All Wrapped Up

By AutumnRoseTheWriter

508 66 269

"Heartbreak doesn't have to break you." ••• Left heartbroken and betrayed after a tragic breakup, young but... More

Prologue (Part 1): Love Is In The Air
Prologue (Part 2): This Isn't Fair
Chapter 1: Well Come On, Don't Just Stand There!
Chapter 2: Go Get Em' Tiger
Chapter 3: My Lemonade Rescuer
Chapter 4: A Sight For Sore Eyes
Chapter 6: If Looks Could Kill, I Would Be As Good As Dead
Chapter 7: You Can't Play The Player
Chapter 8: It's A Pull Door
Chapter 9: Looks Like Something Out Of One Of Those Trashy High School Movies
Chapter 10: You Are A Terrible Kisser
Chapter 11: I Hate That I Want You
Chapter 12: Training Schedules and Meal Plans
Chapter 13: The Cozy Corner
Chapter 14: I'll Go For The Dumplings Please

Chapter 5: Your Not Really Leaving Much To The Imagination...

24 3 14
By AutumnRoseTheWriter

Chapter Five: Your Not Really Leaving Much To The Imagination...

QOTC: It's going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.

Jam out to Shy By Jai Waetford while you are reading to set the mood.

*Sara's outfit is above*

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

My eyes fluttered open and I stared at the ceiling, a creamy shade of white that hurt my eyes. It took me a good few seconds to come to my senses, after me repeatedly closing and opening my eyes until the ceiling stopped inflicting pain on my eyes.

I felt something soft beneath me, I was lying on a bed. But my head was resting against a pillow... wait no, not at pillow. It felt sturdy and strong, the exact opposite of a pillow.

It was someone's chest and it smelt-

Really good.

I let my eyes travel up his torso, up his neck, his face... till they landed on those eyes. Those eyes that never failed to stun me into silence.

"Morning, sunshine."

It was Ace. Ace, my devoted rescuer, my knight in shining armer, my saviour.

Okay maybe that was a little extreme.

My hand was resting against his chest and I hastily removed it. Why were we in my bed and why the hell was I wearing just a hoodie, and hopefully, my undergarments?

"You're finally awake." He gazed down at me with concern.

Say something. Anything, Sara. But say something smart

"It does seem that way." I remarked casually back to him.

My breath hitched in my throat as I can feel his skin beneath my fingertips, his muscles flexing beneath them. I realised our close proximity and decided to untangle my limbs from his and climb out of bed.

Bad move, Sara.

I hadn't really thought about what I was wearing when I'd stood up. The hoodie barely covered the tops of my thighs, making me squirm with discomfort as I saw his eyes flick to my legs for a short while before returning to my eyes.

"Why did I wake up next to you half naked in my room?" I demanded, waiting for his answer.

"It's kind of hard to concentrate when you've got those gorgeous legs on show. Your really not leaving much to the imagination..."

Avoiding his stare, I pulled the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around my exposed legs.

"Better?" I felt my cheeks heat up, anticipating his answer.

"Oh no, it was perfectly fine before." He winked at me and I flicked my eyes to anywhere but his, scared of getting lost in those stormy seas.

"Can we save the flirting till later? I think first of all you should answer some of my questions." I tried to sound as serious as I could, but my voice came out high-pitched and squeaky.

"Later? There's a later?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I tried my hardest not to laugh, I really did, but I let a giggle out and saw his eyes flash with satisfaction.

"Do you really not remember what happened last night?" He asked questiongly.

"No, I have no recollection of what happened surprisingly. You didn't drug me, did you?" He lazily rolled his eyes at the last part.

"No actually, I didn't drug you. I found you a crying mess on the floor, we were supposed to go on a date and I was going to show you just what else I do, aside from being sexy." He smirked at the last part.

Oh no, that god-awful text.

Suddenly, all the memories came back to me. I was in a taxi, then I started to panic, then I was falling onto the pavement-

Then Ace coming to rescue me. Like he always does.

I remember him carrying me down the street.Then everything went blank.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Ace's POV

Sara. It was Sara! She was lying on the pavement, hunched into a ball, her bag strewn somewhere to the right of her and her body shaking with sobs.

I ran, I ran like I'd never ran before.

As soon as I reached her I enveloped her into a hug and repeatedly asked her if she was okay, she just sobbed into my shoulder.

I pulled her close to me, protecting her from the world. Her dark hair pushed up against my nose, it felt soft and it smelled fruity and exotic.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's all going to be okay." Her sobs slowed down until there was just sniffling.

I I bundled her up in my arms, her read resting against my shoulder and her breath tickling my neck.

"My protector..." Her words were muffled as she slowly fell asleep.

"Always and forever."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Still Ace's POV

As I opened the door to her dorm room, spotting the obvious spare key slipped behind the handle, I noticed how quiet it was inside. Shouldn't her roommate be in by now?

Unless she was a crazy party animal like me.

I nodded the door open with my feet, not wanting to wake the delicate and fragile Sara in my hands.

It was a nice room, I could tell what side of the room was Sara's. On her bedside there was a framed photo of her and a woman, no older then 40, laughing at the top of a mountain.

Sara looked so strong... she didn't look like the vulnerable girl that I held in my hands, ready to break at any second.

I pushed her hair away from her face, careful enough not to wake her.

I needed to get her out of the dress and get her in some comfy clothes.

Should I?

No, it would really bad if someone walked in or if she woke up.

Instead, I pulled one of my favourite hoodies over her head, unzipped the dress from the back and pulled it down.

Phew, I saw nothing. Not that I would have complained if I had.

Pulling off my shirt and jeans, I threw them onto the floor and climbed in next to her. I know I shouldn't have, I was stupid for it. But I couldn't resist that innocent face.

I pulled her into a hug and she mumbled some incoherent words.

"Shhhh. I'm here. Shhh." I stroked her hair and she snuggled into me, her body relaxing.

I'm always here.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sara's POV

I was about to faint, darkness fringed the edge of my vision and Ace's face became a massive blur.

"Sara!" Just as I was about to topple to the ground, his strong arms encircled my body and led me over to the bed.

"My head is so sore." I touched my hand to my head, hoping to soothe the incessant throbbing.

No such luck.

"I'm going to get you some Paracetamol and water. Stay here, okay? Don't move, I don't want you passing out again. Not when I'm not here to save you."

I felt my cheeks flush at the last part, a flare of happiness flashed through me at his caring voice.

He got up from the bed and walked over to my cabinet, searching through the draws in search of some relief to my pain.

"It's rude to go through someone's draws when they have no way of stopping you." I was slowly starting to come back to it, coming to terms with what had happened last night, piecing together the puzzle slowly but surely.

"Not when it's to help that special someone." He grinned at me.


"Mhmm?" He emerged from the cupboard with a box of tablets gripped in his hand.

"Thank you."

He gazed curiously at me, unsure of where this outburst of gratitude had come from.

"For what?"

"For saving me when I needed it."

"I'll always save you buttercup. Like you said, I'm your protect sworn to protect you till death do us part.... thus with a kiss I die."

"Romeo and Juliet? Really?" I looked at him, arching my right eyebrow.

"What can I say, I am quite the romantic."

"Sure you are." I glanced at him and he had an inconspicuous look on his face.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, my fiery love burns just for you."

I blushed at this, knowing he wasn't being serious but my stomach doing a little flip all the same.

"Hm, mediocre. I think you could do better." He laughed at me and I joined in, his laugh deep and husky and mine light and cheerful.

I walked over to the cabinets, searching for the first piece of clothing I could find which ended up being a pair of ripped black jeans, a v-neck crossed vest and a cute grey cardigan. You might have actually thought I'd picked them on purpose.

I walked over to the bathroom, locking the door behind me, and promptly changed into the clothes, running a brush through my hair and removing my smudged makeup.

I walked out, hoodie slung over one arm and eyes flitting around the room, top spot Ace right infront of me, our bodies so close I could feel his warm breath on my cheek, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my skin.

After handing me a glass of water and tablets, he headed over to the door, leaving our bodies miles away.

"Wait, stop! Where are you going?" He turned around to face my curious face.

"Missing me already?" He was such a flirt, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.

"No." I scoffed. "I just don't want to be alone right now. Where is Amber? Can you find Amber?"

I hadn't looked around the room properly, it already being oh-so familiar to me but I looked around now.

Amber's bed was neatly made and obviously hadn't been slept in the previous night, her bed sheets neat and perfect. Her bedside table was clear and her draws were open and empty.

There was no suitcase under her bed.

Where was she?

Hurriedly half-walking half-sprinting towards the door, I pushed right past a gob-smacked Ace who quickly came to his senses and chased up after me, and hurried down the corridor towards the reception desks.

That same horrible woman glared up at me, drumming her fingernails on the oak desk. The sound didn't soothe me but sped up my already pumping heart.

"Where is Amber? Amber Bradshaw?" I nodded my head and leaned across the counter, desperate for her to tell me already.

"Amber has quit the program. She decided it wasn't for her and promptly left."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I was really starting to get close to Amber as well, I'm sure she'll make a guest appearance later in the story so don't let all your hopes be crushed at once.

You guys know the drill, so let's get on with it.

Would You Rather...

Know the history of every object you touch or be able to talk to animals?

Vote, comment your answer + reactions and follow if your enjoying the story so far (and if your not) but try reading as well, because that is super important to me too ;)

Lotsa love,

Autumn ❤️

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