The Arcana One Shots

By fandoms4everz

74.7K 1.5K 406

Because this fandom needs more content <3 Requests are OPEN! MC x Characters - Asra - Julian - Nadia - Por... More

♡Muriel - Tired?♡
♢Kid!MC x Asra - Bread♢
Intro, Keys, and Request Forms
♢Kid!MC x Julian - Thief!♢
♢Kid!MC X Lucio - Don't Worry, I've Got You♢
♢Kid!MC x Muriel - I'll Keep You Safe♢
♢Kid!MC x Portia - Steak-Outs and Flowers♢
♢Kid!MC x Nadia - Trinkets♢
♡♤MC x Valdemar - A Fine Specimen♤♡
♡ Julian x Female!MC - Oh Baby ♡
♡ When they First Hear MC Sing ♡
♡MC x Lucio - You're What?!♡
♡Merperson!MC x Julian - What a Catch!♡
♡Fae!MC x Asra - Merry Meet♡
♢Pixie!MC x Portia - Garden Troubles♢
Main 6 & Courtiers - COVID-19
♡♤MC x Asra - A Whole New World♤♡
♡MC x Julian - Dance With Me, Red!♡
♧Young!Lucio x MC x Lucio - Double Trouble♧
♡Valdemar x MC - Jealous for Julian?♡
♡Valdemar x MC - Meeting the Main 6♡
♡ Polyamorous!Julian x MC x Asra ♡
A Huge Thank You!
♡ Angel!MC X Lucio - Wings ♡
♧Dom!Muriel x MC - Tease♧
♡Centaur!MC x Nadia - Always together, Never Apart♡
♢PT 2 Kid!MC X Lucio - Family Matters♢
♡MC x Valerius - Oops! ♡
♢MC x Valdemar - See You Again♢
♡MC x Lucio - Enemies to Friends to Lovers♡
♡♤MC X Asra - Love Me Instead♤♡
Main 6 Weddings

♡Werewolf!MC x Muriel - To Be a Monster♡

2.1K 66 22
By fandoms4everz

Hello again!! Today's chapter is the second installment in the mythical creature series. This was the other chapter that was requested by SammyToon. Thanks for your amazing ideas!


They had only met a few days ago, yet somehow, Asra had decided that Muriel and MC knew each other well enough for this. Muriel didn't understand why exactly MC needed to be watched. Asra had said that it was because Lucio was roaming the woods, but if that were true, then why wasn't MC just staying in the shop? 

Regardless of the real reason, Muriel wasn't about to turn down Asra's request, especially not when he seemed very concerned about not being there to be with MC himself.

So there they were, two strangers stuck inside Muriel's hut, silent and unmoving. Neither Muriel nor MC wanted to bother the other. MC felt bad about imposing on Muriel. They were already anxious enough as it was, they wished that they didn't have to rely on a total stranger to watch them. Muriel, on the other hand, was shy and kept to himself. He didn't like having people around and being asked to watch a total stranger while they were in his home? It made him very uncomfortable.

It had been a few hours since MC had arrived and Asra had left. And as per Asra's instructions, Muriel had barred the door and made sure there was no way for anything to come inside, or for anything to escape outside. 

Also per Asra's instructions, MC had been chained to the foot of the bed on one ankle, ensuring that they wouldn't be wandering around.

The chains really bothered Muriel. Not only did they remind him of his chains, but they really seemed to make MC anxious and depressed. He really didn't understand why they were necessary, but Asra was adamant and he wasn't going to disregard the request. Surely Asra had good reason, right?

The two strangers were both totally fine with not saying a single word to the other. Despite not talking, however, Muriel noticed how anxious MC was. 

He saw the tension in their shoulders and the way they constantly twisted their hands and wrung them together. He watched as they played with the hem of their shirt to distract themselves. He took note of how MC eyed their chains with distaste and sorrow as if they were ashamed of them. The pain was written in MC's furrowed eyebrows and small frown and the way their eyes shifted around the hut, almost in fear.

Muriel understood anxiety. He understood not wanting to be with strangers or imposing on others. He knew what it felt like to wear chains that he wasn't proud of. And he sympathized with the way MC shrunk themselves into the smallest space that they could occupy.

What Muriel didn't understand was why MC seemed so scared to be close to him. At first, he thought it was because he was so tall and broad and that MC knew of his past. But then he realized that all MC knew of him was that he was Asra's friend and nothing more. Then he thought that MC was simply anxious from whatever the reason they were here in the first place. But when Asra had talked to Muriel beforehand, he had mentioned how lively and fun MC  was, and that they would be a joy to have around.

The confusion plagued Muriel the entire time MC was over. He wondered why they refused to be near him. Why their hands shook and trembled, why they withdrew themselves to take up such little space and why they distanced themselves as far as possible.

It wasn't till MC accidentally tripped over their chains and fell into Muriel's side that he understood how they were feeling.

Upon impact, MC gasped and pulled back trembling. They looked at their hands and to Muriel's side as if they expected to see blood or wounds.

It was then that Muriel saw it, plain as day. MC wasn't afraid of being hurt, MC was afraid of hurting him.

But as much as it was an answer to their behaviour, and sort of explained the chains, it only posed more questions for the mountain man.

MC seemed so harmless. They were certainly not as tall or as broad or as strong as Muriel. They were not aggressive nor violent or mean. They were timid and quiet and soft, as far as Muriel was concerned. So why were they so afraid of hurting others?

Muriel couldn't put it together. He just didn't understand the whole situation. But he didn't want to ask. He let it be, letting MC simply keep to themselves without having to explain it all to a stranger.

When the hour was late, MC tucked themselves into the bed, chaining the other foot to the bed and binding their arms together. Muriel had made himself comfortable on a nest of furs and blankets on the floor by the fire and both parties eventually drifted off to sleep.


Muriel was awoken by the sound of the door slamming in the wind.

At first, he wrote it off as normal. It happened sometimes if the weather was nasty enough. A moment passed before he realized why this was not a good sign.

MC. The door. It wasn't barred shut!

Muriel was wide awake in seconds. His eyes darted to the bed. The chains had been split in two, the very last links dangling from the bedpost.

The door was slamming in the wind, open then closed then open again. 

MC was nowhere to be found.

Muriel ran out the door, Inanna hot on his heels as he ran into the forest, calling out for MC. 

It was only a minute before Muriel was soaked to the bone. The rain was pouring down relentlessly and the wind was howling and shaking the trees.

It was pitch black outside, the only light coming from the pale full moon.

As he called out for MC, he received no response.

What happened? Did Lucio break in and kidnap MC? Did they run off of their own accord? Where were they and why weren't they answering? Was the worst upon them? Were they ... dead?

Muriel couldn't see anything in the rain. Inanna couldn't track MC by scent because of it either.

Frantic at the thought of losing the one person Asra asked him to look after, Muriel called out for MC one last time.

This time, he was greeted with a single, long and piercing howl of a wolf.

Muriel ran in the direction of the noise, hoping to the Arcana that MC hadn't been torn to shreds or injured.

What Muriel found, however, was the last thing he could have expected.

When he found the source of the howling, Muriel froze in his place. Even Inanna made no move.

There in the middle of the forest was a werewolf. It stood awkwardly on its hind legs. It was quite tall. The fur was HC and drenched and the eyes, oh the eyes.

Once he took a good look at those EC eyes, realization dawned on him. The anxiety, the fear of hurting others, the silver chains. The open door and the full moon. It all made sense. 

"MC," Muriel said calmly, trying to reach the human in the beast. "MC, can you hear me?"

The werewolf met his gaze and snarled, very little recognition in its eyes.

"MC, its Muriel. Asra's friend,"

MC's response told Muriel everything he needed to know. They clearly didn't recognize him or Asra's name. He knew for certain that MC wasn't in their right mind when they lunged at him, claws outstretched, fangs bared and a growl that was as vicious as the plague is deadly.

 Even with his size, strength and unmentionable past, Muriel struggled to fend off MC's attacks.

He could dodge all he wanted, but if he tried to subdue MC, he'd be in big trouble. In their werewolf form, MC was considerably larger, faster and stronger than before, with no moral compass or empathy to keep them from harming others, in this case, Muriel.

Not to mention that, as a werewolf, MC's attacks weren't just random and ill-thought-out. As MC attacked, Muriel would dodge. And MC would learn how he moved. 

A claw swiped and Muriel moved away from the attack.

They lunged forward, he jumped back.

MC continued their barrage on poor Muriel who wanted nothing to do with this fight.

He didn't want to risk attacking for fear that MC could end up hurt. He didn't even consider the fact that he might be injured himself.

He couldn't spend all night like this. MC's attacks were slowly adapting and becoming more coordinating. They were learning.

Frantic, Muriel tried to remember anything at all about werewolves, particularly, what to do if one attacks you and better yet, how to change them back before the moon sets and day breaks.

In the middle of his thoughts, Muriel came dangerously close to having his stomach seriously cut up. He had seen MC's swipe to his left so he moved away, to his right. But in doing so, he stepped into their second attack: a lunge forward and to his right.

He narrowly avoided them with a quick step back.

He knew he had to find an answer now or never. He couldn't waste any more time.

Muriel racked his brain for anything at all.

Spells and incantations? No. Herbs or potions? No. Runes or sigils? Not that either.


Love... But how?

Muriel's answer was one he didn't know how to put into action.

Sure, love could turn a werewolf back mid-rage, but MC and Muriel were strangers! How on Earth could he possibly hope to help MC change back?

Distraught, Muriel nearly got caught by MC's claws again.

This time, however, he lost his footing and fall backwards onto the mossy ground of the forest floor.

MC now towered over him and he was getting desperate.

MC snarled and prepared for an attack.

In a last-ditch attempt to save MC and himself, Muriel called out to them.

"I know how you feel!"

MC's ears pulled back and they scowled, claws raised.

"I know what it's like to live in fear or yourself," he said, looking up at MC who had frozen in place.

"You're scared. You're anxious. You're bound by the chains of your abilities and your fear. I know what that feels like,"

MC's arm lowered, still scowling, but not in a position to attack.

Muriel took this as a good sign and slowly sat himself up.

He continued to coax MC from their raging state.

He empathized with their fear and anxiety.

He too knew all too well what it was like to be a monster. Someone you're not proud of but are forced to be. He knew the weight of the chains, both physical and emotional. He knew how MC feared hurting others during the day and how when they were forced to become something else, in the moment it was life or death but in the aftermath, they were scared and ashamed.

Muriel's words were steady now, calm and deep.

MC's form was still as Muriel's words hit them hard. 

He was connecting with them with the only thing they had in common.

It was in their eyes. Defeat, submission, exhaustion. 

Muriel felt such sadness. He knew what MC felt. He knew what it was like to sit in the aftermath of one's involuntary destruction.

Slowly, Muriel moved to his knees and gently and with caution, he placed his hand on MC's head.

They made no move to stop him, so he continued.

Calmly and carefully, Muriel smoothed over MC's fur which was soaked from the pouring rain.

And sure enough, the rain lightened to a mere drizzle, the winds became whispers and the clouds overhead parted to reveal silver moonlight, full and bright.

From where they were sitting, MC was directly beneath the light of the full moon.

The claws were the first to go. They retracted and softened into long and slender fingers.

Their spine, which was hunched and boney relaxed and shrunk.

The long snout flattened out and the fur faded slowly.

In the wake of the pale moonlight, MC's human body fell to the ground, exhausted and unable to hold themselves up.

They lied there on the mossy wet ground, their hair tangled and soaked, body covered only by tiny shreds of what was left of their clothes.

Upon seeing MC now practically nude and passed out cold from the exertion, Muriel flushed a deep shade of red and was quick to cover MC's body with his cloak, the only dry piece of clothing on him.

With this excursion finally over, Muriel breathed a sigh of relief. MC was okay, he was okay, everything was fine. It was over.

He then scooped MC's smaller frame into his arms and, with Inanna treading lightly by his side he carried MC back to the hut to take care of them.

When he returned home, he gently placed MC on the bed and he laid out an old tunic beside them for when they wake. He then went about removing the rest of the shackles that were left on their wrists and ankles.

Muriel then began to brew some tea and as he sat in front of the fire, he heard a gentle stirring from the bed. 

MC, who had finally come to, sat up, rubbing their eyes and rolling their shoulders back. They hissed when they moved their arm a certain way because of all of the scratches on their body.

Without so much as a word, Muriel turned away quickly, averting his eyes so that MC could change.

When they were finished, Muriel turned back around and the first thing he noticed was how MC's body was littered in old scars and fresh wounds.

Silently, Muriel retrieved some bandages and ointments for the cuts and he proceeded to bandage MC up. They were apprehensive about letting him near them, considering they just tried to kill him, but Muriel showed no fear. He simply cleaned their wounds and moved on.

When all was said and done, he poured two cups of fresh tea and the two sat in silence with the exception of the crackling fire and Inanna's soft breathing.

Some time passed before either party spoke a word.

"Thank you," MC said, voice barely above a whisper, eyes looking down to the ground.

Muriel replied only with a low hum and a nod, not particularly caring to say more.

Even more time passed and then Muriel was the first to speak up.

He asked how their wounds were. They said they were fine.

Slowly, but surely, the two began to talk, sharing stories and experiences. While the conversation began very timidly, neither party particularly fond of socializing, soon they both found that talking with the other was easy and effortless. There was little tension and no anxiety. Both MC and Muriel felt as though they could share anything with the other.

They had an understanding.

Both knew what it was like to be a monster. Both knew the hardships of fear and anxiety and guilt.

As the night wore on, the two relaxed further with several cups of tea.

Muriel had eventually moved to sit next to MC on the edge of the bed, neither afraid of proximity because they felt the same way about hurting the other.

Muriel was sharing a story, his voice deep and comforting, slow and calm.

And as he spoke, MC, exhausted from their night, slowly fell asleep, their head coming to rest on Muriel's side.

Upon noticing that MC had fallen asleep, Muriel simply tucked them into bed with all of the tick, warm furs.

As he went to move, however, he found that MC's arms were wrapped securely around his arm. He had no choice but to curl up next to them in bed, lest he wake them from their slumber.


The sun shone through the window of the hut, warm and golden. Birds could be heard chirping merrily from outside.

A soft knock came from the door, but no one answered. 

Letting himself in, a certain white-haired magician opened the door to find his two best friends cuddled up under the furs in bed, sound asleep.

He smiled softly to himself and let out a low chuckle, shaking his head.

It was then that Muriel stirred, awoken by the magician's laugh.

At first, his eyes were groggy and full of sleep, but when he realized that someone else was in his home, his eyes shot open and he bolted upright.

"Asra!" he exclaimed, perhaps a touch louder than he would've liked. "Wh-what are you doing?!" His cheeks flushed.

Asra laughed again and smirked. "More like what are you doing, Muriel? I see you've taken my apprentice to bed,"

Muriel's cheeks reddened further and Asra laughed even more.

"It-it's-it's not like that!" Muriel said.

"I know, I know, I'm just teasing," Asra reassured.

A groan and the rustling of sheets could be heard from the bed as MC slowly woke up.

Like Muriel, it was a moment before MC realized what was going on.

"A-Asra?" They asked softly. "You're back!" MC clambered out of bed and rushed to Asra's side to give him a hug.

"Yes, MC, and I'm so sorry I left you on a full moon. Although, now that I see how close you are with Muriel, maybe I should leave you alone with him more often," he said with that smirk of his.

It was now MC's turn to flush a lovely shade of pink and red.

"I'm kidding MC, I promise I won't leave you on a full moon again. Not for anything," Asra promised.

Now fully awake, Muriel began to make some tea and started on breakfast.

"Are you staying for breakfast?" Muriel asked Asra as he worked away by the fire, MC quickly moving to help him prepare the food.

"Muriel, it's 2 in the afternoon," Asra said.

"Are you staying for breakfast?" Muriel repeated.

"I suppose I am," Asra said.

As Muriel and MC cooked, Asra couldn't help but notice how well they worked together. They moved around each other so gracefully and without regard to their close proximity, it was a wonder that they had only just met the night before.

Asra could see how close they had become. He knew it would happen. His two best friends were bound to attract each other, despite both being incredibly anti-social. In just one night, they had gone from strangers to acquaintances to close friends.

He could see how well they fit together. How perfect they were for each other.

And what Asra sees, Asra ships.


Okay, there we go. This took a while for me to write, sorry! I wasn't sure how to end it, so the ending's really not my best work.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story!

See you next time,

- Fandoms <3

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