The Fairy's Cure: FD 1 (Amour...

By ScribbleKingdom

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Ash Ketchum is three things: A Pokemon Trainer, a best friend, and a boy in love with a dead girl. However, h... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: A Plan
Chapter 3: Escaping It All
Chapter 4: Coming Together
Chapter 5: A Whimsical Promise
Chapter 6: A Hard Choice to Make
A/N: Positivity!!
Chapter 7: The Start of a New Journey
Chapter 8: A Complicated Lesson
Chapter 9: Less and More Confusion
Chapter 10: Mysterious Fairies
Chapter 11: Realm of Lightness
Chapter 12: Celebrations Start!
Chapter 13: Mist Battles
Chapter 14: Shattered Hopes and Shattered Hearts
Chapter 15: Trapped in the Dark
Chapter 16: The Truth of the Darkness
Chapter 17: The Basics of Fairies
Chapter 18: A Spark of Magic
Chapter 19: Reunion For Forever
Chapter 20: The Sacred Ritual
Chapter 21: Distortion of Feelings
Chapter 22: Dreams of the Past
Chapter 23: Dual Bond
Chapter 24: The Council of Light
Chapter 25: Immortally Together
Chapter 26: A Spirit's Guidance
Chapter 27: Reunion and the Truth
Chapter 28: Tragedy and Murder
Chapter 29: Rite of Loyalty
Chapter 30: The Troublesome Trial
Chapter 31: The Final Story
Chapter 32: Broken Stars
Chapter 33: The Dark Universe
Chapter 34: Uniting Against the Darkness
Chapter 35: Let the Light Shine
Chapter 36: Free of Chains and Dragon's Reign
Chapter 38: Their Final Battle
Chapter 39: Pillars of Light and Darkness
Chapter 40: The Sacrifice
Chapter 41: Beyond The Future
A/N: Thank you!! (and actual info)
Extra #1: Serena's New Law
Extra #2: The Ministers' Shrouded Past
Extra #3: The Future Leaders
A/N: The Fairy's Poison

Chapter 37: The Gravity of it All

349 23 34
By ScribbleKingdom

Hi everyone!!  SK here.

First off, Merry (late) Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year!!  I hope everyone is enjoying the time with their families.  And now, it's the moment you've all been waiting for: will Drago be taken down by Ash?

I also recommend listening to the music with this chapter, if you haven't been already.  It helps to heighten the mood of the chapter.

Anyways, let's get on with it!!  I hope you enjoy it :)


I turn after I hear the voice, and feel an urge to vomit when I see Drago standing tall and proud among the other Dark Leaders.  They stand far apart from him, almost as if they're... afraid.

That makes me tremble, but only a little bit.

"Come, come!" Drago says pleasantly.  "This is a wonderful time.  After a fairy gets bonded with their Necklace, they get to meet all the fairies who wore the Necklace before them.  The spirits get to test them, and if they believe the new fairy is unworthy, they may challenge the new fairy to a battle to-"

"I've heard all of this before," I say, trying to act bored like he always does.  I walk right up to him and stand my ground.  "I already know you want to challenge me."

"We have a smart boy here," the former Leader calls out, then turns to me.  "Yes, but all the spirits must vote.  Depending on the result the battle may be... postponed.  So, let's have that vote, shall we?  I believe that this man, Ash Ketchum, is unworthy of possessing leadership of the Dark Fairies and wearing the Necklace that grants him it.  Should he be tested?"

"Why-" a small voice breaks away, and a fairy steps into the center.  That's Rin.  Rin stands tall, his voice louder, though I can see him tremble.  Another fairy with blue eyes stands beside Rin who also holds his ground.  Is that Xavier, the fairy who Rin was describing to me?  "Why should he be tested?  I believe that he is good."

Drago sneers at him.  "He is gullible.  He abandoned his lover-"

"W-Wait," I say, embarrassed because the thought of me and Serena being together makes me go red. 

"when she needed him the most," Drago continues, ignoring me.  "The Legendaries didn't even choose him- Serena did.  Why should he be the Leader?"

"Because he is noble," Rin counters.  "He is smart, loyal, and most importantly, he is a leader.  You can't change that," he says, only to be interrupted by a squeal of pain.  I look towards the source of the sound and discover that it's Rin's Raichu, trembling as dark needles stab it over and over.  Rin instantly stops talking and the needles disappear, leaving a relieved Raichu slumping on the ground.  Xavier just glares at Drago, crouching down alongside Rin.

Drago smiles.  "Be careful what you say, or your Pokemon will pay," he says cheerfully.  "Now, let's finally have that vote.  Who votes that Ash is good?"

No one dares to speak a word.  I am upset but honestly I understand their position.  I wouldn't want Pikachu or Greninja to get hurt either.

"Well then," the Dark Leader smiles, finally standing up.  He takes slow strides to a clearing the other fairies have formed in the center of the space.  As soon as he arrives Drago motions for me to join him.  I pace there slowly, trying to focus myself for the battle to come.  Keep your calm.  Everything is riding on this win.  You can do it.

"Summon your Pokemon so I can finish you," Drago says impatiently as soon as I am standing across from him.  

"I wouldn't be too cocky," I tell him as I place my hands on my chest.  "You're dealing with a true Pokemon Master!"

Once both Pikachu and Greninja are standing in front of me I find myself faced with a hard decision.  Pikachu?  Or Greninja?  I know that both of them will do fine in battle, but...

"Greninja, let's do this," I say.  We engage in a firm handshake and once again I hear his voice in my head.

"We have to try and be in sync if we wish to win, Ash," he tells me.  I nod curtly, not wanting Drago to know I'm talking with Greninja.  

"Ready when you are," I say to Drago as Greninja hops in front of me.  

"All right then," he responds.  "Let's finish this quickly.  Garchomp, let us finish yet another weakling fairy!"

There's a flash and suddenly Drago's Garchomp stands in front of us.  It's big alright, with it's dull gray body and orange chest- wait.  Don't Garchomp have a blue colouring and a red chest?  No time to worry about it now.  It lets out a mighty cry and goes into an attacking stance.  Suddenly, the ground rises from beneath us, and me and Drago are standing on platforms in the sky while the other spirits watch from below.  Greninja and the opposing Garchomp stand on one giant platform in the center; sadly, it's just a flat space.  Although it looks thin it appears to be sturdy, and there are no objects upon it that Greninja and I can use to our advantage either.  

"Start off with a nice Swords Dance," Drago commands.  Garchomp nods, and as swords literally dance around its head, I try to come up with a strategy.

Garchomp is a Dragon and Ground type.  So that means Greninja should be okay... but we should watch out for its Dragon moves.  

"Water Shuriken," I yell to Greninja.  He nods and runs towards Garchomp with the blades.

"Use Earthquake," commands Drago.

"Jump upwards!" I shout desperately, hoping it will help Greninja avoid the attack.

Greninja jumps upwards, but not before Drago yells for his Garchomp to use Drago Meteor.  I watch in horror as the heated rocks fall from the sky towards Greninja, but to my delight Greninja throws both shurikens before he gets hit.  Both attacks make their targets, causing a big cloud of smoke to form.  When it falls, both Pokemon look injured, but are still ready to battle.

"That's the spirit, Greninja!" I say encouragingly.  "Hit him with a nice Aerial Ace!"

"Protect yourself," Drago orders, and a blue shield appears in front of the Pokemon.  Greninja of course hits Garchomp accurately but is deflected by the Protect.

Damn, this Pokemon knows Protect.  This battle just got a lot harder...

"Don't give up, Greninja," I shout.  "Double Team, then use Water Shuriken!"

Greninja gives an agreeing grunt and leaps up into the air.  Hundreds of copies form by the second, and all of them are possessing shurikens.

"Not so fast," Drago says cunningly.  "I'm sure a nice meteor shower will get rid of all those doubles, don't you think so?"

As soon as he says it meteors begin to fall from the sky, wiping out clones upon clones of Greninja.  The clones throw their shurikens, but Garchomp jumps up and runs around, dodging all of the attacks skillfully.  I begin to think that all is lost until a single Water Shuriken hurtles through the air out of the cloud of smoke that has just formed, landing dead-center on Garchomp.  Drago's Pokemon, almost as if in slow-motion, falls backwards, and lands on the ground.  The smoke clears and Greninja stands tall.  He must have evaded all of the attacks!  I think happily.

"Great job, Greninja!" I cheer.  

"Greninja!" Greninja says happily back to me.  Of course, I can understand him in my head, and he's really saying "Thanks, Ash."

"So you think you've won?" Drago says.

"Absolutely!" I reply confidently.  "Greninja, jump up while Garchomp is still dizzy, and use Aerial Ace."

"Protect!" Drago yells desperately, but of course Greninja is too fast for that command.  He executes the attack perfectly.  

Wow, Greninja's doing great! I think to myself.

"Naturally," he replies.

That makes me want to laugh.  We're getting more and more in sync! I realize with excitement.

"We are.  Let's continue this, and bring the fairies a victory."

You've got it, Greninja.

"Time for some Ash-Style Strategy," I say, wishing I still had my hat to flip around.  "Greninja, use Cut, but aim it at the ground."

"Gren," he replies, forming blades on both of his arms.  He aims it at the ground, and just as I predicted, the blades become stuck in the floor, forming little cracks where they've been stuck.

"Do it again," I say.  "Again and again."

Greninja executes the attacks while Drago becomes more and more agitated.  "What's the use of this?" he rages.

"You think I'm revealing my strategy to you?  You'll see," I say slyly.

"All I see is that it's wasting time," Drago counters as Greninja puts the final blade into the ground.  "Garchomp, you're okay.  Use Earthquake."

Garchomp lets out a roar as the ground begins to shake.  Greninja jumps up as the ground trembles with so great a force that all the blades that he put there break into pieces.  The power of Garchomp's move sends them flying into the air, sharp shards filling the air.

You know what to do, Greninja.

Rapidly Greninja starts hitting the shards towards Garchomp at an unimaginable speed.  Drago and his Garchomp look so taken back that Garchomp doesn't even have time to dodge all the attacks, each of the hundreds of shards hitting him dead-on.  Greninja lands gracefully as Garchomp takes more and more damage.

"That's Ash Ketchum for you!" I shout as both Pikachu and Greninja do a cheer.  Oh, I am definitely winning this match.

Drago growls at us.  "You want strategy?" he asks.  "You get strategy.  Garchomp use Earthquake, right now."

"Greninja, jump up and dodge it," I say easily.

"Now use Drago Meteor, and keep up that Earthquake!" Drago exclaims.

I watch in horror as the fiery meteors come down onto Greninja, who can't dodge as he's already in the air.  He gets pushed to the ground as the rocks pile on top of him, pushing against the already shaking ground.  "Greninja!" I yell, while Pikachu lets out a worried cry on my shoulder.  I shouldn't have been too cocky.  This is Drago I'm dealing with after all.

"Greninja, use Cut to escape!" I try desperately, but I don't think Greninja can hear me.  

"Don't you see?" Drago says with a smile.  "It's all over.  You have lost, Ketchum.  I will take over your body, and continue what I have started.  I will pretend to be you for as long as I have to.  Maybe," he adds with a grin that's too wide, "I'll take Her Lightness as my own.  It's been a while since I had... fun."

"Don't you dare!" I scream.  How DARE he say that about Serena!?

"It's not like you'll see her again," he says.  "Because you'll be trapped here for all eternity."

My thoughts begin to spiral out of control as I fall on my knees.  I can't believe it.  Greninja is going to be knocked out.  I've lost.  Serena... oh, Serena.  I've failed you.

"You haven't failed me, Ash."


I reach out to her, but it's not her.  It's just her voice.  Just an old memory.

"We'll continue our journey together too, right?"

"I'm counting on you."

"You were meant to do this.  I know that now.  I'll be here, waiting for you.  You've got Pikachu and Greninja on your side.  You will not fail."

"I will not fail," I whisper to myself.  

For the Light Fairies, who are just trying to survive the rage of Drago.

For the Dark Fairies, who have been trapped within their own minds for who knows how long.

For everyone who died because of this vile man.

For my mother.

For Clemont.

For Alain.

For Serena.

"What was that?" Drago asks, confusion sharpening his tone.

"I will not fail," I say, sure of it.  I face him, holding my chin high. 

"Still can't hear you," the Dark Leader says, full of annoyance.

"I WILL NOT FAIL!" I scream, and that's when I feel it.  A rush of wind, a burst of power, a new sense of vision.  A new sense of feeling.  The watery vortex surrounds me and Greninja, and the rocks that Garchomp planted all burst apart.  The vortex opens, just enough for Drago to see me and Greninja in our ultimate form.  Greninja has transformed into Ash-Greninja.  

"We will not fail," I say, both of us speaking at once.  

"How... how... how!?" Drago screams.  "How is this possible?"

"Pity.  You've lived throughout all these years but you've never heard of the Bond Phenomenon?  What a sad life to live."

"Keep talking," Drago says through gritted teeth.

"Let's finish this," I say to Greninja.  "It's not cinematic but no more waiting.  Water Shuriken!"

Greninja leaps up and the vortex moves to swirl around just him.  I see a flash of gold in the vortex as it comes flying out.  The vortex fades away as it heads straight towards Garchomp.

"Draco Meteor!" Drago yells quickly, and right before Garchomp gets hit he sends the attack towards Greninja, who is now unguarded.  Both attacks meet their targets and a giant cloud of smoke appears.  Please, please, please...

I feel a massive pain hit my head and I fall backwards, Pikachu jumping and rushing to my side.  My vision goes a little blurry but I still see the scene that appears as the smoke clears-


No no no no no.

Greninja is knocked out.

Garchomp still stands tall.

And Drago... he stands behind him, a giant smirk on his face.

And that's when I realize it.  

I've lost.

Intense chapter, but I do hope that you enjoyed it.  I will try to get an update out as soon as possible, but don't count me on that (once school starts I have exams so YAY)

Edit: Idk why I gave this man a shiny, he is not worthy of it.

Anyway that's all I've gotta say today.  SK out, see you in the next chapter!!

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