Chapter 72: Something's wrong

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Hey everyone! Sorry for being away for so long. My cousin is finally here in Korea and we saw BTS at Mcountdown and Music Bank. The K-Shawol behind me pinched me, dug her elbow into my spine, pulled my hair, and stomped on my foot. But it was okay. We saw the boys so close!! I didn't get into the fansign, but I guess that's okay. Next week is exams, so I have to study hard! Wish me luck for that too ;; and I've decided to continue the other fic as well. So expect another chapter for 'I can help you with that'. Thank you all so much for supporting this fic as it begins to come to a close! This is like, the last arc... Don't worry though! I have other things planned! Don't be too sad! (It'll make me sad! Lol)
Chapter Text

Jin knew something was wrong with him. His father and Junho were dead, and there was no reason to feel lingering fear for them. Even now, as he lay wrapped safely in Namjoon's arms, his stomach twisted at the fact that the pups were almost here.

Namjoon knew he was terrified. The alpha could probably feel his emotions.

The den was dimly lit and the warmth of the fire was dying with its flames. Jin was laying on his back and staring at the crooked lines and cracks in the den's ceiling above him. Namjoon was snoring and had an arm slung over him. Everything was quiet, like white noise that Jin had become unfamiliar with. He yawned, knowing that if he allowed himself to, he could probably sleep for another two or three hours.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes of its tiredness. He glanced beside him, to Namjoon who remained asleep. Namjoon hardly slept anyway. His exhaustion had probably caught up with him, so as quietly as he could, he pushed himself onto his swollen feet and wobbled his way to the pile of wood. His skin prickled at the gust of cold air as he stepped away from the fire momentarily to grab some of the wood and carry it back to the fire. He gently laid them out in the ash and dying flames, careful as to not wake Namjoon.

When he finished, he stood up straight and winced at the strain on his back from bending over. He considered laying back down with Namjoon, but his throat was also dry.

He sighed and walked slowly to the entrance of the den, where it was once again snowing just outside. He tried to squat down to scoop the snow into the bark, but halfway into the motion, he realized how immobile he was becoming. He huffed indignantly and struggled to get down on his knees. He scooped the snow into the bark, ready to take it inside so it could melt and become drinkable water, but he froze when he looked up.

The second Yoongi and Jimin entered the den, the omega immediately shifted and ran to embrace Taehyung. The youngest omega had been eating, and yelped as he was tackled by Jimin. The carcass of what looked to be a deer lay forgotten as the two started talking enthusiastically about the pups.

Yoongi watched them, his lips quirking into a smile at seeing the two finally getting to spend time together. He was beckoned over by Jungkook, however. The young alpha was holding one of the pups, and when Yoongi approached, he held up the pup for Yoongi to take. "You should bond with the pups too. They are pack now, after all." Jungkook grinned.

Yoongi was surprised, but he nodded and took the bundle in his arms.

The pup was tiny, so much so, that Yoongi had to wonder if he could be a runt. He sniffed curiously, preening at the scent of the newborn. Wolves loved pups, no matter if you were alpha, beta, or omega, pups were always good. So when the pup blinked his eyes open to look up at Yoongi, the alpha felt his heart skip a beat.

The pup watched Yoongi, seemingly trying to figure out who the new face was. "Cute." Yoongi mumbled, cradling the pup.

What he didn't notice, was Jimin staring at the whole scene. The omega was falling in and out of conversation with Taehyung as he watched his alpha with a pup. He touched his stomach, wondering if Yoongi would be that way toward their pups.

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