Fall Down {TaeBin}

By zuhonoseswag

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Taeyang is in love with Youngbin but Youngbin is straight. More

Epilogue: 4 years later


467 26 9
By zuhonoseswag

Taeyang's pov

We spent the night making up cute stories to tell and watching dumb videos on Youtube.

It's 3am, we decide to go to sleep as we are tired. I asked if I could get a glass of milk because it helps me sleep better when I'm sleeping somewhere else. Hyuntae hyung said he'd bring it to me and told me to go put my pajamas on in the meanwhile. I do as he says and go to the guest room. Hyuntae hyung brings me my glass as I'm done changing clothes. He exits the room after we wish each other good night. I lay down, I wonder what is happening at the dorm, should I text Hwi ? No he's spending time with Dawon hyung I won't bother him. I think I should go for Juho hyung.

I locked my phone and put it on the bedside table. Despite knowing that Youngbin hyung feels something for me I can't help but not be 100% relieved. He still didn't leave his girlfriend for me and nothing tells me he intends to do so. Maybe I'm just some kind of experiment for him and he happens to be very possessive. I know I shouldn't worry about this right now I'll have my answers as soon as I have the talk with him. It would be perfect if we had it tomorrow. For now I should sleep because I'm supposed to be at the dorm by noon.


I went back to the dorm, nobody was in the kitchen except Youngbin hyung. Cool if we're alone we'll have the talk. Youngbin was doing the dishes as I entered the kitchen, he either didn't hear me or is ignoring me on purpose. Okay I'll wait until he's done I reached out to open the fridge but Youngbin hyung appeared to slap my hand away. I look at him with confusion

- What the hell????!

- Taeyang what are you doing here ? I went to the company and told them you were a distressing person to me and they decided to kick you out. Didn't you get a call from the manager ?

- Hyung what are you saying ? Stop playing

I took out my phone but it was dead. Maybe this isn't a prank. I run to my room and find Dawon hyung putting his clothes in my closet while Hwi is watching.

- What's going on here ? Where are my clothes ?

- The manager put all of your belongings in a trunk and also what are you doing here ? You're supposed to be gone, replied Hwi

This isn't some prank, even my best friend is against me.

- But Hwi

- Don't Hwi me, he cut me

- Taeyang get the fuck out of here you're not welcome, said Dawon hyung with a glare

I left the room, tears are streaming down my cheeks. It can't be true, I didn't do anything wrong. Why did Youngbin hyung do that and why did FNC give in so easily ?

I went to Juho hyung's room, he was tidying up his room.

- Chani-ah did you get rid of all of Taeyang's gifts already ? He asked before turning around

He realized I wasn't Chani and frowned.

- What do you want Taeyang ? Don't come at me crying because I don't care, now leave, he hissed

What did I do to deserve that ? Now my dream is flying away and there's nothing I can do. The front door opened and the manager entered the dorm, I ran to him

- Manager hyung why

He didn't let me finish, he slapped me on the cheek


- Taeyang Taeyang

I wake up and realize it was all a nightmare and Hyuntae hyung has been shaking me awake.

- Taeyang you're finally awake I was so worried I heard you screaming from my room

I sit up.

- Hyung I'm so sorry for waking you up

- It's okay, want another glass of milk ?

I weakly nodded. He took the mug on the bedside and went to the kitchen. I checked my phone, it's 6:50am. I really feel bad for forcing him to have me over and disturbing his sleep. Hyuntae hyung came back with the milk, I thanked him and quickly downed the drink. I laid back on the bed while Hyuntae hyung laid next to me. He gently stroked my hair

- Are you okay with telling me what happened in your dream ? He asked

- I went back to the dorms to find out that Youngbin got me kicked out of the group, the other members hated me and the manager slapped me

He didn't say anything, he only brought me closer to him and hugged me. A hug is what I needed the most. I know it was just a nightmare and the members won't suddenly hate me tomorrow but I just needed some reassurance and Hyuntae hyung understood it.

- Don't sweat it too much Taeyang, everything will be alright eventually, he said stroking my hair

I fell back asleep in no time with a smile on my face.


I was shaken awake one more time.

- Hyuntae hyung I'm tired let me sleep

- Sorry buddy but you have a deadline to respect and a Youngbin to infuriate

I sit up on the bed and check the time.

- But hyung it's 11:30am, if I want to infuriate him I have to be late, I whined

- Have you seen your face dude ? You look like you haven't slept in days, trust me that will be more than enough to make him mad

I couldn't argue with that so I followed him to the kitchen where breakfast was ready. I sat down at the table and started eating in silence.

- Don't forget about everything we said last night and also when the others see your eyebags don't go around saying "me and Hyuntae hyung had sex all night" you have to be subtle about that

- I wasn't about to tell them that, I replied blushing

I quickly finished my breakfast and checked the clock: 11:45am. I have to hurry. I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I'm done I went to the guest room to gather my things and change clothes. I opted for a white t shirt and grey sweatpants. I took my things and put on my shoes. I checked the clock: 11:52am, I'm on time.

- I'm off hyung thank you and sorry for everything

- Don't worry buddy go get that boy, he said winking

I left and didn't bother waiting for the elevator. I'm in a hurry to go back home. I got home quicker than usual, I checked my phone 11:56am.

As expected the members were having a brunch in the kitchen. I left my things in my room and went back to greet them. They greeted me back with "welcome back", "I hope you had fun", "come eat with us". Youngbin hyung didn't say anything but his eyes didn't leave mines since I got in this kitchen.

- I already had breakfast but I'll sit with you guys to tell you about last night

- I love you but you look like shit, said Hwi

I chuckled.

- Yeah I barely slept last night, Hyuntae hyung and me were too busy, you know, enjoying each other's presence, I replied with a smirk

Hyuntae hyung was right I didn't need to be straightforward because the members got the hint and they were all cheering. Youngbin hyung was glaring and his hand was clenching around his fork. I got what I wanted I got him mad.

The brunch proceeded in a good mood after I told them all the stories we made up and it resulted in them calling us a cute couple and shit. After everyone was done eating Hwi said he would clear the table and I knew what it meant, he wanted everyone to leave for us to be alone. He was going to do that at some point because he knew I didn't spend the night having passionate sex with Hyuntae hyung.

- What's the truth ? Why didn't you sleep ? He whispered

I told him everything that happened. He closed the dishwasher and pulled me in for a hug. He told me SF8 loved me so much they would never kick me out. After he was done clearing the table he told me he was going to nap with Dawon hyung. It meant that Youngbin hyung could come to my room anytime if he didn't have plans.

I went back to my room. I heard a knock on my door, wow he's fast.

- Come in

- I didn't think you'd respect the deadline, he said as he closed the door behind him

- I always do as you say my leader, I reply with a teasing tone

Why did I say that ?

- I know you're playing with me but I like it, he added as he got closer to me

It was like my legs moved on their own and got closer to him without my brain knowing. We stared at each other, the air in the room growing unbearably thick, the tension palpable and undeniable. We were so close our chests nearly touched with each inhale and I wondered if he could hear the way that my heart was pounding against my bones.

So there we stood, breathing heavily as we stared into each other's eyes with aggression,

and then we kissed.


Dear readers, I would like to apologize for how long it took me to write this. I am too lazy but your comments give me motivation so feel free to spam me in the comments. Thank you for being so patient and putting up with me 🥰 I would like to tell you guys "I will update before the month ends" but we know it won't happen :( I will definitely update in April though. Thank you for your support and see you soon

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