A Pack's Price

By Sybiesuga

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Kim Seokjin is an omega that was casted out of his pack after bringing home the scent of alpha's belonging to... More

Chapter 1: Scared, helpless, and alone
Chapter 2: The (in)convenience of a rut
Chapter 3: Unknown Alphas
Chapter 4: Not an update
Chapter 5: Flower crowns and doubt
Chapter 6: Lonely
Chapter 7: The Unexpected
Chapter 8: Brutal packs
Chapter 9: In Heat
Chapter 10: Escape
Chapter 11: Taken care of
Chapter 12: Cautious and on edge
Chapter 13: You're what I want
Chapter 14: Recollecting
Chapter 15: Memories
Chapter 16: Don't hate me
Chapter 17: I've only seen you
Chapter 18: Worry and comfort
Chapter 19: The remaining pieces
Chapter 20: Apart
Chapter 21: I can't stay
Chapter 22: Reasoning
Chapter 23: Caught
Chapter 24: Injured
Chapter 25: You were always there
Chapter 26: One of the fondest memories
Chapter 27: The truth
Chapter 28: Mating bite
Chapter 29: Bad timing
Chapter 30: Alpha's rut
Chapter 31: Can't help it
Chapter 32: When I had you all to myself
Chapter 33: I can't anymore
Chapter 34: Regret
Chapter 35: In deep thoughts
Chapter 36: My mistake
Chapter 37: With you too
Chapter 38: Am I good enough?
Chapter 39: I trust you
Chapter 40: Let's become close
Chapter 41: All in the past
Chapter 43: All over again
Chapter 44: Dangerous
Chapter 45: What are we going to do without you
Chapter 46: Incapable
Chapter 47: Falling apart
Chapter 48: Did I keep my promise?
Chapter 50: Reassurance
Chapter 51: The go-ahead
Chapter 52: Exploring one another
Chapter 53: Possessive
Chapter 54: Horrible timing
Chapter 55: Not Yet
Chapter 56: It's about time
Chapter 57: It can't work
Chapter 58: I didn't mean it
Chapter 59: You can't do this
Chapter 60: I wasn't thinking
Chapter 61: I know you best
Chapter 62: You'll hurt me again
Chapter 63: Falling deeper in love
Chapter 64: That's not possible
Chapter 65: Unprepared
Chapter 66: A different kind of alpha?
Chapter 67: It's now
Chapter 68: Surreal
Chapter 69: I'm sorry everyone
Not an update, just an explanation (I'm really sorry)
Chapter 70: I have a secret
Chapter 71: Someone special
Chapter 72: Something's wrong
Chapter 73: Breaking Point
Chapter 74: Fix the broken pieces
Chapter 75: Can you be brave once more?
Chapter 76: That's not all we are
Chapter 77: Anything, for our omegas
Chapter 78: Together, once again
Chapter 79: Waiting for you
chapter 80: I Want What You Have, Too
Chapter 81: Forcing A Heat
Chapter 82: A Heat and a Rut
Chapter 84- A new beginning
Chapter 85- Epilogue- The End

Chapter 83: Complete Mating Bond

1.4K 67 6
By Sybiesuga

Hello everyone! Are you all excited for the last chapter? Originally, I was going to post 83 chapters total, but the last one was too long, so I split it! Which means the final chapter will still be posted tomorrow along with the orgy chapter uwu

I'm sorry it took so long, but you all were so patient and understanding, thank you so so much!
Four days, Jungkook thought. Four days they had been so wrapped up in their rut and heat. It had been a wonder how Hoseok managed to keep up with both of them.

But four days, where Jungkook hadn't marked Hoseok. They were running out of time to complete their three-way mating bond.

Jungkook glanced up at the omega's face. It was difficult to get a good glimpse when he was trapped between his legs.

Still, he managed to see Taehyung's beautiful expression.

Taehyung's face was flushed, his bangs stuck to his face with sweat and drool dripped down his chin.

Jungkook groaned. Taehyung's body was so unbelievably sexy. His chest had developed small breasts, and his nipples had become puffy and erect.

Jungkook was going to miss it when Taehyung's body returned to being slim and a little on the bony side. He loved touching him like this.

He loved the feeling of flesh giving under his touch. He reached up and squeezed Taehyung's chest, eliciting a loud moan.

"He looks beautiful, doesn't he?" Hoseok whispered into his ear. He thrusted harder, jerking Jungkook forward.


Hoseok tutted and nipped at Jungkook's shoulders. "C'mon, pleasure our omega too. It's not fair that we only get to feel good."

Jungkook shivered, but returned to licking and sucking Taehyung's hole. He groaned, tasting Taehyung's sweet slick and Hoseok's bitter cum.

"Ah! J-Jungkook! I'm going to-!" Taehyung gasped, gripping the alpha's hair harder. "Oh god! I'm c-co-"

Jungkook slurped, even as Taehyung squeezed his legs around his head. He loved hearing Taehyung come apart, the way his body would tense up and his back arch completely off the ground as he came into his mouth.

"Mmph!" Jungkook moaned. Taehyung tasted delicious. He could never get enough of it.

He didn't really get the chance to bask in the feeling. Not when Hoseok suddenly pulled him away and flipped him so he was laying on his back. He slipped his cock back inside and began moving once again.

Hoseok was really beautiful, too. Jungkook loved seeing the older alpha's concentrated, yet intense expression. Sweat dripped down his face and his eyebrows were knitted together. He hated to admit it, but he loved seeing Hoseok's like this. He loved being the center of his attention for once, even if it was only for a short while.

"Can I put it in next?" Jungkook asked, breathing into Hoseok's ear before he nipped at the lobe.

Hoseok shuddered at that. He bucked his hips harder and Jungkook bit his lip to stop himself from moaning.

"Yeah. After you mark me." Hoseok mumbled and needily connected their lips.

Except, Jungkook couldn't help but tense at the mention of marking Hoseok. The three of them almost had their mating bond completed, all that was needed to finish it, was him biting Hoseok. But biting him could mean subjecting Hoseok to the same symptoms he had gone through when he was bitten. He didn't want to put Hoseok through any of that.

He chose not to answer and instead placated the older alpha by grinding his hips up.

As expected, Hoseok groaned and returned to bucking his hips into him.

Still, it was on his mind. He could feel how much Hoseok wanted to complete their mating bond. He knew, and yet...

Hoseok thrusted a few more times, but suddenly stopped. He stared at Jungkook in worry. "You went soft..."

Jungkook looked down and sure enough, he really had. He met Hoseok's slightly hurt gaze and was quick to reassure him. "I-it's not you. I just... Have a lot on my mind."

Hoseok pulled out and laid down beside him.

"Hobi, you're still-"

"Nevermind that. What's on your mind? The pups?" Hoseok asked, pulling a sleeping Taehyung closer to lay between them.

Jungkook sighed and turned to hold Taehyung. "No... I don't know... Just drop it." He mumbled.

It shouldn't surprise him when Hoseok sat up to look at him better. "No way. I want to know what's bothering you." Jungkook averted his eyes, and something just clicked in Hoseok's head. "Is it... About marking me...?"

Jungkook hugged Taehyung closer, and Hoseok knew he had guessed right.

"I thought we already talked about this. I want you to bite me. I don't care what happens after. I just want to be yours too."

Jungkook blushed and lightly hit Hoseok's shoulder. "You're asking me to fuck up your alpha instincts. I can't do that to you- what the fuck!?"

Hoseok clambered over Taehyung and all but pinned Jungkook beneath him. "No way. You can't do that. I finally get to love you and you want me to not bond with you? That's..." He sighed in frustration and leaned down until his forehead was resting against Jungkook's shoulder. "Do you regret being bitten?"

"What?" Jungkook blinked. "Of course not. I'm happy you marked me."

Hoseok sat up and stared at Jungkook in disbelief. "So then why is it hard to do the same to me!? I can take it, and I'm practically begging you to mark me!"

"Because Tae and the pups deserve a great alpha." Jungkook blurted.

The den fell silent, save for Taehyung's soft snores and the crackling of the fire.

Hoseok was shocked, and a bit confused. "W-what do you mean 'a great alpha'?"

Jungkook huffed, frustrated. "I'm happy you marked me, but... I don't... Feel like the alpha I used to be. I feel... Incompetent and weak. I couldn't even handle Tae giving birth! I freaked out and fainted outside of the den when I thought everyone had left. I literally took it up the ass just seconds ago!"

Hoseok frowned. "I think not being able to handle Tae giving birth has more to do with your age than you being an alpha... And... I let you top sometimes, don't I?" Jungkook still looked unsure, and Hoseok hated seeing him so insecure. He sighed and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Tae relies on you, too. When Jin and Jimin got lost in the rain-"

"I lost them."

"When they got lost in the rain..." Hoseok continued, playfully placing a palm over Jungkook's lips to keep him quiet. "You made a wise decision to bring Tae back first. He probably would've caught a cold if you had taken him with you. I think... You're just maturing. I'm really happy and proud of it, too. You're not a pup anymore."

Jungkook averted his eyes and pushed Hoseok's hand away. He glanced at Taehyung, who was sleeping beside him.

Taehyung meant the world to him. He would die for the omega.

The problem was, he would do the same for Hoseok now, too. So he was torn between subjecting him to the same changes he had gone through since being bitten or leaving him be and saving Hoseok's alpha instincts. He just loved Hoseok so much, and he wanted to protect him.

And what if he regretted it after?

"Don't be stupid." Yoongi said with a huff. He was currently sitting by the pups and trying to teach them to sit up. Jimin had already told him he didn't think they were ready. They were newborns, after all.

Jin pouted. "It's safer here than anywhere else we've been! And the weathers been good. We won't go far, I promise!

Yoongi didn't look impressed. "It doesn't matter if it's safer here. You two are so clumsy, you manage to make a safe place dangerous."

Both omegas looked offended, but also knew they couldn't exactly argue against that. It was true.

But Jin knew when it was a lost cause. Yoongi was way too overprotective to let them venture alone without him. He wanted to stay with the pups. His shoulders slumped and he laid back on the furs. Jimin cuddled him from behind and licked at the back of his neck to comfort him.

Jin hated being cooped up in the den. Now, with Namjoon not here, it just made him feel worse. He missed the alpha so much.

He didn't notice the way Yoongi faltered at seeing the two so sulky and bored. The alpha tried to ignore it, and return playing with the pups, but it was a hard thing to do, especially when Jin let out another disappointed sigh.

Yoongi mentally fought with himself. What sane alpha would let two omegas out alone? The two always got hurt or lost. They could get attacked by a bear. They could catch a cold...

He made the mistake of looking at the two. Jimin had moved and was giggling, kissing Jin's face. Jin was smiling a little now, too and dammit. Yoongi couldn't be responsible for taking that away.

"Fine! Stay close to the den. Don't wander off. Don't play with things bigger than your paw, and absolutely don't get hurt!"

The two scrambled to sit up. They were staring at Yoongi with wide eyes. They couldn't believe it. Yoongi, one of the most protective alphas, was going to let them out alone!?

Jin jumped up and ran to embrace the alpha. He kissed him repeatedly on the cheek. "Thank you thank you thank you! I promise we won't get hurt!"

"Hurry and go before I change my mind!"

Jin giggled and was quick to shift and run out of the den.

Jimin walked over and kissed Yoongi's lips. "Thank you, Yoongi. Being apart from Namjoon is hard on him. I think he needs this."

Yoongi nodded with a sigh. "I know he's been feeling down. I just... I don't want him to think about it too much and become depressed again."

Jimin smiled and kissed Yoongi once more. "You're such a good alpha. The best."

Yoongi stared at Jimin thoughtfully. "The best? For what? Spoiling you two and letting you get your way?"

Jimim giggled at that. He stood up and began walking out from the den. "I guess so!" He said, smiling as he shifted and left to join Jin.

He found the older omega jumping and running around like a pup. Upon seeing him, Jin ran over and playfully tackled him to the grass. Jimin rolled over onto his back and nipped Jin's chin.

The two played together, chasing each other around the clearing and rolling around in the grass. It wasn't until they spotted a fox that they abandoned their little game.

They chased it, excited to try and catch something themselves. Yoongi had told them not to play with things larger than their paw, but Jin reasoned that there was two of them. Surely they'd be able to catch and kill a single fox?

They followed the fox a little ways up the mountain, until they lost it in a fox burrow. Jimin tried digging it out, but upon hearing it's menacing growl and the sound of squeaking pups, they decided to give up on the hunt. The fox's young needed someone to look after them too, after all.

Jin shifted and Jimin followed suit. They were both out of breath, the chase having been the most excitement they've had in days.

"It's too bad we couldn't catch it, but there'll always be another chance." Jin shrugged and began walking away from the burrow.

Jimin stood up and took a hold of Jin's hand. They walked together and smiled at the feeling of the warm sun on their skin and soft grass beneath their feet.

It was as they were wandering, that they spotted what looked to be smoke in the distance.

"A fire?" Jimin asked, sharing a glance with Jin.

"I don't know. Let's check it out!"

Jimin hesitated, even as Jin began walking away and their hands parted. "Yoongi said not to wander too far..."

Jin smiled. "We're not that far. Don't worry."

Jimin thought it was strange. Jin was being so careless right now. It was unusual for him. Still, he followed after him, despite feeling uneasy.

They walked over a small hill and gasped at the sight of water. It was a small pool that was emitting steam. Jin kneeled down next to it and dipped his finger in. "Oh! It's warm!"

"A hot spring..." Jimin murmured and sat down at the edge of the water. He dipped his legs in and sighed at how nice the heated water felt. "Get in, I promise it feels amazing!"

Jin sat down and slowly put his feet in. Jimin was right. It did feel good. He stepped into the small pool and sat down on one of the rocks in the water. His body was submerged up to his shoulders and he sighed happily at the warmth of the water. "This feels so nice! Why don't you get all the way in?"

Jimin shook his head and motioned to his stomach. "I'm pregnant. I can't get in. It might harm the pups."

"Oh." Jin said. It did make sense. He let his eyes slip closed as he felt his body be surrounded by warmth. Heats would be so much better now that they knew of this. No more cleaning themselves with cold water.

"Yoongi's probably worrying about us." Jimin mumbled.

"Should we go back?"

Jimin nodded and Jin reluctantly climbed out. The air felt slightly chilly, now that he's been in such warm water. Jimin stood up as well and held his hand out for him to take. They walked back to the den, hand-in-hand.

When they arrived, they found Yoongi waiting by the entrance. He was holding Haewon, the pup fussing a little in his arms. "Where did you two go? I thought I told you to stay close to the den..."

Jin gratefully took his pup from the alpha. "We tried hunting. It led us a little ways up the mountain, not far from here, and Jimin and I found a-"

"A hot spring!" Jimin finished for him in excitement.

Yoongi looked relieved. He pulled both omegas into a hug. "I was so worried. Please don't ask me to let you two go out alone again."

The two giggled, not necessarily agreeing. In turn Yoongi scoffed and muttered something about how he spoils the two of them.

"Come back inside. I'll go out and get something to eat."

He led the two of them into the den. All the pups were awake and fussing a bit. They sat down beside them and cooed as the pups looked up at them.

"I'll hurry back." Yoongi told them before shifting and running off.

Jimin's stomach growled in that moment, causing them to erupt in elated giggles. They felt refreshed and energetic. After being cooped up in the den, it was nice to be able to get away, even if only for a little while.

"I wonder what Namjoon's doing." Jin pondered aloud. He scooped Haewon into his arms and leaned against the den's walls.

Jimin cringed from Jin's words. He had been hoping their little outing would keep his mind off of Namjoon for a while. "He's... Probably trying to see how far he can stretch his territory. I know a part of it is seeing if there are any packs nearby. He just wants to make sure we're safe."

Jin sighed and looked at the pup in his arms. "He might be gone months... It's such a long time. What if the pups forget all about him? What if they cry every time he tries to hold them when he gets back?"

Jimin wrapped his arms around the older omega and rested his cheek on his shoulder. "Don't say that. They're his pups, they'll remember his scent."

"I really hope so."

"Fuck. I swear to god, if you don't bite me-"

"I-I will, I will..." Jungkook murmured and buried himself inside once more. The view before him was truly something to admire.

Hoseok was laying on his back with Taehyung kneeling over his face. The omega's expression was erotic and marred with a brilliant blush as he rocked his hips back and forth. Hoseok diligently licked and slurped at the omega's dripping wet entrance.

And Jungkook? Had his jaw dropped with pure fascination at how hot the two looked together.

He pushed Hoseok's legs up and thrusted in once again. He let out a shaky sigh. Hoseok was so hot inside, and if he closed his eyes, he could pretend Taehyung's slick was actually Hoseok's.

"Ahhh! N-not there, Hobi!" Taehyung cried out. Jungkook looked up just in time to see how Hoseok had reached up and pinched one of his erect nipples. The omega's body flinched as Hoseok used his other hand to take his tiny cock and stroke it.

"No! N-no! Hobi! Something's- g-gonna cum!" Taehyung blabbered and uselessly grabbed at the alpha's arms to try to pry them away. Jungkook didn't blame him. They've made him cum countless times since waking up.

He angled his hips and thrusted inside, smirking when Hoseok groaned around his mouthful and arched his back off the ground.

"Oh! Mmnh! Hobi, your tongue! It feels so good!" Taehyung moaned, throwing his head back in ecstasy. He rocked his hips harder against Hoseok's face, his movements shaky and uncoordinated. "Please! I-I'm gonna-"

"Cum, Tae. Let me see how pretty you look coming all over your alpha's face." Jungkook cut in, breathless.

Within seconds Taehyung was screaming and shaking with his powerful orgasm. His little cock barely dripped any cum and bounced with his movements.

But Hoseok? Was instantly covered in slick as Taehyung squirted onto his face. The poor omega had tried to move, but Hoseok had held him still at the last second and was still licking at his sensitive entrance.

"T-too much! Ah! S-stop!" Taehyung whined, his body jerking and shuddering as Hoseok overstimulated him. He hadn't pinched at Hoseok's skin, so he was perfectly fine, Jungkook thought as his eyes trailed over the omega's body.

Finally, Hoseok released him and Taehyung all but collapsed. He rolled off of Hoseok's face and laid on the fur. He was panting heavily, his body twitching from aftershocks.

"Damn, Hobi..." Jungkook breathed as he rolled his hips into the older alpha. "You ruined him."

Hoseok was still licking up the remnants of Taehyung's slick. His entire face was shiny with it. Jungkook licked his lips and leaned down to have a taste.

As he swept his tongue over Hoseok's cheek, he gasped in surprise when Hoseok wrapped his legs around his waist, trapping him.

"You're going to bite me." Hoseok said, a playful glint in his eye. He brought his arms up and wrapped them around Jungkook's neck.

"F-fuck, Hobi!" Jungkook moaned. His hips bucked harder into Hoseok. With nowhere to go, he buried his face into his neck.

"That's it. Harder, Kook." Hoseok encouraged, breath hitching with Jungkook's every thrust. He could feel the other's knot growing, could feel Jungkook nearing the edge.

Hoseok pushed himself up and lapped at his bite mark on Jungkook's neck.

"Shit! Oh fuck, oh fuck H-Hobi-!" Jungkook gasped, and tried to pull away. He was trapped though, stuck under Hoseok's legs. The older alpha was using his legs to push him down, and he had no choice but to whimper as his knot entered Hoseok.

"Ow- fuck-" Hoseok hissed as he was stretched farther than he was used to. His cock softened from the pain, but Jungkook pressed his hips firmly into Hoseok, groaning as he came inside him.

Hoseok wasn't about to let him pass up the perfect opprtunity to bite him. He grabbed Jungkook and forced him to press his face into his neck.

"Bite me. Do I have to beg for it? Fucking bite me, Jungkook." Hoseok gritted, even tipping his head back and exposing his throat for good measure.

Jungkook made a pleased sound and licked over Hoseok's neck.

Within seconds, he was sinking his teeth into Hoseok's skin and drawing blood. His body shook as he finished his orgasm while marking Hoseok.

After coming down from his high, he pulled away and gently cleaned the wound.

It wasn't until he had the bitter taste of blood on his tongue that he realized just what he had done. "Oh my god... I-I marked you!" He exclaimed and attempted to pull away, completely forgetting the fact that they were connected.

Hoseok hissed and lightly smacked his arm. "Stop that! It hurts!" He reprimanded.

"I marked you..." Jungkook repeated and fretted over the fresh bite mark. "I shouldn't have... What if you change too? What if it hurts you and you regret it and-"

He was interrupted with Hoseok's amused laughs. "You worry too much. I don't care if something happens. Right now, I'm just happy I can feel you." He murmured and kissed Jungkook's lips before the younger alpha could argue.

"Pull Tae closer. I can't do it when I'm connected to you like this." Hoseok said, gesturing to their lower halves. Jungkook nodded and fumbled a bit in his attempt to pull Taehyung closer. Once he did, Hoseok outstretched his arm for the omega to use as a pillow.

Hoseok sighed happily once he had both of them in his arms. "I love you two so much. I feel like I'm going crazy."

Jungkook snorted. "I love you too. Just... Please don't get all emotional and start bawling your eyes out over this." He huffed, reaching up and tracing his fingers over the bite mark.

Hoseok laughed. "I won't, but Tae probably will. Poor thing has wanted this for so long."

Jungkook glanced at the sleeping omega. Although he always looked beautiful to him, there was still the issue of his messy and sticky hair. He also had dried cum and slick covering his body. "We have to clean him. He's filthy." Jungkook mumbled with a frown.

Hoseok hummed. "But he reeks of you and me. I kinda like it." He nuzzled into Taehyung's head and Jungkook rolled his eyes.


"You love it."

Jungkook rested his head on Hoseok's shoulder, not denying the alpha's words. He felt Hoseok's free hand begin to rub his back.

"Tomorrow. We'll take him back. His heats pretty much done anyway."

Jungkook hummed in approval, his eyes slipping closed as he fell asleep.

The next day Jin and Jimin had begged for Yoongi to let them out again, but the alpha refused.

"I told you to not ask me for a while..." Yoongi said in exasperation. "You just went out yesterday, why should I let you out again so soon?"

Jimin pouted. "Because it's what we want to do!"

Yoongi looked perplexed. Jin really wanted to go out again and visit that natural hot spring, but he also understood Yoongi. He couldn't leave one omega alone with the pups, and he couldn't leave the pups alone to escort them. They were putting the alpha into a tough situation, and yet...

"Jimin's feet have been feeling achy though. The heat from the water would help." He tried reasoning.

Yoongi motioned for the younger omega to sit. "Then I'll massage them for you."

Both omegas pouted even harder.

"But Yoongi-"

"Enough. I already let you two out and I was worried sick the entire time." Yoongi said with finality. "Find something to do inside the den. Play with the pups."

Jimin and Jin sniffled. They sat down across from Yoongi and the den fell into an uncomfortable silence.

Yoongi honestly hated being the one that had to say no, but he couldn't just let them out alone all the time, could he?

Jin tried to play with the pups, but after being fed, they all seemed sleepy. He laid Haewon back down and returned to Jimin's side. The two kept glancing outside, and of course Yoongi knew they were feeling restless. They had just discovered something new, after all.

A sudden familiar scent had his eyes widening. He stood up and walked to the den's entrance.

"W-what's wrong, Yoongi?" Jimin asked softly.

Yoongi inhaled deeply. He heard Jimin, but didn't bother to answer. Not when a certain pair of alphas were stupid enough to bring an omega that smelled of heat, slick, and cum. That was more than enough to trigger Jin or Jimin's heats. Or leave him with two very excited omegas.

He shifted and ran out from the den, startling both Jimin and Jin. He was just glad that he had a better sense of smell and was able to catch it before the other two had.

He ran up the path and eventually ran into Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung. The alphas were in their wolf forms and Jungkook was carrying an exhausted-looking Taehyung on his back.

Yoongi shifted and stomped over to the three. "You can't go back to the den smelling the way you do!" He hissed.

Hoseok shifted as well. "We know. But there's no river to even wash it off in."

Yoongi sighed. It was true. Unlike their old territory, this one didn't have a river nearby. All they had found was a small stream, and...

He paused, realizing that they did have something that the three could wash themselves off in. But... Only Jimin and Jin knew where to find it.

"Shit- stay here." He mumbled, shifting and running back to the den.

Jimin and Jin stood up as soon as he walked in. "Yoongi... What's happening-"

"Do you two remember where that hot spring was? Where you found it?" Yoongi suddenly asked.

The two glanced at each other. Jin shrugged. "I mean, we do, but-"

"Hobi, Jungkook, and Tae are back, but they reek. I need you two to lead them to the spring."

Their faces instantly brightened. "We can do that!" Jimin said happily.

"Will you stay here with the pups, then?" Jin asked.

Yoongi nodded. "Stay ahead of them. Leave your scent for them to follow. Just... Don't inhale it, please."

"Okay!" Jimin agreed as they set off. They covered their noses and could see the three in the distance. Jin motioned for them to follow and the two shifted into their wolf forms.

Leading the way had been easy. Although they hadn't exactly listened and ended up smelling a little of Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung's scents, it hadn't been enough to affect them. They left their scents along the way, rolling in a patch of grass here and there to leave a trail for the others to follow.

When they finally made it to the spring, the two shifted and Jin eagerly stepped in. Jimin sat on the edge like last time and placed his feet inside. They covered their noses as the trio made it to the spring.

Hoseok shifted and helped Taehyung off of Jungkook. The poor omega looked beyond exhausted. With Hoseok's help, he stumbled over to the water and was helped inside.

Once in the water, he moaned in relief. It felt good to be surrounded in warmth. Hoseok and Jungkook also climbed in and pulled Taehyung to sit between them.

"You two can breathe through your nose now. It's okay." Hoseok said, smiling a little.

Jimin and Jin immediately lowered their hands, both grinning from ear to ear.

Jin moved closer to the three and inspected the new bite marks on Taehyung's neck. "You're all mated to each other now! That's great!" He said excitedly. His smile faded however when he took in Taehyung's state. The forced heat seemed to have taken a lot out of him. He turned to Hoseok. "Is... Is Tae okay...?"

Hoseok nodded. "He's just tired. He'll be fine after getting cleaned up and taking an overdue nap."

Jin scooted closer and nuzzled against Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung looked ready to fall asleep, but smiled at the gesture. He wrapped his arms around Jin's neck and rested his head against his shoulder.

Jin giggled. "You must be so sleepy, Tae."

"Mm-hmm." Taehyung hummed.

"We should probably wash quickly and take him back to rest." Jungkook mumbled as he stared at Taehyung in concern. Hoseok agreed.

Jungkook and Hoseok washed themselves, then helped Taehyung who ended up falling asleep. Now freshly cleaned and refreshed from such a hot bath, they decided to return to the den where Yoongi had been waiting.

"He's asleep?" He asked as soon as he spotted Taehyung in Hoseok's arms.

"Tae's really sleepy. His heat was hard." Jimin answered for the two alphas.

Yoongi frowned. He figured as much. "He's going to be starving when he wakes up. I'm going to go and find something larger to feed everyone."

"Okay, thank you Yoongi." Jungkook said gratefully.

They watched as Yoongi shifted and ran out from the den.

Jimin and Jin now turned their attention to the two alphas. They hadn't seen them in a while and had missed them so much.

Jin was the first to practically jump into Hoseok's arms.

"Woah!" Hoseok laughed as he hugged the omega. He let Jin bury his face in his neck, and was unsurprised to look up and see Jimin do the same to Jungkook. "...Where's Namjoon?" He asked hesitantly.

He felt Jin stiffen in his hold. Jimin even pulled away from Jungkook to shake his head at Hoseok.

"He's... He left to establish his territory..." Jin mumbled. Tears filled his eyes and Hoseok instantly regretted ever having brought Namjoon up.

He scooped Jin up and sat on the furs beside the pups. "It must've been so lonely with Yoongi being the only alpha here." He sympathised.

"And boring." Jungkook added, earning a roll of the eyes from Hoseok.

Jin nodded and cried into the crook of Hoseok's neck. It was a relief, to cry after missing Namjoon so much for so long.

"...Why don't we all lay down together? I think Tae has the right idea." Jungkook suggested with a laugh.

"I think that's a great idea." Hoseok agreed.

They ended up laying together, with Taehyung in the middle. Jimin happily wrapped his arms around the younger omega and scented his neck. Jin cuddled into Taehyung from behind and sighed happily when he felt Jungkook pull him closer to his chest.

They couldn't stay awake for long. Especially when Hoseok's alpha scent hit their noses and lulled them to sleep.

When Yoongi returned, he didn't expect to see everyone sleeping and cuddled together in a tangle of limbs. He dragged the dead bear further into the den and dropped it near the fireplace. After shifting, he knelt down next to Jungkook and leaned forward to ruffle Taehyung's hair.

He had been gone for about two hours, he needed to get Taehyung to eat. Who knows how long it's been since he's last been fed.

"Tae, I brought you food. You should eat and go back to sleep." Yoongi said softly.

Taehyung whined and tried nuzzling deeper into Jimin's neck, resulting in the older omega to wake up.

"He needs to eat." Yoongi told his mate.

Jimin hummed sleepily and rubbed Taehyung's back. "Tae. C'mon, let's eat. Aren't you hungry?" He asked, voice slurred from sleep.

Hoseok lifted his head and gently shook Taehyung. "Tae, you haven't eaten in days. You should go and eat. You can lay down after."

Reluctantly, Taehyung sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I want to hold my pups..."

"After you eat." Yoongi told him as he stepped over Jin who was still fast asleep. Jungkook had woken up and was watching sleepily.

Hoseok ended up scooping the omega into his arms and carrying him over to the dead bear. Once Taehyung was set down he shifted and slowly began eating.

"You two should eat too." Yoongi said, already pulling Jimin up and toward the bear.

Jungkook kissed Jin's cheek to wake the omega. "Jin. Food." He simply stated.

Jin yawned and sat up. He checked on the pups and smiled when he saw that only Daehan and Iseul were awake.

Once the omegas were eating, the alphas began whispering to each other.

"Namjoon left? How long has he been gone?" Hoseok asked, glancing in concern for Jin.

Yoongi sighed. "About five days now? He left the same day you three did."

"How's Jin taking it? I mean- he cried earlier when Hobi mentioned Namjoon." Jungkook murmured.

Yoongi shrugged. "He's... Doing better than expected. I think it was just hard with only the three of us and the pups. Now that you three are here, he'll probably feel a lot better. How's Tae? And Hobi... How are you feeling?" Yoongi questioned, eyeing the bite mark on the alpha's neck.

Hoseok's hand shot up to cover Jungkook's mark. "I'm fine! Perfectly fine! As for Tae, well... He's just really exhausted. I think we pushed him a little too far..."

"Of course you did. There's two of you. And you went and forced him into a heat." Yoongi admonished and crossed his arms.

Jungkook laughed awkwardly. "Yeah. About that... I went into a rut too. So it was a bit..."

"Well, no wonder he was overwhelmed." Yoongi glared, with no real malice.

Jungkook and Hoseok didn't say anything more. It was true that they had made things difficult for Taehyung.

It was really no surprise when later, Yoongi had completely monopolized Taehyung. The omega was much better after having eaten and getting a bit of rest. He was sitting on Yoongi's lap and holding both of his pups in his arms, smothering both of them with love.

Hoseok and Jungkook didn't mind too much. They had a bit of catching up to do with Jin and Jimin anyway.

Jin clung to Jungkook and nuzzled underneath his chin every so often. Meanwhile Jimin was giggling as Hoseok kissed his cheeks.

It was such a relief, Yoongi thought. To have all three of their omegas back and happy. If only Namjoon were here, the night would be perfect.

He kissed Taehyung's cheek, pulling a soft little giggle from the omega. It melted Yoongi's heart so he did it again and again.

The scent of content omega filled the den, and the alphas loved it.

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