Billionaire Daddy

By G3eklyChic

659K 17.6K 475

Natalia Fuller has had a difficult upbringing in her early adolescence but she has learned to come out strong... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 35

12.3K 343 6
By G3eklyChic

The rest of the week goes on normally and I try to forget the car that almost hit Xander as best as I can. Meanwhile, Xander hired two bodyguards for both of us. I tried not to argue but I knew he would want me to say it was unnecessary. To prove a point, I kept quiet about having a personal bodyguard.

My bodyguard's name was Andrea. One first look at her and I would have never thought she would be hired as a guard. She had long dark hair almost always tied up in a ponytail and always wore a fitted suit. She was naturally pretty because she didn't need to have makeup on to look her best. She was a lot taller than me and was more athletic.

By the time it's the weekend, I go over to Trina's place to hang out.

"Hey," I say as I walk in with my bodyguard walking in front of me.

"Hey! Umm...Natalia who is this?" Trina asks and I walk around my guard to see Trina. 

"This is my bodyguard, Andrea," I say introducing her. 

"I'll be outside," Andrea says just as she walks out the door.

"Okay she seems friendly, should I ask why you have a bodyguard?" Trina says.

"It's a long story but Xander hired security for both of us ever since the accident," I explain.

"Sounds like he is taking precautions. So what are you going to do for Xander and Alizah's birthday?" Trina asks.

"As you know I'm still having the party this coming Saturday but I have a problem," I say.

"Like what?" She asks.

"I don't know what to get him. Do you have any suggestions?" I've been so distracted by the party planning that I didn't have time to think of getting a gift for him.

"What about getting him a watch?" She suggests.

"No, he has a large collection of them," I say.

"What about a new car?" Trina asks.

"He has several." the parking garage at the lower level holds his cars and I didn't know he owned so many until a few months ago.

"Well, whatever you give him I'm sure he'll like it." She assures me.

"Trina, I'm serious I need help finding him something for his birthday." I need to find him something because he has given me many things. 

"Does he have any interests?" Trina asks and that gets me thinking.

"Yes, actually he does." I know he loves baseball and the world series isn't for a couple of months. Surely I can purchase the final game tickets.

"I see that face your making." Trina points out.

"What face?" I say with humor in my tone.

"The-I'm-thinking face." She says.

"Sure I am, but you're right I think I have an idea what to get Xander for his birthday," I say.

The rest of the week I spend my time preparing for Xander and Alizah's party, his gift was ordered the day after I visited Trina. 

The time flies and before I know it I wake up early on the day of the party. I woke up early because I had to pick up the catering and wait for the cake to arrive. As soon as those tasks were done I made sure I had enough time to get ready. It was only ten and Xander was still asleep. Hopefully, he'll wake up soon as I finish getting ready.

An hour later, my hair is loosely curled, my makeup is done naturally, and I'm dressed in a light blue fitted dress that reaches slightly below my knees. The dress has off the should sleeves and spaghetti straps. I'm thankful that the dress fits me because I bought it before I knew I was pregnant. That time I was pregnant felt like a lifetime ago. I've told Xander that I'm willing to try again now that his divorce went through and he said he was willing to give it a try. I look at my watch and notice it's about to be twelve. I quickly put my nude strappy heels on and walk towards the bedroom. I see Xander has finally woken up and is in the shower getting ready. I take that time to put on my bracelet and earrings. While I'm attaching my earings I hear the door to the bathroom open and I see Xander dressed in a casual blue dress shirt and khaki pants. 

"I see you're finally up," I say as he walks towards me and places a swift kiss on my lips.

"I would say the same but I noticed you were gone." He says.

"I went out to grab a few things for the party," I explain. I didn't think he would notice that I left.

"Is the party all set?" Xander asks.

"Yes, just waiting for you," I say. I heard the door open and close earlier and I can assume most of the guests are arriving.

"Let's not go," Xander says.

"Why?" I ask in confusion.

"I really don't care about the party and I'm sure I'm going to get bored." He confesses.

"Xander this party isn't just for you it's also for your sister too ." I remind him.

"Yeah, all the more reason not to go." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Xander-" Before I can persuade him any further he stops me.

"I doubt I'll enjoy myself but soon as the cake is cut I say we come back here. Besides seeing you in that dress I don't think I can keep my hands to myself." He says while wrapping his arms around me.

"Xander, please," I say blushing slightly. I know he is distracting me but I won't play into his persuasion. "Come on, I'll promise if you get bored then we can come back to our room," I say.

"Deal." He says and I smile at his defeat.

A second later Xander has his shoes on and we walk downstairs to meet our guest.

A few hours later Xander leaves my side soon as we meet the crowd of people gathering outside. Most of the time he is catching up with his family and his very few friends. I, on the other hand, spend my time with Trina and Alizah.

"The party you planned is great," Trina says.

"Agreed! Thanks so much for planning it." Alizah says.

"No problem! I'm glad you guys are enjoying yourselves." I say and from the corner of my eye, I see Xander hugging a pretty blonde woman. I've been feeling ignored ever since we came downstairs and seeing him with the blonde woman makes me feel jealous that she is getting all of his attention.

"Natalia, I think you shouldn't have to worry about her," Alizah says grabbing my attention.

"Why?" I ask.

"That's our cousin from Vermont." She says and I feel like a fool.

"Hey, he only has eyes for you, remember," Trina assures me.

"Thanks, I'm just upset that he hasn't spoken to me once since we got here," I confess.

"Don't worry about it, he'll come around," Alizah says.

"Thanks, guys, I'll be back I'm going to go inside to grab a drink," I say and they nod. I walk outside of the balcony to make my way to the kitchen. Just before I reach the kitchen I hear a quick knock on the front door. It's a little late for any guests to arrive because it's nearly four o'clock. 

When I open the door I wasn't prepared to see who it was. Right in front of me, I see Olivia dressed in casual clothing and her hair up in a loose bun. She doesn't look the same since I last saw her, I knew she had finished her rehabilitation program but I never knew she changed her appearance. I almost always saw her put together in designer clothing, her hair, and makeup was always done but seeing her now in this state is quite a sight to see.

"Olivia?" I ask.

"Hey, Natalia. Can I come in?" She asks and I open the door farther open to allow her inside. "Thanks." She says.

"Is something wrong?" I can tell that she looks like she has a reason for being here.

"Actually I have something to tell you." She says.

"What is it?" It must be serious.

"Can we move to a private room?" She requests and I nod leading her towards the library. I close the door behind us and we decide to sit on the couch.

"So explain?" I ask.

"Xander's life is in danger," Olivia says.

"What?" I ask in confusion. What does she mean by his life is in danger?

"My father was upset that I didn't get anything from the divorce settlement and he was furious for days about it. Just yesterday I overheard my father spoke to one of his business friends. At one point my father confessed to planning the accident that admitted Xander to the hospital and hiring a driver to almost hit him the time he was waiting for his driver." She explains and for once all of my questions have been answered. Olivia continues to speak before I say anything. "Soon after he confessed what he did he asked his friend to do him a favor. He asked to hire his best sharpshooter for this evening." 

"Wait! What does this mean?" I ask. Her father can't mean what I think he's planning to do.

"He plans on killing Xander this evening," Olivia answers my most dire question.

"No!" I say in disbelief.

"It's true! I heard him speak to the sharpshooter this morning."Olivia says.

"If it's true, then we have to tell Xander," I say getting up from the couch. How can her father do all of this just for Xander's fortune? Her father is truly psychotic.

When we make it to the balcony I spot Xander with his friends. I make my way over to him leaving Olivia by the entrance inside.

"Xander," I say catching his attention.

"Natalia, where were you? He says pulling me aside.

"Xander, I have to tell you something," I say disregarding his question.

"Can it wait?" He asks smiling at me and not noticing the fear in my eyes. I look to Olivia for help but she's farther away and can't do much.

"Come on dear brother, we have an obligation to cut the cake," Alizah says sarcastically and Xander rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Xander this can't wait." I persist.

"Later, I promise." He says.

 They both walk towards the table that holds a 3 tier rounded cake decorated with vanilla frosting, strawberries, and blueberries. I've tried talking to him but he wouldn't listen. 

As soon as everyone finishes singing "Happy Birthday" The cake is passed around and that's when I see a red dot on Xander's chest. When I follow the red dot I see the man across from us in another building holding a long-range gun. I see him re-load his gun and I feel my heart hammer out of my chest as I run up towards Xander. 

I push Xander aside hoping the bullet doesn't hit either of us. However, when I hear the pop of the bullet I look down and knew I was wrong. I notice a streak of red on my dress and I collapse on the floor.

"Natalia!" Xander yells. I feel my eyes grow heavy and that's the last thing I hear as I lie on the ground.

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