Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||

By Polish445

54.5K 1.8K 210

Both Suga and Wendy went through a very toxic breakup because of a huge misunderstanding back in highschool... More

Read please!!
SM's new Girl Group
Sharing a room
Stronger than you think
Club pt.2
Club pt.3
You are friends with BTS's Suga!?
Dating show
Telling the truth
Giving up
A Party
My leg
And We Meet Again
Media's reaction
I'm sorry what?
What the Fuck!?
The Night is Just Getting Started
Losing For Her
The Date
The Movies
Eunji And Her Boyfriend
New Years Eve
Yeri's Embarressment
Birthday Party
Heal Me
Good Night Wan-ah....
From Annoyance to Lip Locking
Another Date?
An Embarrassing Hug
Now what?
My Girlfriend
Joy And Her Relationship Advice
Wendy Returns to Canada
Who Knew 'Dad' Was A Doofus
And So We Talked
Girls Crash The Party....?
Break up?
The Fourteen of Majestia
Are We Allowed To Date?
A Stalker?
Lurking In The Shadows
You Call it Stalking, I Call it Love
How Could I?
Save Me, Please
I'll Protect You
Forget It
Breakup.... Not!!
Announcement - Wedding Postponed -
The End
Epilogue 2.0
Epilogue 3.0

TV shows and sandwichs

910 37 2
By Polish445

Wendy's P.O.V

"Oh my god! This show is legit so frustrating!"

"Dude survived when he got stabbed three times but now that he's shot once he's suddenly dead!?"


"Fuck this shit! Imma go and get myself an ice cream." I heard Jimin say as he got up from his seat besides me, obviously frustrated and went to the kitchen to get himself an ice cream.

Red Velvet are currently in BTS's  living room as we watch this show called W-Two worlds.

It's probably like midnight right now but who cares? We don't have any schedules until in the late afternoon so we have all the time in world to get a good sleep.

You slept through the entire day, how much more are you going to sleep, you sloth?

Yup, right now i should be in the practice room of our company's building but instead i am watching this show with these weirdos, plus Yeri and J-hope won't stop complaining about every tiny thing that happens in this show. It's getting kind of annoying.

"You know what? I don't even know how this show can have a happy ending. It's legit so messed up." I heard Namjoon say as i silently agreed. I mean it's like everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

"Uggh, i'm tired." I heard Yoongi say as he yawned. He was sitting to my right as i felt him get up.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as he looked down at me before answering. "My room. Come sleep whenever you want to." He said as i felt my cheeks go red.

Right, i forgot we were supposed go share a room.... and a bed.

Well, you did cuddle with him like the whole day so whats the difference now?

The difference is that i am in my right mind and conscious right now. I don't know what happened when i passed out this morning but somehow when i woke up and went outside, all of my members and Bangtan were in the living room playing hide and seek.

Yeah, hide and seek. Adults in their 20's playing hide and seek like they were some five year old kids.

But imagine my shock when i woke up in bed, AND in Yoongi's arms. Yeah, that shit gave me a heart attack.

Imagine waking in THE Min Yoongi's arms, now that's a life i wanna live.

And even thinking about how i asked him to stay with me that night, i felt so embarrassed. Blood would run up to my cheeks and i would forget how to speak, that's how bad it was.

But now thinking that i have to sleep with him in that exact same bed scared the shit out of me. There was no way i am sleeping in that room tonight.

"SHIT! FUCK HE DIED!" I was brought back to my senses when i heard Yeri scream. "Yeri, mind your language." I told her, meh it wasn't like i was any better.

"Ommo unnie....he died." I heard Joy say doing aegyo as she took up the spot that Yoongi was sitting in. She held my arm and put her head on my shoulder. "It's so sad..." She said pouting as cooed her and patted her head.

Maybe they are 5 year old's, they act like ones anyway.

Before we knew it, we had binged watched the entire series in one night, and now we were all sitting there, utterly shocked and frozen.

"That.... was an awful ending. I mean like what happened to the other people?" Jin said as i shrugged my shoulders.

"So many unanswered questions." Irene said we all nodded our heads in agreement.

"We should probably sleep, it's like 4 in the morning." Jin said checking his watch as we all slowly got up and headed to our rooms.

"I mean like what happened to Do Yoon?" Seulgi said heading into her and Jimin's room as he grunted.

"Why do like that guy so much. He was so annoying."Jimin as their argument was cut off when the door of their room slammed close and they were out of my sight.

"Honestly i'm just glad i was able go watch the show without pulling my hair out." Irene said heading for the kitchen and getting a bottle of water before going inside her and Namjoon's room as he followed behind.

"Well, my day is ruined." J-hope said as him and Taehyung grabbed their popcorn and headed inside their room. They'll probably eat and chat a but more before sleeping, hope they don't stay awake too long though.

And before i knew it Jin and Joy were already in their room, probably all asleep.

Now it was just me, Jungkook and Yeri.

"Why aren't you guys heading inside your room." I asked the two as they awkwardly exchanged glances.

"Shouldn't we be asking you that noona?" Jungkook said as i raised my brows. Whats up with these two.

"Unnie," Yeri said grabbing my attention "Can you sleep with me instead?" She asked doing puppy eges as i looked at her confused.

"Why?" I asked as she bit her lip nervously. "It's just i am scared and everyone else is already asleep-" She said, what a pathetic excuse.

"Jungkook's awake." I said looking at him as he avoided my gaze. Seriously whats wrong with them? Did something happen between these two?

"Ahh! Unnie please! Just let Jungkook sleep with Yoongi oppa. Please please please!" She said as she started doing aeygo. Jungkook cringed as i smiled.

"No. You and Jungkook are supposed to be in the same room. You should have objected when everyone was awake." I said as she looked around at the dirty and empty room.

She murmured something under her breath before signing and looking at Jungkook.

"I'm taking the left side of the bed." She said before going into their room, Jungkook gave me an apologetic smile before heading in the same direction awkwardly.

I am surprised she didn't want to share a room with Jungkook, she seemed so happy that would be able annoy the golden maknae but now she seems desperate to get out of the agreement.


"Aren't you gonna come and sleep?" I heard someone say as i turned around.

It was Yoongi.

Shit! Wasn't he sleeping? Why is he awake now? Damn this is gonna ruin my entire plan of not sleeping in his room.

Maybe i should have just slept with Yeri.

"Nah, i already slept a lot today. And i'm kind of hungry so i'm gonna eat something." I said getting myself out of this situation.

I mean i didn't lie, i did sleep a lot today and i am  hungry.

I was going towards the kitchen when i heard him say "Make me a PB&J sandwich while your at it." I froze on my spot as i heard him say that.

He sat on the couch and started scrolling through instagram as i bit my lip. So.... he isn't going to go back to his room and sleep? Guess not.

I signed and went towards the kitchen. I grabbed all my required ingredients and started making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one for him and one for me.

Once done i grabbed a glass of water for myself and headed to the couch to hand him over his sandwich.

He grabbed it and started eating immediately, not even sparing me a glance. Not even a thanks? Wow, how rude.

I went back to the kitchen and sat on the counter and started eating in peace and quite.

After a while of silence i delt relaxed and at peace. Well, that was until he came into the view.

"Are you that desperate to get away from me?" I heard him say as i quickly got off the counter and mentally groaned as i saw him.

"What do you mean?" I said innocently, taking the lqst bite of my PB&J. "Is everything okay?" He asked putting down his empty plate on the kitchen counter as i did the same.

"Everything is fine. Why are all of you always so worried about everything?" I asked taking a sip of my water.

God,is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

"You seem nervous."

"I am always nervous." I replied as he took a step closer.

"Yeah you are. And there is reason every time. Whats the reason this time?"

"I don't know, maybe because i am embarrassed."

"And why are your embarrassed." He said taking another step forward as i gulped.

"Reasons... which i can't tell you about." I said as his eyes bored into mine. I felt my heart beat quicken as i cursed mentally.

Shit! It's happening again.

"Why can't you tell me?" He said in almost whisper as i felt his breath hit my face. We were standing so close right now i felt like i couldn't trust my body to do anything sensible.

"I like you...." I said unconsciously, i didn't even realize what i had just said until he half smiled half smirked at me.

My eyes went big as my hand covered my mouth.

Fuck! I am so dead.

Out of instinct i moved aside and started running towards the bathroom door. I don't care where i go right now i just need to hide from him, this world and basically any sign of anything living.

But before i could get away i felt his hand grab my arm and pull me towards him. My body clashed in his as i felt soft and luscious lips land tenderly on mine.

What the.....

I felt butterflies in my stomach as his lips moved on mine gently. I responded back almost immediately as he pulled my waist closer. My hands wrapped around his nape as we kissed.

For a second i forgot what i was going to do and i just melted in his arms. His sent intoxicated me more, his arms wrapped around my waist protectively gave me goosebumps, and i felt like my heart would explode at this rate.

Seriously if we continue on like this, i might just die. No joke.

We pulled away for a breath of air when he smiled again. Damn, he has been smiling a lot these days.

But am i complaining? NO. 

"Next time you feel embarrassed by being in the same room with me alone, just remember this moment." He whispered as his lips landed back on mine.

Gosh, can this night like never end?

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