My Boss, My Alpha. (In progre...

By EvanescentFlower

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Yvonne Selesa is in the Moon Struck Pack, and is in search of her mate. Instead her Father wants her to marry... More

My Boss, My Alpha.
Saying Goodbye.
My Mate, My Job.
Out of Place, Luna. <\3
Business and Love Don't Mix!
His Desire My Choice.
You're Mine, Only Mine.
My Punishment
Our Official 1st Date (Part 1)
Our Official 1st Date (Part 2)
Jealousy Strikes
Luna's 1st Meeting
****Another Teaser!****
Unwanted Guest
Unwanted Guest (Part 2)
Unwanted Guest (Part 3)
Adult Content!!!! Skip if needed!!
UnRevealed (Part 2)
SNEAK PEEK into... UnRevealed (Part 3)
UnRevealed Part 3
UnRevealed Part 4 (TEASER)
UnRevealed Part 4
The Death of Us..
Revive me
Take Me
Take Me (Teaser)
Take Me (Part 2)
**TEASER** for Upcoming Chapter Our War
Our War (Part 1)
Our War (Part 2)
Reader Appreciation
Let Go (Teaser)
Let Go
Prophecy (TEASER for Part II)
Plan? (Part I)
Plan? (Part II)
Plan? (Part III)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part I)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part II)
The Wedding (Part I)
The Wedding (Part II)
I Do?
Honeymoon (Part II)
My Wife
Forward (TEASER)
Melting (Part 1)
Melting (part 2)

Prophecy (Part II)

763 23 2
By EvanescentFlower

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Can't believe how fast it came and went! Yikes! Anyways, I am happy to finally give you guys the next part to Prophecy! Super excited to see what you all think!


Ashton's P.O.V

I keep thinking back to that very day I lost my mother.. It just keeps repeating and repeating. It's like a nightmare I cannot escape!

I lay there looking up at the ceiling in a hot sweat. I need to get out of here..

I throw on a blue hoodie with my black sweat pants and some black tennis. I just need to get out of this room..

I grab my pack of cigarettes and a liter off my dresser. I open it up to see its still a full pack, I guess I haven't smoked in awhile ..

I go down the steps and out the door, sitting on the porch under the light. I remember my mother always talked about expanding the front of the house to have a huge porch with a bench or a small swinging bench with flowers surround it... She wanted a huge patio. I shook my head trying to get all of those thoughts out of my head.

I took out my cigarettes and lighter from my pocket. Putting one cigarette in my mouth.

I felt the cigarette yanked out of my mouth and I looked up to see Yvonne.

"I thought you were done smoking?" She muttered, sitting down next to me on the porch.

"When did I ever say that?" I look to her snatching the cigarette back.

She shrugs, "I just figured you haven't smoked in awhile and that you decided to quit."

I could hear my thoughts getting out of hand, 'well, I thought I had found something I was much more addicted to.. but I guess I was wrong.'

I shake my thought away, "Well, looks like you were wrong." I take my fingers and thump her in the middle of her forehead.

Her hand shoots up to her forehead as her face scrunches up. "Stop that!"

She slaps my hand away, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

I look down at the pavement, "I just couldn't sleep that's all. I thought I'd come out here for some fresh air and a smoke to destress."

She nods, "Are you sure that is all? You looked pretty upset when I saw you sitting her by yourself."

"Yes, I am fine." I put the cigarette back in my mouth and look over to see her shivering in her little pink shorts and matching t-shirt.

I sigh, "Hey, come on lets get inside. It's chilly out here."

She looks down at he cigarette in my hand, "I thought you were going to smoke?"

"I'm getting cold out here so I don't feel like it anymore."

She smiles and jumps up, "Good!"

I stand up opening the door for her, "Go get some rest."

I shut the door behind me and lock it only to turn around and see her still standing there.

"I'm not tired. Are you?"

I shake my head, "No, I guess not."

"Want to watch a movie in the living room with me?"

"Sure, but only one movie and off to bed we go okay?"

She smiles, "Okay!" She dashes to the living room and I follow.

She jumps on the couch sitting criss-cross apple sauce on the right end. I walk over handing her the remote, "Put on whatever you'd like."

She takes the remote from my hand, "Well, we can't watch a movie without snacks right?"

"Yvonne do you know what time it is? All of the help are already fast asleep."

"I can make snacks for us!" She stands up, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. "And you are going to help."

"Wait, What?"

We walk into the kitchen, "I was thinking maybe some little appetizers. Ohhh and popcorn! Hot chocolate sounds good too!"

"Yvonne.. It is late and I would hate to wake anyone up."

She pouts, "Okay... Can I at least make popcorn and hot chocolate? It won't take long and there won't be a huge mess to clean up either."

I nod grabbing the popcorn seeds from the top cupboard and setting them on the counter. She grabs a deep pan, puts oil in it, and puts the burner on. I drop popcorn seeds at the bottom of the pan and set a top over it. We start to hear the popping noise of the popcorn.

She turned the burner off, grabbed a big bowl, and went to grab the pan.

"I got it. I don't want you to burn yourself."

She went around the counter, sitting on the stool as I poured the popcorn in the bowl.

"Don't forget to put salt and butter please!"

"Yeah. Yeah.."

I grab the butter out of the fridge and the salt from the cabinet. I melt the butter over the popcorn and sprinkle salt proceeding to continue to shake the bowl up.

I look over to see Yvonne leaning on her hand with her eyes closed..

"You doofus! You said you weren't tired.." I mutter, setting the bowl down. I can't help but to just stare at her as she sleeps.

I chuckle as her little snores get a little louder and drool seeps from the corner of her mouth.

I watch her eyes flutter, 'Oh shoot she's waking up! What do I do? She can't catch me staring at her.'

I lean over and flick her in the forehead as she opens her eyes.

"Ow!" She presses her hand against her forehead, "What was that for?"

"You have me making popcorn and hot chocolate while you fall asleep. I thought you weren't tired?"

"I'm not! I was just resting my eyes.."

Yvonne's P.O.V

Ugh how could I fall asleep on the counter.. I was supposed to be cheering Ashton up!

I could hear him having a nightmare and shifting in his bed all night.. Then just as I was gonna check on him I heard him go down the stairs so I followed him. I know something is upsetting him and I just wanted to take his mind off of it.

I walk over snatching the popcorn off the counter, "Movie time!"

"Give me a second and I'll be over there." I nod taking the popcorn in the living room.

A few minutes pass and Ashton come over with two coffee mugs in his hands, "Here is your Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and here is mine."

"Thank you!"

"Alright, what movie did you pick?" He sits on the far left of the couch after handing me my hot chocolate.

"A scary movie."

"I knew it.. How are we going to sleep after watching this?"

I shrug, "I have been wanting to watch it but I was too scared to watch it alone."

He chuckles, "So what you're telling me is that you want me to suffer with you?"

"Pretty much.."

He smiles, "So out of all days to watch this scary movie you chose the day we have steaming hot chocolate in our laps?"

I tap my chin, "I guess so."

He laughs, "Okay but don't blame me when we get burned."

I click play on the movie and after 30 minutes both Ashton and I were in the middle of the couch.

The movie goes silent and I know there is a jump scare part coming up. I lift the blanket just a little bit over my eyes and I see Ashton just zoned into the movie. All of a sudden a creature jumps out and Ashton jumps tossing our popcorn in the air.

"Oh come on! You had to know a scary part was coming up."

He grabs the popcorn bowl setting it on the side table, "No! Now my heart is racing and I feel like I am going to throw up."

"Oh stop being a baby.." I laugh hitting him in the arm.

Ashton's P.O.V.

I completely embarrassed myself.. She must think I am a total wimp. I get back into the movie squeezing the blanket, mentally preparing myself for the next jump scare.

I feel something tap my shoulder I look over and see Yvonne's head leaning against me..

"Yvonne?" I lean over and see she is sleeping. Both of her legs are on the couch and buried under the blanket.

What do I do? Should I wake her? No.

Perhaps lay her down the other way on the couch? Well, what is that wakes her up...

I cannot just sit here like this.. My heart cannot take this anymore and I know she doesn't feel that way about me..

I know! I'll slowly get up and lay her on the couch and I'll just sit on the floor.

I slowly pull the blanket off of me, lifting myself off the couch as I hold her head up with my palm. Just as I was finally getting off the couch her arm wrapped around my waist and I dropped back down to the couch and her head fell to my lap...

I look down to see her eyes still closed and little snores escaping her mouth.

I feel a smile spread across my face, she is so beautiful and I just want to soak in this moment of her.

I grab a pillow that is next to be and lift her head to place under. I move her hair out of her face and I drag my finger softly across her face and down her cheek to her pink lips..

How I desire them to only ever be mine.. to speak my name full of love.. to press against my lips.. I brush my thumb across her soft pink lips and down her chin..

But perhaps we are not meant to be together in this life.. Hopefully in the next..

I lean my head back on the couch and close my eyes.

Yvonne's P.O.V

I snuggle close to my pillow, this has to be best sleep I have gotten in awhile. I open my eyes slowly to see the living room TV still on, wait... I gasp and slowly look up to see Ashton sitting up with his head leaned back sleeping. I look down to my pillow to see it is on his lap..

What is wrong with me?! I put my hands over my face and sit up. Ashton's eyes slowly open and his hand is place on the back of his neck.. "Ugh, my freaking neck is killing me."

He looks down at me and jumps. "Oh, hey good morning."

"Good Morning.. Ashton I am so sorry.. You should have woken me up. Now look at you.. You're in pain because of me."

He rubs his neck, "It's fine.. I saw you were really tired and when I tried getting up well you pulled me back down.. I didn't want to wake you either so I just stood."

"Ashton.. I feel bad." He shakes his head, "Don't."

A few of the pack members walk into the living room talking; Ashton and I look up like we just got busted for something.

"Sorry Alpha.. We didn't know you were occupying the living room.. We thought you were still in your bed room.." They look over to me, "Please accept our apology Luna.. We were unaware that you were not decent.."

I tip my head, "Huh?" I look down to see I am still in my pajama shorts and t-shirt. Ashton pulls the blanket over me, "Please leave us."

I look over to see Ashton rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm sorry.." I mutter, seeing the pain on his face.

"I said it's fine.. My neck is just a little stiff from sleeping like that."

"I have a heating pad for the neck that will help!" I jump off the couch, 'It's in my room, I'll go get it!"

Ashton grabbed my wrist, "Look at the way you're dressed.. It is not appropriate for the pack members to see their Luna in such attire."

"It's not like I am naked.." I shrug, pulling my hand away and crossing my arms in front of my bra- free breasts.

"I know but as Luna you are highly respected and should not let any of the pack members see you in such a state.. "

"Fine.. Then what am i supposed to do?"

Ashton tosses the blanket over my head, "follow me."

We walk out of the living room and dash for the stairs to avoid being spotted.

I feel my foot step on the end of the blanket as I am running up the stairs..

Ashton grabs me by my shoulder preventing me from tumbling down the stairs, "Careful." He whispers in my ear.

We get to the top of the stairs and run into my room slamming the door behind us.

"Why are you so damn clumsy?" Ashton yells throwing his hands into the air.

"I don't know.." I toss the blanket on the bed, "-but let me get that heating pad for your neck!"

I go into my closet grabbing the neck pad off the shelf, "you have to warm it up in the microwave for less than a minute.. It kind of depends how hot you want it. "

Ashton is rubbing his neck and sits on my bed. "Thanks."

I feel so bad.. Ugh.. He should of just woken me up!

"I can go warm it up for you.."

He shakes his head, "No, I can ask the new butler Jeremy to do it for me. i am in just so much pain that I don 't want to move my neck around .."

"Well can I at least call Jeremy to get it warmed up for you?"

"Yes that is fine."

I pop my head out of the door and see a maid passing by, "Excuse me?"

She turns to me, "Yes Luna?"

"Could you ask Jeremy to warm up this heating pad for Alpha Ashton please?"

"Yes and for how long?"

"Just pop it in the microwave for about 40 seconds please."

She nods, taking the heating pad from my hands.

I close the door and turn to see Ashton still rubbing his neck in pain.

"Ashton.. let me help you. Come to the end of the bed."

I jump behind him and start massaging the back of his neck and shoulders."

"OOO... That feels so good.. "

I press my thumbs into his muscles and little harder in attempt to massage the knots out.

"Am I hurting you?"

"No, not at all. It feels amazing. I don't think I've ever received a massage before.."

"Mmmmm.. it already feels 100X better!"


"Luna, may I enter?"

"Yes." The door slowly opens and I watch as Jeremy's head pops in.

"Here is the heating pad, I hope I didn't warm it up too much."

I take it from his hands, "oh no, its a perfect temperature. Thank you!"

I set it on the back of Ashton's neck and Jeremy leaves; closing the door behind him.

"This feels just amazing.." Ashton whispers with his eyes closed, "Thank you Yvonne."

"Well it is my fault your neck is in so much pain.."

"I guess you are not wrong.." I hear him chuckle as I sit beside him at the end of the bed.



"I was wondering if we could talk?"

His eyes slowly open, "Uh, about?"

"I mean about the awkwardness between us, this prophecy, and what we expect to do about all of this? I just hate all of this tension and uncomfortableness.."

"Yvonne.. I don't think this awkwardness will ever go away. The Moon Goddess put us in a horrible position and honestly I am not going to lie about the way I feel for you. I did before because of my brother but now what is holding me back? Nothing. I know that I cannot ask you to just forget all about my brother but I can ask you to be true to the way you feel .. I am aware of how this looks to everyone else but once we get this prophecy figured out; they will understand. However, I will respect your decision either way. As for the prophecy, I have a meeting with the elders in a bit so hopefully they can tell me what it all means."

I feel a lump in my throat, "Ashton, I cannot deny our connection through our wolves but I am still in love with your brother. I have started to get some feelings for you but I don't know when I will be ready.. or if I ever will be."

"I can wait for you.. "

"Ashton, what if I am never ready?"

"Can you at least accompany me by my side?"

"Of course. I have come to love this pack so much.."

"I meant will you accompany me by my side; As my Luna?"


"Can you at least promise me that?"

"Ashton, don't you want to find a companion and have pups one day?

Ashton turns to me and grabs my hands into his. "Yes. Yes, I do. But with you Yvonne."

I yank my hands away from his, "Ashton.. I just-"

He lightly puts his hands over mine, "Don't you want a companion and pups one day? A family?"

"Ashton, yes but the only person I can see doing that with is Dominick."

"Are you sure he is the only one you can imagine doing that with?" I look into his eyes, "Ashton, I-"

"Yvonne, does your wolf really feel nothing for me?"

"Ashton of course my Wolf desires you.. You are our mate no matter how much I attempt to deny it. That connection is there. But I am talking about the one who holds my heart.. is still Dominick."

He nods, "Well I will wait for the day you are ready to hand that heart to me."

"Ashton, I hate hurting you.. I don't know what to do to avoid breaking your heart.."

"Stay with me. "

"Are you content with where we are now? Will you never expect more from me?"

"Yvonne, of course I will desire more but I will never force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"Ashton that was not my question.. I know you would never force me to do anything. I am just afraid of constantly hurting you and watching you suffer in pain. Especially your wolf."

"It hurts yes.. But I know I will be in much more pain with you not by my side.. At least by my side I can protect you and enjoy your company.. Is that so bad?"

I peck him on the cheek, "No, no it is not. I want to be by your side Ashton.. I just don't want to hurt you anymore. or myself."

"Yourself? What do you mean?"

"Ashton you know my wolf wants you and its so hard to fight those urges.. especially when I started to develop feelings for you along the way.. I don't know if I could have survived after Dominick's passing without you.. I-"

Ashton pulls me close to him pressing his lips against mine as his hands get tangled in my hair..

"Then don't fight those urges anymore.. Let yourself be consumed by them.. "

I jolt back, "Did you not hear anything I just said?!"

"No. No I did but Yvonne you just admitted to having feelings for me.. You. Not just your wolf. I just couldn't contain myself.. I am so happy to hear you say that. Finally.."

"Ashton.. even so. I told you I was not ready."

"I am sorry.. you're right. I shouldn't have done that."

I wrap my arms around his shoulders pulling him into a hug, "Thank you for being so good to me and understanding.."

I feel his hands slowly wrap around me, "Of course."

It was completely silent as we just held eachother for awhile.

"Yvonne, I must head to this meeting I will talk to you once it is over and fill you in."

"What? I was going to attend."

"Yvonne, I am sorry but the elders have decided to not allow you into any pack meetings until we figure this prophecy thing out to determine whether you will remain Luna. But don't worry I will handle it."


I watch him walk out of the room leaving me there wondering what will be spoken of in the meeting.

Ashton's P.O.V.

I am glad Yvonne and I were able to talk.. It is a huge step forward.. Most importantly, it gave me hope. Hope for Us..

I walk into the meeting room, all of the elders are sitting around the table.

"Hello Alpha.."

"Hello, so do you all have any new information to tell me about this prophecy?"

"Yes Alpha, we looked back into our pack's sealed records.. We found a prophecy within your blood line of the first born being given sacred powers from the Moon Goddess. However, years ago this prophecy was turned into a curse by dark magic. Your great, great, great Grandfather Alpha Matt had an affair with a witch by the name of Victoria Honderess.. As you may know this is the family of Jasmine Honderess..

"Yes. Dom and I were able to find that out a little after our mother's death."

"Well when Alpha Matt refused to make Victoria Luna after finding his mate; she was so angry that she casted a curse on the family using the prophecy that the Moon Goddess blessed your family with."

"What exactly is this curse though?"


"What exactly is it?"

"Your father was the last to submit anything into the records.. "

"Okay and?"

"Alpha, the first time he submitted anything on this curse was the day Alpha Dominick and you were born. He talks about the curse being so that the first born male could never find love.. because of them being a monster and if they so ever find their mate in the end they would end up killing them. "


"Yes Alpha.. A monster. A blood thirsty monster. Losing all of their control.. This curse turned the Moon Goddess's gift of power to something evil and dark. The gift bestowed on your family would let the first born male possesses a great amount of power that is above any power that any regular Alpha would have to protect and do good. Alpha Matt told Victoria of this blessing in which she was able to use black magic to turn it dark. Your father called many sorceress and witches to see if it could be broken but found no luck."

"What does this have to do with Yvonne? And her wolf recognizing two mates?"

"Alpha.. We looked at Alpha Dominick and your birth times.."


"Alpha, you were born minutes apart.. You are twins."

"What?! How do you know this to be true?"

"The royal doctor who delivered you both sealed the records after your father ordered him to. I hypothesize that although you were born minutes before Alpha Dominick.. The prophecy or 'curse' transferred to both of you seeing as you both have the same mate..."

"Did father know this?"

"No, he thought only you were given the curse considering you were technically the first born male.. "

I feel a lump in my throat.. How could my father keep so many secrets from us? Are there more?? I look up to see the elders waiting for a response.

"Anything else?"

"Not yet Alpha. We are investigating it deeper but for today this is all we have found so far."

"Okay.. Thank you. Please notify me of any new information."

"Yes Alpha."

"You all are dismissed."

"Actually Alpha, we want to discuss another matter with you."


"The Luna."

"What about the Luna?" I hear my voice raise and my hands clench the sides of the table.

"Alpha, its just she was the mate of Alpha Dominick and we must think of how her transitioning to being your Luna looks on our pack's image. How other pack's must see this?"

I slam my hands on the table, "I thought we have cleared this up already?"

"Yes. Yes, we have. But even so there are rumors going around and not everyone is going to believe that Alpha Dominick and you indeed do have the same mate.. "

"I don't give a fuck how other pack's see us! As long as my pack is loyal and obedient.. "

"Alpha, yes we understand that but what about our allies? Or perhaps how some of our members may disagree with your decision and attempt to overthrow you?"

"Is that a threat?"

"No Alpha.. It's a warning of what is to come if we do not face this in the correct manner."

I feel myself started to lose my temper, "A warning? I am Alpha. No one else."

"No.. No Alpha. We are just telling you the risks we are taking. Its just we have heard some of the members gossiping and rumors have spread to other packs. It does not look good Alpha."

"So what do you suggest we do?"

"Alpha forgive us.. But we suggest taking away the Luna's title. Or perhaps using her to regain our members back from Alpha Jack.."

I slam my hand on the table, "No! Out of the question.. After all she has done for this pack and you all just want to throw her to the side.. I cannot believe this."

"Alpha with all due respect, we are merely suggesting what is best for our pack. We really do not want to take her title away its just with rumors spreading to our allies.. Its not good especially right now as we are still in war. Our allies are crucial to our victory right now."

"Since when did we become a weak pack that depended on our allies so much?"

"Alpha, please just listen to our-"

"I said no. If that is all, I will take my leave."

"Alpha, wait. We do have another suggestion."

"Go ahead,"

"The only way for the pack and our allies to accept Luna Yvonne as being your Luna.. You must marry and finish the mating process.. That is the only way for them to see her seriously in the position of being your Luna and most importantly our Luna."

"And if I do not listen to either of the suggestions?"

"There are rumors that a few pack members and allies will revolt."

"Let them. I dare them to."

"Alpha, this puts Luna Yvonne's life in danger."

"As does handing her over to Alpha Jack!"

"Alpha but at least she will be safe as their Luna."

"I suggest you watch your mouth Elder Jim.. "

"Alpha, I am merely speaking for us all.. it is what is best for our pack.."

"So, handing over our Luna to another pack as if we are weak looks much better then?"

"Alpha, no but it will save many of our members lives."

"We are going to get our members back alive elder Jim without handing over our Luna!"

"The way we see it you have three choices.. Please Alpha make the best one for our pack and your people.."

They all stand and bow down. "Meeting is over.. You all are dismissed."


Author's Note:

I hope you all had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I enjoyed my break a little too much and it sucks that it has come to an end! Anyway, Thank you for reading and please continue!


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