Secrets, death, runaways and...

By blueparrot12

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You, ( y/n) are the 12 year old cousin (and only young relative) of Queen Victoria of England. The Queen is... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Runaway
Chapter 2: Directions
Chapter 3: The Manor
Chapter 4: Dinner
Chapter six: The case
Chapter 7: Can you fence?
Chapter 8: Cold water
Authors note
Chapter 9: Royalty
Chapter 11: A playful chase
Chapter 12: A day with the servants
Chapter 13: You can't come
Chapter 14: Do you fear death?
Chapter 15: Sacrafice
Chapter 16: We wait
Chapter 17: Not yet
Chapter 18: Princess ( Y/N )
Chapter 19: Kanzei's perspective
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: Hell fire
Authors note
Chapter 22: Goodbyes

Chapter 10: Like the rain

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By blueparrot12

Your ( C/E ) slowly opened as you yawned and sat up on your comfy bed. 

"Where am I?" you thought this while rubbing your tired eyes, so that the burry vision would go away.

All of a sudden you remembered all that had happened the day before.

" Ohhh... now I remember" You frowned but then made a confused face as to how you came to be in your bedroom. The last thing you could remember was crying on Ciel....

" AAAAAh I did that!" You began to punch the air in front of you with balled up fists.

" I guess i'll just have to apologize for my sudden out burst..." You said laying back down in bed.

" I can't believe they know now... I was such a fool."

A few minutes had passed, when you heard a light knock on the door.

" May I come in Miss ( Y/N )?"

"Oh" you thought. The voice belonged to Sebastian.

" Um, yes you may come in"

Sebastian opened the door almost immediately after granting him access. He was holding something though.

It seemed to be a very light ( F/C ) piece of cloth and a pair of matching ( F/C ) shoes.

" This is a gift from the young master. You have nothing else to wear rather then that boyish outfit."

" Wait what? Really? Ciel got this?" You said this getting out of bed and walking over to Sebastian.

Sebastian handed you a beautiful faded ( F/C ) dress.  ( LOOK AT THE DRESS AT THE TOP! )

" It's absolutely beautiful!" 

Sebastian opened is mouth to speak again. " The young master will be choosing many clothes for you daily."

" Huh?? Really? Thats so kind... but why?"

" Well you are a girl after all. Actually you are the princess of England. So fine high quality clothing for you should be well expected." 

" Oh..." You thought this through for a minute till you nodded and thanked Sebastian.

Shortly after he left the room telling you to come outside for breakfast once your finished. 

You put the dress on once Sebastian was completely gone. 

You were surprised to see that Ciel knew a thing or two about fashion. Actually... now that you think about it... Ciel is always in fine fashion. "He must have good taste" you thought smiling to yourself.

You quickly brushed your pretty ( L/C/H ), and let it hang loose all the way down to your waist. You never liked doing TO much with your hair. 


You had walked outside to the back of the manor but didn't see anyone.

" Where is everyone?" You were gonna try the front yard of the manor... when a certain garden caught your eye.


" Wow, it's so pretty here". 

You had decided to take a look at the Phantom hive garden pathway.

One of your favorite parts of the pathway was the tulips. They were just so pretty and colorful.

You bent down to smell one but stood back up when you heard something coming from the other side of the bush.

" Um... h...hello?" the rustling quickly stopped and you shrugged thinking it must have been the wind.

Just then, something came out of the bush limping.

"Huh!?" You looked down at the cute puppy limping yet wagging it's tail at you.

" Aah! Oh my! It's a fwuffy wuffy puppy!!!" You bent down to the dog immediately holding out your hand. 

" Hello there little guy. Are you hurt?" 

The dog limped towards you and licked your hand like crazy. You eventually picked up the cute dog in your arms and took a look at it's leg.

" You sweet puppy.... you've been bit by something haven't you?" The dog responded in a small bark, licking your face.

" Haha, still filled with energy I see. Don't worry... i'll get you all patched up." You close eyed smiled at the dog.

" Ah, there you are Miss ( Y/N ). Iv'e been wondering why you haven't arrived for breakfast yet."

" O..oh, Sebastian." You turned around to face him but to your surprise he flinched when he came in sight of the dog. 

" Huh? Does he have problems with dogs?" You wondered.

" Where did you find that...thing" Sebastian asked this surprisingly coldly. 

" I just found this little doggie in the bush and... he's hurt" You pointed to the leg as Sebastian shook his head and extended his hands toward you.

" Do not worry yourself. I shall take care of this dog while you have breakfast." Sebastian took the dog away from you and you sighed. 

" Please be careful with him" 

" Yes of course. Oh and m'lady breakfast is at the front of the manor."

" Ohhh. Alright then. Thank you". 


The first thing Ciel did when he saw you, was cough on the spoon of oat meal he was about to place in his mouth.

" Eh, are you ok?" You looked at him confused as you sat down from him across the table.

" Yes, yes i'm fine. I just didn't expect the dress I got to fit you so... well I suppose."

" You mean... I look pretty?" You asked smiling happily at the complement.

" I suppose." Ciel only found his composure again and began to sip some tea.

" Sheesh, could this boy not give out a SIMPLE complement to a girl? Or is his pride to large for that?" You thought this as you sipped some tea as well.

There was an awkward silence as only the sound of utensils being used was heard.

You looked at Ciel who was across the table from you wearing a charming attire.

" Hm... yes indeed. Good taste." You thought. After another minute had passed by, you decided to do something.

You took your chair and walked on over with it, placing it near to where Ciel was eating. Then you went back and grabbed your plate and glass.

Ciel looked up from his cup watching you do this. " Whatever are you doing?"

" Im doing this so we can converse withought having to yell across a table." As you said this, you sat down with a happy expression on.

Ciel on the other hand.... had an annoyed expression on. None of his guests had ever done this before.

" Oh, and I wanted to apologize for my sudden out burst the other night." You stopped smiling and began picking at your food.

Ciel's annoyed expression left as he sighed " Yes well, girls seem to always be so emotional."

It took you a second to understand the rude comment he made. 

When you did... you got upset.

" Hey! For your information not all girls are sensitive all the time." Ciel shrugged and continued eating before opening his mouth.

" Tsk, don't cry, it's pathetic. Crying wont help anyone...." Ciel looked down at his ring " the world is just that cruel".

Your face softened as you realized you had just made Ciel feel an emotion he didn't seem to very much like. You felt bad. The awkward silence came yet again.

Looking at Ciel a second time, you realized his tie at the collar was undone.  

You sighed and reached over the table grabbing his tie. 

" W..what on earth are you doing ( Y/N )." Ciel looked down at you very confused.

" You know what I think? I think crying is nice." You began to undo his tie and re due it. 

" Crying is sorta like... the rain. The rain seems useless and gloomy at first... but once it ends... nature is reborn and fresh again. Same thing with crying. It makes you feel gloomy and seems like it will never end at first. However, when it feel fresh again... you feel better." After your words, you finished doing his tie neatly. 

" So in the end... crying doesn't mean someone is weak...but it means they have a heart. Don't you agree Ciel?" You sat back down at your seat once finished.

" Uhh.. y..yes! Well..." Ciel sorta blushed and looked away. " I guess it could be like the rain".

" I think i'll be headed to the ladies room now." You stood up tucking some hair behind your ear and walked away once Ciel stopped blushing and nodded.

The wind lightly blew as Ciel sat all the way back in his chair sighing and looking up at the sky.

" Like the rain".

He closed his eyes and caressed his ring lightly.

" I....Ciel Phantomhive...have no rain left to shed". 







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