Letter 2 U

Bởi ShoujoCamui

1.5K 162 101

Mark and Jackson have been together for quite a while, despite the danger of dating someone of the same sex i... Xem Thêm

The sasaeng (사생팬)
The revelation
The Truce
The danger
The attempt
The boyfriend
Part 7 -The break up
Part 8 - The realization
Part 9 - The virgin
Part 11 - The beginning
Part 12 - The healing Deal
Part 13 - The insecurities
Part 14 - The Dare
Part 15 - The meeting
Part 16 - The Legion
Part 17 - The Misunderstanding
Part 18 - The call I
Part 19 - The Party
Part 20 - The doctor
Part 21 - The car
Part 22 - The Brother
Part 23 - The Trainee
Part 24 - The Secret
Part 25 - the Ring
Part 26 - The lost one
Part 27 - the date
Part 28 - The room
Part 29 - The manager
Part 30 - The Island
Part 31 - The breaking Point
Part 32 - The lesson
Part 33 - The beach
Part 34 - The trance
Part 35 - The Guilt
Part 36 - The Intervention
Part 37 - The showdown
Part 38 - Page
Part 39 - The return
Part 40 - the reunion
Part 41 - The Reckoning
Part 42 - The Key
Part 43 - The Week
Part 44 - The days
Part 45 -The mission
Part 46 - The Yacht
Part 47 - Oxygen
Part 48 - The conference
Part 49 - The Performance
Part 50 - The Other
Part 51 - The Unsaid
Part 52 - The Shift
Part 53 - The Name
Part 54 - When you call my Name

Part 10 - The End?

35 4 0
Bởi ShoujoCamui

Mark threw himself on him and pushed him to the floor roughly. Jackson started laughing maniacally as he easily avoided Mark's punches. Youngjae desperately ran out of the room to call the others, and when the rest of Got7 arrived at the scene, the two were already rolling on the floor as all kind of English curses escaped Mark's mouth. The members weren't sure if Jackson was using Mandarin or Cantonese, but they couldn't understand a word that he pronounced. He wasn't fighting back, yet he was having a hard time at trying to get the American away from him. Jaebeom was the first to try to separate the fight. Soon Jinyoung, Bambam and Yugyeom joined him. Youngjae just stared at the mess, feeling guiltier as ever. Before they managed to finally pull Mark away from the Chinese, the elder had the chance to scratch one side of the rapper's face pretty bad.

"What the hell, Mark. We have a Fan Meeting tomorrow! Do you want him to show up there like Edward Scissorhands?" JB exclaimed as he held Mark by the chest against a wall, trying to calm down the elder. The others tended to Jackson who was already up, but gave a grimace of pain when he touched his wounded cheek.

Practice was cancelled that morning. Their manager gave them a long lecture and an ultimatum. Either they fixed their personal issues by themselves, or he would inform the situation to JYP himself the next day. JB knew that he had to take action, even if he didn't want to. So he gathered all of the 6 members in an empty meeting room at JYP building and warned them that nobody was to leave the room before everything was back to normal. It was almost noon and no one dared to speak first, so he started addressing the Chinese.

"Jackson, I know it's not my business, but this has gone too far. Why the hell were you guys clawing at each other's face at the changing room?"

"You're right. It's not your business." The rapper answered sternly, his voice unusually deeper.

"Well, I'm making it my business now, you piece of shit! You had the chance to fix this your way, now we do it my way. Just bear with it, okay?! I'll no longer let the unprofessionalism of some members harm this group." The leader's eyes travelled from Mark to Jinyoung and then returned to Jackson.

"I broke up with Kwon and Mark broke up with Jackson. No one is to blame, it just happened." Jinyoung commented, as he felt the need to clarify to JB that he had nothing to do with the problems which plagued the Markson couple. But his plan backfired, it was too late to turn back now, because that single information sounded too suspicious. Both brake ups sounded intentional and more likely, a consequence of each other. Jaebum looked at him in disbelief. Jackson gasped and the young ones were too shocked to even comment on the news.

"Who's kwon?" Yugyeom asked innocently. He was the only one in that room unaware of the latest news. His best Thai friend didn't tell him about what Youngjae and him saw the other day, so it seemed he was the only one in the dark about Jinyoung's short affair.

"Well, he's history now. That's what matters." Mark pointed out, as he unconsciously his lip. Jinyoung touched his cheek in an attempt to keep him from breaking the skin and that mere gesture made the room focus on them more than necessary. Jackson sighed loudly.

"I'm glad you've moved on so quickly after all that happened between us. I see you wasted no time in replacing me." The rapper did not sound angry, but hurt dripped from every single word that left his mouth.

"If you're talking about the shit I had to put up with all these years, well, yeah, it wasn't difficult to put all that behind me!" Mark almost yelled. It was clear he was lying. It was hard for him, so hard that he could hear his heart shattering every time he looked at the Chinese and remembered how his mere presence was able to calm him down. Now there was so much resentment between them, that just listening to his voice gave him the chills. If it wasn't for Jinyoung's hands on his under the table, he would be digging his nails into his palm.

"Are you and Jinyoung hyung a thing now?!" Bambam finally asked, not really content for his hyungs. He thought that whole situation was unfair on his Chinese friend. None of them answered that. Yet, Yugyeom voiced his own opinion.

"Well, at least Jackson hyung won't have any reason to beat up Mark hyung anymore." The maknae commented, knowing that that little information would bring some tension in the room. The American's terrified look felt like a warn. Jaebum just observed the discussion, trying the best to read between the lines. He was the leader, so he had to listen to everyone and solve whatever problem was keeping Got7 from functioning as it should.

"As far as I can see Mark hyung looks pretty okay! It's Jackson hyung's face who will need tons of make up before showing his face at tomorrow's FanMeeting." Bambam retorted a bit pissed at his friend. He didn't understand why Yuggie was acting like that.

"Well, you should've seen the bruises, the limping and, oh, the image that really haunted me, Jackson's hyung freshly imprinted backhand on Mark hyung's complexion." Yugyeom wouldn't let everyone chastised the American now, since he was also hurt previously. Jinyoung and JB became alert with that new information. The Thai member frowned at the rapper, who suddenly looked as dejected as a murder suspect standing trial. He just sat there anxiously waiting for his death sentence to be read.

"When did that happen? I didn't hear about any of it." The leader fumed. It was a consensus that the eldest of the group was also the weakest. As the face of the group, he should be handled with care. He looked so fragile that harming Mark physically, could be easily considered an unforgivable sin.

"Kim Yugyeom, will you please shut the fuck up?" Mark put his best LA gangster façade to shut up the younger, but it was the one sitting beside him who quickly answered Jaebeom.

"Macao, as far as I know. I wonder how you let that pass." Jinyoung sounded genuinely upset as he eyed the leader and then Jackson with an unreadable expression on his face. He looked composed, but at the same time, unapproachable. The maknae had mentioned to him some details about that Jus2 trip and Jack's supposed surprise, but he didn't read much into it, since he had witnessed how sexually rough the rapper could be with the eldest. He would never forget how the Chinese manhandled the American at that fateful night of their kiss in their former flat or at that recent bathroom episode inside JPY's building. But Mark was his problem now and he wouldn't refrain from reprimanding Jackson for his past mistakes.

"Oh, please! Let's not keep counting the dozens of times these two ended up wounding each other. The fact now is that they're both single and free to do whatever they please, with whoever they choose." Youngjae grumbled as he crossed his arms around himself.

"Shut up, Jae." Jackson muttered as he stared hard at his dongsaeng. He didn't want to entertain the idea of a Markjin couple reality. It nauseated him.

"What now, Jackson!? Are you going to deny what you two did this very morning?! Why are you suddenly so discreet? It doesn't become you, honey!" Mark's sarcasm gnawed his ears. The rapper had never seen his ex stare at him with so much disgust. And this time it was Jackson who ashamedly turned his gaze away from the American.

"Come on, guys! I'm fucking tired of this damn prattle. What did you two did to piss him off that way!?" Bambam seemed to be losing his patience, as well as his politeness. He wanted to be out of that room cause it pained him to see what his brothers had become.

"We slept together, Jackson and I. Now Mark is being hysterical because he was the one who denied me when I asked him to be my first. What I cannot tell is whether he's jealous or whether he's regretful." After Youngjae finished, silence filled the room. Looks of surprise and disappointment were shared between them. No one lashed out at the Chinese, or at Jae. JB wouldn't dare to comment on that. He opened his mouth twice to say something, but nothing came out of it. He stared at nothing for a second and then moved to open the door of the meeting room. Before he walked out, he stared at the floor and gave them, what he figured to be, his last instructions as Got7's leader. His eyes watered as all kind of emotions ran through his very soul. He loved his brothers, he was proud of everything they've built together, but he couldn't stand looking at any of them now. He failed to keep them together, he felt like a total failure. He couldn't fix that, he was a fool to think he ever could.

"This stay between us. Not a word to our manager or JYP. We'll attend the fan Meeting tomorrow and inform fans about our disbandment."Jaebeom finally left the room, leaving everyone speechless with his statement. It took two seconds to a worried Jinyoung run after him.

"I can't believe I left fucking Thailand to hear this shit!" Bambam was the first to express his resentment. He wanted to sound tough, but everyone noticed how his voice cracked. His nose was red, he was about to cry too. He looked at Yugyeom, shook his head in denial and stomped out of the room. His friend promptly followed him, ignoring the tears that escaped from the corner of his own eyes.

"Was he gentle with you? Did he force you to do anything?" Mark asked quietly without looking at his dongsaeng. Since it was only the three of them in the room now, he talked freely. He feared his answer, but when Jae looked at him quizzically he sighed relieved.

"What the hell, Mark!" Jackson looked at him alarmed.

"Well, I think I should book the first flight to the U.S I can find." Mark got up from his chair and Jackson did the same. He was about to grab the American's arm but at the last minute he refrained from doing so. He didn't want to scare him.

"Yien, please don't go. JB might change his mind eventually. He can't be that headstrong!"

"You touched his favorite dongsaeng with your repugnant hands. Good luck trying to fix this, Jack! You will never regain his trust, nor mine!" He retorted angrily and shot a last look of pity at Youngjae, who covered his face with his hands and cried hard. At that moment Jackson realized he had lost Mark a second time.

The next day was a day of mourning for the 7 members of the most popular Kpop group of South Korea. Each one them carefully chose their outfits in the changing room, it felt like they were getting ready for a funeral. Almost 6 years of brotherhood was about to be buried that morning. The mood was low. The staff noticed, their manager too. But JB assured them that the boys were just nervous to meet their Ahgases again. Even JYP came to cheer them on in their first appearance as a complete Got7 after such a long hiatus, but his presence only put more pressure on them. Jinyoung wanted to comfort his members somehow, but he thought that if he started one of his encouraging monologues, he would start crying too. And he didn't know if he would be able to stop before the meeting started. He received a text from Youngjae informing him of Mark's planned departure, but he wasn't going to deal with him right now. They all needed their space. Drama wouldn't help them now. He promised himself that their fans would have the time of their lives before the dreadful news was disclosed by JB.

Yugyeom still believed that everything could be a terrible nightmare. His Thai friend wasn't as optimistic as usual, so he felt the need to be strong for him. Bambam changed clothes thousands of times and he didn't look satisfied with anything, though Yugyeom kept giving him the thumbs up whenever he asked his opinion about his look. Jackson waited for a miracle to happen as his hair stylist commented how the place was packed with fans from all over the world. Youngjae and Mark were at the backstage, silently eyeing the Ahgases behind the curtain. The American hadn't slept well, and it wasn't just the Valium withdrawal that ruined his slumb. He wondered how his parents would feel when he returned home, defeated. He wouldn't have the heart to tell them how almost 6 years of endurance and conquests turned into dust. Youngjae felt miserable, he knew that although he wanted to make JB jealous, his move was too bold, and unnecessary. Truth to be told, he didn't expect that kind of reaction. Yet, he wouldn't dare to confront the leader about that. He just felt sorry for all his members of Got7.

"I wish I had never said it." He thought out loud and a tired Mark beside him patted his back. Youngjae looked at him surprised.

"Hush, kid. We all make mistakes. It is all over now. Maybe it was better this way." Mark sounded distant as he gave the younger a disheartened short smile. Youngjae was about to say something when Mark's phone beeped. He observed how the elder's face changed as he read a message silently. What Youngjae didn't know was that Mark was being asked to make one of the biggest choices of his life.

'If both of them fell on the ocean, who would you save? Jinyoung or Jackson? Choose wisely and choose now. Your indecision may harm both of them.'

Xx letter2u

Mark was so tired of the games that he replied promptly.

'You can throw Wang at the bottom of the ocean for all I care.'

He typed hurriedly and turned off his phone. His dongsaeng looked at him quizzically, but he didn't want to pry.

After a few more minutes, the great moment had arrived. All the flashes, the claps, the screams, the insanity overwhelmed them. Ahgases couldn't get too close to the boys, but they were happy enough to see them all together.They answered simple questions for their fans and just to be reconnected with them made them lighter. They couldn't help but have a great time too. They refrained from answering anything related to the letter2u case. Their lawyers warned them about that. 30 minutes passed and it seemed they were used to each other again. The familiar teasing, the internal jokes, they all came out naturally. Only Jackson and Youngjae weren't as talkative as the others. A snack was distributed to the fans by the staff. Jackson hadn't eaten anything since yesterday, but his fans gave him enough energy to crave for food again. As he started chewing his sandwich he felt his mouth become numb and his head become heavy. Someone in the audience screamed something but he couldn't focus. Bambam who sat at his side brought a napkin to his nose. It was only then he noticed his own nose bleeding. Some fans started crying and suddenly all the members were around the Chinese. He felt like throwing up, yet his throat was closed. As he tried to get up to clean himself he almost stumbled, but JB caught him before he fell on the floor. Jackson started coughing blood as he tried to say something, but soon he passed out. Some fans swore he had said something in Chinese. But only Mark caught his dramatic 'Wo ai ni, Yien.'

An ambulance was called and the FanMeeting was dismissed. As the 6 consternated members all entered in a van to follow the ambulance the rapper was in, Mark wondered what he had done.

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