Lend You Broken Parts {A Woos...

By eli_jelli

155K 10.6K 8K

San is an underground fighter that aches to prove he is better than his father thinks he is. Training to beco... More

radicals on edge
one in the chamber
flightless bird
get ready set
sparks fly
when they met
flower shower
a new alliance
lesson one
dark angel
taking leaps
fallen petal
me + you
lanterns and butterflies
first impression
the fire inside
lights all night
the first time
two of a kind
louder than words
plan of attack
lesson two
before the storm
brawl out
love and war
fear and loathing
over again
a heart to mend
a new beginning


3.5K 249 90
By eli_jelli

San stood still on the pavement. His feet were cemented to the ground, thoughts suspended in time as he watched Wooyoung's angry fading outline saunter away in the dark.

He felt terrible. He didn't know why he wanted to have the last word in their talk but something about the way the other acted towards him had irked him.

He couldn't figure out Wooyoung's reason for getting upset at the bar and this whole thing was kind of his fault. 

Even if that was the case, he felt like he was the one in the wrong now.

In San's attempt to show that he could be just as fearless he had unintentionally said something really hurtful to someone.

Wooyoung was a stranger and it shouldn't affect him as much, but it did. 

He could tell that his words were damaging and saw the effect they held in the other's eyes when he had pressed close.

San felt regretful because he knows just as well what it is like to not have a parent around. To feel abandoned and placed in the back of a memory, with no hope or attempt of recollection.

Thoughts of his dream began to resurface and remind him of why he was out here in the first place. He wanted to run, in a desperate effort to flee from the haunting thoughts that invaded his sleep.

Now his thoughts were solely focused on the image of a boy with lilac ruffles that wandered down this deserted road. 

He mentally made a plan to apologize to him during Yeosang's show, hoping to see him working that night. With that he began to head back home in a light jog. 

In the countless times he had slipped out of the back door leading to the yard, he had never been caught. He honestly didn't think his dad would care too much anyway but unlike tonight, his runs were due to him still secretly training. He really didn't want to have to explain that to him so he tried to be as quiet as possible. 

However, after San closed the gate that fenced in the backyard he noticed a dim light, glowing through the kitchen window. 

At first he wondered if he had left a light on or something on his way out, but he didn't remember turning on any. Maybe Yeo had woken up while he was gone and came downstairs looking for him. 

As he slowly crept in the back door, his eyes roamed the kitchen, looking for the source of the light and whoever may be in there.

He halted his movements and raised his eyebrows at the sleeping figure at the table. Light from the pantry cast a yellow haze on his dad.

He was slumped over in a chair, arm hanging down over the side and a cup of tea sitting in his other hand on the tabletop.

San shuffled quietly to him and gently shook his shoulders, "Dad? What are you doing down here?"

Seunghyun stirred and lifted his silver shaded head off the table, looking up at his son.

"Oh, San, what are you doing down here?" He copied in a gruff voice, still groggy from slumber.

San's eyes lowered to the floor and he spoke just above a whisper, "I had my dream again.... So I went for a run."

The stony features of his dad's face softened as he extended his arm to the younger's face, caressing it. San's eyes closed at the touch and he sat down in the chair adjacent to his.

"San....," His father let go of his face and grabbed his hand. "Do not blame yourself for your mother not being here, you have never done anything wrong."

The typically cold expression that rested on his face to keep his strong impression was warm and comforting right now.

Seunghyun was a caring man by nature and that reflected heavily in San. They both used their emotions to fuel their passion which sometimes created problems for the smaller Choi, as he could take things too far.

"Has she ever called, or asked to see us....... to see me?" San questioned in a sullen tone.

His dad solemnly shook his head no, staring into his eyes with sympathy.

"That's okay," San shrugged. "I've never really met her so it's not like I am missing out on anything right?"

The elder's eyebrows furrowed, frowning at San's disappointment he could see he was trying to hide.

"Why are you down here anyway?" He shifted the focus to him and the tea cup that was in his dad's hand.

"You're not the only one that has bad dreams kid," Seunghyun confessed.

"Is it about Mom too?" He pushed.

"Sometimes. But most times it's about you."

San lifted his eyebrows at that, curious.

"Just promise me you will stay safe, I don't want you fighting or ever thinking of going into the Pit."

San looked away from his eyes, not wanting to give anything away. Especially the fact that he had been doing just the opposite of what he was asking.

The younger nodded, still avoiding his stare and stood up from the table.

Seunghyun followed suit, stretching his arms above his head.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep," they said in unison.

The pair smiled at one another and then stepped closer, San wrapping his arms around his dad's torso and nuzzling his face into his body. 

San squeezed his dad tightly, forcing any thoughts of being left alone away. He didn't need anyone else to provide this comfort. His dad had been a pillar of strength, watching and guiding him like a beacon of light that guided the ships to the shore. 

He could be cold sometimes and even a bit harsh, but he protected San. 

In return that made him feel a bit bad about lying to him, but fighting was his passion and he wanted to prove that he could be a champion, just like his dad once was.

Upstairs, Yeosang was now sprawled across his bed. The blankets were wrapped around his legs, with the majority of it hanging to the floor.

San chuckled and climbed up next to him, untangling the cover and laying it flat over both of them. 

He snuggled up against the wall and Yeo, who had sleepily adjusted to the movement of him climbing in bed and curled himself around the other, falling right back asleep.

As San waited to join the realm of the unconscious, his mind unwillingly floated back to the image of a figure walking away, and closing the door on his outstretched hand.

He tried hard to alter his thoughts and fell asleep thinking of that hand being taken by his dad, who held tightly and didn't let go.

Scene Song:

We Are Broken - Paramore

Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers
Tower over me...

Cause we are broken

What must we do to restore
Our innocence
And all the promise we adored?
Give us life again
Cause we just wanna be whole

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