5 Guys, One Beautiful Prankst...

By MLAkin

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Andie just got kicked out of her high school. As a trouble making senior, her parents are making her move to... More

Chapter 1: Depatures and Lemons?
Chapter 2: Boxers and Smurfs
Chapter 3: Pretty Boy
Chapter 4: Coffee and Confessions
Chapter 5: "Next Caller Rich."
Chapter 6: Hints and Happiness
Chapter 7: Relocations and Shocked faces
Chapter 8: A Change of Moods and Attitudes
Chapter 9: Screwing and Wrong doing
Chapter 10: Teasing and Flats
Chapter 11: Leprechauns and Cake Mix
Chapter 12: Fajitas and Crying
Chapter 13: Payback, Drunken Fools, and Spatulas
Chapter 14: Hotel Rooms and Solos
Chapter 15: Flashbacks and The Flu
Chapter 16: Big News and Calling You
Chapter 17: Par 3 and Meeting Devine
Chapter 18: Uncovering Truth and Lies from You
Chapter 19: Gabby Day, Tommie, Cece, and Fittings
Chapter 20: Beeping Noises and Defibrillators
Chapter 21: Sad faces and Brain Teasers
Chapter 22: Promises, Sad Confessions, and Testings
Chapter 23: Truth or Dare, and Hungry Glares. O.O
Chapter 24 Part A: Funerals and Baby Calls.
Chapter 24 Part B: Mistakes and Registering
Chapter 25: Tacos and Blow Ups
Chapter 26 Part A: Mystery Man and Officers
Chapter 26 Part B: Toilets and Friendship
Chapter 27: No Prince Charming and Clues
Chapter 29: Louis freaking Tomlinson.
Chapter 30: Niall freaking Horan.
Chapter 31: Harry freaking Styles.
Chapter 32: Liam freaking Payne.
Chapter 33: Zayn freaking Malik.

Chapter 28: Things to do, and Parties... Woo Hoo

16.9K 76 3
By MLAkin

Suspenseful two chapters :O

Take some time and laugh to the video on the side :) I can sing the whole thing and I randomly shout it in the hallway, yeah, I live to embarrass myself.

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Liam's POV (NOVEMBER 17th)

"Now we need to choose some paint samples..." looking around the different shades of colors.

"What color should I pick? Popping, popping purple? Or... Spaz out in Sparkles Pink." Louis pronounced every little sound like a girl.

"Do you think this green is good? Or this green?" Niall held up the samples.

"I am not sure if the royal blue or the navy blue would be better for my room." Harry looked from my face to the paint cards.

I sighed. Way to many boys talking at the same time.

"Louis, this is the one and only color for you." I looked quickly at the reds and threw him a card. "Next Niall, you can have the light and the dark. Harry you should go with navy blue. I am going with a light and dark green like Niall. What color are you picking Zayn? You haven't said much."

He turned around quickly, "Oh I am waiting for you lads. I picked out a navy blue." he smiled. I walked over to the cart and looked down.

"Uh guys..."

There below was a huge, filled cart with may too many contents. I looked at the list.

"So we basically got everything but what's on the list. Except for Louis' carrots. It was on the list, and we got it."

"And the gum. We can not forget the gum." Louis snickered, snapping at what must have been a piece of the gum.

"Did you eat some of that gum Louis?"

"Just a wee little bit." he gestured about a half inch with his two fingers. I ran a hand through my hair and set the list back in my pocket.

"Let's put back what we don't need and grab the rest on the list so we can get out of here then get the paint we want mixed."

Niall looked in the cart. He paused looking at the oodles of food.

Did I just use the word oodles?

We watched him for the few seconds. He took out the open pack of gum and.... placed it back on the shelf. Them he stood still and looked at me, rocking back and forth on his heels. I face palmed myself.

"Zayn get a big jar of nutella, 2% milk, and strawberry banana smoothies. Better get 20 for the week. Harry get some hamburger meat, taco mix, and shredded cheese. Niall the Ortega taco sauce- mild. Also soft taco shells. Louis... just... get into the car." I smiled sweetly at the immature leader. I swear he is just like Sid from the Ice Age. His own minions who will follow his every move.

"Yes Liam!" they saluted and walked off.

Or at least that's what I wanted to happen.

Louis headed to my left, Niall to my right, Zayn headed my way, and Harry going the opposite direction. All. Colliding. At. Once.

All of them laughed and I couldn't stop myself. As much as I love being the father of the group... it was a blast to just knowing them.

"Here we go!"

"All good!"

"Reporting for duty!" All three put their needed items into the cart and we sped down the aisle. We waited a little while until it was safe to pull of our hoods once getting to the car. Little did we realize that we were near the wrong car and had to get to the other side of the parking lot.


"How did we go out the opposite exit?" I yelled.

Harry chuckled. "I was looking at DVD rentals with Zayn. We must have just went out the closest door." Zayn added a few short laughs along with Harry. "It is so nippy out." Harry pulled his coat closer.

Then we looked towards the store, and reporters came running. "Just give us some room to put the groceries down." Zayn begged. We pulled Louis out of the car for the questions.

"Is it true that Andie is back home?"

Harry's POV

We all looked at each other and I decided to answer, "Yes she just got home six days ago."

"Is it also true that she is carrying your baby Harry?"

"What? No, she is carrying her ex-boyfriend Brad's baby. It's actually none of ours."

"Interesting, the baby is due soon right?"

"Well actually she is having twins, but that will be the last question we answer about Andie." I smirked.

"Harry Styles, you do realize the Harry Styles and Andie Cordez relationship is all everyone is talking about." The reporter chuckled and walked off replying behind his back, "Thanks so much boys."


We have a strong disliking to most of the snooty reporters that pop up not announced. We love interviews and everything like that, but the reportes that are up your bum all the time just leaves us being knackered.

"Did he really need to ask that?" Liam kept talking.

"I know." Niall pouted.

"It's really none of their business." Louis crossed his arms.

We pulled out of Wickies and drove to Nando's for some lunch. "Ok so if we had to get some drinks, what should we get?"

Niall's POV

"The wet kind?" Harry smiled so cheeky. The boys chuckled a bit.

"Your sarcasm is noted there mate. I was thinking of some beer obviously, but Mountain Dew is very popular and pepsi."

"I agree. Can I bring some monsters?" Harry questioned.

"Nope. I heard on the news the other day that a fourteen year old girl, drank two monsters in an hour. She died later that day. No monsters for you guys."

"But dad!" we all whined to Liam.

"Sorry boys, please try not to drink too much alcohol tonight. We all know what happens." He eyed us.


Zayn's POV

Just what Liam wanted to avoid, drunk off their ass teenagers.

I pushed through the crowd grabbing my first beer of the night. It was only ten at night but I wanted to join my crazy mate Harry. It wasn't so surprising to find him on top of the kitchen island dancing his heart out with a red solo cup in his hand.I blinked a few times at the girls dancing just as funny as Harry. My eyes can't change the image of a drunk Andie dancing to "Scream" by Usher. I laughed at first, but after a few minutes I grabbed her hand pulled her from the island. Sitting her on my bed I gently held both of her wrist. She kept swaying her head to the music, because you could hear the blaring pop song.

She finally opened her eyes and looked right at me, "Zayynnnie! Why d-did you take me down from the island?"

"You were probs going to fall off. How many drinks have you had?"

"Let's see..." she counted to herself on her fingers. It took so long I had to answer.

"So more than ten you think?"

"Umm... nooooo." she scratched her head.

"You are not supposed to have alcohol when your are pregnant there is major defects that could be put upon your body. Be right back."

"Heeyyy, I only had like three beers."

"That better. Stay here." I eyed her. She nodded her head. I sprinted downstairs to Liam. "Liam what is the best way to get alcohol out of your system?"

"Drink plenty of water. Wait- did Andie drink?"

"Yeah she said she had about three, and I know I hid all of the heavy stuff because two pregnant ladies were in the house... and one is a crazy partier. I just need some way to get most of it out. A little drinking is ok but too much can lead to birth defects so before it gets in the blood stream I need a big ass jug of water."

"Yes if she goes to the bathroom soon it will be released from her system."

"Gotcha. Bye." I ran to the fridge.

Beer, beer, beer, beer. I spotted two bottles in the back of the fridge.

Perfect. I sprinted back up and opened the first bottle. "Drink these two. You need to get alcohol out of your blood stream before the baby recieves it. Use the bathroom in about five minutes.

Andie's POV

I am so thankful Zayn pulled me down from the island in time. My head hurt like a bitch already.

I am screwed. I chugged down the last sips. I opened the other bottle and didn't waste my time actually breathing in between swallows. I immediately felt the two or three beers already trying to get out. I ran into the bathroom and returned shortly after.

"Did you?" I turned to Zayn and nodded.

"My stomach hurts from chugging that water." I groaned.

"I know how you feel. Doniya tricked me when I was eleven to jug two 30 ounce each water bottles before we got home. That was like a five minute time. She promised me five pounds but lied when I finished the two bottles. I felt like an oopa- loompa walking into the house my stomach hurt so bad." he smiled. I was halfway interested except I kinda wanted to know whether or not my babies would be ok from the little alcohol intake.

"So is everything good now?"

"Should be."

I couldn't stand the awkward silence. "Thanks by the way. Another hour and my babies could have been affected permanently." I opened my arms for a hug and breathed in his classic scent once again.

"Did you see which color I picked out for my room to be painted?" he asked all giddy pulling away to find the sample. I was guessing by it being Zayn... that he would go with a shade of blue or green.

"Navy blue? I love that color!"

"Yep me too."

"So you have to take all of your art down?"

"Yeah, I also have to take my bed apart so that we can reach all of the walls without anything dripping on it. It should take at least five days based on our schedule per room. Liam wants to do all of the rooms at the same time. We are going to sleep in the living room for those days.

"Aww, you guys should at least have one stay in my bed with me. You guys could switch up the nights evenly so you won't have to sleep on the floor. Then one of you could also sleep on the couch and alternate."

"Great idea. I can tell the lads in the morning. We are going to get the paint mixed."

"Nice. Let me see... Louis picked red. Niall picked green. Liam probs picked blue or green. And Harry blue."


"Wow I am good."

"Guys hurry up, the kitchen curtains above the stove are on fire." Someone popped their head in. Zayn took my hand and ran downstairs. I liked how his hand felt. I look back to Harry's hand. It was cold when I held it. Zayn's was warm and soft. A perfect fit.

I snapped back to reality just as Zayn yelled to me. "Get the fire estiguisher!" I ran pushing people through the crowd and found Liam outside talking with someone.

"Liam! Where's the fire estiguisher?"

"Shit." he added under his breath.

Excuse me? "Liam James Payne do not curse!"

"You do it all the time." he stared at me.

"Liam. I was joking." I half smiled but returned to the situation as Liam handed off the fire estiguisher. I ran back through the some seventy-five people surrounding us. "Here!" Zayn took it from my hands and White powder went everywhere to cover the flames. I sighed relief.

"Good, all done." I looked from Zayn, to Liam, and Niall standing in the corner. Where was the two partiers?

Liam must have realized too. "Where did the boys go?"

"I ran upstairs, thinking they would be playing my play station, but they are too drunk for that! They are probably not even sobered to tell me what day it is! I walked up to my room anyway. I spotted a lump under my duvet on my bed.

Look at me, I am fluent in British accents! Did I already say that?

I stalked over silently to my bed.I lifted up the covers to a striped sock.

That can only be one guy. I revealed the rest of the lump to be Harry and Louis side by side, but upside down completely cover by blankets.

Good night boys. I smiled and patted Harry's head of curls.

"Did y-"

I put a finger to my lips silencing Niall.

He peered over my shoulder and nodded.

"Well the guests are going home except for our best of mates soon."

"Ok." I was kind of sad. I walked down to Harry's room. Haven't really been in here in a while. I was taking my pregnany test in his bathroom. I laughed and sighed, sitting on his bed.

Looks like I am sleeping here tonight.

I turned on his TV and flipped through the channels. I stopped, finding a familiar face on the screen.

I saw the back of a blond head in red skinny jeans. Then I saw the view and it was of the boys on a stage. I recognized the drummer as Josh, and even some of the signs. I remember getting really pissed at this sign right in front of my face, which blocked off my view of Harry on stage. This same sign was plastered on the screen reading, "Be the father to my children! <3" I gasped as the camera zoomed in on a group of girls.

It was me! I couldn't hear anything they said until I basically raped the remote to turn up the volume.

"She had just returned a little over a week ago. According to reporters Harry Styles is shown here answering the reporter Tom Nichols' question. The screen switched to Harry standing closely to the camera, wearing the same V-Neck as I last saw him wearing. The car and the rest of the boys behind him. The reporter spoke up. I rewinded to play it again.

I kept rewinding the scene until I was positive that those words, did infact come out of his mouth. I shot out of bed getting a little dizzy from the fast movement but immediately was feeling fine. "Harold Edward Styles I am going to hit you so hard." I muttered under my breath.


"Do you really believe he said that?"

"It came out of that mouth. Come here I will show you." I pulled Alex's hand up the stairs.

"Oh my god... why would he do that?"

"I am really not sure. I am going to wake him up in the morning and make him cry. Now the whole world thinks that!"

"Talk to the guys now about it."

"Louis and Harry are passed out. Liam is probs with Danielle. Zayn and Niall are most likely cleaning up the mess for you guys to sleep here. Besides I don't want them to know until I pop Harry like a zit."

"Calm down Andie. Maybe he misunderstood the question."

"How could he possibly do that?"

"I dont know. I think you need some rest before you confront him. Here," she turned off the light "sleepover in Harry's room. Get in." she opened up the covers- I mean duvet and I lied down in the bed.

"So do you do the same as me?" I asked when silent.

"What do you mean?"

"Talk with your friend for all hours of the night?"

"Yeah. I am just really tired."

"Ditto Potato." I laughed out loud as soon as I said the line.

"Didn't someone shout that?"

"Yeah it was most likely Niall. It is his new catchphrase. You know, Zayn is 'Vas Happenin?' Louis has a bunch like 'I like girls who eat carrots' or 'superman', Liam likes to call people a turtle, Harry says 'Simple but Effective', but Niall doesn't really have anything."

"It's a perfect fit, I agree.Hey have you thought of baby names?"

Eleanor's POV

I patted the spot next to me in Louis' bed. Liam and Zayn dragged him to the bed. Louis was still drunk. He managed to smile from ear to ear and kiss me before settling under the duvet next to me. Looking at the ring on my left hand I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.



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So what did Harry say during the interview?

This is a caution for the next chapter. Make sure to have a box of tissues next you

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