Issues // H.S. // A.U.

By Hitterj

1.5M 36.1K 88.7K

18+ / Very Mature "So you've been stalking me?" "Completely." I laugh at his candor and I watch as his eyes l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twelve

46.3K 1K 1.6K
By Hitterj


"I thought you said this was a little thing?" Harry asks as we walk through the entrance to the festival.

"I meant little as in a relative term. Darla's been planning this festival for well over a decade now, and she is very connected and very convincing. A lot of local businesses donate their time or food or services to help raise money." I answer him as I lead him through the crowd, hands intertwined lazily.

"So how much does this usually rake in for the charity?"

I hum, "I think last year we broke the record with fifty grand?"

"Woah, really? That's amazing. You said this is the fifteenth year?"

The crowd was quite thick already for only being open for two hours. I was a little surprised considering how cold it was today. Normally we still have a bit of sun around this time of year, but for the past week it's been overcast and frigid. There was even a chance of snow in a few weeks, which was practically unheard of this time of year for us.

Harry and I were bundled up in our winter jackets and boots. I had slipped on some thermal leggings underneath my jeans to keep me warm unlike Harry who only had a pair of his regular skinny jeans with holes in the knees. I knew he would be freezing by the time we were done here, wondering if maybe he would be okay with heading straight home and enjoying a warm bath instead of going out to another Halloween party.

"Yeah, it used to be pretty small, but it's grown every year." I answer him, tugging him closer to me while the wind picks up.

"I just can't believe I've never heard of this. I grew up like twenty minutes away."

I give him a look, "Harry, you grew up on the north side. No offense, but this really isn't your scene."

I feel his eyes staring at me, nearly tripping over a toddler. After apologizing profusely to his mother he asks me, "What do you mean?"

I sigh, "Maybe I'm wrong, but everyone I went to school with from that area looked down at us. I'm not saying you do that, because you really don't. It's actually quite amazing how nonjudgmental you are, but the people I grew up with were more along the lines of your dad."

He was quiet for a moment, "They're not all so bad, you know..."

I glance over to see an uncomfortable look on his face, so I stop in my tracks and turn him towards me. "I know they're not. I'm not explaining this right... I don't mean to be annoyingly righteous or judgmental myself, but this isn't the type of charity that people with a lot of money usually attend. This isn't some gala or auction that you can dress up for. I used to work for a catering company my senior year of high school, and while I've seen some really great fundraisers and stuff that are put on in the north side I've always felt like the majority of people don't like to actually know the people they are helping out. This festival is all about making connections and networking with our own community. Supporting each other when we really need it." I squeeze his hand when I see him really listening to my words. I was worried that I would offend him while trying to explain myself, but he seems to really be trying to listen. "If you go down a ways that way you'll find a tent set up with artwork hanging up. All those pieces are made from kids in foster care. The money from this festival helps fund a free class for those kids who otherwise would never get to explore their talent. You can buy the pieces and the money goes directly into their pocket. Over this way you'll find a row of booths from small businesses who are willing to hire kids with no prior experience or with juvie records. It's like a career fair for teens who would have a hard time getting a job anywhere else due to their reputation. Where we entered was a group of volunteer therapists who give their time to those who can't afford it or need more help than they are getting from the state. While I think it's amazing how much money can be raised and donated from... well, for a lack of better words, rich people, this is much more about cultivating a community that are willing to legitimately help out young people who have been failed by their families and the state."

Harry stood in silence after I finished, brows furrowed and green eyes blazing. He was looking off to the last place I had pointed out where a group of people were under a tent, some talking to adults and other with some teenagers. His hand is tight in mine while I watch him with slight apprehension. I've never brought anyone here, and I had never even talked to anyone about this part of my life. Andrew knew of my foster family, but I hadn't ever introduced anyone to Darla.

"It really is amazing." He says finally, looking down at me through his long lashes.

A small smile appears on my face, my hand mindlessly rising up to run my fingertips across his strong jaw. "I really like you." I say honestly.

A bright smile appears on his face along with a slight pink tinge to his cheeks, bashfully looking away and rolling his eyes. I laugh at his reaction, pulling his face back in my direction to lean cup on my tiptoes and peck his lips. Automatically, his arm swung around my back to keep me in place, sneaking in a few more pecks before I say, "Thanks for not taking it the wrong way. I didn't want it to sound like I was putting you down for growing up the way you did."

"I knew you weren't trying to do that, Dani. Don't ever be afraid to try and explain yourself. I'll always listen, okay?" I nod up at him. "Now, take me to Darla."

I chuckle at his enthusiasm and grab his hand to lead him to her usual tent. Every year Darla runs a food tent with the help of her kids. I've always come down to help out, because there's always one or two of her kids who bail, and it's also a good chance to see some of my foster brothers and sisters that I don't stay in contact all that often.

It's a bit of a walk over to the food section of the festival, but I point out a lot of things to Harry as we pass by, waving at some who I recognize, and promising I'll make sure to come back and talk with them later. Harry kept quiet most of the time, just looking around at the spectacle around us. It was a lot, I had to admit, with the vibrant tents that ranged from people selling handmade clay pots to an army recruitment tent.

When I saw the tent, my heart started to beat a little faster. I wasn't scared to introduce Harry to the most important person in my life, but I was a bit nervous. I had never done this sort of thing. Never had I thought I would be doing this, but here I am.

As if he could feel my nerves, Harry lightly squeezed my hand. I look up at him to see his normal beaming face smiling down at me. If he was nervous he wasn't showing me. I took a deep breath before making the final turn into the side of the tent, leading him inside. I'm immediately hit with a barrage of smells, a wide array of food being made. My eyes go directly toward the woman up front, flanked by two teenagers taking money at the tills. There didn't seem to be too much of a line, so when she turned her head and saw that we arrived, she left the front to greet us.

"Dani! Perfect timing! Tyler and Amber have to head out, so I need someone up front with me." She said quickly, her eyes only darting to Harry's when she's done. "Oh, and this is your friend?"

She reaches her hand out to shake Harry's, her eyes moving up and down his body, taking him in. He smiled at her, "It's so nice to finally meet you. Dani's told me a lot about you."

She raises her eyebrows and looks at me, a silent conversation happening between us. "She did, did she? That must mean you're something special."

My face goes red and my eyes widen, "Okay, okay, do you need us both up front?" I try desperately to get the ball moving. I knew Darla would see straight through my very casual mention of him over the phone last weekend. I had told her I was bringing a friend along, but she sniffed out immediately just how friendly Harry and I were.

"Actually I think I'll just take Harry up front and you can help Kate make the food since you did that last year." She says, looping her arm into Harry's and pulling him to the front. "We'll be fine, honey. Kate's got a little surprise for you back there."

She waves me off, tugging Harry away from me. I mouth "Good luck" to him, making him flash a bright smile at me. He shakes his head and turns to Darla to start a conversation. I sigh and step through the second curtain where the food is being prepped. I see Kate's long red hair shoved into a messy bun, her back to me as she packaged up several bags of popcorn.

"Kate!" I yell out, making her jump. I burst out laughing at her reaction, but it catches in my throat the moment she turns around to glare at me. "What the fuck! When did this happen?!"

Her hands cup her growing belly, obviously well into her third trimester, "Well, you know Scott and I had been talking about it for a while..."

"Yeah, but... but-" I couldn't form the proper words, my brain not comprehending that the girl I had known for so many years was now starting the family she had always wanted. "Why didn't you tell me?!" I finally exclaimed.

She laughed at my reaction, pulling me in for a hug, "We waited until I was well into my second trimester to tell anyone, because we were so scared something would happen, and then you were busy with school and work. I was going to call you, I swear, but I just got swept away with all of... you know, pregnancy." A small shy smile appeared on her pale, freckled face. "Fuck, that still feels so weird to say!"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, "I'm so happy for you, Kate! Wow, I just can't believe it finally happened. We're growing up, aren't we?"

"We made it, is what we did." She says proudly.

She was right in a sense. We had grown up with a lot of kids in the foster system, both with and before Darla. There were a lot of us that never got the help we needed, and every time I got together with my siblings we always had news to share of people we had known back in the day and the troubles they were in. Kate had always had a good head on her shoulder unlike me. It was always clear that she was going to make it out to the other side. There was a good chunk of life where it was touch and go for me, but eventually I found the right therapist and right home.

I breathed out a laugh and got her to tell me what sort of operation she had set up back here. It was fairly simple stuff, just bagging popcorn, cotton candy, and preparing chocolate and caramel apples with different topping. Then we would bring it up front for Darla to sell.

"Darla said you were bringing a friend? They up front?" Kate asked after a while of catching up with our normal lives.

"Yeah, she pulled him away immediately." I laugh out.

"Him? What's going on with that, huh? You've never brought anyone to this before." She pressed, a knowing smile forming slowly on her face.

I feel my face warm, but keep my head down as I tie bags of cotton candy. "Uh... yeah, he wanted to come after I told him about the festival."

"Are you really going to make me pry?"

I look up to see her hand on her hip, eyebrow cocked, looking at me unimpressed. I burst out laughing, knowing how very easily she is going to get the information out of me. "His name is Harry-"

"Are you two dating?"

"Uh... yeah, I guess so..." I answer a bit unsure.

"You guess so?"

I sigh, "Like we are definitely seeing each other, but nothing's official."

"Are you two exclusive?"

I bite my lip and nod.

Her jaw drops, "No fucking way!" She yells loudly, "It's finally happened."

"Will you shut up!" I laughed, "They'll totally hear you."

I go to grab the bags to bring out front, but she rips them away from me. "Oh no, you don't. I'm going to bring these up there and see the boy who stole my sisters heart."

I roll my eyes at her, but shoo her away. I get started on a line of apples, dipping them into our vats of caramel and chocolate. A few minutes later I hear her make her way back in.

"Wow, that boy is one hell of a charmer, Dani." She says with a big grin on her face.

I shake my head, "Yeah, I know."

"Looks like he's got Darla in the palm of his hand." She chuckles. "From what I saw, he seems like a good guy."

"He is." I assure her as she joins me in topping the apples. "He's kind of everything." I sigh out.

Kate doesn't say anything right away. I look over at her to see a smug look on her face as she pours chocolate candies on a caramel apple. "What is that look for?"

"Remember that conversation we had a couple years ago?"

"We've had millions of conversations, Kate."

"After your first year of college? When you were fooling around with all those random guys all the time, and you said you weren't capable of those types of feelings? After what had happened to you." She reminded me.

I slowly nodded my head, "Yeah, I remember that."

"And then I told you that one of these days someone's going to come out of nowhere, when you least expect. They're going to be exactly what you need, when you need it." She says triumphantly.

"And why do you think this is Harry?" I tease her, knowing full well that it was a hundred percent him.

"Because of the simple fact that you opened up enough to tell him about us. We haven't even met your friends, Dani, and now you're bringing this guy to the most important event for us. What's next? Thanksgiving?"

I give her a look, "Fine, you were right. I found someone, and I'm super happy with him."

"He knows how serious this is, right?" She asks me, never one to beat around the bush. "You introducing him to us?"

I nod my head, "Yeah, he does... I've talked to him a lot about it all."

She hesitated before asking, "Does he know about-"

"No." I cut her off quickly. "No, he doesn't."

She nods her head, tying up the last apple in the see through wrap. "You know that the deeper you get into this the more he's going to want to know about your past." I don't answer her, wiping off our work table. She sighs, "Dani, that's how relationships work. You've got to open up to him for it to last."

"I understand that, Kate." I tell her, refusing to look up. "It's still a little early, though. We aren't even boyfriend-girlfriend yet, so I haven't really thought about telling him about why it's probably not a good idea to date me."


"I mean, I would completely understand why he wouldn't want to-"

"Shut up, will you? You don't know how he would react to that sort of thing, so don't make that decision for him, okay? You're right: It's way too early in the relationship, so don't stress it. I'm sorry for pushing. You know I have a problem with that." She apologizes, even though my head is already jumbled with thoughts of how temporary my happiness could be.

"That's okay, Kate. I'm going to bring these up front real quick." I grab the cart we had just filled up and started wheeling it to the front. I slip past the cover and look quickly to see only a couple in line talking to both Darla and Harry. They're joking about something, but Harry's eyes flicker back to mine, a big smile greeting me. I flash him one myself and start setting the apples down on a table.

A moment later, I'm startled when I feel Harry wrap his arm around my stomach, his lips pressing to my cheek. I melt into him, the tension that had filled me from Kate and I's talk leaving me immediately.

"What's wrong?" He asks me quietly, swaying us on the spot.

I smile to myself, amazed that he could pick up in my mood so well. My hand finds his on my side, and I squeeze it answering, "Nothing, I'm okay."

He makes a little noise, "Dani..."

"It's nothing, really. Sometimes it can get a little tough when I see my family. They just push my buttons. I'm good now." I assure him, putting away the last of the candied apples. I turn to him, seeing, out of the corner of my eye, Darla spying on us. I couldn't care less, though, just needing to hug him.

His arms squeeze my torso as I bury my face into his neck. We stay quiet for a second before I hear him mutter into my ear. "I'm having a lot of fun. I like Darla a lot."

"I'm glad. Not surprised you two are getting along so well." I joke.

His chest rumbles pressed up against me as he laughs. "As much as I'm enjoying this, I miss you. How about we head back to my place tonight? I've got a hot tub on the back porch. You don't need to be to work tomorrow until three, right."

"Right." I hum, "Hot tub sounds really nice."

"It's a date then."

I snort into his skin, pulling away when he laughs as well. I playfully push him away, but he grabs my hand and pulls me in tight to press a chaste kiss to my lips. My face goes red as I steal a peak behind him to see Darla watching us like a hawk.

"Am I embarrassing you?" He asks me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I can tell how much he's loving how shy I'm being around my family.

"Shut up and get back to work." I mock scorn him.

I'm answered by a wide toothy grin as Harry slowly backs up and starts walking towards Darla. My eyes flicker to the older woman, her giving me a look that definitely meant we were going to sit down and have a talk about Harry. I could tell easily, though, that this would be a good talk. I could see the spark in her eyes, telling me that she was enjoying his company, but also was happy for me. Happy that I had found someone to trust with that part of my heart that I had kept locked away for so long.

The next few hours flew by. Kate and I stayed in the back packaging and making the treats, stocking them for Harry and Darla. We spent longer than intended, because our relief staff bailed, which was pretty normal. Darla apologized and explained to Harry how her newer kids were still going through a lot and could be unreliable at the best of times, but Harry simply assured her that we would stay as long as necessary.

Two hours after that, four people showed up and Darla almost pushed the three of us out of the tent, so we could enjoy ourselves.

"Dani, show Harry around a little more. We've got a lot more games this year, since I convinced Mr. Clockburn to donate this time. Been working that old fool for years now and finally broke him down."

I chuckled, "Alright, we'll go check it out. Do you still want me to come over next week to help with dinner?"

"Oh no, honey, you've got midterms next week. Focus on your studies. We'll get together before Thanksgiving. Maybe you could invite Harry here? I know I would love to spend some more time getting to know him." She suggests.

I hesitate, not sure if that's too much for him too soon, but Harry answers quickly, stomping out any doubt in me, "Yeah, I would love that. I can make a mean casserole."

I give him a weird look, but he just winks at me and intertwines our fingers together and squeezes my hand. The familiar butterflies in my stomach start to flutter before I answer, "Okay, I'll give you a call after I'm done with all my midterms and we'll plan something?"

"Sounds good. I better get back inside. Lord knows I can't trust those heathens with all those treats in there." Kate and I laugh as she hugs us goodbye. I think she surprises Harry when he too gets a hug from her along with a big kiss to the cheek. I notice she whispers something in his ear before she lets go and waves us goodbye.

"What was that?" I ask Harry after Kate says goodbye, promising to keep me in the loop with the baby.

"What was what?" Harry plays dumb, but I can see he knows exactly what I'm asking.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "What did she whisper in your ear."

"Oh that... That's a secret."

A small smile appears on his face as he tells me this. I fake outrage, "A secret? That's a hell of a way to start out a relationship."

His small smile turns into a full-fledged grin, "I love it when you say stuff like that."

"Like what? That we're in a relationship?" I ask knowingly.

"Yes. I really like it. I like people to know we're together too. Might start showing you off around campus, so everyone's aware that I'm yours."

"Good, then I won't have to fight all those girls trying to get your attention." I shoot back.

"And I won't have to deal with all the guys leering at you."

"Guys don't leer at me." I scoff.

He gives me a look, "Dani, you and I both know exactly how guys look at you."

I try my hardest to stop the stupid smile from appearing on my face, but fail miserably. "Are you jealous?"

He brings me in closer to him, his hand leaving mine to wrap around my waist. "Surprisingly no. I don't particularly like it, but I trust you and I know you wouldn't ever do anything with any of them."

I look over at him, "Because we're exclusive."

"Very exclusive. About as exclusive as you can get." I breathe out a laugh. "Do you get jealous of the girls?"

I take a moment to think about it, "You know... I don't think so. I also don't particularly like it, but I also... kind of, like knowing that I'm the one  you chose." I see a bright, bashful smile form on his face at my words. "I like to show you off too, Harry."

"You know, sometimes I think it's crazy how easily we fit." He hesitantly says.

I keep my eyes on him as he leads me through the crowd, trusting he won't let me knock into anything. "I know... I never thought I would feel this way."

His eyes glance down at me before returning to the path, "How do you feel?"

I smile at his question. I've come to learn that Harry likes words. Even though he can read me so well, he likes to hear my thoughts. "Comfortable. Happy. Lucky."

He hums, "I like that. You make me really happy, Dani. Like... more than I thought was possible. Kind of thought this type of thing was a load of horseshit."

I giggle, "This type of thing?"

"You know..." He teases, "this type of connection, the way you can calm me down instantly just by being around. Feelings in general..."

There's hesitation at the end of his proclamation, and as I stare at him I know exactly what would come next in his sentence. He was talking about love. Something I think neither of us are ready for, or at least to admit, but it's been quite clear to me that we are heading in that direction. I've known since that night he stumbled into my room drunk while I was studying, completely unaware that he was partying at my house, that if I were to ever fall for someone it would be him. He would be the one to break me.

And, quite frankly, it's terrifying, but somehow I haven't let that fear consume me. Any time my mind started those familiar dark thoughts, his name would pop up on my phone with a stupid text that made me laugh, or he would be calling just to talk after a long day of studying. Somehow he kept it all at bay.

"I kind of thought it was all bullshit, too, to be honest. Then this guy with curly hair and ridiculous dimples popped into my life..."

"What an ass."

I burst out laughing, shaking my head, deciding to steer away from such an intense conversation. "Let's do something super cliche."

He smiles as he watches me laugh, "Like what?"

"We are at a fair... Win me a giant stuffed bear, Curly. Oh, and don't think I don't know you just changed the topic so I wouldn't ask about yours and Darla's little secret."


"You're never going to let me live that down, are you?" Harry says as he unbuckles the giant stuffed bear from the backseat of his car.

I'm holding back a laugh as I shake my head. We lumber up to his front porch with the bear I won him dragging on the ground, too big for either of us to carry.

"I still think the whole thing was rigged. That kid had a huge crush on you. Probably had a string behind him ready to pull them down the moment you stepped up." He huffed.

"Or I'm just ridiculously good at carnival games."

"Nobody is good at carnival games." He presses on as we enter his house.

It's nice and toasty inside, Conner obviously forgetting to turn off the heat while everyone was out. I take off my giant coat and hang it in his closet while he sets the bear down and strips down to his long sleeve shirt. When he has hung his coat up, I step forward and wrap my arms around his torso. My face buries itself into his chest, my forehead resting underneath his chin as he follows my lead and hugs me tight against his body.

"Thanks for coming with me today. It really meant a lot. Sorry if it ruined your Halloween weekend." I mumble against his skin.

"Dani, don't worry about that. We celebrated last night, if you remember correctly, and I very much enjoyed it, but I also equally enjoyed today." He tells me before kissing the top of my head and threading his fingers through my hair.

I hang my head back so I can look up at him, amazed that even at this angle he looks so good. "You aren't just saying that?"

"No, I'm not. I really did love today." He leans down to peck my lips, keeping our faces close to each other. We're silent for a moment just enjoying the serenity surrounding us before he asks, "You still up for the hot tub?"

I grin, "Yes, but I don't have a swimsuit."

"We can just go in our underwear. No one's coming back until pretty late tonight, so we have the place to ourselves." He suggests cheekily.

I hum in contentment, "Go warm it up, baby, and I'll get some towels." I separate from his hold and pat his bum before I rush up the stairs. "Closet next to the bathroom, right?" I call behind me.

"Yeah!" He yells back.

When I come back downstairs I head straight for the backyard. I've barely spent any time back here, so I hesitantly poke my head out the sliding glass door and look around until I spot Harry sticking his finger into an already steaming hot tub.

"That warmed up fast." I commented, shutting the door behind us, shivering as the cold air surrounds me.

"Thank god. It's fucking freezing out here." He peels off his shirt, goosebumps littering his tattooed skin, nipples hardening. I watch gluttonously as he unbuttons his pants and shrugs off his socks. He's wearing tight black boxer-briefs that show off what he's packing underneath. I can tell he knows I'm watching him like a creep as he steps into the steaming water, sinking down to his pecs before turning towards me with an eyebrow cocked.

I smile coyly at him, hands finding the bottom of my shirt to slowly peel it off my body. I'm wearing a comfortable black sports bra with a white band and logo across the chest. I can also feel my nipples poking through the fabric, responding both to the cold water and Harry's heated stare. I quickly unbutton my jeans and slide them down, desperate to feel the relief of the hot water on my skin. I had opted for a pair of cotton booty shorts, comfort winning over teasing him with something sexy.

I couldn't tell the difference, however, Harry's eyes moving down my body as I rushed over to him. It seemed that no matter what I wore he thought it was the sexiest thing ever. He stood up and offered me his hand to help me into the tub. I smile at him and sink low to warm up.

We're quiet as we soak our bodies, I float over to Harry as he leans against the corner, my hands making their way up hist chest and around his neck. He lets me come to him as I straddle his hips, his arms draped on the edge of the tub on either side of him. His eyes are focused on mine as I explore his features, fingers leading my gaze across his face. He doesn't say anything while I take my time just admiring him, wondering how I got to this place with another human. My thumb glides against his bottom lip, so soft and plump. I give in to my wants by slowly leaning in, nose nudging his aside playfully before I nip at his lip. I pull away as he leans in to meet my lips, a coy smile crossing my face as he huffs out in displeasure.

I giggle as his hands finally touch my heated, wet skin, pulling me into his body. I give in and kiss him, my hands tilting his head back so I can have a better angle. As always we're perfectly in sync, our lips moving as if they've known each other for years. My heart simultaneously speeds up and calms in a strange juxtaposition that I could only describe as Harry.

The kiss doesn't lead anywhere, which makes me feel giddy. I love sex with Harry, like a lot, but there's something about the intimacy of just kissing him to kiss him, or hugging and cuddling for comfort. It's something I had never experienced, and had never wanted to before him. This side of me was reserved solely for him.

An hour later I'm practically drifting in and out of sleep, laying against his chest. We had enjoyed each other's lips for about ten minutes before casually talking about our classes and midterms coming up. My midterms were later in the week, giving me Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to cram for my five classes. Harry would be done with his Thursday morning, but was stressing about one of his classes in particular. We agreed to study once we woke up in the morning, deciding to be responsible college students for a bit.

One of his arms is wrapped around my stomach, fingers playing with the band of my underwear, surprisingly innocently, while the other is intertwined with mine, thumb stroking mine under the water. Occasionally his lips will press the smallest kiss to my neck, my head lazily resting against his shoulder.

His voice broke me out of my serene stupor, "Today meant a lot to me too, Dani."

I hummed, "It did?"

"Yeah, I like it when you open up to me. Like knowing things about you that no one else knows." His voice was a little gruff, reminding me of what it sounds like in the morning.

"You know more about me than a lot people, Harry."

"Want to know everything about you."

I felt a pang in my heart, my shoulder tensing as scenes from my past fluttered through my mind. Would he really want to know everything?

"I know it's scary for you, Dani" He says as he feels me tense up against him, "I know you've had a really rough life, and when you're ready to talk about it I'll be here. Take your time. Guard your heart." His hand came up to rest above my heart. "I know it's delicate, but I promise I'll take care of it, okay? When you're ready for that just tell me and I'll be there."

I let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes as I take in his words. "It's bad." I whisper out.

He presses his lips to my temple and brings them down to my ear, "I'm here for you."

I take hold of both his hands and wrap them tighter around my body. He squeezes me almost as though he's holding me together, and in this moment I am so relieved to have found him. I know I'll tell him eventually. I know he'll break down those iron-clad walls that I've built so carefully around my heart.

And just like always I am terrified, but in his presence, wrapped up in his arms as he whispers how important I am to him, I'm also at peace.

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