The Bet (BoyxBoy)

By ISammySamSamI

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Tobias Robinson didn't have friends. He was shy and lonely, but he liked it that way. Of course, he would hel... More

Chapter One - Tobias Robinson, School Shy Guy
Chapter Two - The Bet
Chapter Three, Part One - The Party
Chapter Four - Confrontation
Chapter Five - Glasses
Chapter Six - Lunch Confrontation
Chapter Seven - The Truth
Chapter Eight - Jealousy
Chapter Nine - The Arcade
Character Cast
Chapter Ten - Perfect
Chapter Eleven - The Locker Room
Chapter Twelve - College
Chapter Thirteen - Here We Go Again
A/N - Update
heyyyyyyy (a/n)

Chapter Three, Part Two - The Party

408 15 6
By ISammySamSamI

And now for the moment no one's been waiting for 'cause nobody reads this yet. 

This chapter is written in Hazel's POV, starting from when Toby and he arrived at the party and going to when he dropped Toby off at his house.

After this chapter, things'll go back to Toby's POV.


Hazel's POV


I waited for Toby to step out of my car, glad that he was wearing my old hoodie. It had always been my favorite, and I was silently hoping Toby would keep it. Almost like a gift to him, but he didn't know it was a gift.

As soon as he saw the house, a look of worry and fear fell on his face, which caused me to worry. Should I have brought him here in the first place? What was I thinking? The guy had never been to a party in his life and had never done anything exciting. "We can go if you want. You don't have to be here. I can just say you got sick." 

The boy shook his head, a look of determination on his face. "I can do this."

God, he's so adorable.

"You just have to stick with me during the party and you'll be fine, although I have to talk with some friends real quick before going inside. You should wait for me where all the drinks are."

Friends. More like psychotic bitches.

"Okay, I got it. Promise it'll only be a few minutes?"

I gave him a nod that I hoped was reassuring. "No drinking for you, okay?" After I received a nod from Toby, I walked toward the 'friends' I was meeting with.

"Hazel!" Sierra ran up to me, latching onto me like I was her boyfriend again. I always found myself questioning why I even dated her. Sure, I was pretty desperate to date pretty much every girl in the school, but she was way too annoying and disgusting for my taste. 

Every day I wake up and think to myself how much of an idiot I am. I do all these things just to get my mind off of him, but now I'm over here 'dating' him.

I stared at her, gently pushing her off. "Sierra, I asked you not to do that. We aren't dating, remember? I'm dating Toby, remember?" Why did it feel so satisfying to say that? This was not the way to get my mind off of him.

I could tell Sierra was upset by just the mention of Toby. "I know, but that was just because.. because we're friends and you give the best hugs." It was an obvious lie. 

I rolled my eyes. "Don't touch me," I said plainly. "Now, why am I supposed to be here?" I glanced around to a few of Sierra's friends. I knew for a fact she had slept with every one of them since they were all guys and could somehow still stand her.

One of the guys stepped forward. I think his name was Brandon, but I never had time to memorize names anyways. Only the names of my friends, and sadly, Sierra's name. "Let's go talk somewhere.. private." I gave him a glare, annoyed that I had to be dragged away from Toby to talk to these people. The group began walking a little way away from the house and I followed just to get this over with. 

We ended up by some trees where no one else was. Brandon spoke. "Break up with Shy Guy."

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't tell me what to do," I paused, smirking. "Brady, was it? I'm not going to break up with Toby just because some measly guy told me to." I could tell he wasn't happy that I had gotten his name wrong.

"Do it or we'll force you," another guy said.

"Oh? I'm so scared. How will you 'force' me?" This was pitiful how they thought they could force me to break up with him. As soon as I said it though, I got my response.

"How about we show you?" 

They instantly started closing in on me, each one looking for a fight while Sierra stood and watched it all happen. There were about five of them, each one circling me. There was a spot I could get out and run, but of course, my instincts wanted to fight as well. I ran out from that spot, going behind Brandon and shoving him to the ground. I kicked him in the side, attempting to dodge a punch to my nose, but I still got hit, although in my cheek. I turned to the owner of the fist who hit me, and in return I punched them in the same place they had aimed for, earning a loud crack. I smirked, looking to the three others who had been circling me. They were all pretty weak, and they must've known that since they quickly stopped going towards me and started walking away quickly. It had already been pretty long by now, so I turned to make my way back to the house to find Toby.

That's when Sierra grabbed me by the collar, kissed me and took a picture of it while she still could. I didn't realize she took a picture, however, as I was too busy pushing her away from me. "What the hell, Sierra?! I have a boyfriend!"

She merely smirked up at me. "I know, but you guys'll never be good for each other. He's too weak, annoying, and such a baby. You're strong, handsome, and could get any girl you wanted."

"Say that again about him. I dare you," I growled.

She smirked. "Gladly. He's weak, annoying, and a baby."

She was on the floor whimpering in pain in the blink of an eye.

"Do me a favor and keep your ugly ass away from my boyfriend and me." With that, I turned and started heading back towards the house.


I arrived back at the house, desperately searching for Toby. He wasn't where I told him to wait and no one had seen him. I went onto the supposed dance floor, seeing him after a while. He was dancing, obviously drunk. He didn't have his glasses either. I had to stare for a second to make sure it was actually him, but the red hoodie gave it away.

It was him.

I went to him, wrapping my arm around him. He looked at me. "What did you do, Toby? You still have to go home, remember? Your parents?"

"Fuck them."

I stared at him in shock at his response. Was this even Toby or was I imagining things? The Toby I knew never cursed, not even in the most painful or frustrating of situations. He must've been really wasted. "Toby, let's go."

"Don't touch me."

I would be lying if I said those words didn't sting a little. "Toby, we have to go. You're so wasted right now and your parents' are going to be able to tell."

"It's your fault."

"What is?"

"I'm wasted because you left me and never came back! You lied to me! Fucking liar! Get away from me before I rip your arm off!"

Those words definitely hurt. I knew I had always been a jerk to Toby, but I never expected him to ever say that to me or anyone else for that matter. "Toby, no. I didn't come back because I was dealing with something. I didn't mean to lie. Let's go."

Suddenly, he was crying. It hurt so much to see him cry. His eyes were wide and he seemed like a small, helpless puppy. "We have to get back to my place, Hazel! Please take me back quickly!" I wanted so badly to wipe away the tears streaking his cheeks, but I forced myself not to. I nodded, picking him up and carrying him out to my car, setting him inside and buckling him up. 


I watched as Toby walked up to his front door. The poor guy. I should've never taken him to that stupid party. I sighed as I drove off, wondering what would happen to him and if he'd be okay. I knew his parents were strict, but I hoped they'd let him off the hook for it all. God, but he reeked of alcohol. They'd figure out something was wrong.

I'm sorry, Toby.


Yeah, so that was Hazel's POV. I hope you liked it!

The next chapter will be back to normal and in Toby's POV.

Thanks for reading!

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