Desolated - book 3 •StrangeFr...

By CosmicCubeTM

9.8K 538 151

What do I do now that he's gone? •.•.• Book 3, previous 2 books are 'Scarred' and 'Torn'. A StrangeFrost stor... More

Cold, Warm
Ah ah ah ah stayin alive stayin alive
I think it was about you
The feeling of haunted
Turning pages
Turning around again and again
Why do i feel something behind me
Chipping at an alredy finished statue
Aww man
Haha drunkie
Its all your fault.
Fast paced
My hands are cold, my heart is cold.
Plot break.
Lost and found
Thats a great joke
Its 5am and I still miss you
Sorry, dickhead
Help me. You're my only hope.
Brick wall
Guess what? Ooooooo
Colorful hues flowing though his head
Its not what it looks like
Going back to reality woop there goes gravity
Chasing objects that dont run
The roses feel like air because the roses arent there
This mirror shows something else
The water I drink is slowly drowning me
Planet from far, far away
Decay is only an illusion
Not yet not dead
I found a joint in moms dresser
A world where roses bloom


206 12 7
By CosmicCubeTM

•3rd POV•
Loki charged towards Thanos's army, following everyone else around him.
Loki spotted Thor flying around with both stormbreaker and mjolnir, and huffed as he started to run faster.

•Loki's POV•
Our army and Thanos's clashed. I started duplicating myself and casting illusions while stabbing as many chitauri as I could. A few sorcerers were fighting by me, and I noticed they had the same skillset as Stephen did, just less powerful .


Everything around me was spinning as I tried my hardest to take down as many chitauri warriors as I could.

As I was fighting one, another pinned me to the ground. I sunk my knife into one of its eyes and pushed it aside, stabbing it again before I stood up.

I fought for what probably was ten minutes, finding it harder and harder to catch my breath as more and more chitauri warriors attacked me.
Until, of course, I saw Thor get taken down by one of the giant armored chitauri creatures.
It flew into a crowd of avengers as I ran towards Thor, who was laying on the ground with mjolnir dropped beside him.
I dropped to my knees and tried to shake Thor awake.
"Thor? Brother? Wake up goddamit, this isn't the time to-"
I trailed off as I heard the deep groaning of metal being crushed together. I turned, to see another giant creature flying towards me.
It was comming quickly, and my instincts kicked in only when it was right in front of me.
I grabbed the nearest weapon and completely demolished the creature's head.

Only, it's head was the size of and average house,

And the nearest weapon happened to be mjolnir.

I looked at the hammer I was wielding in complete shock. There were blue sparks of lightning running through it, and I could feel the warm shock of it pulsating in my arm and in my chest.

I felt like I was gonna pass out.
What? What?
Why was I now wielding mjolnir? Throughout my entire life, I had been proven to not be worthy enough to single-handedly wield Thor's precious hammer, and now it was in my hand.
I was holding it.
I was holding mjolnir.
Half of me thought I was dreaming. That none of this was real.
The other half felt like an exited little child, feeling so powerful in his achievement.

I heard Thor's voice too late.
I tuned to see a glimpse of a chitauri warrior, only to feel a large metal something slam into the side of my head.

I dropped the hammer and fell to the ground, landing against what felt like a blood-covered rock.
I huffed as I started to feel the pain in my head. My ears were ringing and I felt my eye close as everyone and everything around melted into a black nothingness.

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