Pesy One Shots

By pesysgirl

79.9K 1.9K 7.1K

A series of pesy (Perrie Edwards/Jesy Nelson) one shots! Also including other members of little mix, and occa... More

so hazy, but it's alright
Can't Breathe, Can't Sleep
Beneficial, More than Friends?
I was a little left out, but I'm not anymore
"It's like Jekyll and Hyde..."
Friends can break your heart too
so baby, baby, come and save me
This night, I'm never letting go of you
"It's too hard, Jes."
Just a Touch...
A Sleepy Studio Session
Sweaty, Sleepy Saturdays and Sugar in your tea
Please Don't Leave Me
Shoulder Kisses
You woke up in my bed
"You die and are admitted into Heaven..." (Pesy S+E 1?)
"Perrie's hot..."
"Stop Tickling Me!"
June šŸŒˆ
My Jadey (Jadesy)
"secret" girlfriends
Friends With Benefits (edited)
Carry On
She's Sick (Alerresy)
It's dry clean only
dishes and songs and not-so-sneaky snogs (v1)
dishes and songs and not-so-sneaky snogs (v2)
you can see it
good morning
More Than Words: Christmas, four years later
"Why don't you just date her then?"
Waiting for the end, pt I
"Can I sleep in here?"
Ready to go, babe?
"You're such a-"
"Way less."
tell me more
oh, the difference a year makes

Baby, baby, came and saved Christmas (Baby baby pt 2)

1.6K 41 58
By pesysgirl

A/N: this one shot is a continuation of a one shot I wrote a little bit ago entitled "Baby, baby, come and save me." You could read this all by itself, but it might be nice to read the first one to get the full scope. Totally up to you, tho!:) 

Either way, Enjoy!



  "Je-es," Perrie sing songs. "Jesyyy. Time to get uh-up."

For a moment, I'm shocked that she's awake before I am. But then I spot the tiny Christmas tree in the corner of the bedroom, and I remember.

"Jes, come on," she whines, tugging at my arm. I manage to hook my arm around hers and pull her closer to me, planting a tiny kiss to her lips before I settle back onto my pillow. "Jessica."

"Just five more minutes?" I beg, pulling her back down to me. "It's my Christmas wish."

"Fine," she whines, snuggling her way back into my arms. "But I'm setting a timer."

I snort. "M'kay," I mumble, pulling her close to me.

I don't go back to sleep, but I pretend like I do so that Perrie won't bug me to get out of bed. I just want to lay here a few more minutes, hold her nice and close before the craziness of the day begins.

Before my five minutes are up, I hear tiny little footsteps tottering towards the door.

"Mamamamamamamama-" Elle sings, barreling into the room.

"Merry Christmas, Elle-Belle!" Perrie says happily, abandoning her post in my arms to share in the baby's excitement.

"Pez!" Elle yells, laughing when Perrie picks her up spins her around. "Sannnnt-ah. Santa Santa Santa."

"Did Santa come, Ellie-Bellie?" Perrie asks, joy evident in her tone. I prop myself up on my arm to watch the two of them more clearly, delighting in their exuberant interaction.

"Yah!" Elle yells excitedly, shaking her tiny, year-and-a-half old fists. "Santa Santa Santa!"

I can't help but laugh at how Geordie my baby sounds. I know Perrie hears it too. She looks at me with those big, blue eyes and that sunshiney smile, pressing a kiss to Elle's forehead before she sets her on the bed.

"Mamamamamama," she starts again, crawling toward me before jumping on top of me.

"Oof," I groan, wrapping her tiny baby body in my arms as she nuzzles her head into me. "Okay, I'm awake. Good morning, little Love."

She scrambles out of my arms quickly, always on the move. "Santa Santa Santa," she chants, crawling back toward Perrie.

I lay down briefly, still knackered from hurriedly wrapping presents and placing them under the tree at three this morning. It can't be later than half-seven now, and I'm really feeling it.

I let loose a groan, throwing an arm over my eyes.

Elle crawls back to me, pushing my arm off my head and taking my cheeks in her hands.

"Chweemas, Mama," she says seriously, squeezing my face before pointing towards the door. "Santa."

"Alright, Alright," I say with a laugh. I scoop Elle into my arms as I roll to the edge of the bed. Perrie stands, practically jumping up and down.

Elle reaches for her, clearly wanting a livelier companion that myself this Christmas morning. Perrie obliges, as Perrie always does, quickly lifting Elle into her arms and snuggling her close.

I drag myself into a standing position as Perrie presses smacking kisses all over Elle's tiny face, eliciting round after round of baby-giggles.

Despite my lack of sleep, I can't help but smile at the two best parts of my life. Typically, Perrie and Elle are the ones dragging their feet whilst I try to get us all moving on a morning, but the incentive of presents has lead to an interesting role reversal.

Perrie extends a hand once I'm close enough, dragging me much too quickly down the stairs.

Elle starts to squirm in Perrie's arms as soon as she sees the sea of presents, so Perrie sets her down.

Elle sprints toward the biggest box on tiny, typically wobbly baby-legs, immediately tearing into the wrapper.

"Santa!" She screams, more madman than baby at this point.

I settle on the couch next to the box, watching as Perrie pulls the ribbon off and helps Elle with the paper.

"Barney!" She yells once the paper's all torn away. "Pez, Barney!"

"Wow, Elle Belle!" Perrie says excitedly, grinning so hard that her face must hurt. "Look at that!"

I press a quick kiss to Elle's forehead as she tries to figure out how to get Barney out of the box, and then a long, slow kiss to Perrie's lips before I tuck off to the kitchen in search of some scissors.

We must free Barney from his plastic prison, after all.

I pop the kettle on whilst I'm there, then return to break Barney out while Perrie helps Elle open another present- the one from Grandma Janice.

It's a darling little outfit complete with matching lacey socks and a hairbow. She has no interest in it, as she's a year and a half old, but I make a note to call my mother and thank her later.

The kettle goes off just as I've freed Barney, so I take the scissors back to the kitchen and ready a cuppa for me, as well as one for Perrie.

She takes it with a grateful nod, clearly more tired than she seems.

"Santa," Elle chants, abandoning Barney for another, slightly smaller package under the tree.

I smile a little too wide every time Elle says Santa, because it so clearly shows Perrie's influence in her life. If it were just Elle and I, he'd be Father Christmas.

After opening far too many gifts for the baby, especially considering she won't remember this in a couple years, Perrie and I settle into the couch, content to watch her play for a little while. When Perrie looks like she'll burst if she has to wait any longer to get at her gifts, we open our presents from each other, as well as those "from" Elle. I enjoy these little moments of peace and mostly quiet, aside from Perrie's quiet tearing, made louder by Elle crinkling the remains of the wrapping. We'll go over to Perrie's Mum's house for the Edward's Family Christmas party later today, and we spent Christmas Eve with my Family last night, at Nana Nelson's like we always do, so I cherish this little moment, just the three of us.

Once the presents are all unwrapped and the appropriate thanks given, I grab a blanket and set about getting comfortable with Perrie.

She enfolds me immediately upon my return, and I sigh. I relish my place snuggled in Perrie's arms, delighting in the way her fingers rest on the sliver of bare skin near my waist and little kisses she gives me periodically.

I'm nearly asleep when Elle totters over, dragging something behind her.

"Mama, Pez." She says rather professionally, settling something on my lap.

"What's this, little Love?" I ask, picking up an unopened box that's about twice the size of my fist. "Perrie, it's for you," I say, reading the tag.

"Ooh, present!" Perrie says excitedly. I smile at her, but internally I'm a little confused. I got Perrie four gifts from me and two from Elle, and she's already opened them all. So where did that one come from?

I'm jarred from my thoughts when Perrie scrambles onto the floor.

"Did you drop it?" I ask with a laugh, noticing the box on the ground.

"Yeah," she says sheepishly, turning back to the box and tearing it open, just out of view. I try to peek around, but Elle throws a balled up piece of wrapping paper at me, distracting me.

I roll my eyes at her fondly, and she laughs before pointing at Perrie, who's still on the floor.

"Pez, Mama."

"Yes, baby, Pez-"

The remainder of my sentence dies in my throat when I spot a teary Perrie on one knee, holding a shiny ring in a tiny, velveteen box.

"Jes," she says, pausing. Whether it's for effect or because she's nervous, I'm not sure. Either way, it does the trick.

"Yeah?" I ask, my voice shaking almost as much as my hands are.

"I love you. Like, a lot," she says shakily, laughing through tears.

"I love you too," I whisper, just as shaky, crying just as much and smiling just as big.

"And I love Elle-Belle. The two of you have made my life so much better in so many ways. I'm happy in ways that I never thought I could be, Jesy. I want nothing more than to go to sleep with you every night and wake up every morning with you by my side. I want to be there for Elle's first preschool program, her first dance recital, her first heartbreak. I want to live my life to the fullest, and I want to do it with you, and with that precious little being of goodness and light. Who also has a terrible temper and refuses to let me help her with her shoes," she says, laughing. "I want you, Jes, and everything that comes with you. I know Eight months really isn't all that long, but I don't want any more time on this trial run. I want you and me, together, for the rest of forever. So, Jessica Louise Nelson- Will you marry me?"

I'm full on crying by this point, unable to answer Perrie's question 'cos my throat is too tight.

"Yah!" Elle yells, pumping her tiny fists in the air. "Yah, yah, yah!"

We both give a choked laugh, and I nod my head frantically at Perrie, pulling her up onto the couch with me as she slides the thin gold band with an oval shaped diamond on my shaking finger.

"I couldn't have said it better myself," I say, pulling Perrie on top of me and giving her a crushing kiss.

We're interrupted by loud, eighteen-month-old squeals before our kisses can really escalate.

Perrie and I each hold an arm out for Elle, and she runs toward us on her little waddley legs, arms outstretched.

We pull her into the middle of the cuddle, squeezing tight, each pecking a kiss to her cheek.

She squeals happily, leaning into the both of us.

"Pez, Mama, Ewwe. Mey Chweemas," she says.

"Merry Christmas, Elle-Belle," Perrie sighs, pressing a kiss to Elle's head and then a kiss to my lips.

"Merry Christmas indeed." 


A/N: Merry Christmas! 

I hope you enjoyed this cute little one shot! I definitely enjoyed writing it:) 

This deserved more of an edit but I've already taken my ambien and I am barellyyyy awake rn. Sorry. It's a bit sloppy lol:)

Thanks so much to those who vote, comment, and follow! You guys are the best! What did you thing about this one shot? 

I'm gonna go now before this just becomes one ambien-induced spelling error after another. 

I hope you have a marvelous Christmas with your families, and that you were pleasantly surprised. 

love yous! 



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