TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 71: New Semester

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(Twin Fate)

Made By Kato

Characters in this chapter:

-Kato Saguta

-Sako Saguta

-Kotori Omada

-Kazuma Akimoto

-Tokuchi Raigano

-Hana Koujo

-Shigeto Hagara

-Sakura Mikune

Chapter 71: New Semester

Three days have passed and new semester has begun. Right after the opening ceremony, we went to our classrooms. Everyone in our class wondered about Kireina's and Wendy's whereabouts. They decided to ask Sako about Kireina. Sako told them that Kireina just moved to her old school. Everyone was surprised and started questioning Sako even more. She's being surrounded by the girls. While Sako is answering their questions, I was looking at Wendy's empty seat. I still can't accept that she chose to be our enemy instead of our ally. The last time I saw her face, she looked a bit scared but at the same time she looked happy. Maybe because she got to see me again.

Hana: Oi. Kato Saguta. Earth to Kato Saguta. Are you there?

Kato: Hmm? Ah, yes. What is it, Koujo-san?

Hana: Do you know where Kirisaki-san is today? Why didn't she come to school?

Kato: Why are you asking me?

Hana: Aren't you close to her? I mean, she wrapped your hand and walked around the school together.

Male students: Ya, Saguta. Where is she?

The male students asked the question with an angry tone. It didn't really bother me. I said that I don't know anything about her whereabouts. But they insisted me to tell them. They're annoying and made me lost my temper.

Kato: I said I don't know anything!

Sako: Onii-chan...

Hana: I-Is that so... Sorry for asking.

Kato: Sorry for raising my voice. -sit down- Just, don't bother me for a while. I'm not in a good mood.

Kazuma: Hey. If you're not feeling well just—

Kato: What did I just say about bothering me, Kazuma.

I glared at Kazuma for a while. He apologized and looks away from me. Everyone in class falls silence upon my response about Wendy. Why were they so annoying? I didn't bother them so why were they bothering me?

Sako: (Onii-chan. What happened to you?)

Kotori: Sako-chan. Something is wrong with Kato. Did you two had a fight or something?

Sako: I...

Kotori: So, you two did had a fight.

Sako: No. Onii-chan and I—

Kotori: Sako-chan. I've known you and your brother for years now. I can tell when something is not right between you two. Even this morning, you and him were walking further away from each other. Tell me the details later. I'll try to help you two solve your problems. Because, that's what friends do, right?

After Kotori finished talking to Sako, Sakura-sensei entered the classroom. She introduced herself to everyone like she never met us before. She tried to cheer everyone up since everyone in class looked pretty down.

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