Devildice One-shots (Left The...

By RavenDevil1

39.1K 262 275

I- eh left the fandom... More

๐Ÿ‹Teasing the Devil~๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹Owning the Devil๐Ÿ‹
Age Regression of King Dice
Author's Note
๐Ÿ‹Clean Kiss๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹Smokey Punishment ๐Ÿ‹
Author's Note
๐Ÿ‹Hmmmm Treesome ๐Ÿ‹
Timeless Love
๐Ÿ‹Demonic Meeting ๐Ÿ‹
An Other Author's Note (yeay!)
๐ŸŽตSay No To This ๐ŸŽต
Raven's Note
๐Ÿ‹ H O R N Y ๐Ÿ‹

Jealousy Takes You Pt. 1

1K 13 6
By RavenDevil1

(requested by mgm235 I wasn't exactly sure what you meant by 'stuff happens' so I did everything I could think of, also warning!! Ummmm I don't want to spoil anything so umm YOU'VE BEEN WARNED)

*a week after the cupbros*

King Dice and the Devil were in a deep, loving and caring relationship. Until the cupbros came.... The Devil in a time of disappointment, he called Dice "good-for-nothing lackey". Dice heard that and he was crushed. He and the Devil discovered that their relationship was weak and that they did not know each other as well as they they thought. So, they went on a break. Little did they know that, that break would bring them even closer.

The Devil sat in his office, thinking. His toothy grin had turned into a frown from the day they decided to take a break. He loved Dice, more than he loved himself. He would give up his immorality to him so he won't lose him. He didn't mean what he said. He loved every thing about him, how his emerald green eyes shine in the sunlight, how his clothes stand on his perfect white shin, his one not nose nose (its not a nose it's a one!)but he is destructing himself again. He should be working. He shook his head from the thoughts and took a look at the piles of papers he had to sign.

Meanwhile King Dice was managing the blackjack table. He managed to handle most of the drunks and other people trying to touch him. There where a lot of people wanting to get their hands on that ass (XD). Most of the ones who managed to even think of touching him would end up with a broken arm or worse.... Dice was really good at avoiding people he was a professional , but even professionals have their weaknesses. There was one person in his life that he couldn't avoid other than the Devil and that person was closer to him than he could of imagine...

As the night passed Dice grew more awere, someone was watching him. He looked around only to see a tall man with bloody red eyes, black hair, wearing a oily green coat and maroon jeans. Dice looked terrified at him then said "what are you doing here, Isaac?" the man smirked and replied "not even a 'hello'? I haven't seen you in years!" the man had a smooth British accent that would make a woman melt. "you didn't answer my question" Dice said looking at Isaac with flashing green eyes.
"can't I just say 'hi' to my babe?" Isaac replied. "I am not your babe! How many times do I have to tell you?! We are over!" Dice was frustrated, he crossed his arms so he could hold himself from slapping Isaac. "babe babe babe-" Isaac tried to convince him but was cut of by Dice. "I said I am not your 'babe'" Dice was now at his limit! "sure, how about you give me an other chance?" Dice couldn't believe what he was hearing, his heart pounded faster than normal, his hands turned to fists, his lips shaking as he spoke "let me get this straight.... After all you've done to me YOU EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU!!?" his eyes turned an emerald green with frustration. "I understand if you don't want to give me another chance..... But at least let me make it up to you..." Isaac said trying to calm him down. Dice took a moment to think before replying "what do you mean?" he asked. "what I mean about I stay here for a while, I know the casino has some extra rooms for guests, and make you see that I've changed?" Dice sighned and said "ask boss and we'll see" Isaac smirked and thanked him and left.

"soooooooo who's that guy?" asked a familiar voice behind Dice. Of course Dice didn't even need to look to see it was. Wheezy (duh who did you expect Santa Claus?) "that was my ex and I've been trying to avoid him for the last 3 years" Dice said. "3 whole years?! Wow why did you break up?" asked Wheezy handing him a glass of whiskey. Dice sighed before he answered "I don't wanna talk about it...." Wheezy was surprised by his answer which made him think what kind of terrible act could Isaac do to King Dice that he didn't want to talk about. (you know where we are getting at wink wink).

Isaac made his way to the Devil's office and knocked on his door (666 times lol). The Devil groaned and allowed him to come in. As he entered the room he was greeted by the thiccccc smoke coming from the Devil's cigar. He coughed "hi *cough* I am Isaac, I would like to *cough* know if I can have a room in the casino for just *cough* a few days." the Devil looked up from his paper work, with half an eye "why would you wanna stay here?" Isaac smirked "well my boyfriend works and lives in here so I just wanted to spend some time with him, you know?" the Devil put down his paper work and said "and who is this boyfriend of yours?" Isaac's smirk widened "well, you probably know him, here he goes by the name King Dice" the Devil stared in shock, how could he lose his love life to someone like him! He took a breath and calmed himself down ok if this is Dice's boyfriend and Dice agrees with him staying here then he is going to be happy with him more than me....he grunted and said "fine but only for 4 days no more than that" he waved for Isaac to leave. Isaac smiled devilishly as he exited the office, knowing that his plan had worked.

(ok ok I know what you are gonna say: 1. You took so long to write that!
2. Part 1? I have to wait for part 2 now?
3. Did you just fucking add yourself in the chapter 'bebes'?
Yeah yeah I know but it's better than nothing!! And don't worry about part 2 it will come out soon.... I hope and of course I added myself in it the Devil's my dad and you have no idea how many siblings I have because of that anyway
Stay determined...... )

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