Issues // H.S. // A.U.

By Hitterj

1.4M 35.9K 88.7K

18+ / Very Mature "So you've been stalking me?" "Completely." I laugh at his candor and I watch as his eyes l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Eleven

48.2K 1K 1.6K
By Hitterj


Walking out of class, the last thing I expected to see was Harry leaning against a tree waiting for me. His eyes scanned over the crowd of people leaving the psych building until they found my face. A smile immediately spread across his, and I couldn't help the matching smile that littered mine.

When I finally made it to him, my arms wrapped around his neck and I brought him in for a kiss. If he was surprised by my sudden display of affection in front of hundreds of milling students he didn't show it, instead kissing me deeply and holding me against him.

Last time I saw him was when I called him the moment I got off work, like he asked, and he met me at my place. He saw how tired I was and insisted that we go straight to bed. I felt so bad about dragging him all the way over to my place just to fall asleep, but he was so soft with me, his hand taking hold of mine and leading me upstairs. After watching me get changed into my pj's - a little begging from him to get me in his shirt - and brushing our teeth he pulled me on top of him, the covers flying over me. With the smallest kiss and a whispered goodnight, I fell asleep easier and faster than I ever had.

Our schedules had kept us physically apart since then, but the constant texts and two hour nightly phone conversations sated us for now. Kissing him in the halls of our school, in front of everybody felt good. Both of us had a reputation around here, neither of us too bothered by it. We didn't do relationships or PDA, but my classmates got an eyeful as Harry made a show of it by dipping his hands low on my waist, practically on my ass.

I giggled against his lips, a smile now making it harder to continue our salacious and very public makeout session. We separated regretfully, but kept our arms around each other.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, playing with his baby curls on the back of his neck, his cute beanie keeping most of his hair hidden from me.

He grinned widely, "Class got cancelled, and I wanted to see you. You complained about the test you were having today, so I figured I would surprise you. How did you do?"

"Think I aced it!" I boast.

"Of course you did." He laughs, "So smart, my baby girl is."

I roll my eyes, but fail to hide what his words do to me, the faint pink on my cheeks betraying me. "When's your next class?"

"In thirty, but I'm skipping. It's just a writing day, and I've already finished my paper. When's yours?" He says, zipping up my coat for me when a particularly cold gust of wind hits us.

I bury my face into his chest, shivering, so he wraps his arms around me tighter. "Um, in like an hour and a half. I've got a long lunch break."

I lift my head up to see a dazzling smile, "Perfect! Let's go to the quad."

He intertwined our fingers and led me to the student center. I rarely ever ate lunch here, because I didn't want to spend my money when I could easily walk back home and make myself something there. It was completely crowded when Harry opened the doors, everyone seeking a little relief from the cold weather outside. He tightened his grip on my hand, so as not to lose me in the throng of people.

I noticed a few curious glances and saw some whispers around us, just as I knew there would be. Nobody expected us to be together. Some of them had surely seen us hanging out at parties, but to be holding hands in school was a bigger deal. It meant that we were seeing each other. I smiled to myself, loving the idea of people knowing that Harry was with me. I peeked a glance at him to see if he noticed the glances as well, and sure enough he was watching a few girls whispering something and one pointing at us. I rolled my eyes at their lack of tact, but smiled when Harry looked back at me and huffed out a laugh. There was a gleam in his eyes, telling me just how much he was enjoying this. He liked everyone knowing I was his.

We entered the cafeteria, and Harry grabbed a tray to hand to me. I shook my head, "I'm not having anything."

He furrowed his eyebrows and turned to me, "Why not?"

I shrugged casually, "I don't usually buy lunch here. Normally I just go home and make myself something to eat."

"Well I'm buying, so load up."

Giving him a look I say, "No, Harry, you paid last time-"

"I don't care. I'm not letting you skip lunch. I know you've got back to back classes after this, and then work. You probably won't eat until late tonight." He insists.

"I'll get a snack at work." I push back.

"It's really not a big deal. I can pay for us. I don't want you to be hungry."

"And I don't want you to have to pay for everything all the time."

"I don't mind-"

"I do! I don't want to use you for your money."


"No." I say firmly, "You don't get to use my full name, and make my heart beat fast and knees weak so I'll give in to you."

The corners of his lips turn up in a poorly concealed smile before his hands squeeze my biceps and rub them gently up and down. He steps closer to me, and says lowly, "Daniella, I suggested bringing you to the quad to have lunch. Next time we'll go back to yours and make something, okay? I'm not having you go hungry, because you're too hard-headed to let me pay for your food." I give him a pout, but he just chuckles, "And don't think for a second that I believe you're using me for my money. I know what that looks like, and you, baby girl, are not like that. Now let me spoil you in the smallest possible way I can."

I sigh, but nod my head after he gives me a quick peck on the lips as a last attempt to soothe my worries. I hadn't really thought about it too much, but I knew Harry had money. That was obvious when I figured out who his father was, always the type to pay with his platinum card, thick and heavy in my hand when I'm serving him. Even before that, I had semi-expected it mainly from seeing the people he hung out with. Once I started to get to know Harry, it was obvious that he didn't need to ever worry about that stuff. Not only was his dad rich from owning a successful company, but his mother was a renowned heart surgeon.

I could tell, however, that Harry didn't like to talk much about his money or families money. This was the first I had heard him speak of people previously using him for his money, but now I had questions. From what I've gathered, he knows a lot of people, but he's only close to a handful. He only trusts the smallest amount of people, and somehow I have become one without even really trying. It's like he trusted me before he knew me, and I adored that about him. It was how I felt about him that first time we met, how strangely comfortable I was around him.

He finds us a seat to the side, so we aren't surrounded by the vultures we go to school with, a small little table that has just enough room for the both of us. Harry went overboard with my food, like I knew he would, a grilled cheese, tomato soup, a pre-packaged salad that I'm sure he got so I could eat before my shift tonight, a bag of cookies, water, and a hot tea. I actually chuckled a bit when he just kept putting stuff on my tray, my heart warming that he cared so much and already knew me enough to know I probably wouldn't have eaten until well after my shift tonight.

"What are you doing for Halloween this weekend?" He asks me once we settle.

I shrug and dip my sandwich into the steaming soup in front of me, relishing in the heat surging down my body. "I'm not sure about Friday. Wanted to check with you first, but I've got plans for Saturday."

A small smile formed on Harry's face as he chewed his food. Swallowing, he said, "Bobby Henderson throws a pretty legit Halloween party that me and my friends go to. Want to invite your friends?"

"Yeah, I've heard about his parties, but haven't actually been to one. Didn't the police get called on him last year for, like, St. Patties Day?" I ask.

He starts to chuckle, "Uh, yeah... That was because of a giant fight that broke out. Something about some guy sleeping with another guy's girlfriend. It's usually not that crazy."

"I say yes. I'm kind of down to get wild."

"Oh really? How wild are you thinking?"

I give him a look, "You'll just have to find out."

He breathes out a laugh and munches on some fries before asking, "So what are you doing on Saturday?"

I look up at him, taking a moment to answer, "Um, I'm helping out my foster mom. She puts together a small Halloween festival every year to raise money for the boys and girls clubs. All the foster families in the city are invited and it's a really good thing for the kids. Gives them something to look forward to every year."

"That's really cool." Harry says sincerely, "Does she need anymore help? I didn't plan anything that day, because I didn't know what you were doing."

I blinked my eyes, "You want to help?"

"Yeah, I mean, it sounds like fun, and I'd like to meet your foster mom. She sounds like a badass from what you've told me."

During our late night chats Harry had probed further into my past. He never pushed me to talk about why I grew up in foster care, but he asked a lot of questions about Darla, my foster mother.

I smile widely thinking about her, "Yeah, she's awesome. Only reason I'm alive right now. I'm sure she could use some help. There's always people who bail last minute."

"Count me in! What time should we be there?" He asked excitedly.

I tried to suppress my smile at his reaction to this. I never expected him to want to waste his Halloween day at a festival just because I was going to be there, but now that the idea was planted in my head I was really excited to see how Darla was going to react to him.

"I'll have to ask her. Are you sure you want to go? I know there's a ton of stuff going on on campus." I tell him, hoping he won't back out.

"Dani, I want to go. I've spent the last three Halloween's on campus, it's exhausting. I could use a break, honestly."

"Well, Darla will be sure to put you to work, so don't expect a picnic."

"I'd like to take you on a picnic."

I burst out laughing, "You're so random sometimes!"

He chuckled along with me, "What? I would. Gonna have to do that in the summer. I know just the spot."

I felt my face flush, and bit my lip to suppress the giant grin threatening to break out across my face. Instead of answering, I shake my head and finish my grilled cheese. Once we're done eating we sit in the quad for another thirty minutes just talking. He plays with my fingers across the table mindlessly. I still see a few weird glances as more people join the lunch hall, but no one interrupts us.

It's a long goodbye as he walks me to my next class, kissing me in the hall while we wait for the current class to end. It never gets heated or saucy, only ever staying sweet. His hands cup my face or grasp the back of my neck to pull me in closer while mine rest on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. I groan as he pulls away, ushering me into my class, knowing I hate being late, but I make up for lost time later in the night when I call him as I lay in bed and bring him to his high with just my voice.

I want him here with me, nudging his face into my neck as he comes back from his climax, peppering sweet kisses along the canvas of my skin. He was so cuddly after an orgasm, wanting to keep me as close as possible. It reminded me of that first time when he had laid back on the bed naked with me, when we barely knew each other. I felt that pull, the one drawing me to him, wanting to be close to him again, and now I knew how hard it must've been not to pull me over to his side after that experience.

I barely slept all night, tossing and turning in my empty bed. In my haze, I kept trying to reach out to the nonexistent hot body that had kept my bed warm the whole weekend. I had never expected to like the feeling of someone in my bed this much, but just like with everything else, things with Harry were easy.


"Baby... We've got to get up soon."

I hummed in response, burying my face deeper into the hot, sticky crevasse it was resting in. The solid structure that I had been laying on moved as hot breathe flittered onto my neck.

"Baby girl..." A familiar sing-songy voice tried to lead me out of dreamland, "Already let you sleep in, but if we don't get up now then we'll be late."

My arms tightened around Harry's bare chest, my leg attempting to hook around his hip to entice him back to sleep, but I was too tired to go through with it, making him laugh again. I felt his large hand wrap around my meaty thigh, squeezing his calloused fingertips into my skin, bringing it over his hip. His obvious erection pressed into my heat, my breath hitching in my throat.

Our naked bodies were pressed flush against the other as he rolled us over so I was on my back, and he was on top of me.

"Are you awake now?" He teases me with his extra raspy morning voice.

"Shut up." I mumble, but kiss up his neck, desperate to feel his lips on me.

He laughs huskily before meeting my lips in a slow and sultry kiss, heating my body immensely. Mindlessly my hips rutted into his, a guttural groan vibrating from his mouth to mine. I swallow it up as my hands wander his body, but squeak out a surprised yelp when his hands grab mine and pin them above me to the pillow.

I open my eyes for the first time this morning to the vision I so desperately wanted to see all week. Harry's flushed face and dilated eyes looking down at me, a sly smile gracing his still sleepy face, making my heart rate quicken.

"Maybe we should finish this in the shower... kill two birds with one stone?" He suggests cheekily.

I grin up at him, "I've never showered with someone."

He hummed, "Another first for me, huh?"

I laughed right as his lips touched mine, ceasing his action. I felt him smirk and rest his forehead against my clavicle, letting go of my hands, and placing his on either side of my head. Lifting up he gave me a mischievous smile and whipped the blankets off of us, a cold gust of air hitting my bare body. I whined and tried to pull him back to me, but he escaped my grip, laughing at my pouty lips and puppy dog eyes. He stood up, gazing at my body while I took in him in in all his glory. He seemed to have glitter on his chest, from one of the parties we attended last night, his costume being a tourist in Hawaii, equipped with a palm tree-and-pineapple print shirt. I remember unbuttoning it halfway through the night, my drunk mind wanting to see the most of him possible.

His hair was a complete mess, probably from the aggressive way my fingers had pulled on it while we made out in front of everyone at the party. By now it was painfully obvious that we were together, the whole campus must've seen us at one point as we walked from party to party, hands never leaving the others.

He bent over to try and pull me up, making me swallow harshly as his cock bobbed up and down due to his movements. I thought back to the tantalizing way he thrusted into my mouth last night before taking me sloppily on the bed. We were both tipsy, close to being very drunk, but I could remember everything from last night clearly. I could even remember the feeling when he thumb came down to rub my clit raw as he brought me to my second orgasm.

I had never seen a guy able to perform so well after drinking as much as we did last night, but Harry had proved me wrong. I figured the night would go quickly after one fuck, but somehow he was able to stay hard. He kept telling me how much he loved my body, words coming out of his mouth before he could think. Even more dirty than when he was sober.

The only time his drunkenness impaired him was when he tried taking off my skin-tight, latex catsuit. I was slightly sweaty underneath due to the dancing and drinking, so it stuck to my skin more than it normally would've. I remember his frustrated huffs and groans as he stumbled over and over again, mixing in with my laughter and snorts.

It was carefree and wild and I loved it.

"Do you think we could make it across the hall without being seen?" Harry asks as he pulls me up and off the bed.

I look at the clock and hum, "Probably. I bet everyone is still asleep. C'mon, I'm cold."

"I can tell." Harry teases, his finger flicking against my hardened nipple.

I gasp and swat his hand away, hopping over to the door, and peaking my head out of it. I don't hear anything and I'm sure all my roommates are still asleep. I open the door wider and grab Harry's hand, running down the hall to the bathroom. I hold back a laugh at the thought of one of my friends seeing us completely naked, sprinting to the bathroom.

I turn the shower on, turning around and saying, "It might take a minute to heat up. It's an older house, so when it's chilly outside the pipes take longer to warm up."

He hums and pulls me closer to him, "Guess we'll just have to keep each other warm while we wait." His lips capture mine in a sweet and slow kiss while one of his hands slink down my body, only stopping when the pad of his finger lands on my clit. I gasp into his mouth as he presses down. I feel him smirk against me, his voice sending vibrations down my body, "Touch me, Daniella."

My hand follows his orders, first wrapping around his silky shaft, pumping him in rhythm with his taunting strokes against my fold. We're completely in tune with each as we pleasure one another. It's just like during lunch, except we know each other's bodies so much better. Before long, we're both panting and making exotic noises, his fingers pumping in and out only to use my excitement to slip fast circles around my throbbing clit, my hand stroking his long cock, pre-come covering my palm to make it slick up and down faster, my other hand cupping his balls.

Soon we're both coming, climaxes in sync as I clench around his fingers and he spurts hot come all over my stomach and chest. My head is thrown back as I breathe heavily, while his rests on my clavicle. Slowly we shift and I bring my head back to see him staring at the mess he made over my naked body. It's quite lewd, but completely enticing as he leans down to kitten lick my nipple, his come dripping off the nub.

"I guess it's a good thing we're taking a shower." I tease as he separates from my body, a pleased look on his face.

"Mhm, my first shower with someone too, you know." He admits, making a pleased smile cross my face. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up, baby girl."

He helps me into the shower, and I moan as the hot water hits my body, washing the come down my legs and into the drain. I startle a bit as I feel Harry coming up behind me, loofa in hand and starts lathering my front with soap. I let him wash my body before I turn around and return the favor. It's surprisingly casual, us conversing as if our hands aren't touching every inch of our wet bodies.

I wet my hair and Harry turns me around to start shampooing it. I'm glad it's a wash day, my hair full of dry shampoo and glitter from last night. I hum contently as Harry's fingers massage my scalp.

"Last night was a lot of fun. I liked everyone hanging out together." Harry says absentmindedly, focused on washing my hair thoroughly.

"Mhm, they seemed to get along. Like meshing our worlds together." I say to him, eyes closed, but picturing the beautiful smile on his face.

He turns me back around and says quietly, "Gonna wash the shampoo out for you. Keep your eyes shut tight, babe." I let him guide me back, and flinched a bit when the water finally hit me, but calmed as his hand combed through my hair. "You're a lot of fun drunk, by the way. Very frisky too."

I chuckle and he gives me the okay to open my eyes, "I think I wanted to show you off. Saw tons of people looking at you when I should be the only one to look at you like that."

He blushes slightly at my words, but I can tell how much he liked them. He tries to suppress a smile as he pours conditioner into his palm and starts lathering it into my hair. I close my eyes as he takes his time, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of being this close to him. After a minute of silence he says, "You told me a while ago that you don't usually drink much at parties."

I hum, "Yeah, like to be aware of my surroundings. Don't feel safe at the parties if I'm completely intoxicated."

"You felt safe last night?"

"Of course." I answer simply, "You were there."

He didn't respond to my comment, only tipping my head back to wash out the conditioner. He takes his time, fingers combing through my now silky hair. When he's finished he grasps the back of my neck and straightens it out. I'm about to open my eyes, but I feel his breath on my face. His hand comes up to cup my cheek and moments later his lips brush against mine. My breath hitches as his arm sweeps around me to pull me into his body, my breasts pushed against his strong chest. I felt completely under his control, waiting breathlessly to see what he's going to do.

After a few tantalizing seconds, I finally feel his lips against mine, a soft suckle on my bottom lip, the tilt of his head so he can deepen our embrace, the flick of his tongue, begging to meet mine. The kiss is electrifying and dazzling and something I never knew was possible. Every kiss I have with Harry feels new, this one no different.

It doesn't last long enough, though, as he pulls away and nudges my nose with his. A smile forms on my face and I hear a whisper of his sultry voice, "Look at me, Dani."

I open my eyes after what feels like forever, blinking away the water drops on my lashes. I zero in on the stark green eyes that haunt me day in and day out. He's looking at me so seriously now, a look in his eyes I've never seen.

"You'll always be safe with me, okay? I'm here now, and I'll happily watch over you." My heartbeat is rapid as his words are said with all the sincerity in the world. "You don't need to be afraid anymore." He whispers out.

I close my eyes shut and swallow down my emotions. Whether he realizes it or not, Harry had just hit me closest to home. I have always been afraid. Ever since I was a child, and even more so when I went into foster care. I had eventually gotten lucky with Darla, but there are a lot of awful people out there who like the paycheck that arrives for them just for housing one of us. I had seen the worst in people at a very young age, and while I had conquered some of that fear and allowed myself to get close to a small amount of people, I was still painfully afraid of humans. I don't drink, because I don't trust that anyone will take care of me. I think the worst. I think that there's no way someone wouldn't take advantage of me, because that's how I grew up.

Yet here Harry is, telling me that he will protect me, and I believe him. Every cell in my body trusts him so intrinsically that it's not even a question. After only a month or so he has become my person.

My hands slide up his chest until they wrap around his neck, bringing him in for a hug. I stand up on my tiptoes so I can bury my face into the crook of his neck. I inhale deeply, smelling my body wash on him, my heart practically stuttering at the fact that he smells like me.

"You're here now..." I mumble into his skin.

His arms tighten around me, holding our hug longer, and repeats, "I'm here now."

After what feels like forever I lift my head away from its resting position and drop down to my flat feet. My hands make their way to cup Harry's jaw, my thumb running against his bottom lip. I feel so much affection for the man in this moment that I can't help but say, "You're safe with me too, you know. We aren't alone anymore."

And I could see it in his eyes.

I could see that my words had the same reaction within him.

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