Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editin...

By Lidallie

4.8K 319 78

Melody Lance is a normal teenage girl having a normal life. Or so she thought... One day she finds out that s... More

What's Happening To Me?
"Little" Incident
Moving Out
Big Family
Happy Birthday!
Back To School
Rescue Mission
Sophia Turner
Safety First
The Devil
The Devil Part 2
Who Are You?
Two In One
Two In One Part 2
Taking Action
My Destiny
READ IN ITS ENTIRETY(hint hint, sequel)

First Official Date

164 9 6
By Lidallie

"Wake up sleeping beauty," I hear a masculine voice say as I stir in my sleep.

"Huh?" I answer as I slowly open my eyes.

"We have a big day ahead of us"

"What day is it?" I ask, still not registering the voice speaking in front of me. I sit up and rub my eyes. Finally my eyesight clears up and I'm met with Ethan staring at my face.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No. you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he replies. Way to be forward.

"Anyone who thinks I'm beautiful with this bed head has something wrong with them," I reply still half asleep.

"You're beautiful no matter how you look."

"OK you can stop with the flattery now," I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks and get up out of bed, heading for the showers.



Once I'm done taking a shower I wrap myself in my towel and peek out the door to see Ethan laying on my bed staring out into space in deep thought. I'm still not used to the fact that we're a couple. I walk out of the bathroom and finally he notices that I'm out. He blushes and says, "I'll wait outside." He walks out of the room and closes the door quietly.

I quickly change, not wanting to keep him waiting. Once I'm done I walk quickly to the bathroom and brush my teeth, comb my hair, and take a look at myself in the mirror. Finally I walk out the room with a new sense of confidence.
"So. Where are we going?" I ask, looking out the window at the trees rushing by.

"You'll see," is all I get in response. Finally the car rolls to a stop as we pull into a beautiful park with a pond in the middle. The scene takes my breath away.

"It's beautiful," I say and take in all the beauty of nature.

"That's why I picked it," Ethan replies. He takes my hand in his and walks me to a beautiful gazebo. There are two empty plates and two glass cups. Beside one plate is a bouquet of roses.

"Wow," is all I can say. Ethan pulls my seat back like a gentleman and I sit contentedly.

"So where's the food?" I ask. As soon as those words leave my mouth I mentally slap myself. 'Great, now he'll think all I care about is food' Ethan chuckles.

"The food will be here shortly." We sit there in awkward silence. I decide to break it by asking him questions about himself. "Let's play 20 questions."

"Good idea. Why don't you start?"

"Ok so what's your favorite kind of movie?"

"I like syfy, mystery, romance, and fantasy. How about you?"

"I like basically the same types. Have you ever cried at a movie?" Ethan starts to blush. "I take it as a yes then?" I ask jokingly, "What are your favorite hobbies?"

" I like playing the guitar and the piano. I also like to play tennis, but you already know that. And you already know most of my hobbies anyway."

"Most?" I ask curiously, "so what are the hobbies you're hiding?"

"Watching you," Ethan whispers so quietly I barely heard it. I blush and quickly look away. 'Where is the food already?' I suddenly become interested in my dress and I can feel his eyes on me.

I finally look up and am about to say something, but then a chef appears at the table with two silver platters covered, a breeze rushing quickly by. "I'm sorry Princess for arriving late. This young man cooked you a wonderful dinner and left it to me to finish it while getting ready for your ehem, meeting.

I look at Ethan surprised. "You can cook? How come I never knew this?"

"Well first of all you never asked and second of all, I am offended that you thought I couldn't cook," Ethan says with mock hurt. I smile and turn to the chef.

"Thank you...

"Henry, your Highness."

"Thank you Henry and thank you Ethan for making this lovely dinner." Henry places both silver platters on top of the plates and reveals what they cooked.
On the plates is salad with broccoli and boiled eggs cut into pieces. On top is a row of boneless grilled chicken cut into pieces. Henry quickly disappears and reappears with a bottle of ranch and two bottles of soda. I chuckle at the drink choice.

"I will return with dessert in approximately half an hour," he says and quickly disappears. I take the bottle with root beer, my favorite soda, and pour it in my cup. Ethan does the same, taking the bottle of sprite.

"Let's dig in," I suggest and Ethan complies. I finish my dinner within 15 minutes and notice Ethan's not done yet. "How am I done before you?" I ask.

"I guess I wasn't that hungry," Ethan answers, grinning ear to ear. I'm beginning to think he was watching me most of the time.

"Let's take a walk. We have 15 minutes extra," I say. We hold hands and walk quietly along the pond.

"Have you ever thought of running away? Get away from all the danger and drama and experience life like a normal human being?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah I feel like that sometimes, but there's no escaping who we are. Danger follows wherever I go and it follows people who I deeply care about. I also can't deny who I am. And we're not human so we should just forget about the things that would never happen," I reply bitterly.

"Hey, we could make it work. Just take a vacation for about a week like we're normal people and then get back to our real lives."

"Do you think my mom would allow that? Let alone my dad who thinks something would happen to me?"

"We can convince them. I'm sure your mom would cave, but as for your dad it'll take more work. We can come up with countless good reasons that they wouldn't be able to refute."

"I sure hope you're right," I say hopefully. I stoop down and pick up a flat rock, admiring the details. I throw the rock and it skips three times before plunging down to the bottom of the pond. Ethan takes both my hands in his and tilts up my shin. He stares into my eyes while I stare into his. We stand still, waiting for either of us to make the first move.

My heart starts to beat faster by the second like I'm running a marathon. I move closer to him and before I could do anything else, Henry appears. 'seriously?' I quickly step away from Ethan and could see him blush slightly. I could feel I'm doing the same.

"Oh darn it I ruined the moment didn't I?" Henry asks apologetically. Neither of us say anything as we're still trying not to blush but failing miserably.

"What's for dessert?" I ask, willing to change the subject.

"For dessert we have apple pie with whipped cream. It's waiting at the gazebo. Well, I'll be on my way so you two can continue what ever it was you were doing," Henry says with a wink and a breeze is all that's left in his place.

"Well that was awkward," I say and chuckle nervously, "How about that pie." I start walking back to the gazebo and Ethan follows quietly. We eat in silence and on the drive home we don't speak a word about the almost-kiss incident.
"I had a great time and thank you," I say to Ethan.

"Me too it was a pleasure." He quickly pecks me on the cheek and I walk into my room happily.

'What would I do without him?'

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