacity to walk back into her life.

"Hey" I said and she flashed me a smile. It always surprised me how she smiled whenever she felt like crying. Always.

"But I think they'll like you" she said leaning over into my chest. Her eyes rolled back for a second as she thought, pursing her lips, before nodding her head. "Yeah, my dad, sister and brother, they'd like you. My mom's the tough cookie"

"I won't be dating your mom" I replied, my arms snaking around her waist keeping her close. "Impressing her isn't exactly my top priority"

Maybe what I said came out somewhat sharp, because she was now staring at me full on and wide eyed; but I was serious. I was too old to be caught in the drama of impressing parents and acting as if I needed permission to date their daughter. We weren't in high school anymore and I think they can drop the bullshit. Ziploc can take care of herself. I'm not saying getting along with in-laws doesn't make life easier, but let's face it, you're either never too good for some people or they just have serious problem that has nothing to do with you. The whole monster -in-laws situation scenario.

She cleared her throat after awhile.

"Well, I guess I know where you stand with us"

We went back to silence and I fell into my thoughts. The breakup talk reminded me of Brian and his situation and it was getting drastic by the minute. I wasn't used to him caught up in anything too serious, always having fun and enjoying life like the other asshole of a friend I had who owned the bar.

In retrospect, I should be grateful that's he's at work everyday, most of the day, except I wasn't used to it and as much as I tried I couldn't shake the worry that descended over my mind, It wouldn't go the hell away. And that was just terrible because, I didn't give a f*** about alot of things.

"What's going in with Phillisa and brian?" I asked deciding to share my thoughts.

Her head snapped back from the window to meet my curious gaze.

"What's you mean?"

"He's been sulking around the shop and silent" I explained. "Its traumatizing"

She laughed closing her eyes for a moment before gazing back at me.

"Come on grown men don't sulk"

He does, he sulks and does a lot of work. That's the most traumatic thing of all. The fact that he works and he's in early.

Grabbing the other pillow, I placed it behind my head sitting up, wrapping the covers around her naked shoulders. She moved to sit further down my lower half near my groin making herself comfortable.

"Well" she said tapping her fingers against her chin. "I know they seperated, no surprised there"

Yeah, he'd said something about them breaking up, only this breakup hit him much worse than he'd expect it would.

"Why'd they break up? they were fine" at least that's what I thought. "He'd gotten attached to her"

Ziploc's mouth opened as if forming words but didn't, instead she bit her lip looking away. There's much more to this isn't it. Shit! I knew he was holding out on me.

"I'm really sorry" she finally said after a time. "I'm sorry that he got attached to her and that things worked out this way. I mean it's hard not to, she's game for everything and adventurous. But Philly doesn't do relationships she doesn't want strings"

I nodded waiting for her to continue because I just had to hear this crap out. Instead she stops staring at me.

"Why?" That was the only thing I could think of, maybe wasn't the question I should have asked but I was still struggling to put things together from her last statement.

"Because not every traumatic event is caused from a asshole ex andrew, sometimes the scars that take the longest to heal are from persons you trusted to protect you- their from your own parents. I have some of my own from my own mother"

I nodded for her to expound.

"Her mother left her when she was five, she dropped her off at school one day then vanished. She cried for an entire day" she laughed explaining the details but I could see the hurt in her eyes, the torment that they'd apparently lived through. "Then she didn't turn up at school for a few days and then when she did, she was a different person. She became a soldier. Her dad spoils her, I guess making up for the gap she left

I groaned taking a deep breath. It never crossed my mind how lucky I was to grow up in a "stable and normal" family. Having all the members within the same house hold.

"So she has never gotten attached to anyone?"

Kenzy shook her head, falling from my lap to lie beside me, placing her head at my shoulder, her stomach growling. I needed to fix that.

"There was this one guy, they dated for three months, they were really good together, but he had a promotion and had to move to Manhattan and she turned down his offer to come along" she took a deep breath. " she said she declined because she had gotten attached to him and providence worked in her favour"

"Didn't realise she was religious"

"She isn't, but anything that works in her favour, makes her the biggest religion fanatic. I'm really sorry about Brian though" she repeated. "She just doesn't want to get hurt Andrew, it's natural and I know her rule is to make it known that there isn't a chance at a relationship. But if it's that grave, I'll talk to her.

Yeah, maybe she'll change her mind.

The eggs changed to a golden brown crisp as I reached for a plate finished making out mid morning lunch. Pouring the Orange juice into the cups I looked up hearing feet edging its way towards the kitchen. Meeting my eyes, she smiled mischeviously, her hands on the slight curve of her hips. My eyes roamed her figure slowly salivating at the sight. F***!

I'd seen her naked this morning and last night, dammit, even minutes ago and yet even now, she looked so sexy, like a hot off the press cover girl.

I raised a brow, seeing the realization of the situation.

"Is that my shirt?"

She shrugged turning before striking another pose.

"Yeah, I like it. I tried searching for the one you'd given me the first time but I can't find it"

Neither could I, but it wouldn't be surprising that Gale hid it. She was that jealous.

"Take it off"

She glanced at me in shock before turning away.

"What, no!"

"Ziploc, take it off, I happen to like that shirt very much"

She started to smile again.

"I know, so do I"

"Ziploc" I groaned moving from around the counter to grab her a little too late as She bolted towards the living area.

"Oh come on grim, if you wanted to play tag, you could've just said so" she said laughing rounding another section of the house without my reach.

"The only tag I'm interested in playing is to tag your ass up those stairs to take it off" I grumbled pushing over the love seat and she bolted again towards the kitchen.

She was enjoying this a little too much than I expected, though, if she didn't I'd be surprised. Kenzy wasn't the type of girl that revelled in boring, her ex clearly hadn't understood that, but I did. The more she laughed the more the air felt lighter, I felt lighter.

How long was I falling for her?

The door opened, a temporary distraction and slowly I made my way around the counter, my hands snaking around her waist in time before her trace ended, and the doors closed. She glanced up laughing realising that I caught her. My hands wondered down her body falling beneath where my shirt ended, her eyes widening with mischief, as she sucked in a breath. Her fingers slowly traced the outline of my jaw before I ghosted my lips across hers. Her tongue darted out, sweeping against the stubble on my chin and I groaned.

God, there was so many things I wanted to do to this woman. Before I knew what was happening, she had already tightened her grip around my neck, pressing her lips to mine. The more we kissed standing there, the more I realized, having her far away was never going to work.

Ziploc was slowly becoming my calm, and the fact that she wore my fragrance so well, you'd think we'd been together for years. My mouth slipped to her neck as I inhaled her scent again, feeling her fingers tighten around my biceps and her breathing hitch. F****

I'll never tire of the sounds she makes.

"Hey guys" called Brian from the sofa. "Hope we're not interrupting anything"

I rolled my eyes. That wasn't a question idiot.

"You kinda are!" I stated

Ziploc slapped my arm, peeking around the column where we stood smiling at them.

"Not really, hey guys"

"Why are you here?" I asked still keeping my grip on kenzy as they settled around my tv.

"We're watching the game" replied Tino, his grin much too wide for the time of day.

"There's one at the club if I recall"

Brian shrugged. "It's been a while since we've been here and like you said were not interrupting anything"

"I said you were"

"Then get a room"

"It's my house"

"All the more reason to"

I glared, he laughed reaching for the remote ignoring me. Returning my eyes to the woman in my arms I found her almost dying from laughter.


She shook her head running her hand along my chest. "Nothing".

"You should put some clothes on" I said releasing her.

Though I knew tino and Brian wouldn't look at her, I wasn't up to giving them the temptation. They already admitted that she was hot, but now she was mine and I wasn't beyond reminding them that. I walked behind her heading out with our plates, taking her hand when a thought hit.

"Preferably not one of my pants" I replied and she laughed running up the stairs.


"So how's everything?" Asked Tino as I finished the last of my sandwich.

He took a swing of his beer staring at the game before us before twirling the half empty bottle between his fingers. Brian chuckled leaning back throwing his leg over the other.

Okay, the tribunal had communed.

"What?" I asked waiting for them to say something before tino whistled and my eyes automatically connected with ziploc's. It wasn't uncommon for her to be in shorts or her little strapped blouses but they were right. She glowed today. The fresh fragrance of plum filled the air as she stood between us her face riddled with blush and she glanced away shifting slightly embarrassed. That made me smile.

Shifting the plate I had, I held out my hand practically smirking at the guys.


She glanced around before hesitantly taking my hand and I roughly pulled her into my arms, her ass falling across my legs. She buried her face in my neck, mumbling, asking if I had to be an asshole, my answer, yes.

"I think all of us knows she's yours okay man" said Brian flustered that his view was cut short.

"Guess who's finally getting possessive of a woman?" snickered Tino, his snide remarks only causing my lips to curl in an upward smile.

"It's not my fault that yours aren't this appealing"

"Shade!" Cried Brian laughing almost coughing, my smile spreading wide.

"Says the guy who couldn't keep a girl" shot back Tino unphased.

Ziploc sat up straight then and I could feel her tense in my arms. I knew what she was thinking, maybe this conversation was getting a little too personal, especially since that entire fiasco affected him very badly. To our surprise however, Brian continued to laugh, even much harder than before.

"Fyi, that only means I'm available for all the damsel's in distress. I've been off the market for far too long"

"Says who? I'm sure the damsel's that you'll be rescuing will be find without you"

Kenzy poked me in the chest for my words but I shrugged. She felt bad because of what her best friend did, but in truth it wasn't her fault and she didn't need to. Between the three of us, we wouldn't allow the other to get bitter over a woman, he was right, there were others. The wound would still be there, and the memories but what the f*** were we going to do since they weren't coming back?

"I'm really sorry about what happened Brian"

Our laughter ended abruptly as we all stared at the woman seated across my thighs, her eyes transfixed on Brian as she pulled us into her somber mood. Glancing at tino we decided to avoid this conversation at all costs, leaving Brian to deal with it. It was his bullshit afterall. Clearing his throat, he rolled his shoulders before taking a gulp of beer then leaned forward on his elbows. He wanted to avoid this conversation too. He didn't want to talk about it. For men things were different. Things happen, it sucks, then there's beer or scotch whatever the hell your preference is and then we forget about it. Dwelling on the thought never made things better, just reminded us of how shitty life could get in the blink of an eye. Nothing lasts forever.

Brian looked up catching our gazes and I could hear Tino attempting to hide his chuckles. He could be such a prick in the worst time.

"I thought things were different this time.....She seemed happy".

He glanced away again taking some larger gulps not responding just staring out, his eyes dark with turmoil. Best if we dropped it. Pulling kenzy back into my body, I motioned non-verbally for her to give it up. She bit her lip, her mouth open for protest and I placed a finger there shaking my head. With a huff, she laid against my chest going silent.

"When are you guys leaving?" I asked killing the proverbial silence that had continued to loom creating a much too palpable tension between the four of us.

"Dammit, suddenly you're too good a company for us to be around anymore" whined Tino turning to kenzy. "Is the asshole still sarcastic?"

"Is there a possibility that he'll change?" She asked lifting her head to glance at him.
I could tell from the enthusiasm in her voice how much she'd want that to be so. Just didn't understand why. If I was friendly, I doubt I'd have liked myself, and if she'd admit it, if I hadn't pushed her away all those times, I wouldn't have been on her radar.

"Not going to happen"

She sat up quickly, her embarrassment for being on my thighs, disappearing with the wind. Her hazel eyes were now locked with mine seeking answers, and from the corner of my eyes I could see the amusement on Tino's face. This was a trap. The asshole set me up.

"Because I don't do cute" I explained

She scoffed rolling her eyes. "You don't have to be cute" she leaned in closer running her hands through my hair.

Was she trying to be cute? No wait, this was the methods they used to get what they wanted. Should I tell her it's not working? No I decided against it. Let her believe it is.

"You could be romantic like the other night" she said softly her eyes twinkling.

"What the f***!" Shouted Tino. " Andrew romantic? " he laughed hearily. "You got played"
Her smiled slipped from her lips immediately replaced with heated vehemence. If I hadn't held in in place, tino would have had scratches all over his person from her attack.

"You know nothing, he's a sweet heart, at heart. He'll do anything for me!"

My eyes widened in surprise and tino scoffed shaking his head.

"Wait, wait, woa!" I said holding up my hands catching her attention. " that was a one off thing. I'm not Prince charming"

"Prince charming was an egotistical, ugly bastard, you'd know know if you watched shrek"

Tino patted her on the hand, sympathizing with her and I rolled my eyes. He might have been laying it on a bit thick but I let him. I wanted to know what she thought of me, if she was willing to stay. There were sides of me that I'd simply never tell her about because well, it wasn't mine to tell. The two pricks sitting on either side, that was their story. I wanted her to know the good as well as the bad. I wasn't pefect, I was possessive sometimes out of love. I didn't want her to fall for some sort of preconceived idea of me and I had no intention of pretending to be someone I'm not.

I shrugged noticing she wasn't taking very well to the conversation, but managed a playful smile just the same.

"Are you saying he's this disgusting all the time?"

"All the time. But hey to each his own" Tino lifted his bottle then stared in her direction. "That's why I don't just choose a chick when I meet her, gotta at least know her friends too. She might not be the prettiest in the lot"

"But she might be the one that's available" I chipped in enjoying this conversation a little too much for my benefit. The fact that she was riled up proved having her around was going to be one hell of a ride.

He shrugged.

"Unavailability is just a state of mind. You can always be convinced otherwise"

"Dammit!" She muttered under her breath. "What the -"

She paused mid sentence, her cheeks flaring scarlet as her bar unclipped and my thumb circled her nipples as her eyes meshed with mine sending a murderous warning my way. I raised a brow.

"Grim" she muttered under her breath shaking her head adamantly, finishing the sentence. My eyes dipped back to the work on my hands, momentarily glancing at the guys checking if they were watching. Both were glued to the match on the large screen before us.

"Andrew" she said almost biting my name from her tongue.

"Do you hate me?"

"The potential is presenting itself right now, yes" she replied poking me in the chest, gritting her teeth. "Stop"

"I'm no gentleman"

"Oh my god" she said rolling her eyes. "You're going to regret-"

"I like you"

She blinked half way though uttering her cursed beneath her breath.


I shrugged. "What?"

She groaned loudly frustrated before moving to pull away from my arms, my grip immediately tightened, pulling her body into mine connecting our lips. We kissed forgetting about the boys for a moment, my hands sliding along her back up to her hair. Call me crazy, but nothing felt better than seeing her flustered, then hearing her simmer down after taking her into my arms. I ended the kiss, nibbling her lip for good measure before standing and throwing her over my shoulder walking to the stairs.

"Where are we going?" She demanded squirming trying to get own from my shoulders.
" behave" I warned. "They don't need to know you like when I'm rough with you-"

Her hands slapped over my mouth as her eyes widened darting between me and the boys.

"Tact" she mumbled. "For pete's sake Andrew don't be an asshole".

Her body went livid for a moment as if she died before burying her face into my chest. Glancing over my shoulder I caught both men staring, wide grin on their faces.

"I don't think you want to stay for this" I said continuing up the stairs.

"Happy pounding!" Shouted Tino

"You might want to invent a safe word with him, there was a long drought! " Brian added.

"You're both full of shit, you know that" I replied flipping a finger.

They laughed waving goodbye.

Hey guys....Dammit longest writers block ever 😂😂😂. Hope you enjoy, sorry for the length.

Charms 💕

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