The Hobbit : One Shots

By ElainaHart

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Recently changed this to regular one shot, so it can a modern reader or someone who was born and raised in mi... More

Thorin and The Company X Fem!Modern Reader
Imagine starting a snowball fight with the company
"Baby Mine - Dumbo"
Misty Mountains Cold
Snow Troubles
The Egg
Winter War : The Egg pt. 2
As Real As You And Me
Writer's Block
An Old Friend : The Egg : Part 3
Once Upon A Dream
So, really quick
Lost, Then Found : The Unexpected Journey - Part 1
Beauty And The King - Chapter 1 : (Y/N)
Beauty And The King - Chapter 2 : How Does A Moment Last Forever
I'm taking a break
Lost, Then Found : The Unexpected Journey - Part 2
I'm sorry :(
Happy 4th of July
Bofur x Fem! Reader

Lost, Then Found : The Unexpected Journey - Part 3

366 8 10
By ElainaHart

Story Requested By : 

Authors' Note : It took me a while to write this one out, I am trying to get out of this writing block and apparently banging your head on the keyboard and hope that the story writes itself doesn't work. To the person who requested the story, if you are still interested in this, I was wondering if you wanted an eventual ship. I didn't want to just pick if you had someone in mind, but for the reader, because she's a dwarf, I wanted to pair her to either : Dwalin, because of her toughness and ability to stand up for herself and fight back. Bofur, because she loves to make really bad jokes and puns and likes to sing songs and tell stories. Or Ori, because she has a soft side and isn't afraid to show her emotions, though she will not show it easily around others, she is not ashamed to express how she feels.

For the readers best friend, I didn't know who to pair her with either, so if anyone has any ideas, please comment. I'm not sure whether to do : Lindir, Lord Elronds' right hand elf. Or Feren, one of Lord Thranduils' guards. I wanted to pair the two with their own people. So if anyone has any elf that they want to see an eventual pairing, please let me know.

I am going to try and be productive while under quarantine since I pretty have nothing else to do. Anyone else dealing with the corona-virus, hope you guys are doing well. Anyway, let me know about any possible romances you want to see happen and hopefully you enjoy this.

(Uzfakuh means My Greatest Joy, in case anyone was wondering. Sorry I forgot to include it in the first chapter. Plus I added a bit more to the middle.)

- - - - - - - - - - - About 20 years ago - Our world - - - - - - - - - - -

^ ^ ^ NOT MY GIF ^ ^ ^

It took a while, but Gandalf managed to get the spell to work completely. Being in a world without magic made it difficult, but thankfully he was able to get it done. Gandalf looked to the two babies, both wrapped in cloth, that now laid on the ground, sleeping. He picked up the dwarven ring and elven leaf clip off the ground and placed them in his hat. Gandalf picked up the two, now human, baby girls and started walking down the street, with strange lampposts to light the way, he looked around the buildings while trying to carry two and use his staff to help him walk. After walking around for what felt like hours, Gandalf finally found a building that had a light illuminating the door. From the sign on the wall, he could make out the word 'Orphanage'.

He looked to his surroundings to make sure no one saw him as he quietly walked up to the door. Gandalf gently laid the two girls down, wearing a sorrowful and regretful look on his face. He knew what he was doing was the right thing to do, they would return home when they needed too, but that didn't make leaving them on their own any easier.

With a deep breath, he straightened himself and used the end of his staff the knock on the door, then quickly running off to hide. Gandalf barely rounded the corner before he heard a door open and a light illuminate on the ground. Peeking his head around the corner, he could see a woman in a robe, picking up one of the babies before looking around to see who may have left them there. He managed to duck his head before she spotted him, hearing the door close, he poked his head out once more to now see that both babies were gone, presumably inside. Once Gandalf knew they were safe, he made his way back to the alleyway they arrived in and began the incantation once more. A flash of light disappeared as fast as it appeared, taking Gandalf with it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - April 26th - Middle Earth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(B/F/N) and I stayed towards the back of the group where Gandalf was, chatting to ourselves while we made our way up the path to Bilbos' house. "You alright?" I asked her, noticing her unsure expression. "Yeah, just nervous is all." She said. My brows furrowed, "Why?" (B/F/N) turned to look at me when we finally came upon Bilbos' door, "Thorin." I grew concerned at that, most of the members already don't agree with us being here, they complained about the jounrey 'not safe for a woman' and 'no place for humans on a dwarves journey', but they relented when Gandalf hushed them for the last time and to not question his judgement, that we were here for a reason. But now I understood her worried face, we need to pass Thorin' judgement to come along on the journey.

When we turned our attention back to the door once one of them knocked, "There's nobody home!" we heard a muffled yell behind the door. "Go away and bother somebody else. There's far too many dwarves in my dining room, as it is. If this some clot head's ideas of a joke." A laugh came after as he approached the door, "I can only say, it is in poor taste." The dwarves fell through the door as Bilbo opened it. From what we could from behind Gandalf, the poor hobbit looked utterly confused until his eyes met the wizards', "Gandalf." he grumbled and looked beyond annoyed.

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After Bilbo, reluctantly, let us in his home, (B/F/N) and I waited until the company disappeared toward the dining area, so we could quietly sat on the floor by the entrance and waited for the dwarves to be done, while we heard the hobbit try to control his unexpected house guests. "Put that back." he repeated himself as, one by one, dwarves walked out of his pantry with a handful whatever they could grab. (B/F/N) and I could see Bilbo walking down the hall, directing a deaf Oin, trying to get him to put some chair he was carrying back where he found it. Bilbo let out a sigh, running a hand down his face, then letting if fall limp to his side.

Bilbo turned to us, exhaustion and annoyance in his eyes. We gave him a small wave and smile. (B/F/N) went to stand, I followed behind her, and made her way to an exhausted hobbit, "We're sorry about them." (B/F/N) apologized. I went to stand next to her, giving Bilbo an apologetic smile. "Oh, it's not your fault." he paused for a moment, collecting himself, "Where are my manners? I'm Bilbo Baggins." sticking his hand out to shake, "I'm (B/F/N) and this is (Y/N)." I shook his hand after her. He turned around, "Excuse me." and with that, he quickly walked back toward the dining room where we Gandalf walk out from, bumping his head into the chandelier. "Ah, there you two are. Come, come." he waved us over.

Gandalf turned his attention back to Dwalin when he saw us walking over. "It seems we appear to be one dwarf short." "He is late, is all. He traveled north to a meeting of our kin, he will come." Dwalin said, his brows furrowed when he peeked over the wizards' shoulder, "Who are they?" His voice sounded worse than unpleasant. We glanced to each other uncomfortably, "This, Master Dwalin, is Miss (B/F/N)," she bowed her head when the wizard addressed her, "and Miss (Y/N)" I bowed my head as well. Dwalins' eyes shifted between us before glaring at Gandalf, "These are the two humans you mentioned? This journey has no place for humans, let alone two women. They will bring nothing but bad luck. Women can't fight."

I was furious, he knew nothing about us and yet he stands here and says we can't handle ourselves. "You-" (B/F/N) wrapped her arm across my chest, stopping me after I took a step toward him. I turned to face her, she just shook her head. When I turned to the dwarf again, he wore an amused expression and a quirked brow. "Be careful with that one, Dwalin. She's tougher than she looks." Bofur said from his seat at the table. The gruff dwarf looked me up and down, unimpressed, while taking a drink from his mug and walking back to the table.

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We walked behind Gandalf as he, too, walked toward the table. (B/F/N) and I sat in between Bofur, who was on my left, and Nori, on (B/F/N)s' right. Balin, Fili and Kili looked very unsure of us, the brothers shared a glance but said nothing. Balin, other than Dwalin, looked the most disapproving of us. Balin spoke when everyone began to dig into the food around them, "Gandalf, you know it was difficult for Thorin to agree to allow humans to join this quest, but if he had known the two humans would be women," Gandalf cut him off, "He wouldn't of allowed them at all, yes I know. But these girls are no ordinary humans." I lifted my head from my plate to look up at the wizard, turning my head to (B/F/N) to see if she was hearing them too. She was, but wore a mild look of disgust on her face when she saw me before turning her attention back the Gandalf. Using my sleeve, I wiped my face and turned back to the wizard.

"I understand the concern, Master Balin, but there is no need to worry." Gandalf tried to ease the old dwarf, but from the look on Balins' face, he was not convinced. "They are women, Gandalf. If they are to travel with us, they will need to be watched and protected at all time. This journey is not safe for them." I was fed up at this point, "With all due respect, Balin, we know how to take care of ourselves." Balin looked away from Gandalf to me, "You don't know us. You don't get to decide what we are and are not capable of when you have yet to see what we can do." I glared at the dwarf while his brows arouse in surprise. Before he could speak, Bofur made a noise while swallowing his food in attempt to gain attention, "I've seen her fight." He gestured to me with his fork, "She can handle herself well. Better than I thought she was going to. "Gloin placed his knife down hard, "The man was drunk. It was nothing other than luck."

I was quick to stand, glaring at him, "Why don't you come over here and say that to my face." "(Y/N)!" (B/F/N) yelled. She placed her hand on my forearm, I sat back down after a moment before taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Once I calmed, I noticed how quiet it had gotten. Embarrassed by my outburst, I looked down to my lap, fiddling with my thumbs. (B/F/N) rubbed my right shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile. "Who wants an ale?" Fili said, leaving the table.

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In no time, the table became lively again, making me almost believe that everything a minute ago, didn't happen. Fili came back with several mugs in his hand, stepping onto the table, passing around the ale. (B/F/N) and I were quick to lift our plates off the table before the blonde prince stepped on our food, when he passed, we set them back down. I looked across the table to see Dwalin pouring his ale into Oins' ear horn. We all laughed when Oin pulled away and blew the ale out of it. Soon after, they lifted their mugs in cheer and immediately became quiet when they began chugging their mugs. I did the same, I could hear (B/F/N) groan as she politely sipped on hers, squealing when the ale that didn't land in Noris' mouth ended up on her.

Nori was the first to belch when they lowered their mugs. I laughed when Ori stood and burped louder than his brother. (B/F/N) frowned when she turned to me, "Please don't." I let out a good eight second belch, louder than Ori. The mix expressions of shock and amusement from the company made me chuckle, what made me laugh was (B/F/N) disgusted face. "You are so gross." she complained. In response, I blew my breath toward her, her nose scrunched while she squealed 'eww' causing the table to erupt with laughter. She waved her hand in front of her face, but lightly laughed, "You're the worst." "You love me." I told her. "Someone has to." She took a drink from her mug, I placed a hand over my chest and mocked a fake hurt face. She slowly turned her head to me, her mouth still on the mug when we both laughed, making her cover her mouth so she wouldn't spit everywhere.

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Dirty dishes littered the table when everyone dispersed and headed toward the kitchen, to which caused Bilbo to follow after them. Fili headed toward the pantry, most likely to see if there was anymore food he could find. Ori stayed behind to help with the dishes, (B/F/N) and I decided to help the cute dwarf. "Do you need some help with these?" I asked. Ori looked up, a light shade of pink covering his cheeks. It took everything in my being to not allow my smile to grow wider. "Oh, no, it's alright. I'm just not sure what to do with the plates." "I'm sure if you asked Bilbo, he'll tell you." (B/F/N) said, I nodded in agreement. Bilbo walked into view, we both pointed to the hobbit, making Ori turn around. He grabbed a plate and walked over, "'Scuse me? I'm sorry to interrupt, but what should I do with my plate?"

Bilbo didn't have a chance to respond when Fili came out of the pantry, "Here you go, Ori, give it to me." and proceeded to throw it down the hall where Kili caught it and threw it into the kitchen. We both sat down, trying to get out of the way. "Excuse me! That's my mother's Westfarthing pottery, it's over a hundred years old!" (B/F/N) held my arm to try and keep me calm while I tried to fight the urge to sing with them. "And...and, ca...can you not do that, you'll blunt them!" Bilbo scolded the dwarfs. "Ooh, d'you hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives!" Bofur teased.

"Blunt the knives, bend the forks." Kili gestured for his brother to throw another one. "Smash the bottles and bum the corks." Fili bounced some plates on his shoulder and passed them to Kili, then the company began to join in, too. "Chip the glasses and crack the plates. That's what Bilbo Baggins hates." I tapped my foot when the music started to pick up. "Cut the cloth, tread on the fat. Leave the bones on the bedroom mat. Pour the milk on the pantry floor. Splash the wine on every door." We watched as Ori carefully walked with the stack of dinnerware that was thrown to him while Bilbo watched, his mouth open in disbelief. "Dump the crooks in a boiling bowl. Pound them up with a thumping pole. When you're finished, if they are whole. Send them down the hall to roll." Plates were sliding across the table, being passed across by Bombur, who was eating leftovers. I turned to see (B/F/N) watching this whole thing with a smile, bobbing her head to their song while I clapped my hands. "That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"

We all laughed when Bilbo pushed his way through the crowd of dwarves to see his dished perfectly stacked and clean. He stared in wonder before running his the back of his thumbs underneath the straps of his overalls. However the fun quickly quieted down when we heard pounding on the door. Gandalf glanced over to us then over the whole company, "He's here." he stated. (B/F/N) and I looked to each other, she gulped nervously and I let out a shaky breath. Gandalf walked out the kitchen, Bilbo and the company shuffling out behind him, and us hanging in the back, following Fili, Kili, Bombur, and Bofur.

The door creaked as Gandalf opened it, exposing Thorin. "Gandalf." he greeted before stepping inside, "I thought this place would be easy to find. I lost my way. Twice." Thorin removed his cloak. "Wouldn't have found it all had it not been that mark on the door." "Mark?" Bilbo' head popped out from the group of dwarves, "There is no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago." he said crossing the room. Gandalf shut the door and turned to the hobbit, "There is a mark, I put it there myself." The wizard took a deep breath before speaking, "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." Bilbo faced the dwarf king, "So, this is the hobbit. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?" Thorin began to circle the hobbit, looking him up and down. "Pardon me?" Bilbo asked. "Ax or sword? What's your weapon of choice?" The dwarf finished, standing in front of the hobbit once more. "Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know, but I fail to see why that's relevant." Bilbo asked, seeming confused by Thorin' question. Thorin chuckled, "Thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar." his comment making the company laugh.

"He's not meant to be a warrior." I said over the laughter. Thorin turned around, narrowing his eyes when they landed on us. "His job on this journey is to be sneaky, quiet, a burglar. What good would he be if he was like the rest of you?" (B/F/N) said, gesturing to the company. Gandalf chuckled, a smirk on his face. Thorin turned in the direction Gandalf was facing, frowning at him, "Gandalf." He growled, his eyes not leaving us. "Thorin, these two are Miss (Y/N) and Miss (B/F/N). They are no different than how I described them, I assure you." Gandalf promised. The dwarf whipped his head to the wizard, "You forgot to mention that they're women." "You wouldn't have allowed them to come if I had told you." Gandalf countered.

"This will be discussed later." Thorin harshly said and pointed to the wizard, then turned to walk into the dining room. Once all the dwarves left into the next room, leaving Gandalf, Bilbo, (B/F/N), and I behind. Gandalf sighed and placed a hand on the wall, looking between the three of us. I shrugged my shoulders, "That could've gone worse."

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"What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?" Balin inquired. Thorin set his spoon down, "Aye, envoys from all the seven kingdoms." "And what did the dwarves of the Iron Hill say? Is Dain with us?" Dwalin asked next, Thorin seemed hesitant, inhaling slightly, "They will not come. They say this quest is ours, and ours alone." Some of the company looked angry while others seemed disappointed. (B/F/N) and I stood in the hall, both of us is leaning against opposite sides of the archway. "You're doing a quest?" Bilbo asked from behind Gandalf. His question was ignored as Gandalf turned to face the hobbit, "Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light." Bilbo hummed before squeezing past the wizard and Gandalf turned to me, "(Y/N), my dear, fetch your pack for me, would you?" I shared a confused look with (B/F/N), "Sure?" I slowly pushed myself off the archway and went to go get my bag. When I got back, Gandalf gently took my bag from me and rummaged through it, reaching for the bottom as, our eyes widened when we saw a familiar folded piece of paper be pulled out, "Far to the East, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single solitary peak." Bilbo stood between Thorin and Gandalf with a candle, "The Lonely Mountain."

Gloin' voice brought us out from our surprise, "Aye, Oin has read the portents, and the portents say: it is time." "Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold. When the birds of the old return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end." I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that something so important to this quest was in my bag. 'When the hell did it get there? Did Gandalf put it there before we came here or did he somehow put it in my bag while we slept at the tavern?' I thought, but more importantly, 'Why was it in my bag?' Thorin' sudden standing from his chair brought me out of my thoughts, "Enough! If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look East to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?" He then began cheering something in dwarven, causing the company to follow, "You forget, the Front Gate is sealed." Balin spoke over them, Thorin sat back down in the chair, "There is no way into the mountain." Balin finished.

Gandalf, once again, put his hand into my pack, "That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true." When he pulled his hand back out, he held the key. At this point, I was done. I knew that the map and key were important to not only this quest but to Thorin, they held sentimental value. Thorin slowly turned in the chair, glaring at me as he asked, "How did you come by this?" He growled. Gandalf cleared his throat to gain Thorin' attention, "It was given by your father." Once Thorin turned to face the wizard again, I shook my head in disbelief, my irritation slightly rising as I walked away. "(Y/N)." (B/F/N) called before I heard her follow after me. I didn't catch much of the conversation as I walked toward the front door, and walked outside to sit on the bench. When I sat down, my head felt heavy from what just happened. I placed my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. I could hear the door open, the crack of light illuminating on the ground before disappearing. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" (B/F/N) asked before she sat down next to me.

"No, not exactly." She kept quiet at my answer, giving me a chance to continue, "Gandalf just pulled the map and key to Erebor. Out of my bag." I scoffed and shook my head, raising it from my hands to look at her, "They're gonna think, Thorin's gonna think those were given to me, not Gandalf." (B/F/N) just nodded, understanding my slight distraught. "He's going to have questions that I can't answer. Worse yet, what if he doesn't believe me when I try to explain that I didn't know it was there up until a few minutes ago?" (B/F/N) took in a breath as she thought, "Well," she started, "I don't know how he is going to react, I doubt it'll be positive, but that doesn't mean that he would do anything drastic." I scoffed with a laugh, "Really? For all he knew, some human was in possession of something that belongs to his people. How do you think he's going to react? You saw the way he looked at me before I came out here, whatever he thinks of me, of us." I shook my head once more before finishing, "If he didn't think less of us before, I'm sure he does now."

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Eventually, we made our way back inside and went to go get our bags to see what we should leave behind and how much money we had left after yesterdays shopping. Hastily, we walked past Thorin and Balin to get to the study while I went back to the dining room to get my bag, I could feel Thorin' gaze on my back before turning the corner and quickly snatched my bag from the ground. I avoided their gaze when I made my way to the study. (B/F/N) had already sat down, pulling stuff out from her bag and laying them neatly on the ground. I sat down facing her, doing the same. We had nearly the same things in our bags, except a few things. We both had our pajamas from before we came here, our phones, and some food rations. (B/F/N) had some cloth for whenever we were supposed to start our periods. I had the journal she bought me and the plastic fake key to Erebor around my neck, safely tucked in my tunic. We only had a few gold coins left, granted, we knew gold we a lot here but between the both of us we had ten gold.

"I'm still trying to figure out why." I said after a moment, (B/F/N) looked to me, "Why what?" "Why was the key in my bag? Why did Gandalf put it in my bag? It makes no sense, the key was given to him so he should've been the one to have it and he didn't, why?" I contemplated while trying to organize my bag a bit better, placing my phone and coin purse at the bottom, then my folded pajamas, finally putting the cloth and journal on top. Closing the flap pf my pack and buckling it shut, "I'd like to know that as well." I heard a gruff voice from behind me. (B/F/N) looked over my shoulder, I turned my head to look behind me to see Thorin standing in the archway, arms crossed glaring at me. "Go ask Gandalf if you want to know. I didn't it was there until he pulled them out of my bag."  I said, turning away from him, "Why don't I believe that?" I turned to face him, this time turning my torso too, "If you don't believe me, that's fine. But that doesn't make it any less true. I don't how, when, or why Gandalf put your key and map in my bag, but he did. For what reason, I don't know so why don't you go ask him yourself." He wanted to try to come and spit fire at me, I'll gladly  throw my ire at him, only hotter. "I've been accused all my life of doing things I haven't done with no one giving me a chance to explain what happened. And when they did, they've always said I was lying. I didn't tolerate it back home, I'm sure as hell not tolerating it here." My chest heaved up and down from my outburst. Thorin seemed slightly taken aback but slowly nodded before backing out of the room.

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For a small moment, Thorin saw his One' eyes in the human, that glare was almost identical. When he saw the small similarity of his wife on the humans face, he thought it would be best to leave then. Memories began to flood back, memories of when he was in Erebor, happy and protected, until Smaug came taking away not only his home, but his love and his only daughter.

"Adad, look what I made!" The young dwarrowdam yelled as she ran as fast as her dwarf legs would carry her into the throne room, two guards following not too far behind. Thorin tried not to laugh as he watched the guards, who were supposed to be watching his daughter, struggle to keep up with her. Thorin knelt down on one knee as Throndaerra skipped the steps and jumped into her father' arms. She held up the necklace up to her father with a proud smile on her face. He carefully took it in his hands and examined the trinket, "It's a very beautiful necklace." he complimented. "It's not just a necklace, Adad. It's a locket, I made it for you, so that way I'll always be with you."  Thorin looked down to her, smiling lovingly. Throndaerra took the locket from his hand and reach behind him to lock it around his neck.

Thorin studied his daughter' face, his smile growing wider, "What?" the girl asked shyly. "You look so much like your mother." He turned his gaze to his wife who had been watching them with a loving gaze. He set her down and watched as she dragged the guards to wherever she was going. His hand laid over the locket while he stood back up next to his wife. Thorin turned to her, feeling her gaze on him, "What?" he asked softly. "I can't tell who you love more." she teased with a playful smile. "I love you both. So much so, I wouldn't know what to do if I lost either of you." She placed a hand on his face, her thumb stroking his cheek, "You'll never have to worry about that." Thorin pulled her waist to bring her closer, she placed her hand on the locket, "Because we will always be with you."

With them on his mind, he settled by the entrance and pulled out a locket, one that his daughter had made. It wasn't the best craftsmanship, but it was the only thing he had left of her. He stared at the drawing of his wife on the left and his daughter on the right, both his thumbs running over the pictures. Thorin watched as both girls left the study with their packs on their back only to be stopped by Balin with their contract in hand. Balin turned around and the two girls followed after. He stood up and made his way to the study, the company began to slowly migrate into the room as well.

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Balin pulled us into the dining room when we walked by with a folded piece of paper in hand, "Would you lasses come with me please?" He turned around and we followed after, sitting down after him. Balin slid a folded paper across the table to us, "This is your contract. It was written with men in mind, so I did have to revise a few things but now all you have to do is sign it, that is, if you two still want to come along. I won't lie to you, the wild is no place for women, but you two will have to find some way to protect yourselves, in case one of us can't keep an eye on you." "We can protect ourselves, Master Balin. We may not be warriors, but we do have some experience with weapons." (B/F/N) said to him. He looked between both of us before taking his hand off the paper. (B/F/N) didn't hesitate to grab the contract, unfolding it. Balin handed us a quill and ink as well to sign with, (B/F/N) signed first, then pushed it over to me to sign as well. Once our names were written, Balin looked over it before folding it again, tucked it in his coat, then stood and left us as he headed down the hallway.

A low melodic humming echoed down the hall causing our heads to slowly turn toward the hallway. "Far over the Misty Mountains Cold. To dungeons deep, and caverns old. We must away ere break of day. To find our long forgotten gold." We slowly walked toward where the sound was coming from, we leaned against the archway of the study and saw the dwarves all gathered around the room. "The pines were roaring on the height, the winds were moaning in the night." I looked over to (B/F/N) and saw a concerned look on her face, I could tell she was probably thinking about tomorrow. "The fire was red, it flaming spread." I was worried too, we've only been here for two days and it still didn't feel real, but now, signing a contract, hearing them, seeing them right in front of us. This was real, for what reason we were brought, we don't know, but this is real and the real danger had yet to come. Trolls, goblins, orcs, Azog. They were real now and we had no way to truly defend ourselves, only fake fighting with fake weapons. To say I was scared would be an understatement, but tomorrow was when the real journey begins.

"The trees like torches blazed with light." 

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A/N : I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been kind of stuck but I'm glad I was able to finally finish this part, the next part will probably be long because I'm trying to break each movie into 3 or 4 parts, so it will take a while. But I'm going to try be more productive since I'm pretty much stuck in my house now with the whole corona-virus and having to stay under quarantine.

I hope you guys like this part, in the next part the journey will begin.

What do you think the reader and her friend should do while traveling? I want them to sing 'On My Way' from Brother Bear during one of the traveling scenes and have some funny banter but do you have any suggestions of what they should do?

Do you think they should try something during the troll attack, or should they just sit back and not get involved?

Any possible romances you want to see develop over time? Bofur x Reader? Dwalin x Reader? Ori x Reader?

I'm just asking so I'm not so stuck with these, you don't have to choose if you don't want. I'm also open to criticism for anyone who actually knows how to write. Thank you for being patient and thank you for reading. I really appreciate it. Thank you again.

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