Enchanted Heart | Jimin & Tae...

By cuddlykook

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NOT A SHIP FANFICTION "Why do you want to be with him?" "Because I love him, Jimin." "No... No, you don't." I... More

Enchanted Heart
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

172 26 167
By cuddlykook


Moving from Daegu to Busan would be something wonderful for most people, but Myunghee was not very excited. New city, new house, new school. Myunghee was a very likable person, but it was difficult for her to make friends. After all, school can be tough. People can be rude. People are rude, in general.
Even though she felt insecure, she knew it had to happen and she was ready to deal with all the challenges ahead of her.

"Are you sure you didn't forget about anything?" Myunghee's mom said while grabbing some of the bags to take them to the car.

"Yes, I'm sure." Myunghee's smiled and sighed looking at her house that was empty but full of memories.

"Don't be sad, sweetie. I'm sure you'll make new friends in the new school." Her mom patted Myunghee's shoulder and smiled. "Dad is waiting. Ready to go?"

"It's not like I had a lot of friends here anyway. I always hated that school, so I really hope the new one is better. I will miss Yoongi, he was my only friend. But I'll miss my house as well." She sighed again. "And yes, I'm ready." She cleared her throat.

New message: Yoongi 💛
Open / Close

Yoongi 💛
Hi Myun! Are you in Busan already?

Hi Yoongles, I just left my house.
I'll miss you 😔

Yoongi 💛
I'll miss you too 😭 But we can visit each other! Make sure to find a boyfriend and it would be nice if you could find one for me too 😉

You're so gay

Yoongi 💛
Shut up and find me a hot boyfriend!!

Myunghee laughed at Yoongi's answer and locked her phone. She decided to get some sleep since one of her favorite things in the world since she was little, was to sleep in the car.


First day of school

Myunghee left the house with a confident look on her face, ready to welcome every challenge with a smile.

"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready." She started repeating to herself. But soon, the fear of being criticized, makes her second guess everything. Her hair, clothes, face, personality. "I'm not ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready." She said while walking. And she finally arrived at school.

Oh crap, I'm here.

Myunghee looked around. Without wanting other people to look at her, she quickly made her way to the classroom.

The door was open and the classroom was full of people, but she spotted an empty table in the back. She entered the classroom and headed to the empty table, without looking at anyone.
Myunghee took a notebook, a pen, a pencil and a rubber out of her bag and started drawing on one of the empty pages, not noticing one of her classmates approaching her table.

"Hi, you're new, right?"

She felt her heart galloping and she gulped before looking at the person standing in front of her. "Uh... Yes, yes I am."

"Great. I'm Sora." The girl smiled. "Can I see your drawings?" She tried to take a look at the notebook but Myunghee didn't let her.

"Um... Why?"

"Because I want to. What's the big deal?" Sora rolled her eyes.

"It's my notebook. My stuff. It's private."

"Whatever. Your drawings probably look as hideous as your clothes." She smirked and dropped Myunghee's pencil on the ground. "Ups." She giggled and turned around.

What a great way to start the first day in a new school, Myunghee thought.

"Is this yours?" Myunghee's eyes widened as she noticed someone standing in front of her table again. She looked up and her eyes met with Taehyung's coffee ones.

"I'm sorry, what?" She said shyly.

He giggled. "Is this pencil yours?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

"I'm Taehyung. And I'm sorry about Sora. She's really immature." He lifted his head and gave Sora a very annoyed look. "But I'm here now, which means everything's fine! What's your name?"

"I'm Myunghee." She bit her lip shyly.

"You're really cute, Myunghee." He giggled. "You can always come to me if you need to talk, okay?" Myunghee nodded and Taehyung laughed at her innocence. "Mrs. Kim is here so we'll talk later!" Taehyung waved and found a place to sit.

Moments later, another student arrived at the classroom.

"Park Jimin. Late again?" Mrs. Kim said, bitchily.

"I-I'm really sorry, Mrs. Kim." Jimin stuttered and tried to find a place to sit.

"This place is taken, sorry." Sora said as she places an empty bag in an available place so that Jimin wasn't able to sit. Jimin sighed in frustration.

Myunghee watched the whole situation in silence, but she knew how much it hurted to be laughed at.

"There's an available place here." Myunghee finally said.

Jimin smiled affectionately and whispered a "thank you" when he got to the table next to Myunghee.

"You're welcome." She smiled back. "I'm Myunghee."

"I'm Park Jimin." He giggled and started blushing. "Nice to meet you."


It probably has some mistakes, I'm sorry 😭
I love you 💛

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