By KatoSaguta

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This is the story about a twin brother and sister.They used to live normally until one girl appeared in their... More

TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 1: Girl In Screen
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 2: The Name
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 3: Lost Memory?
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 4: Weird Dream
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 5: Another Dimension?
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 6: Enemy
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 7: Chosen One
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 8: Troublesome Person
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 9: The First Appearance
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 10: Spirit
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 11: Honourable Opponent
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 12: Kireina's mission?
TSUIM UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 13: Truth
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 14: Dream
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 15: Flame Exorcist
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 16: New Friends
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 17: Cosmo
TSUIM UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 18: New Teacher
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 19:New Club
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 20: Club President
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 21: Black and White Sword
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 22: Kirena's Idea
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 23: Unlike Other Morning
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 24: The Winner
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 25: Awakening Of The Flame Exorcist
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 26: Savior
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 27: Cosmo Headquarters
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 28: Unexpected Commanders Of Cosmo
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 29: Training
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 30: Friendship
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 31: 'Bath With My Sister'
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 32: Twin Sister Love
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 33: Unbelievable News
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 34: Mysterious Person
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 35: Childhood Friends
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 36: Hostage
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 37: Life On The Line
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 38: 'Tatsumari'
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 39: Return
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 40: Sign
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 41: Report
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 42: Girls Chat
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 43: Awakening Of Ice Exorcist
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 44: Negative Energy
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 45: Kato's Stalker?
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 46: Human Form
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 47: Study Group
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 48: Visit
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 49: The Taste
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 50: The Forgotten Past
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 51: The Unexpected Transfer Student
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 52: Confession
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 53: The Feeling
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 54: Fiance
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 55: 1st Day Of The Midterm Exam
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 56: New Member
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 57: Summer Festival - Part 1
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 58: Summer Festival - Part 2
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 59: Rage
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 60: The Legendary Spirit
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 61: The First Twin Fate
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 62: Sneak Out
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 63: Flames of Anger
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 64: Wendy's Past
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 65: Kireina's Ability
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 66: Accidental Accident
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 67: The Five Ace Excorcists
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 68: Challenge
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 69: Wedding Day
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 70: Loss Of Trust
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 71: New Semester
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 72: Painful Truth
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 73: Twin's Quarrel
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 74: Twin's Quarrel Part 2
TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 75: White Dragon

TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 76: We Are Exorcist

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By KatoSaguta



(Twin Fate)

Made By Kato

Characters in this chapter:

-Kato Saguta

-Sako Saguta

-Kotori Omada

-Kazuma Akimoto




Chapter 76: We Are Exorcist

Kazuma: Kotori! Your flames are melting my ice!

Kotori: Your ice didn't do any damage at all!

Kazuma: At least I'm slowing that thing movement!

Kotori: Tsk! Our attacks can't even scratch that thing. Sako, I hope you'll be back with Kato fast.

Cyclops: Enough playing around. Graaahh!

Kotori: What the—

Kazuma: Damn it!

The giant cyclops let out a powerful roar that made Kotori that was flying in midair be blown away. Kazuma creates an ice block behind him to prevent himself from getting blown away.

Kazuma: Kotori!

Cyclops: I got you now, exorcist! -swing its club to Kazuma-

Kazuma: (This is bad. I can't evade on time!)

Kazuma braced himself for the impact while closing his eyes. But when club smashes the ground, Kazuma was no longer there. As he opens his eyes, he realized he was not where he stood before. He looked around and then noticed someone familiar in front of him.

Kazuma: Sako? Is that you? What happened to you?

Sako: Kazuma. Go find Tori-chan and make sure she's alright. I'll handle it from here.

Fenrir: Kazuma. Do as what she said. There's something different about her.

Kazuma: Yeah. Make sure you win, Sako!

Kazuma left the battlefield and went to where Kotori was blown away leaving Sako alone. The cyclops looked around and saw Sako.

Cyclops: You're back huh?

Sako: Yeah. But this time, I'm going to defeat you!

Cyclops: Hahaha! You think you're capable of doing that? You can't even—

Right before cyclops finished it's words, the club it held was cut in half.

Cyclops: What the...?

Sako: You're done for. Shine bright and illuminate my enemy, Grandine!

Cyclops: What?!

Sako empowered her sword and cross cut the cyclops. Her attack deals a lot of damage that made the cyclops scream in pain. Sako turns her body towards the cyclops way.

Sako: It's over.

Cyclops: If I'm going to die, I'll bring you down with me!

Sako: It's futile. I won't let you—

Grandine's power completely vanished from Sako's body right before Sako was about to block the cyclops attack.

Sako: (What the? Why can't I move? Did Grandine's power already run out? What should I do? At this rate I will--)

Cyclops: Die! Exorcist!

Sako: Onii-chan!

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment. The cyclops started to laugh like it had killed Sako.

Cyclops: Hahaha! I did it! I killed an exorcist!

Kato: You sure are a cocky evil spirit, aren't you?

Cyclops: What? Who said that?

Kato: Here, I'll help you vanish faster.

The cyclops head got cut off from its body. The cyclops' head vanished and so as it's body.

Sako: W-What happened?

Kato: Are you okay, Sako?

Sako: Onii-chan?

Kato: I'm sorry. Because of my recklessness, you put yourself in danger. I'm a terrible brother, right?

Sako: No. You're the greatest brother anyone could have. No matter what happened, we are twins. We'll always be together no matter what.

Kato: Sako... Thank you. For not giving up on me.

Sako: Hehe. I'm a stubborn person after all.

Kotori: Sako-chan!

Kato and Sako heard Kotori's voice from a distance. They look at Kotori's way and respond to her called.

Kotori: Kato, Sako-chan! Are you two alright?

Sako: I'm fine. I'm just a little tired.

Kato: And I'm feeling a bit dizzy. Ahaha...

Kotori: Geez you two. You two really are identical.

Kazuma: Hey Kato, need a hand?

Kato: Yea sure. Help me stand up here. I can't move my legs for now.

Sako: I need help too.

Kotori: *giggle* Kazuma. You carry Kato. I'll carry Sako-chan.

Kazuma: Okay-okay.

Kazuma puts Kato's hand around his shoulders and give him support to walk. Kotori did the same thing to Sako. They began walking somewhere stable before opening up a portal.

Kazuma: Hey, Sako. What was that power you used? It's so powerful!

Sako: It's Grandine's power. My second spirit. She lent me a bit of her power to defeat the cyclops. But in the end, Onii-chan was the one who did the finishing attack.

Kato: I'm so envious of you. Your second spirit is a nice spirit and didn't try to control you. While mine controlled my body when it's first appearance. You still need to explain everything about this second spirit things, Sako.

Sako: I will. I won't hide anything from you again, Onii-chan.

Kato: Glad to hear that.

Kotori: Yeah, yeah. It's nice that you two are back together. Now stay put while we go through the portal. Ifrit, open the portal back to the real world.

Ifrit: Okay, Kotori-sama.

Kazuma: Prfftt! Kotori-sama?

Kotori: Shut up!

All four of them walked into the portal together. When they returned, everything turned back to normal in school. Lunch time was almost over but Kato and Sako were pretty much in bad condition. Kotori and Kazuma brought them to the nurse's office so they could rest. The nurse was not there at the time so Kato and Sako was put on the bed.

Sako: Thank you, Tori-chan.

Kotori: No problem. Rest for the day. We'll come back after class ends. Don't worry, I'll tell Sakura-sensei that both of you aren't feeling well.
Kato: That's so nice of you, Kotori.

Kotori: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm only doing this because Sako needs to rest.

Kato: Yeah, you're right.

Kazuma: Well, we'll be going now. Don't go anywhere.

Kato: Like we would.

Kotori and Kazuma left the room leaving Kato and Sako alone together.

Sako: Onii-chan.

Kato: Yeah?

Sako: I want to eat hamburger steak for dinner.

Kato: Sure. I'll make it twice bigger for you.

Sako: Thank you, Onii-chan.

They fall asleep not too long after that. The nurse came back and saw both of them sleeping. She noticed a note saying that Kato and Sako fainted while walking back to the class.

Nurse: Well, that's reasonable enough. But seriously? Two of them at once? Maybe twins are sync after all. I'll give them a check after they wake up. I don't want to disturb their sleep after all.

Twin Fate. Title that are not given but obtain. Kato Saguta and Sako Saguta are the chosen one to become the Twin Fate. But they are still not worthy enough to call themselves with that name. In order to do that, they need to become stronger than they were before. Because they need to prepare themselves for the greatest threat that ever existed. Will they succeed or will they fail? It depends on their effort and passion. And the most important thing, their bond.

~The end

The series will continue on the next season. Thank you for everyone's supports.

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