I Transmigrated into an otome...

By Liliana_York

199K 5.6K 1.8K

Kameko has a perfect life; a loving family, people she could truly trust and herself, a beautiful and strong... More

Author's Note
1. I died in an 'accident'
2. Reincarnated? Meh? Into an Otome game?!,
3. Oh well
4. Crown Prince
5. Guest
6. Lets get along, brother
8. K
9. What's with this world?
10. Two Identity.
Not An Update!
11. Characters
12. Mind game: The Queen, The Joker and The King Part 1
13. The Queen, The Joker and The King Part2
14. Lawless
The Author has something to say
15. Lady's Lazy Life
16. His Obsession
17. Little innocent lamb
Special Chapter
18. "Who are you?"
You don't need to read as it's extra
19. Narcissari
This Author is really thankful≧﹏≦
20. SevenKin
The Author has something to say: 2
21. Dream
22. The Unexpected(s)
23. Truth?
This Author's Boring Thoughts
24. Beauty causes distruction
25. Her precious!
26. Birthday
Thank you for Understanding.
27. Home!
28. A play

7. Debut

9.6K 298 69
By Liliana_York

A/N: New chapter again, yayy!!! Lets celebrate! *No one celebrates* Ahahaha, thank you for reading this story!




"Your highness! We don't dare not reject your request. You are always welcomed after all we'll soon be family" Lets not call mom, mom anymore. She just made an enemy out of me.

Just kidding, I wouldn't make an enemy out of her. If I did, I'd be homeless, like literally, I'll be raped and sold at worst. Eww? Forget what I said, watched too much movies where rapes and shits are involved, you don't wanna know.

Like there was this movie with a psycho who only kidnapped blond haired girls, raped them, tortured and-
Ahem. So anyway, yeah, sorry. You didn't have to know.

"What are you doing here, your highness?" I smiled 'sweetly' and 'lovingly' as I titled my head towards the 'hunk'.

"I came as promised, princess, to take you on a date, of course" He smiled like an angel as he walked over towards us, sat down  and started chatting with my mom like it was natural, add to the fact that Zero and I were ignored.

"Your highness and mother can enjoy your the time together while I play with brother" Mom looked upset when I intentionally called her 'mother'.

Well, it's only natural to get jelly here, right?

"Bye bye" I waved as my hands swept through Zero nii's hands.

"Is he the brother I've heard about?" What was his name again? Hmm.. Oh, his name was Zesh, no, it was Zen lol. So Zen asked gently with a smile but the strong aura coming from him was quite different from his smile. Psshh, why? Probably jealous that his fiancee got stolen or something. Sigh~ such a kid.

"Yes, your highness. My brother whom I love very much! My first love indeed" I grinned widely as I leaned towards bro who stared at me weirdly. Well, I wouldn't deny that I wanted to see more drama, it was kinda fun.

"Forgive me for I did not introduce myself, your highness. Zero De' Kiel Lapis at your service" Brother introduced himself but did not care or respect enough to bow. That's my bro!! Way to go.

"Zen Rivers De' Alger Obelia, delights me to meet you" Doesn't seem so. His angelic smile had now turned into a devil's which was threatening.

But on the other hand, Zero nii didn't care and just coldly smiled back.

"Anyways princess, aren't I not your first love?" Zesh turned his attention towards me as he smiled softly and genuinely.

You deaf, bro? I just said number Zero was my first love, not you. I only want drama, don't involve me.

"Your highness, well, I-"

"Llyis has called me her first love, Your highness and that cannot change" For the first time in history of this kingdom, Zero smiled charmingly that could sway all the girls at his feet.

Bro wasn't scared of the royal family, was he? He seemed to abominate them, actually. For reals.

"Is that so, Kiel? Then I cannot do anything but accept the sibling love you both have for each other." Zesh smiled back his signature smile that catch lots of fish in the pool.

Wait, are they fighting to see whose smile is the most charming one? And here I thought they were jealous and stuff.  Sigh. As expected, they're still very young.

"Mama, they are getting along pretty well. We shouldn't disturb them, lets go play in the garden" I asked mom innocently.

"Y-Yeah, lets go" Mom seemed taken aback with all these strong auras coming from them but also looked like she was enjoying it? Seriously, her face looked like she even wanted to bring some popcorn and coke as she watched.

"Llyse, didn't you ask me to accompany you?" Zero nii asked turning his attention to me. Should I say, finally?

"Princess, haven't we promised to go in a date?" Zesh interrupted cultivating more dark aura from bro.

"She has asked for me, your highness" Zero spoke politely but with venom in his voice.

"But we have a promised date" Is this seriously gonna keep on going?

"Your highness and Zei sweetie, we will be discussing about the debut actually." Mom interrupted, thankfully.

"About the dresses, jewellery, and cute stuffs. You can join too!" Mom said in her honeyed voice while the boys seemed to already reject it.

"I actually forgot I have to study, I apologize mother but maybe some other time" Zero politely said escaping quickly. Wow, what about being comrades and brother in arms?

"I have an appointment, how foolish of me. Forgive me, princesses but I have to take my leave" And he disappeared. Ha, he came for a date it seems.

Good one, mom. I can finally go to sleep or so I thought.

As I was about to leave, mom took hold of me in haste and took me to 'my favourite' dressing room.

Cute, pink, dresses, heels, flats, bras? Oh well, it was all kept cleanly. The room was designed to my mother's taste, she made it for me, it seems -_-

Mother personally dressed me, many times as if I was some kinda doll. Cute, Gothic, Lolita, and what not, even sexy, haha.

I'm tired.

"Mama, I want this." I pointed out to a light simple dress which was filled with elegance, imagine me wearing it, too much. People would actually die, haha.

"Good choice, honey" After taking 10 minutes inspecting the dress, she smiled proudly at me.

Then, she started choosing the heels which didn't take long as we just needed a heel which was designed along with this dress.

"Now" Mom started looking for jewellery, diamonds, seriously? So I decided to step in, instead of wasting my time and chose a necklace with a cute tiny star in it.

I, myself was a star, of course.

"Sweetheart, is that all?" Mom looked completely dissatisfied with my choice but I gave her a pleading look which said 'I only want this'

"Okay, since it's your debut. Wish, I could dress up Zei too but he's still too awkward and doesn't wanna come closer than he already has" Mom sighed in discontent, worried about her son.

"Don't worry, mama. He will warm up to you like he did to me" I gave her smile and patted her head to comfort her.

"Aww. My baby has grown up" She pulled me into a tight hug.

And the days went on as usual, dad, being busy all day couldn't stay at home, mom who also had started her business of jewellery in her own design out of boredom was busy.

Zero was also in his own works, studies and swords and what more, I don't know. Even his highness was busy, and as for me.. I l earnt how to use magic as I had nothing to do and it was pretty promising and fun.

You don't wanna know how I learned magic, right?  That will take too much of time, your and mine. So.. Yeah.

Finally, it was my debut with my bro and 'Engagement' with His Highness.

What? I forgot all about it and had not hatched any plan.

"Come on, sweethearts. Lets go" Mom called.

"Missed you, honey. I'm sorry I was too busy" Apologized dad who wrapped his arms around my mother's waist.

"Awe, don't worry about that. It was your job and you can't help it, can you?" Mom smiled sweetly.

Then, dad gave a peck on my mother's lips who got embarrassed because her children were there.

"I love you" Dad smirked at this and teased her more making mom blush-

I'm tired explaining their romance so lets move on.

"Zeo nii, I don't wanna go" I whined at my handsome brother who was dressed so princely from top to bottom except that he had a poker face.

"You wanna run away?" He asked with a serious expression which meant he was serious, what am I even saying?

"Huh?" I was confused, should I really do it?

"If you really don't want to attend, I'll hide you" His poker face turned soft for a moment but went back to the same way in a minute.

"... I can't. Mom and dad would be in trouble if we did that"

"... Okay"


"Enters Duke Claude De' Zeil Lapis and Duchess Veronica De' Scarlet Lapis" Mom and dad already entered with their beautiful and handsome face whom everyone stared at in awe.

While I, here, was left nervous.

"Don't worry" Zero comforted and patted my head with a soft smile that left his lips for a few seconds.

"Thank you, Zero nii. I'm alright" I smiled back.

"Debuting today, Lord Zero De' Kiel Lapis and Lady Amerllyis De' Scarlet Lapis" Daym, that was funny. Is that how we debut in society? Lolol, didn't expect this.

As we entered, everyone stared at us. Girls in love with my bro and envy as they looked at me, I know I'm a goddess, duh.

Everyone was quite for almost like 2 minutes but started smiling fakly and welcomed us 'warmly'.

The society was fake and scary, not that I care 'cause this ol' lady ain't movin' anywhere except her mansion.

All the girls gathered around my brother who didn't even bother to look but was emanating a dark aura at the boys that tried to approach me.

He really did became attached to me in few weeks as I was worthy to be trusted.

After 10 minutes or so, we were called by our parents to greet the king and the queen.

"Is this our daughter in law?" The king asked in excitement as he smiled warmly at me. But bro, I ain't even married to ya son yet.

"I greet Your Majesty, the Emperor and Your Royal Highness . I, Amerllyis, is honoured and delighted to be at your presence" I bowed

"Zero De' Kiel Lapis at your service" Whoa, he rally is fearless for not respecting the royal family.

"Aww, you kids. Stop with the formalities and call me uncle" He laughed heartily.

"Where is our son anyway, my queen?" Eww, cringy~

"I apologize for being late, Your majesty" Zesh sama entered with a princely aura.

Oh well.

"Let's tell our people" The king smiled and my smile disappeared.

"Thank you all for coming. Today is a very special day for us all as it is both a Debut and an Engagement ceremony" Oh f**k

Everyone gasped in surprise.

"The Engagement of my son, the crown prince, to the daughter of the duke, Amerllyis De' Scarlet Lapis." The king smiled proudly.

"Let the ceremony commence"


A/N: Done! Finally. It's 1:58 am right now and I should probably sleep! Good night, mates! Love yo ❤️

Author out.

Word count: 1641

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