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Por hereslookinatyoukid

203K 4.7K 156

"๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐›๐ž ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ฒ. ๐ˆ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐›๐ž ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ. ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž... Mรกs

Cast + Playlist
One: Blood & Sweat
Two: Broken Bones & 12 hour shifts
Three: Pizza Nights & I Love You's
Four: Coffee & Unexpected Visits
Five: Porn Stars & Broken Rules
Six: Options & Wine
Seven: Dr. Boyd & Dog Bites
Eight: Fifteen Minutes & Toughen Up
Nine: Chocolate Chip Pancakes & Cuddles
Ten: Baby Talk & Piรฑatas
Eleven: Heartless & Disasters
TWELVE: Black Eyes & Lockdown
THIRTEEN: Demands & Love
Fifteen: Prison Visits & Girls Night
SIXTEEN: Party & Bullshit
SEVENTEEN: Waiting & Blame
EIGHTEEN: Four Days & Weeks Ahead
NINETEEN: Check Ups & Just Friends
CHAPTER TWENTY: Selfish & Old Lady
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE: Complete & The End

FOURTEEN:Babysitter & Guilt

7.7K 198 0
Por hereslookinatyoukid

CHAPTER FOURTEEN:Babysitter & Guilt

Waking up in Happy's dorm bed by herself the next morning wasn't shocking to Jolene, disappointing a little, but not shocking. The brunette doctor let out a sigh as she removed herself from the small bed, and gathered some clean clothes. Jolene made her way towards the bathroom in desperate need of a shower before work, and in need of washing last night off of her skin. Jolene wasn't sure if last night would change anything between her and Happy, but she would be a liar if she denied the electric feeling she felt when Happy touched her skin.

The brunette felt refreshed as she stepped into the main room of the clubhouse, her dark eyes instantly noticing it wasn't overrun with people like it had been the night before, there were a few croweaters scattered around cleaning up. SAMCRO liked to handle their business quickly, and Jolene could only hope that they did just that so her and Mateo could get back home.

Jolene walked towards the bar with a smile on her face as she spotted Mateo and Half-Sack sitting there playing with the toddler's dinosaur toys. "Hi, booboo." The brunette said, giving Mateo a kiss on the top of his head. "Morning, Kip." She said turning her dark eyes onto the prospect, and giving him a smile. "Where is everyone?"

"The party's over." Mateo answered before Half-Sack could, his tiny voice filled with disappointment.

"Yeah." Half-Sack confirmed Mateo's words, nodding his head. "Gemma's in the office, and the guys are working." He said slowly. Kip saw a pout cross Jolene's features for a second before it was quickly replaced with a smile. Half-Sack had figured something happened between Jolene and Happy last night, since this morning the Tacoma Killer demanded Half-Sack to stick with Jolene and Mateo for the day.

A pout crossed Jolene's face for a moment before she quickly replaced it with a smile. The brunette had wanted to talk to Happy, but it would have to wait until later. "Okay well, I've gotta drop Mateo off at daycare, and then start my shift at the hospital. I'll see you later, Kip." Jolene picked Mateo up, balancing the toddler on her hip as she grabbed his toys off of the bar.

"I gotta go with you Jo." Half-Sack said, scratching the top of his head.

"What do you mean?" Jolene asked with confusion in her voice as she raised an eyebrow at the prospect. "Are you hurt?" She asked while looking him over. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with him, and lockdown was over with so she didn't understand why he needed to come to St. Thomas with her.

"Happy's orders." Half-Sack said with grabbing the toys out of her hand.

Jolene closed her eyes, and counted to ten in her head before walking towards the exit. She wanted to argue with Half-Sack that there was no need for him to hang around all day playing babysitter, but the brunette knew it was pointless to yell at him. He was only following Happy's orders, but Happy would definitely be getting an earful from her.

"Make sure you don't get in anyone's way." Jolene warned him as she buckled Mateo into his car seat. The doctor didn't need to give Margaret anymore reason to hate SAMCRO than the redhead already did.

"I won't." Half-Sack promised with a smile.

'It's going to be a long day.' Jolene thought to herself as she pulled out of the lot, and drove towards the hospital with Half-Sack following behind.


"Holy shit." Jolene exclaimed as she looked at a bleeding Lyla. "What the fuck happened?" She asked, pulling on a pair of gloves and checking out the blonde's bleeding nose.

It had been a long day like Jolene thought it would be, and the doctor was nowhere near done with her shift. Half-Sack had managed not to get in the way, though his presence in the hospital did get Jolene a lecture from Margaret Murphy. The redhead did not like seeing his leather kutte in St. Thomas' hallways. Especially since he wasn't there for any health related reasons, and now Lyla was sitting in front of her with a bloody nose, and Luann Delaney sitting next to her.

"Work." Luann told her daughter before Lyla could open her mouth to respond. Luann didn't want to scare her daughter, telling her the details about Georgie and his goons. The porn queen was afraid Jolene would keep Mateo away from her if she knew.

Jolene raised an eyebrow at her mother. The brunette wasn't totally sold on her mother's answer. "Well it isn't broken." She said, turning her eyes back onto Lyla, giving her blonde friend a reassuring smile. "It's going to be sore and hurt like hell for a few days, so just take it easy." Jolene said as she tossed her gloves into the garbage.

"Thanks, Jo." Lyla said thankfully with a smile on her face.

"It's my job." Jolene said with a small laugh as she finished filling out Lyla's chart. "Feel better." She told the blonde before making her exit.

The brunette made her way to the nurses station, a smile taking over her face as she noticed Liam standing there looking over a chart. A sudden wave of guilt hit her as he looked at her with a large smile on his face. Jolene walked slowly towards him, trying to keep the smile on her face with each step she took.

"Fuck." Liam whispered as he took in Jolene's bruised eye. "That hurt as much as it looks like it does?" He asked while softly touching the brunette's eye.

Jolene shrugged, words failing her at the moment. Liam's touch was different from Happy's. It was soft and gentle as though Jolene was someone who should only be touched with soft and gentle hands. Happy's was rough, as though he should be the only one allowed to touch her.

"It's at a five on the pain level scale." Jolene said with a laugh.

Liam nodded and hesitatingly removed his hand from her face. "I'll see you later Jo." He said with a smile before walking off.

Jolene watched as he walked off, her dark eyes connecting with Half-Sack's, who was walking towards her with a look of confusion on his face. The brunette doctor let out a sigh, she knew the prospect had witness the exchange between Liam and herself. Life was about to get a hell of a lot more complicated for Jolene Delaney. 


(A/N: Thank you all for the votes/views, & comments! I hope you all had a good holiday! Don't forget to vote/comment 😊)

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