Last July

By AriHaruno8

959 265 201

"Listen Kenzy, I know I've been an ass and truthfully maybe you shouldn't even bother returning my calls. You... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three 🍷
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter Forty eight
Chapter Forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter Sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter Sixty three
Chapter Sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy one
chapter Seventy two
Chapter seventy three
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter Seventy Six

Chapter seventy

10 1 0
By AriHaruno8

Ziploc slept soundly lying in my bed the next morning unaware of her surroundings. She clutched the pillow tightly, sighing deeply and wrapped tightly in the covers. I pulled the shirt over my head running my hand back through my hair once again before turning to grab my ear buds and setting my watch as I usually did. After turning to look at her a final time, I left.

The wind played through my hair ruffling it out of place as I stood at the top of the hill I hiked to. The view from this high was jaw droping. Nowhere else in the world, you'd ever have the chance of seeing the sun climb this hill the way she did now. Not being at the top of Niagara falls, nor the blue mountains, and I'd know because I've been there. Her hands stretched across the ever green abyss gripping every towering giant that dared to fall within her wake, and as she climbed slowly, the earth awakened to a new day. Bumble bees zipped past my eyes heading to find food, while the buttercups at my feet opened waving good morning. The lake below glistened, and if I watched closely and long enough I could see the supposedly still water stir every now and again.

I breathed in the fresh air, taking in a lung full feeling somewhat odd. As if a new energy somehow surged within me. I shook my head. Great, I'm getting sentimental and I'm starting to care about little details. What a drag! Taking one final glance at the sunrise, I turned on my heels resuming the playlist as I tracked back into town.

My journey ended at the shop, having decided I wouldn't return after the possibility crossed my mind that I might be willing to not get to work today being home with her. Just the thought of staying in with Ziploc was more than enough pressure already. Taking a cold shower, I dried my hair pulled a fresh shirt over my head as I walked to the office momentarily confirming to myself that Brian was here. And he wasn't just here, he was working and with a damn customer. F****! It's either I woke up in a different time period or I was still sleeping. Brian was in the shop at....eight fifteen in the morning.

Yeah, I'm still sleeping.

I folded a stack of paper hurling it in the direction of the door, after feeling the annoying sensation of being watched only to hear the idiot laugh.

"What do you want?" I asked my eyes still glued to the list I was making on the table. It was late afternoon and I was falling behind on everything. Between the interviews and calling around town, I barely moved from around the desk, much more to eat lunch and I was starving. For more than one thing.

"Oh, just checking if maybe you missed me"

"I don't" I replied casually. "You finished working?"

He walked in taking a seat shrugging.

"Nah, figured I should go get something to eat, you want anything?"

" I'd like you to get back to work " I replied looking up from the paper resting back into the chair. "Think you can do that?"

He shook his head, a wide grin on his face.

"No can do boss. A hungry man is an angry man"

I huffed, a smiled almost breaking out from the corners of my lips. Almost. Brian reclined into the plush chair his hands folded against his head. I've known him for years now, he was as good a friend to me as much as a partner, so I could more than tell when something's up. I'm just surprised he's holding out this long. But we all had those days. Whenever he was ready he'll talk.

"You doing okay?" I asked unable to keep my curiosity at bay.

He opened his eyes slowly staring into the roof before stretching and standing up.

"Brian?" I said realising that the idiot was obviously avoiding my question.

He glanced over his shoulder.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Hey listen, I'm heading out like I said okay" he said going through the door. "Oh and ah, your next victim's here".


"You sure you don't need any help with all this andrew? "

I bit down on my lip as I painfully placed the last ingredient on what I was working at before wiping the sweat from my brows pleased with my work, then, turning to the chubby man who was standing at the edge of the metal table with a towel at his shoulders. He looked at me curiously wondering what the hell I was up to being here so often.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you get any of what I'd asked for?" I asked returning my eyes to the master piece before me.

" yeah" he answered walking off in the direction of a large refrigerator to the back. "I placed them in here. Gotta say though, they were hard to get. Had to bribe my guy into getting them" he chuckled pulling out a bag of strawberries holding them proudly.

It didn't surprise me he'd get them. Jim was the only person I knew for something that demanding, worse since I wanted them fresh, I could count on. Since he ran a resturant, having a supplier was a must in his business, we couldn't always count on farmer's market, even more so the grocery store and I wasn't taking any chances.

"Looks great" he said walking over inspecting the pastry. Handing over a cutting board and knife.

I walked to the sink, spilling the fruits into a bowl running them under the water. All those lessons he'd given me all these years were paying off, and thanks to the fact that he allowed me in without questioning why I wanted to, I was more than able to work without distractions.

He disappeared again, heading back to supervise the other workers and the floor leaving me to my work. Placing the last strawberry on top, I headed to the cooler for it to set. There were still other things I had to do before heading back home and I was exhausted.
My phone vibrated in my pocket stealing me from my thoughts, lethargy soaking into my veins making me sleepy. It was kenzy.


"You're not home yet" she said answering.

"I know that" I responded gathering the utensils taking them to the sink so I could begin cleaning up.

"You've been gone all day"

I shook my head. She was acting very spoilt.

"I'm always gone all day Ziploc"

She sigh heavily and as the phone went dead I listened to her breathe. Her breaths were deep and even, the same they were this morning when I left her. I was still adapting to the fact that there was a woman at the house, or rather someone else. I'd gotten much too use to being alone most of the time, and with gale's extended absence, I hadn't noticed it, but I more than adapted to knowing it was just me. Something I'd have to change going forward. Especially since she was here...if she was going to be here.

"I'm lonely grim"

I leaned back taking a deep breath, a small smile on my lips.

"I'll be home soon".

" Okay " she responded life returning to her voice. "Can you take ice cream on your way back?"

" Is that why you called because you wanted Ice cream? " I asked my eyebrows twitched that I almost fell for a seemingly tender moment.

"No!" She answered adamantly. "Why would Listen I want Ice cream okay. End of story"

"You're kinda demanding for someone stuck at the house"

"If you don't get it don't......what was that?"

I caught a glass bowl just in time before it fell from the counter as everything started to tumble, after a waiter stumbled into the counter scattering everything previously in his hands creating a racket. I could almost kill him.

"Andrew?"Asked kenzy. "What's going on, where are you?"

I grimaced, glaring at him as he got up apologizing profusely.

"Nothing. I'll be there in a little while"

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