Secrets, death, runaways and...

By blueparrot12

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You, ( y/n) are the 12 year old cousin (and only young relative) of Queen Victoria of England. The Queen is... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Runaway
Chapter 2: Directions
Chapter 3: The Manor
Chapter 4: Dinner
Chapter six: The case
Chapter 7: Can you fence?
Chapter 8: Cold water
Authors note
Chapter 9: Royalty
Chapter 10: Like the rain
Chapter 11: A playful chase
Chapter 13: You can't come
Chapter 14: Do you fear death?
Chapter 15: Sacrafice
Chapter 16: We wait
Chapter 17: Not yet
Chapter 18: Princess ( Y/N )
Chapter 19: Kanzei's perspective
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: Hell fire
Authors note
Chapter 22: Goodbyes

Chapter 12: A day with the servants

907 27 35
By blueparrot12

" Wait! No!"

 There you were....

on the floor in an alley way.

Ciel was being held up against a brick wall by someone. 

You couldn't see who was holding him there because your vision was all blurry. However you could see the person had red hair. 

To the other side of the alley way, you saw Sebastian fighting someone who seemed to be carrying some sort of weapon.

The only thing you did know was, Ciel was in danger. 

The person who was holding up Ciel took out a long dagger. 

You screamed out for him but nothing came out of your mouth as the dagger slashed him. You couldn't do anything at all. All you could do was watch. 

You stayed there lying on the dirty floor as Ciel's face tilted towards you.

Your eyes widened at his face.... it had... it had no more life...

You screamed at this sight but once again nothing came out.


You had been staring at Ciel for over 15 min straight now. You couldn't take your eyes off him.

The dream you had... the dream you had last night felt so real.

It was nice to know that it was just a dream though. Being here and seeing Ciel's face full of life was nice. 

Well maybe not full of life... he's a pretty serious kid. But still. 

Ciel had obviously noticed you were staring at him like nuts, because he finally asked,

 " What. Do I have something on my face?"

" Huh? What? Oh I just..." You looked around the table and said " I um...actually I had a dre..."

You were saved by a small bark noise coming closer and closer. 

" Huh?" your face lit up immediately once you saw a tiny puppy racing toward you.

Sebastian was rushing behind it with a " Get back here" sort of expression. You got out of your seat and got on your knees ushering for the puppy to come to you. The puppy immediately pounced into....

Ciel's arms!?

" Heyyy" You said disappointingly as you watched the eager puppy licking Ciel's face.

" W..what...aaah! What is this dog doing! Sebastian get this thing off of me!" Ciel was trying to get the dog away from his face.

Sebastian quickly grabbed hold of the puppy and apologized to the frowning young lord. " I apologize for the puppy, young lord. But this puppy was found my Miss ( Y/N ) and he was hurt. She asked me to patch him up. She also counts on keeping him."

Ciel looked at you with a bothered expression and sweat dropped. " Yes, well if ( Y/N ) would like to keep the dog then... we shall let her. However, keep that dog away from me ( Y/N )."

You smiled brightly as you got up from your knees and took the little puppy from Sebastian's arms. " Hey there little guyyy".

The dog began to lick your face now. You smiled but then smiled even wider when you looked at Ciel again. You were happy that Ciel had begun to call you by your plain old name.

" I wonder..." You thought, " Could we become friends?" this thought remained in your head for awhile.

For the rest of the breakfast you had stopped looking at Ciel and focused on your new puppy. Trying to distract yourself from your dream.


You were sooo bored. Scouting down the halls of the manor was all you could really do. Sebastian was busy cleaning (obviously). And Ciel was of course working in his study like he did every day.

You had decided to look around the manor for any ideas of what to name your new cute puppy.

The puppy was in your arms lightly biting on a pink bow attached to the front of your dress.

He was clearly amused by the bow which made you smile. He was simply adorable.

" Do you like the outfit Ciel got me, little guy?" The puppy barked in response.

For today, you let your ( L/C/H ) loose, all the way down to your waist. You very much liked it that way.


A loud crash noise came from the kitchen while you came passing by. 

" W..what was that!?" You burst into the room looking around the place for who let out the scream and possibly where the loud crash noise came from.

" Oui! Down here!" A mans voice called out.

 You traced the noise back to it's source only to find a familiar man's head poking out of a kitchen cabinet. " Baldroy? Are you ok?"

Baldroy nodded and got out of his hiding spot. " I dropped them plates over there" Baldroy pointed to a pile of shattered glass. 

" Oh dear" You said putting both hands up to your mouth as you spoke.

He sighed and his cigarette bounced up and down as he spoke. " Guess i'll just have'ta clean it all up's then, before..."

Before Baldroy could completely finish his sentence he watched you bend down towards the glass and pick it up placing it into a bin.

" W..what you doin there? You'll cut your hand". You only ignored him and said " Let me help you. There's alot to pick up and you can't do it all on your own."


" So's  your the princess of England then?" 

You looked up at Baldroy and nodded looking back down again.

"Heh, must have been a shocker for the young master." Baldroy chuckled to himself for a moment. " Oui, can I ask's you somethin?"

You nodded and continued to pick up glass while your puppy was laying on the floor bored.

" Why'd you runaway? Doesn't you love your home?"

This question sort of side jacked causing you to drop a piece of glass you were picking up with your hand.

" I... felt un fit to be Queen." Is all you said to Baldroy.

" Unfit? Well that's no excuse." Baldroy only shook his head.

You blushed and looked away clenching your jaw at this remark. " What did he know of duty?" You thought " He was only a servant at this manor. He doesn't know what it's like to have to meet everyones heavy expectations.... and always being worried you'll fail them."

" Ya, well.... what do you know?" You pouted. You were obviously embarrassed. 

Baldroy chuckled once more to himself " I was an American veteran once."

Your ( C/E ) widened at this." He knew war".

Baldroy nodded to himself " Yep, one day the general made a decision that endangered the whole army.... I tried to stop him but he expected me to keep duty and stay in my place. So that's what I did."

" Were you guys ok in the end?"

Baldroy stopped lifting glass and stayed frozen for a moment at the question. 

" Everyone... they all died." Baldroy gave off a small sad smile. " I bathed in their blood as the only left survivor... I was the only one who knew what was coming."

You were speechless. What happened to Baldroy was terrible. 

He began to smile again " But aye, I haven't shared that with anyone before.... it feels good to have something lifted."

You smiled warmly at him and picked up your puppy." Your an honorable man Baldroy." You looked around the room. " But a terrible chef." 

That last part made him laugh out " hahaha! Aye, I know that. Thank you for helping me clean all this mess up Miss ( Y/N )."

"It was my pleasure".


" Nooo wait! Ack!" You were running around in circles trying to grab you puppy, causing you to trip.

" Ouch". 

The puppy came back to you and licked your face. " Good boy" You said getting up and taking him in your arms once again.  You wondered what kind of dog this was. One thing you did know, was that he was the fwuffiest thing you'd ever seen. ^-^

" Aaah!" A small yelp was produced as you watched Mey-rin rolling down the top stairs of the front entrance of the manor. 

" out!" 

Your puppy barked twice until jumping out of your arms.

It took you a second to process what Mey-rin was warning you about, until your eyes widened when she bumped up on one of the stairs and fell into you.

" Ouchieee my back" Both of your were giving off low groan noises.

"Arf!" your little puppy went up to you guys and began licking Mey-rin's face. " Huh? Aah I'm sorry!" Mey-rin stood up from on top of you and helped you up.

" Miss ( Y/N ) are you alright".  She asked pushing up her large glasses with her middle finger. She looked worried.

You were still in a daze but smiled and nodded. " I'm fine. But it looks like your glasses aren't" You pointed your finger to the right lense of her glasses. One of the lenses had fallen out revealing Mey-rin's pretty eye.

" Ah! Oh dear this isn't good no it isn't" Mey-rin got into a frantic state of mind as she looked around for her missing lense.

" It's ok, I can help you look for it" You began crawling around the floor searching for the missing lense.


" So you is a princess miss ( Y/N )?"

" Mhm" 

" You look lovely yes you do." Mey-rin smiled brightly. 

" That's kind of you, thank you". 

" Hey um, Mey-rin? Why can't you buy new glasses?"

" Because this was a gift from the young master! It means a lot to me..." this response made you smile.

" Ciel's the one who gave me a chance to change with these glasses. A chance for a new life... a new home... a new family". Mey-rin looked around the manor sadly. " Before this all.... I was an assassin yes I was."

" Wait, really?!" This immediately intrigued you very much. "So... you killed people and such?" Tilting you head.

" Yes, yes I did. It was something I did as my living. When my boss asked for someone to be killed, it was my duty to get it done. No matter whom it was. It was a terrible thing yes it was."

You stayed still taking in this new info about Mey-rin. She seemed like one of the sweetest people you've ever met... it's truly hard to believe there was a time not to long ago where she murdered countless.

"But that's all in the past now" Mey-rin remarked shaking her head slow.

With that last part I jumped up with a large round lense in hand " Look! I found it!" The lense had rolled behind the red curtain near the window.

" Yay!" Mey-rin took it and placed it back in her glasses.

" Good as new" You giggled. Shortly after, Mey-rin thanked you and you nodded walking away.

" Looks like Mey-rin also had a terrible duty she once had to up hold..."


" Ummm.... I'm not sure how were gonna get your hat down there."

You had been walking in the lovely garden not to long ago when you ran into Finnian. He was a servant you just met. 

Finnian is a young boy with large, turquoise eyes and pale skin. He has short, messy, strawberry-blond hair clipped back with five red bobby pins. Two on his right and three on his left.

"S-012" mark revealed when his hat was removed.

Finnian usually wears a plain top with red piping around the collar and plaid pants along with black knee-high boots. He also loves to wear his straw hat. But his hat had been carried up by the wind into a tree.

Because of this, Finnian and you were trying to figure out a way to get it back from the tall tree.

" Umm... maybe we could climb it?" 

Finnian immediately shook his head. " Why, I can't just let a princess climb a tree and risk falling down!" 

You laughed nervously a little and ignored him. " Relax, i'm good with climbing trees." You seemed confident but sweat dropped.

You had 4 terrible fears. 

1. Thunder

2. Salad

3. being Queen

4. Heights

Number 4 on your list was heights. This meant any place high up was a huge risk of panic for you. " Yeah.. I can totally do this."

Next thing you knew it, you began hoisting yourself upwards using the lowest branch. " There we go". After, you stretched out your arm for the next branch closest to you, hoisting yourself  up once again. You repeated this branch climbing motion for at least 5 min, until you were very high up. 

" Hey.. I see the hat! Finnian I see your hat!" The straw hat that belonged to Finnian, had itself stuck in one of the branches just out of arms length away from you. You watched it sway in the breeze for a moment until taking in a deep breathe.

 Ignoring how high up you were in the tree, you stretched outward your arm. " Almost there..."

" Yay! I got it!" You pulled the straw hat out of the branches grasp. 

" Oui! You managed to do it Miss ( Y/N )!"

You laughed out with a little blush and did a close eyed smile.

Crack! The branch below your feet snapped in half after having to hold your weight for so long.

Your ( C/E ) widened as you held on to the branch above you. You were holding on to dear life as you screamed out " Help! Finnian!"

Holding on to the branch above you, eventually got your hands to feel sore and hurt. Meanwhile you were still holding onto Finnian's hat. "".

Finnian was below you in total panic trying to think of what to do. " Aah j..just hold on there Miss ( Y/N )!"

You heard the branch above you crack a little. The noise only made your heart race faster. " No.. please...please... I don't want to fall."


" No..please...please... I don't want to fall".You were holding on to the rim of one of the Castles roof's.

 You were only 7 years old and found your way up onto the roof wanting to explore. " Wow pretty vieww!" You giggled and swirled in circles causing your fluffy yellow dress to float in the air. Actually, you kept swirling in circles til you got super dizzy.

" Dizzzy... weeee!" You hadn't watched where you were headed when you tripped over your own heels and fell backwards down the roof.

You screamed as you kept rolling down. Grabbing the end of the roof just in time.

" Help me!!!" You kicked your small feet back and forth in the air. " Someone please help me!!!" You instantly began to cry. " No..please...please... I don"t want to fall."


You shut your eyes as the branch above you snapped and you began to fall. "..."

Oof! You landed into something warm and it smelled nice too. With your eyes still shut tight, you asked, " Am I still alive?"

" Yes Miss ( Y/N ) you are still alive and breathing" 

" Sebastian?" You opened your eyes only to find him close eyed smiling down at your small body cradled in his arms. 

" Sebastian! You saved me! thank god!"

 To the left of Sebastian was Finnian who kept bowing in apology to you while holding your puppy.

" Im so so sorry Miss ( Y/N )! I would have caught you but I was scared to squeeze you to hard!"

" Squeeze me to hard?" You asked. 

Sebastian told you that Finnian had some sort of superhuman strength. He had apparently received it when he was tested in a lab underground with terrible scientists. 

Your heart ached at this thought of poor sweet Finnian being held captive like that... it's simply cruel.

Sebastian placed you on the floor near your puppy and told you it's time to come inside and that he wanted you to stop putting yourself in danger..

You nodded slowly and immediately looked at Finnian giving an " It's fine" look.


* Knock knock* 

" Hm? Sebastian open the door." Ciel said looking up from the paper work he had been working on all day long.

" Ah, Baldroy, Mey-rin and Finnian. What can the young master do for you?"

The 3 servant's only bowed to the young master and said " We just wanted to say that we managed to get through the whole day.... withought messing up!!!"

Ciel flinched in his chair at their sudden happy outburst of apparently not messing up during their chores for the day.

" Well, I suppose that's quite nice news to hear." Ciel awnsered bluntly and looked back down at his work.

" But heres the best part!" Mey-rin said anxiously.

" Oui, all three's of us had some help today." said Baldroy happily.

" It was Miss ( Y/N )! She helped us when we did a mistake!"

Ciel looked back up them in a little bit of shock. " Is that so?"

" Miss ( Y/N ), helped me pick up a huge pile of shattered glass earlier this morning. I had dropped a few plates and she immediately wanted to help me. While doing that she got me to even talk about my past... she really lifted something from me."

" And this afternoon when Miss ( Y/N ) witnessed me fall down the stairs and loose one of my lenses... she helped me find it! Miss ( Y/N ) ALSO helped me talk about my past and lift something."

" And only about an hour ago, Miss ( Y/N ) climbed a really tall tree for me just so she could retrieve my hat!" Finnian yelled out.

" And if I may inform the young lord... Miss ( Y/N ) fell out of the tree while trying to retrieve the hat.

Finnian scratched his neck at this and sweat dropped.

Ciel stood from his seat " Is she ok!?" 

Sebastian nodded. " I saved her from the fall".

" Oh, well done Sebastian." 

Ciel calmed down and looked at the  3 servant's in front of him." I suppose... ( Y/N ) is a helpful girl". Ciel looked at back down at his papers. " Is that all?"

The 3 servant's nodded smiling and walked out the room closing the door behind themselves.

" Sebastian?" Ciel asked placing his chin in his hand. " Fetch ( Y/N ) for me and tell her to meet with me in my study. We have important matters to discuss about..."

Sebastian knew Ciel meant Jack the ripper so he smiled and walked away to fetch you as told.


You sigh as you lay in your bed stroking your puppy's fur thinking about your home. You kind of missed it. You mainly missed Queen Elizabeth though.

" I wonder... is she looking for me like crazy? Is she worried?..."

When you were little, you remember trying to always get Elizabeth's attention. You knew she cared about you... but did she love you like her own daughter?"

Your thought's then drifted to why you ran away.


" Unfit? Well that's no excuse." Baldroy shook his head.


" no... it's not an excuse. It's true...  I don't belong there. I... I never did."

You mumbled out words while you covered your eyes with the wrist of your hand.

"  And it's not just that I feel unfit to be Queen... but about a year ago...Elizabeth told me to do something once she passed away.... the task she asked from me is just....

 to cruel."






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