Avengers Oneshots

Galing kay Venturiantalerocks10

11.6K 144 74

This book will contain one-shots of * Baby! Avengers * Fluff *Sadness (occasionally) *Lots of Headcanons *St... Higit pa

Welcome Readers!
April Fools at the Compound
Mcdonalds? Homework?
Darling, A Little Love Goes A Long Way
Honey, We Shrunk The Kids! Part 1
Honey, We Shrunk the Kids! Part 2
Honey, We Shrunk The Kids! Part 3 Finale
Part 1: He Isn't Exactly A Prince But As Long As She's Happy
Part 2: He's Not Exactly A Prince But As Long As Shes Happy
The One Where He Had A Rough Few Days Part 1
The One Where He Had A Few Rough Days Part 2 Finale
Quick A/N
Everyones Gonna Be Alright
A/N: Not Totally Important Just Updates N Stuff
Winter Wonder..Hand?
New Year New Hope
Wow, Who Knew
Teenage Mind
We Got You Banner

Just Imagine It

442 12 13
Galing kay Venturiantalerocks10

Somewhere off in outerspace

There's a world no wars, no hates

Where all the broken hearts are safe

I don't know where it is

I just imagine it

Shuri ran through the Avengers tower with Loki trailing beside her, both had tears brinking their eyes as they finally made it to the elevator. " Jarvis, take us to the living area and gather the Avengers please," Shuri said trying not to let out a sob as Loki was shaking just as bad as she was, " It's gonna be okay.. It has to be, Tony will fix it.. Maybe not for me but for you and Peter he will," Loki said letting his guard down and the tears fall. Shuri caved and started to sob into Loki's shoulder as the elevator stopped and the door opened, " Oh my god, what happened? Are you guys okay?" Bruce said standing up and setting his book down as he went to help them both. Peter soon came busting into the room and he was also breaking down, by now everyone was panicked because their teens were all collapsed on each other laying on the floor.

We are all gathered here right now

I can feel it, it's about to go down

There's a time and place for a face in the crowd

And today is the day, stand out

" What's going on in here, and why was I informed everyone was being summoned to the living room?" Tony said running into the room before he seen the trio laying on the floor sobbing their hearts out, and no matter how much he wanted to kill Loki sometimes seeing him this vulnerable of all people broke his heart. Natasha was on the floor along with Bucky and Steve trying to get them to breathe but they weren't calming down as much as they needed to, concern filled the room as Loki pointed his finger to the tv. " Tur-turn it.. Turn it on the-the news," He said in between sobs which made his brothers heartbreak at the seems, Jarvis had already turned the tv on and everyone was listening.

BreakingNews: Are the teenagers to blame for the government failing? Are they the reason the adults are giving up? Is this generation to blame for the disasters that have happened the last 3 years?

By now Peter was slammed against Steve's chest crying so hard he couldn't breathe, Steve placed a hand on his head and just pulled him closer as the News Anchors and reporters started talking about teenagers being the reason for problems that they caused, being the laziest generation, and they were getting the blame for so much more. Then the headline changed to something worse.

Stand up, stand your ground

Be the who that you wanna be proud

And when you feel like you can't make a sound

Right there is the time we're supposed to get loud

Are These Super Teens To Blame?

Reporter 1: We all have heard of the super hero Spiderman and have all wondered, is he an adult? Or is he a kid in a costume? Some say he is to blame for the local favorite deli bursting into flames, some say he's the reason bad guys are getting away.

A Picture of Peter on patrol appeared on the screen and in the photo he was sitting on a fire escape with his mask only slightly up because he was drinking something from Mcdonalds.

Reporter 2: We mean no disrespect for the Wakanda royal family but, is it really the smartest move to put the princess in charge of your labs and other weaponry? Could she be to blame for the attack on the press conference where her own father perished?

Next a photo of Shuri appeared on the tv and she was posing with her brother in this picture, they were standing in her lab next to her newest creation.

Reporter 3: Thor has a well known younger brother who has caused some very bad damage in the past, and to everyone's surprise it wasn't a selfish brat wanting a place to rule. He was brainwashed according to Thor himself, but that still gives us no evidence as to if he was the cause of the latest catastrophe.

A picture of Loki appeared and it was a photo of him, Shuri, and Spiderman standing next to each other. They were sitting on the roof of the tower and Peter had decided they should take a selfie together before Loki went back home.

Stand up, stand your ground

Be the who that you wanna be proud

And when you feel like you can't make a sound

Right there is the time we're supposed to get loud

The Avengers blood were boiling as the news reporters continued to drag the teenage population as if they were rag dolls, all because of things from Loki, Peter, and Shuri only being teenagers to the fads and trends the teenage population invented.

" Hey Loki, we forgive you for New York.. We know the truth and it wasn't your fault," Natasha said going into Mama-Spider mode and placing her hand on his back as he was just as distraught as Peter and Shuri if not worse. Shuri had started to cry harder when they mentioned her father and that's when Bucky couldn't take it anymore, he lived in Wakanda for quite a while and she had become like his little sister. " It wasn't your fault, they just need someone or someones to blame and that's what their doing. These stupid news chanels are blaming you 3 and your generation for the crap they caused, everything's gonna be okay I'll make sure of it," Bucky said as he gently pulled her into his chest trying to comfort her as much as he could. Steve was so at lost for words he could barely manage to speak, his jaw was clenched and his mind was running rampid, " Hey Pete, buddy like Buck said, this isn't your fault they just like pointing fingers. Little do they know they now have us to deal with, no one is gonna scar a whole generation by blaming them for the nonsense they caused," Steve said and they could hear the venom dripping in his voice. Pepper had showed up and was fuming at what she had heard the whole car ride home, she sat down with her teens and became a very protective mama bear. " Nobody, and I mean nobody hurts my kids and get away with it, don't worry I'm right here," She said as she knew Loki had lost his mother and he was still affected by that and she knew she would never refill the spot Frigga left behind but she could protect him along with Peter and Shuri.

Stand up, stand your ground

Be the who that you wanna be proud

And when you feel like you can't make a sound

Right there is the time we're supposed to get loud

Teenagers everywhere had taken to the places they know best, social media and the internet. Everywhere teens had planned to protest and prove their government wrong no matter what it cost, the trio had finally calmed down enough to speak which the team was thankful for. " We are protesting this, and we're going now, I don't care what happens I'm not letting other kids lives get destroyed from this," Peter said standing up and walking to the elevator to go to his room and change. Shuri was sitting in front of a mirror wiping her streaked makeup off before grabbing her makeup bag out of the purse she had bought with her, " Hey I'll do your eyeliner for you if you want me too," Bucky said as he sat down watching her do her makeup with a look of determination on her face. She gave him a quick nod and continued putting on her "war paint" as she called it, " That would be very helpful thank you Buck," she said before she started on her eyeshadow.

" Hey Loki look at me, I know your hurt and really upset but you have to think logically okay," Pepper said standing in front of Loki who had managed to pull himself up and into the bar stool in the kitchen, and it broke Pepper's heart seeing his once bright eyes now red and slightly puffy. He looked up at her and she pulled him into a hug which didn't surprise him much anymore, " Your mother would be proud of you, standing up next to people, a whole generation for that matter, fighting for what you know is right," Pepper said holding him closer. He was quiet for a second before asking her, " How would you know she's proud of me?" and Pepper put a hand under his chin and made him look her in the eye and said," Because I'm proud of you, and who you've come to be."

Peter came out of the elevator with his suit on and holding his mask in his hand, " What are you gonna do Peter?" Tony asked more concerned than he already was as he put both hands on his kids shoulders. " I'm gonna show them who I am, and I'm not backing down no matter how hard they shove. There are teens out there unable to fight back and I'm gonna fight twice as hard for them, because no one deserves this treatment," Peter says looking Tony in the eyes and Tony seen something in Peter's eyes he hadn't seen in a very long time. Determination. A Flame. Confidence.

The Avengers all stood upon hearing this and looked at the trio that had by now all gathered together, " I haven't seen this look in your eye's since the fight against Thanos.. I haven't seen that flame for quite sometime," Steve said walking closer to them slowly. Everything was quiet for a few moments before Banner spoke up, " Suit up.. We're going with them.. We're fighting with them and we aren't backing down either," people scattered to go throw their own clothes together. " Hey, look at me, we're winning this fight and the government can screw themselves because they just attacked their future," Clint said putting his quiver on his back as he walked into the room, the Avengers knew the government and they knew they will get hostile so their taking all they can to protect these kids.

" If things get hostile I want you to grab as many teenagers, kids, and the few adults that don't believe this crap and get them to safety along with yourselves," Steve said as he grabbed his shield, the elevator doors opened and everyone stepped inside. The whole ride down was silent until the doors opened again and there stood Wade in the middle of the room, katanas strapped on tight, " Figured you'd need more help." A few people were confused but as they walked out Wade opened a door to his car which revealed Wanda and Pietro sitting inside, " I bet you didn't see that coming, did you?" Pietro said with a smirk on his lips as Wade hopped in the drivers seat telling them to go ahead and they would meet them there.

Somewhere off in outerspace

There's a world no wars, no hate

Where all the broken hearts are safe

I don't know where it is

I just imagine it

They started to notice the amount of young people flooding the sidewalks and streets, every step they took Peter became more confident in his decision. The 3 of them were going to stand with the ones they cared for very dearly and fight for what they know is right, and prove the government so wrong they'll never make a false accusation on purpose again. " I've never seen this many people come together for something like this it's astounding," Loki said as he and the others weaved their way through the streets to get to the front of the crowd, " I'm gonna start swinging from here and Loki if you can I'll need you to teleport both yourself and Shuri in the front once I get up there," Peter said as he cracked his knuckles and double checked his web fluid. They heard a whirring sound and turned around to see Strange stepping out of a portal of his own, " How about you have a little more people standing with you?" he said as he and Wong stepped up to them.

Right here I can almost touch it, so near

We can live in a world no fear

If you're with me say yeah!

I just imagine it

Right here I can see it all crystal clear

A few screams and gasp of excitement were heard when Peter appeared swinging through the air from building to building, " Look it's Spiderman," A few different people had been screaming. The crowd of mostly teenagers had gotten hyped up when they seen Tony and Pepper fly over them, Bucky, Steve, and Sam walking through the crowd, along with Natasha, Clint, and Bruce. When Peter hit the front of the crowd where there had been a platform for public speaking and open conferences, and the man that was speaking against the generation went quiet as he flipped in. " Oh.. Spiderman what-what a nice surprise, oh and the Avengers are here to," The man said getting nervous as he slowly backed up from the podium and a few men with guns went into defence mode. " I want everyone of you out there that are agreeing with this broken, manipulative, lying, government know that: We are your future, these teenagers are your future, so be careful how you treat us. We just may be the ones handing you your last glass of water." Peter said threateningly and a few gasp were heard throughout the crowd as a orange portal opened and out stepped Loki and Shuri who stood beside Peter with scowls on their faces. " You're just a kid! Who knows you could probably even be an adult that just wants to be loved by millions!" A man yelled out from the crowd which made Shuri grip her fist a little tighter, " So what if we are? At least we have the braincells to think for ourselves and clearly see what's happening here is a publicity stunt that you idiotic morons are believing," she said looking the crowd over and smiled upon seeing Wade walking their way.

We can flip the whole atmosphere

If you're with me say yeah!

I just imagine it

I live in a world that's in pain

You too where the streets have no name

'Cause an untreated vet with a mental defect

Is about to get a Glock, that's insane

Man we sit at the brink with a drink in our hand

And the other with the grip on an IPhone

Never looking in each others' eyes

Let alone the stars one day wonder where the time gone

Tony dropped from the sky and stepped out of his suit and so did Pepper, Thor flew over them and planted himself behind his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder, Bucky and Steve made it onto the platform and they were ready to fight. " You see what the government is doing here? Their making you believe it's the kids faults, but if they were pointing fingers at our generation, I bet a lot more people, including teens, would fight with us, and that's ashame that the kids would fight side by side with adults but the adults won't fight for them," Tony said as the rest of their team walked up with them. He continued shaming the adults who were fighting against the younger ones instead of with them, finally Peter had enough and nudged him out of the way and stood in front of the mic. His heart was racing, his hands were shaking, and his breathing was ragged, but he pulled himself together, " You wanna know who I am? How old I am? Why I'm fighting?" Natasha had her hand on her gun, Clint was prepared to draw his bow, everyone was battle ready. Peter pulled his hand up to the lower part of his mask slowly sliding it off then shaking his head so his hair fell into its normal curls, there were gasp and shocked screams from people he went to school with. " I am Peter Parker-Stark, I am 16 years old, and I'm fighting because you're destroying my friend's lives. Your destroying teens all over the world because you don't have anyone else to blame other than yourselves for these messes. I'm fighting because you're taking away our self-esteem, destroying this generation will not help your future. It's only gonna destroy it because we are the ones fighting to keep your petty selves safe and happy. How do you repay us? Destroying the economy, starting fights we have to finish, need I say more?" He said and looked around at the people in the crowd waiting to see if they were gonna retaliate.

Time beats waking up when the ball drops

Too many hearts stop beating when hearts stop

Can't wait for the world to change

I swear I wait for the end of days

We gotta wake up, get up and do something

We gotta wake up, get up and do something

Yeah it ain't gonna be perfect

Nothing ever has, but we could try

Just imagine that

Nodding his head firmly he stepped aside and Shuri stepped up, " I am Princess Shuri of Wakanda, I am 17 years old, I am fighting for the teenagers who are told they aren't smart enough, aren't rich enough, aren't experienced enough. We teenagers, together as a generation, have created so many new and helpful inventions that allow humans to evolve and stay safer. I have few friends in America and Wakanda, but they are all extremely smart and talented in their own ways, and that is what this world needs. We need innovative, creative, intelligent, teenagers who find ways to solve problems logically and not fighting. This world is evolving and so are we, so the older generations can either grow up or suck it up, because we aren't planning on slowing down for them." She paused to look around the same as Peter and continued on, " I may only be 17 years old but I have created many things consisting of new robots, to the suits that protect my brother in battle. I have made many things that have failed, but that is apart of learning is failing. Everyone fails many times, but it only counts if you get back up," She finished and stepped aside.

Somewhere off in outerspace

There's a world no wars, no hate

Where all the broken hearts are safe

I don't know where it is

I just imagine it

Somewhere, far off pass the stars

Where the lights shines in the dark

Where you could be just who you are

I don't know where it is

I just imagine it

Right here I can almost touch it, so near

We can live in a world no fear

Thor patted Loki's back as if to be telling him to go on, Pepper stepped up with him as did Peter and Shuri. He took a shaky breath and looked between the people who supported him, " I am Loki, Prince of Asgard, I am 16 years old, and I am fighting for the teenagers who don't have the best lives, the orphans, depressed, stressed, scared, hurt, angry, and the ones who are labeled with the painful words: Failure. Disappointment. Not good enough. Unloved. Unwanted. I know how it feels to be labeled each and every one of these and more, it's not fun being the outcast or the weird one of the bunch. I stand here today to tell you that if your government really thinks this is the way to get teenagers to listen to them, their wrong because I've seen the determination on teenage midguardian faces and in their eyes. The flicker of a flame is powerful enough to rule a nation, powerful enough to change the world for the better, and your government is belittling that which is a very weak move on their part. So many kids are sitting in their rooms, in their cars, on their kitchen counters, and contemplating whether or not they should take their own lives because of the way the government has labeled them. A few of them may have already succeeded and it's all your, the governments and adults supporting this decision of the governments, faults. Someone probably lost a best friend, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, someone they loved, because of your choice in words. I hope your happy with yourselves because you somehow managed to anger a whole league of superheroes and half or over half of a nation, and your sitting on your butts smiling about it." He finished and stepped aside glaring at the adults in the crowd.

If you're with me say yeah!

Right here I can see it all crystal clear

We can flip the whole atmosphere

If you're with me say yeah!

(I just imagine it

I hope you can see it

I hope you can see it now, oh oho

Just imagine it)

Somewhere off in outerspace

There's a world no wars, no hate, well

Where all the broken hearts are safe

I don't know where it is

The teenagers had been cheering them on throughout all of their speeches, but Bucky had decided he and Steve were going to say something and it shocked everyone around them. " We are both almost 100 years old, I remember standing on the street corners protesting with Steve about extending the rights of suffrage to women in 1919, fighting for women's right to vote, and going to so many more protests for women, children, and many other situations. I thought this crap would be over by the time these years rolled around, and I'm disappointed to say this feels just like it did in 1919 and all those other years." Bucky then offered Steve to speak and he took the offer up, " Years ago a different Mr. Rogers stood in something like this and told you the truth, now it's sad that another Mr. Rogers has to stand up here again. I've seen people have breakdowns, and I mean like really bad breakdowns, and then I've seen the breakdowns of teenagers that have happened today. My heart has been shattered and I feel so awful for the kids I saw breaking down as they realized the blame was being placed on them, I walked here and I seen multiple breakdowns and even some of our workers had to go home to comfort their own teenagers, or someone they love. This is not the way America should be, we are better than this, and your letting these morons inside our government. I'm very ashamed of you that stand with this government," Steve finished and claps were heard, people were shouting ' Thank you's' and other things.

I just imagine it

Somewhere, far off pass the stars

Where the lights shines in the dark

Where you could be just who you are

I don't know where it is

I just imagine it

I wanna believe

Yes I do

Yes I do

So I just imagine it

Somewhere off in outerspace

There's a world no wars, no hate

Where all the broken hearts are safe

(I don't know where it is)

I just imagine it

No violence was pushed upon the protesters, the government argues back for 3 months until they finally shut their stupid lies down once their own kids got involved. Peter smiled as he saw it on the news what had happened along with Loki and Shuri, " We did it, we managed to shut down the government's lies and put the blame where it belonged," Loki said as a smile tugged at his lips. They all stood in front of the window, smiling at their city as Pepper called, " Dinner's ready come eat before it gets taken!"

They ran to the kitchen sitting down and getting handed their food, life had gone back to normal and everyone was still talking about how brave of a move it was on their part. " I can't believe you Tony-ed that situation on the platform Peter," Clint said rubbing Peter's head before sitting down next to Bruce, " Is my name just a verb now? Or is it a joke?" Tony said patting Loki's shoulder and sitting with Natasha. Everyone laughed for a moment then Peter spoke up, " Ya know I was terrified, but I had to do it or God only knows what would've happened," Shuri slapped his back before saying, " I'm proud of us, we did the right thing and didn't get shot for once," and she placed an arm around Loki's shoulder, pulling them both close. It was a comfortable silence for about 5 minutes, " Just a thought but, Bucky and Steve did a really good job themselves. I know they don't like public speaking and I'm proud of them too," Loki said as he looked at the 2 across the table with crossed arms. Pepper stood from where she was seated and walked over to the trio and wrapped her arms around all 3 of them before exclaiming, " I'm so proud of ALL of you, that was such a powerful thing you did and it was dangerous to. I love you all so much."

"We love you too Pepper," The whole team said as they started to smile their real smiles and not the ones they place for TV, and the rest of the night went by smoothly. They saved the world on multiple occasions, but that month they saved a whole generation and then some. They owed all the credit to their super trio because they were quick to react knowing the possible outcomes, but went anyway and that made then all so proud. They all just imagined having a family like they do now, and they got that.

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