Sanders Sides One-Shots

By Jalaforlife

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Just a bunch of random one-shots. I take requests. So request away! You can message me personally or just lea... More



559 22 6
By Jalaforlife

Thank you once again to @Snekes_and_birbs for requesting! I hope you enjoy!

I think the ship name for Remus and Deceit is Demus, but I'm not exactly sure so if its something else just tell me. Thanks!

TW: Making out, I think that's it, but if I missed something please tell me!

Deceit and Remus were laying on the couch together watch ing Finding Nemo. Deceit was resting on Remus's bare chest. The movie had been on for about 15 minutes when Remus started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Deceit asked tracing his fingers in circles on Remus's stomach.

"I'm Nemo!" He exclaimed. Deceit glanced up at him raising an eyebrow as Remus continued. "Because I'm never afraid to touch the butt!" He said bursting into another fit of giggles.

"What?" Deceit asked, confusion evident on his face.

"Look!" Remus said pointing at the screen. Sure enough, Nemo was just reaching the 'butt' and after a few seconds, he slapped the bottom of the boat with his fin. Deceit rolled his eyes and pushed up on Remus's chest looking down at Remus who was smirking up at him.

They stayed like that for a few seconds before Remus tugged Deceit back down bringing his lips to meet his own. Remus slid his tongue along Deceit's lip, who happily obliged, opening his mouth. Remus grabbed the edge of Deceit's pajama shirt but paused before doing anything else. Deceit rolled his eyes at his horny boyfriend but nodded anyway. Remus quickly tugged the shirt up, the two separating just long enough to get his shirt over his head before crashing their lips back together. Deceit lifted one hand to Remus's hair and the other to the back of his neck, while Remus took the opportunity to slide his hands down Deceit's back and rest them on his butt.

Deceit pulled back to roll his eyes at Remus who had a shit-eating grin on his face. Remus pressed another quick kiss to Deceit's lips before pulling away and continuing to watch the movie. Deceit gently lowered himself back down onto Remus's chest and went back to drawing circles and other shapes on his stomach.

By the time the movie had finished, Deceit was asleep, softly snoring. Remus smiled and the snake-like trait before slowly shifting into a sitting position, careful not to wake him up. Once he was sure Deceit was still sleeping peacefully, he stood up and slowly made his way to their room. He gently laid, the sleeping side on the bed before carefully climbing on himself, laying next to Deceit and wrapping an arm around him. Deceit instantly curled up against Remus, who smiled at his reaction before closing his eyes and going to sleep himself.

I hope you liked this! I honestly don't know how I feel about it, but oh well!

So I know Remus is like really out of character for pretty much the second half of this fic, but I started writing him being all soft and gentle, and I couldn't stop, so y'all got some soft Remus.

Also, how the heck do people write decently long fluffy one shots. Like I try, and they just end up being like 300-500 words. How do you do it?? Tell me your secrets! Mine either end up extremely long to the point where I should probably just make it a chaptered fic, or they are so short they take less than a minute to read. And there is no in between.

Well anyway, please request or vote or comment or whatever the heck ya want to do!

Peace out!

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