Chapter 25: You were always there

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Honestly, Jungkook felt horrible for using his alpha voice on Taehyung and Jimin. He felt horrible for even using it at all. He now knew why Namjoon and the others disliked using it so much. Sure, it gave you a sense of power and dominance... But you're also controlling another person. He glanced at Jimin and Taehyung, who were cuddling next to the fire he had built. They had come to their senses earlier and he had apologized profusely to them.

Jimin had been through so much in the past few days. He had bags underneath his eyes and looked thinner than usual. Jungkook had urged the omega to eat, but it seemed he was too worried to stomach anything.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had rested a bit, but it was awkward between the two of them. Jungkook wanted so desperately to talk to the omega, but Taehyung would frown and turn the other way. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to go about repairing their relationship. Plus, he was surely thinking about Hoseok.

Jungkook sighed. Of course he knew Taehyung and Hoseok had a past together. All these years in this pack, Hoseok's eyes had always been on Taehyung. Back then, Jungkook was hesitant to get between the two, but Hoseok never took action. Jungkook knew he was in love with Taehyung too, so he pursued him when Hoseok did nothing. He never did find out what the other alpha was waiting for.

It was raining hard. Lightning flashed in the sky and lit up the cave for the briefest of seconds. He noted the way Jimin jumped at the booming thunder and pressed himself closer to Taehyung. It had been a depressing time alone with them. Both omega's were extremely sad that Jin had left, and that the other three alpha's were gone.

"Tae?" Jimin asked softly. Jungkook kept his head turned to the den's entrance, since he wasn't being addressed.


"...I really, really miss everyone..." Jimin's voice cracked at the end, and Jungkook knew he had begun to cry. "D-do you think Jin's safe? Do you think they're okay?"

"I-I don't know... I miss them too..." Taehyung mumbled, his voice wavering.

Jungkook decided he needed to intervene before the two started bawling again. He stood up and walked to sit next to them, pulling both towards him to hold them close. "You both could use some sleep. The more you think about it, the sadder you'll wind up being."

Jimin nodded and wiped away his teary eyes. He clung to Jungkook, burying his nose in the crook of the alpha's neck. Taehyung, on the other hand, was hesitant to do so. He looked almost guilty. Jungkook looked at him questioningly. Taehyung was carrying his child, so of course he didn't like how distant the omega was being.

He felt Jimin relax in his hold, and he knew he was putting the omega to sleep. Namjoon was usually the only one that emitted such a strong alpha scent. It was almost like laying a claim to an omega. But Jungkook figured it was more than okay for this situation, as no other alpha's were around to provide that comfort. He rubbed Jimin's back soothingly, his eyes trained on Taehyung, who had turned his back to him and was watching the rainfall outside.

Minutes past in silence until Jungkook heard Jimin's soft snoring, and he sighed in relief. He was glad that the omega would finally get some much needed rest.

Gently, he laid Jimin down next to the fire. The omega must've been exhausted, because he simply sighed and curled into a little ball. Jungkook smiled at the adorable sight.

He turned to Taehyung, who had moved away and was refusing to look at Jungkook. The alpha scooted closer, and sat next to him. "We need to talk." Jungkook murmured.

Taehyung brought his knees up to his chest and released a deep sigh. "I know." He answered quietly.

Jungkook followed Taehyung's gaze, to the pouring rain just outside. "...Do you love Hobi hyung?" He already knew the answer, but he needed to hear Taehyung say it.

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