Angel of War

By Darkmoonlight23

2.8K 127 4

She was on the run, from whom you might ask, no one knew. To protect her self she has to hide among the huma... More

~Her Story~ (Prologue)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
The End

Chapter Eighteen

69 4 0
By Darkmoonlight23

I shake my head and then turns on the TV. A news reporter drones on about something but I couldn't hear because something else caught my attention. The girls of the mansion are dragging suit cases from upstairs and I look at them confused. "What's going on?" I ask walking towards them. "Oh, uh, you're new so you wouldn't know but all the boys of the mansion get in this mood where they have to um....." Jane coughs and my eyes widen. "Yeah, but it's worse. Since it only happens once every year they are extremely aggressive and possessive. So for our protection Slender sends us girls away until the boys calm down." Jane says. "How long does this last?" I ask hiding my fear. "The whole month. Since you are a boy you have to stay here." Clockwork says. Me, Sally and Lazari looks at each other with fear before the girls leave. I sprint to my room avoiding all the boys and shuts my door. I lock it and locks the window. "I can hang out here until it's over. I can do this." I mutter to my self and sits on my bed. I hear someone jingly my door knob and I freeze watching it. "Good, you have your door locked." EJ says. "Why do you care?" I ask. "Because, the other boys get vicious. For now they won't come for you because I covered your neck in my male scent but once it wears off you are on your own and you will be found out. I am not being driven by my hormones right now so I will tell you who you can and can't fight." He says. "Masky, Hoodie, and Toby you can't fight. They tend to stay relatively calm but if I were you I wouldn't trust them. Jeff you can fight. He is pretty weak when he is hormone driven. Ben you can't but all you have to do is stay away from electronics and you'll be good. LJ and myself you can't but we tend to stay in our rooms. Puppeteer and Painter you can't but you can trust them because they are gay. All the others aren't at the mansion so you don't have to worry about them." EJ says. "Sorry about the punch." I say. "It's fine. I'll get you back for it later." He says and leaves. I take a deep calming breath and sighs. "Let's do this." I crawl into bed and falls asleep. When I wake up I can hear heavy panting and groaning coming from farther down the hall. I shudder and barricades my door.  I sit against one wall and runs my hands through my hair anxiously. "Stay strong Vesper. You can do this for a month. Just pretend that you aren't here." I mutter nervously to myself. My heart hammers in my chest as I sit in my room waiting in fear for the month to pass without anything happening. But I don't get my wish because after a few weeks I can hear the boys scratching at my door. I back up against my window and whimpers slightly. Suddenly Painter and Puppeteer slip into my room some how and smiles at me gently. "We aren't here to hurt you as EJ told you. We are just hiding the scent. Also, they won't remember anything except those who aren't affected or already knew like me, Painter and EJ." Puppeteer says. "Thanks guys. Sorry for causing you trouble. I just, I can't reveal myself right now. It's not in my fate." I mutter. "It's fine Vesper." Painter says. Soon the month ends and Puppeteer was right. None of the boys remember my actual gender. I leave my room and heads down stairs to get something to eat.

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