TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 65: Kireina's Ability

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(Twin Fate)

Made By Kato

Characters in this chapter:

-Kato Saguta

-Sako Saguta

-Kireina Makoto

-Kotori Omada

-Wendy Kirisaki

-Karasumi Haruka

-Shigeto Hagara

-Hatake Karatachi

Chapter 65: Kireina's Ability

I woke up in a room of a hospital. Right after I woke up, I noticed Kotori was sleeping beside me while holding my hand. A few minutes later, Sako entered the room along with Kireina. But, not the same Kireina I used to know. She looks a bit older than the last time I see her.

Kato: How many years have I been asleep?

Sako: Ermmm. Since yesterday.

Kato: So, I must be dreaming right now.

Kireina: Dream? No, you're not.

Kato: Kireina that I know are the same age as me.

Sako: It is her!

Kato: Maybe I'll wake up if I poke Kotori's cheek.

I pokeD Kotori's cheek for a few times until she woke up. Right after she was awake, she hugged me while calling my name.

Kotori: Kato, Kato! You're awake! I'm so worried!

Kato: Ermm, Kotori?

Kotori: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! It was all my fault!

Kato: What are you talking about?

Kotori: I'm talking about what I've done to you. I'm the cause of you being held in this hospital. It was all my fault! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!

She was crying while hugging me at the same time. I never thought I would see this side of Kotori. The Kotori I used to know, always assaulted me and acted cruel towards me.

Kato: Have you calm yourself?

Kotori: *sob* *sob* Um...

Sako: Tori-chan.

Sako approached Kotori ear and whispered something to her. Kotori suddenly blushed and got out from the room while telling us that she wanted to go to the toilet.

Kato: What's wrong with her? Did something happened to her?

Sako: No. Nothing happened with Tori-chan. It was you. Something happened to you, Onii-chan.

Kireina: That's true.

Kato: What do you mean?

Sako sat beside me and started telling me everything that had happened to me.

-meanwhile at the girl's toilet-

Kotori: Why did I do that? How I forget?


Sako: I told you before, right? Onii-chan won't remember what had happened yesterday.

Kotori: W-What?!

-present time-

Kotori: So, he doesn't remember anything that had happened yesterday. Including what I have done to him.

Ifrit: Are you okay, Kotori-sama?

Kotori: Oh. Hey Ifrit. I'm okay.

Ifrit: You are not, Kotori-sama. You're still thinking about what happened yesterday.


-Kato's ward-

Kato: It can't be. Did that really happen to me?

Sako: It is. Onii-chan. Can you do me a favour please?

Kato: What is it?

Sako: Don't hate Tori-chan. She did that to protect you. Even though it was wrong to try to kill someone.

Kato: Don't worry. I'll never hate someone that I love. But don't tell her okay?

Sako: You do love her. Okay. It's a secret between us.

Kato: I know I can count on you. Now, about Kireina.

Kireina: Well uh.

Karasumi: It's her power.

Kato&Sako: Sensei?

Karasumi: Glad you're in good health, Kato.

Karasumi entered the room while I was having a conversation with Kireina. She told me that Kireina's ability is to heal by taking the wounded person's memories. But her power affects her physically every time she used it. The more memories she takes, the older she become.

A few minutes later, Kotori returned and saw Karasumi in the room. She greeted Karasumi and then faced me. She suddenly blushed and looks away from me. I grinned a little and got her attention.

Kotori: What's so funny?

Kato: No, I was just thinking about how you reacted right after you woke up.

Kotori: *blush* Forget about it! Remove it from your memory!

Kato: I wanted too, but I can't. Hahaha.

Kotori: *blush* Hmph!

Kato: So, when will I be discharge?

Sako: Tomorrow, maybe. They still need to check on you.

Kato: Tomorrow? But I want to see my exam results.

Karasumi: We'll keep in touch with you about your result. But I'll give you a hint. I'm the one who marked your history paper.

Everyone: What?!

Karasumi: And I got to admit. I'm pretty disappointed with you guys.

Kotori: Even me?

Karasumi: Yes. Well then, I'll be going now. One more thing. Kato.

Kato: Yes?

Karasumi: Come to the headquarter after you get discharge tomorrow.

Kato: O-Okay.

Kotori: I'll be going home, too. I've been here since last night.

Kato: Last night? So, you've been right by my side since last night? You do care about me.

Kotori: *blush* No, I was not! I just wanted to make sure you don't do anything perverted right here in the hospital!

Kato: But I was unconscious last night.

Kotori: *blush* S-Shut up! Idiot Kato!

Kotori ran off from my ward leaving everyone behind. Her face was so red as a tomato. Kireina then went to the cafeteria to buy some food. It was just me and Sako in the room. Sako started to speak up.

Sako: Onii-chan.

Kato: Yeah?

Sako suddenly hugged me while crying. She apologised to me so many times. She said that she was there with Wendy and Kotori when they were fighting with each other. She couldn't stop them because she was too scared. She cried on my shoulder for a while. I gently rubbed her head in order to make her calm. She accompanied me all night while I was sleeping.

-meanwhile at the COSMO headquarter-

???: What's this? Where's everyone?

Shigeto: Ouh, you're here already? Ace exorcist rank 2, Hatake Karatachi.

Hatake: Where is everyone else, Commander Shigeto?

To be continued...

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