The Assassination Classroom i...

By Plushy_plue

218K 6.3K 4.8K

A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... More

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
Transfer student
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Human target
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Ugh give me a break!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Part of the truth revealed
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
No... (part 2)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Final exam begins pt1
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?

That was close

1.4K 46 40
By Plushy_plue

(Few days later)

After the whole mess at the Phantomhive manor, {y/n} mostly kept to herself, she was trying to understand why she was having these outburst like that. The girl thought she needed to control her anger, her classmates and others have nothing to do with what happened to her. Even the Class A in U.A were nervous to text her to make sure if she was okay.

Ciel and Sebastian told {y/n} that they may have a lead, so he needed to hurry and catch up, which is why she left early.

{Y/n} walked up the mountain to her classroom, she had a small notepad filled with her own research.

"It has to be someone who has access to government files....a few of the profiles that Sebby showed me are able to access that database. What do they have a motive?" The thought out loud.

{Y/n} placed question marks next to a few of the suspects profile so she can go back to it later. While the teen was in the middle of her thoughts she felt someone rub her head. Looking up she spotted Karma, Nagisa and Kayano smiling at her.

She places the pad in her pocket, giving a small smile back to her friends.

"Why so concentrated today?" Kayano asked,

"I just have a lot on my mind" {y/n} gave a nervous chuckle. Only Karma and Nagisa know the true story about her family

"Well time to change that" Karma almost literally grew devil horns from his head, this caused {y/n} to grow nervous. She tried to speed walk away but the red haired boy grabbed her and threw her over his shoulders.

"Hey!? Put me down Karma!" She kicked her legs to see if that will make him somehow let her down.

"Nope. You've been really quiet and it doesn't suit you. Not to mention this is payback for running away" Karma grinned as he walked into the building

At this point {y/n} knew that being put down wasn't an option so she just let it happen.

After a few minutes she was placed in her seat? Her other classmates was smiling all around her, looking down she gave a small gasp. On her table was a mini Junior strawberry cheesecake.

"N-No way!? How'd you get this!? You can only get this in America..Don't tell me Sensei went.." The girl's eyes trailed up to spot her teacher with an even bigger grin

"Nufuhuhu indeed. I went early this morning! The students begged me to go, I wasn't complaining since those American girls are so-" The octopus was cut off by {y/n} throwing an eraser at his head.

"Octo-perv.. but why would you guys do this?" the girl asked, it wasn't her birthday so them getting a cake confused her greatly.

"You've been really down the past few days. We don't know the full detail but we just want to let you know that you have us as your family.." Rio gave a sheepish smile. The bother girls nodded while the boys gave a thumbs up.

"Plus Karma and Karasuma-sensei said that strawberry cheesecake was your favorite." Nagisa put in.

{Y/n} looked at Karma with shocked eyes, her heart felt tight. She couldn't believe he would do something like that. {Y/n} gave a warm smile as she thanked everyone.

"Thank you all. I'm sorry I've been acting weirdly...I just don't know how to figure this out." The girl gave a nervous chuckle.
Koro-Sensei face turned yellow with green stripes. "Ms. {l/n} please don't apologize for how you feel. We are here to help!! But please enjoy!!" He wiggles his tentacles

The girl nodded and took a spoonful of the cheesecake, her eyes closed as she savored the flavor

"I forgot how good this was!!" She took another spoon, but she saw Karma looking at her weirdly
"Here open up" she put the spoon close to his mouth. At first he hesitated but he grinned and took a spoonful.
"Wow! That's pretty good" he sounded surprised
"Well duh! Of course it is!"
"Can I try?" Too poked her head in
"Sure" {y/n} took the spoon to feed Rio. She smiled in delight.
"Aw man!! {Y/n} feeding Karma!! If only I can get fed by her!!" Okajima says as he was thinking dirty thoughts.
{Y/n} heard, she grew annoyed as she took a small spoonful and flung the cake at his face, luckily it landed right near his mouth so he just licked it off.

After a few minutes passed {y/n} was still eating her cheesecake when Karasuma came in, he held a more serious look than normal. Actually, he seemed to be bothered by something. This concerned a few kids.

Karasuma took a deep breath, "We are going to have a please be on your best behavior" he says, rubbing his temple from the headache that was forming.
"Who is this visitor?" Kayano asked
"Well...-" just as Karasuma was about to say who it was, there was a loud slam of the door. Jumping from the sound a giant buff man walked through the door with a huge smile plastered on his face.
"Hahah! I've arrived through the main door!" All Might says while laughing.
"Woah!!! It's really All Might!!?" "What is he doing here!?" The class erupted in praises.
"Haha! It's good to see you guys are so enthusiastic! I'm just here to pick up a certain someone...there! Young {l/n}!"

The class gasped as they faced the American girl. Meanwhile she was too busy eating the cake to even realize what's going on. Karma kicked her chair and growled.

"How'd you meet All Might?" He says into her ear
"Huh?! Um I ran into him.." she says with slight confusion.

Karasuma walked to the back, gently grabbing her. {Y/n} rushed to make sure she doesn't drop her cake, but she follows Karasuma into the hall

"What the hell he means he's here for me?" The girl asked as she glances at All Might
"Ugh the government was bombarded with U.A principle regarding you. A lot of legal actions they are trying to take. So we made a compromise" Karasuma glared at his phone at the email that was sent to him regarding the matter
"Um hello?' Does anyone ask me for what goes on in MY life?!" The girl growled
"I don't like any more than you do. But the general thinks it's a good idea too. Being with them can help you use your powers better so we can defeat the octopus, have the upper hand"

The two looked inside to see the class laughing with All Might

"I guess..I mean All Might may  know to control an inherited power.." The girl thinks it'll be a helpful experience since he is teaching Izuku about One For All...

Meanwhile All Might picked up on the girls little comment. "Young Midoriya was right.. she does know.."

The two sighed. Walking into the class room, {y/n} took a deep breath. "I am ready to go with you" she says, taking a bite of her cake.
All Might clapped his hands, "Hahah! Splendid to hear!! Shall we get going? We can't have you late on the first day!" All Might started to make his way out the room, {y/n} was nervous; she had no idea how the class would react. She glances at Karma before she left the room, his hand signaled the phone; meaning to call him if anything happen.

In the car ride—

{Y/n} and All Might sat in silence, she ate her cake without spilling it over from all the bumps that the car was hitting, it was frankly getting on her nerves.

"Hey!! Can you try and not hit so many potholes please!!" She yelled at the driver, he nodded frantically and started to drive somewhat better.

"Haha young {l/n} should it really be a good idea to eat that as your breakfast?" All Might asked while looking at the sugary cake
"I need sugar in my body when I take my um medicine. It helps my body adapt better" {Y/n} says while taking another bite of her cake.

All Might looked at {y/n} weirdly, not really buying such a story.

"Well I didn't see in your records that you take medicine; in fact there isn't anything about you? Why is that? I'm sure you are fully aware of that fact don't you?" All Might wanted to know why there is no records for a child who was clearly in front if him

"Listen All Might...I know you are a hero and your job is to save people but there are things happening behind closed doors that even you cant stop...and I just so happen to be dragged into this horrid mess." {Y/n} spoke with a sour tone, And this didn't go unnoticed by the number 1 hero.

"Then please tell me young {l/n}?! My job is to help those who I can reach and you are one of them." All Might sat towards the edge of the seat, eager to know what the child meant.

{Y/n} gave a small sigh "Tell me All Might...why is it that you don't tell the students or the world that you can't keep that form of your for more than 3 hours? You don't want them to lose hope correct? Along with other reasons of course, its the same concept, except this has so much involved that I personally don't know why....I've already lost people who are my whole life...I just want to get things over with.." The girl clenched her spoon in her hands, not wanting her tears to fall down but they are threatening to.

All Might on the other hand was rigid, amazed that someone actually knows his secret. Should he try and lie? Pretend that she's crazy?

"Haha I-I have no idea-" All Might was cut off

"Oh come on! Please don't lie to me. I want to trust you but I don't want to risk something happening to you. Plus I like your normal form; not to mention you need to save your energy for when you really need it. So please just take a break" {Y/n} places the cake on her lap as she waits for him to transform back to normal.

After a few hesitant moments, a puff of smoke appeared and All Might turned back to his normal form.  {Y/n} smiled happily.

"Trust me there is a bunch of pieces to my story that are too complicated to comprehend. And it is driving me insane-" This time All Might cut her off

"What did you mean you lost people close to you?"

"I am under Japan Ministry of Defense property if you can call it that. So short story I am not allowed to contact my family once I was taken; But recently I snuck away to see them. And Somehow my family memory of me have been erased. And I can feel them forgetting about me...and I cant do anything since its jeopardizing my mission here in Japan." {Y/n} took a deep breath to steady her thoughts, She can see All Might trying to piece together the information.

"Just trust me, one day I'll tell you, but is it really safe for you to be around me? I don't want anything to happen to you...I care for you all so much and if something happened I don't know what I'll do-" {Y/n} suddenly felt a hand on top of hers. The girl slowly looked up to see All Might smiling

"Please me and Aizawa promises that we wont let anything happen to you. He told me about the confrontation between you and young Bakugo." The man gave a nervous chuckle.

"Oh right! I forgot he was there that day.." The girl smiled slightly.

They was about to continue the conversation when the car stopped. "I cant take you further, there are reporters surrounding the entrance." The driver says. All Might turned into his buff self, and got out he car. {Y/n} followed with her cake in hand.

"Young {Y/n} take my ID and I'll meet you inside. I'll distract he reporters while you go through the back-" When he turned around {y/n} had already jumped towards the wall surrounding the facility. He gave a small laugh at the interesting student

"See you later!" she called out while jumping down.

She landed as careful as she can, steading the cake in front of her so it wont fall. With that she made her way inside.

{Y/n} walked down the hall to try nd find 1-A, there wasn't that many people around so it was mostly quiet, but those few who re r roaming the halls all gave her weird looks. But she ignored them.

After a few minutes of walking she spotted the famous 1-A, smiling she opened the door without a knock; she saw the class taking notes. Some shocked, others surprised to see her suddenly walk in. The teacher teaching was Present Mic; he had a small glare on his face since she interrupted his class. But it dawned to him who it was, soon he smiled and started to clap his hands.

"YOOO YOOO You're that American girl!!" He says while walking to her.

{Y/n} smiled widen as she got slightly excited "Your Present Mic!!! Its amazing to meet you!!" The girl said while shaking his hand a little to excitedly.

The students were too shocked to say anything, in fact they had no idea what to say. {Y/n} just looked at them and smiled. Her eyes landed on Bakugo, but her stiffened and looked away. This caused her to pout. Why is he acting like that?

"Miss {l/n} what on earth are you doing here?! And on top of that barging in a classroom without knocking! Its very distracting!!" Iida stood up from his seat as he waved his hand in a robotic way

"Hehe sorry everyone. I just I'm your new part time class mate! Please take care of me!" She says while bowing to the class.

"What?!?!" Everyone yelled in shock.

-Few minutes later-

Present Mic decided to end the lesson early for {y/n} to get situated. Most of the class came running her way

"What are you doing here?!" "What the heck is part time student?!" "Are you serious" So many came her way to ask her questions, she became slightly nervous as she tried to speak but couldn't get her words out.

Iida decided to step in and push everyone back. "Giver she space people! You are crowding her! She will answer everything!" {Y/n} Thanked him as she go enough space from everyone

"So {y/n} can you explain exactly what you mean?" Izuku says while finally spotting her cake

"Well I don't know in full detail but U.A, the ministry of defense and my guardian had agreed that it will be beneficial for me to be able to attend here; of course I cant leave my class, but they agreed that U.A can take me whenever they want for school. So now I'm here!!" She smiles while seeing everyone confused faces as she eats her cake.

Iida spotted the junk food and snatched it away?!

"It is too early to be eating this! You need a proper breakfast so you can get proper nutrition!"

"NOOO pleaseee Iida!! I need sugar in my body when I take my medicine! Plus my teacher got me that alllll the way from America as a present!" The girl tried to hop as best as she can to try and get the cake back

"Aww come on man give the girl her cake. If she says she need it then this one time wouldn't be so bad" Kirishima says behind her

Iida looked at {y/n} with questioning eyes, but he noticed the little needle whole on her neck were the drug was planted. Just like that time in London. He decided to give in and give it to her

She smiled brightly and took the cake

"Thank you!" "But you need to have a appropriate diet!" Iida spoke. The girl nodded and gave a thumbs up.

She then walked around the classroom to a specific ticking time bomb. The girl sat on the desk of Bakugo while she took a few more bites of her cake. She waited for him to look at her so she can start a conversation but he seems to sit farther back in is chair, trying to avoid eye contact.

{Y/n} pouted. "Hey Bakugo why aren't you talking to me? Don't you have something to say now that I am in your class?" {Y/n} hoped she can get him to speak, even if its an insult.

But nothing. Izuku and Kirishima noticed and quickly went over.

"Um {y/n} he hasn't really been in the talkative mood since we uh returned.." Izuku tried to spear the girl her time since he wasn't talking to anyone

"Well that not fair? Why isn't he saying anything-?" That's when Bakugo finally spoke

"Why do you want me out of all people to talk to you.." Bakugo spoke with a hit of regret, he didn't understand why she would want to talk to him after what he said to her

"Why wouldn't I? I came here since I want to be with everyone" the girl says, a few others in the class over heard, giving them their attention

He clenched his side, head towards the floor so she wont be able to see his eyes

"You should hate me...After I said all those things to you-" {Y/n} cut him off. She didn't want him to feel like this when it wasn't fault

"It wasn't your fault. I already knew the type of  person you are. You speak your mind, blunt as hell, you don't hold back and when you don't know how to express yourself you tend to just be you. I knew what I was getting myself into when I invited you guys, If anything its mine. I took my anger and frustration out on you when you had no idea what's going on. I let my own selfish anger that I have towards your military and took it out on you, and It was extremely wrong for me to do that. That is also why I'm here, I wanted to apologize to you and everyone for that day and my behavior."

The class was shocked to hear those words. "We don't blame you at all." Iida says from the back

"Thank you but if you knew the full story you'll understand that I was in the wrong" {y/n} gave a nervous chuckle.

She looked over at Bakugo to see if she can get through to him, but he suddenly stood up from his chair.

"NO! I acted way out of line and said those awful things without knowing that. What type of person, no what type of hero am I to do such a thing." {Y/n} could tell he was getting angry, she didn't realize he was beating himself about this so much. That made her heart hurt. Bakugo tried to leave but {y/n} grabbed his arm, but the way his body halted caused him to wince in slight pain.

This caused {Y/n} to worry. "What's going on? Are you hurt?" The girl placed her cake in Sato hands, trying to make the male face her.

"Bakugo are you hurt!" She yells louder. She saw he clenched his teeth

"So what if I am...I deserved it-"

{Y/n} growled at his comment. This wasn't the Bakugo she and everyone else knows. And she didn't like it. So {Y/n} pulled his arm towards her, causing him to slightly turn, and when he did she gabbed his face with her other hand. Staring into his widen eyes.

"Bakugo Katsuki! God damn it stop acting so fucking stubborn and let me see your injury! You out of all people don't deserve anything like that to happen to you.  So please let me fix it" {Y/n} voice cracked a little, her heart was hurting just the thought of hurting him.

Bakugo sighed "Whatever." He clenched his jaw, slowly lifting up his shirt to show the softball sized bruised on his ribcage. {Y/n} asked anyone for a water bottle, Iida having one, tossed it to the girl. She went to see where the injury was but froze instantly.

Her eyes landed on the body of Bakugo, his ripped abs, the muscles flexing as he held the shirt up. The girls heart raced so fast in her chest that all she can hear is the thumps it made. A bright blush formed across her face, Mina went up to the girl. "Do you like what you see there {y/n}" the pink female teased. This caught Bakugo attention, seeing her flushed face as she stared at him made him return back to normal.

"You defiantly  must like what you're seeing huh foreigner?" He teased.

"Holy fuck I didn't realize how hot you are in person.." The girl said. This caused a few boys to whistle while the girls gave a small excited yell.

"Miss {y/n} Please stop staring at a young male like that! It's unlady like!" Iida was a little shocked to hear those words as well.

"S-Sorry.." She whispers while pouring water in her hand. The water formed an inch layer around her palm. She stepped closer to Bakugo. "This may feel a little cold but its only for a few seconds." He nodded in understanding.

{Y/n} leaned forward, placing her hand over the bruise. She slowly concentrated on the water on her hand, it began to glow a bright baby blue, the girl blew out a breath; her breath forming a light fog as it cooled the water. The class stared in awe as they watched Bakugo bruise slowly disappeared.

It only took 2 minutes, so when she was done, she became light headed. Stumbling over, before she can hit the floor Bakugo caught the girl in his arms.

"Woah {y/n}?! Are you okay?" Kirishima asked

"Y-Yeah sorry, I don't know how to use that properly since it take up a lot of my energy. It's like the second time I used it." {Y/n} was able to regain her composure just as Aizawa walked in.

"Okay everyone take your seats. As you know {l/n} will be attending our class. But due to government reasons we cant not tell you unless she does. Not to mention Its none of your business. Anyway. You are going to pick class representatives. Have fun as long as your quiet and do it during this period." With that Aizawa went to sleep in his sleeping bag, the class became excited to pick who was going to be class president. Even Bakugo went to normal and was insulting his classmates.

But in the back of the class {y/n} body slowly began to shake, almost dropping her spoonful of cake. Her heart raced, it wasn't the same feeling as she had with Bakugo; she was shaking from slight fear...

Izuku spotted the girl shaking, he became worried due to her eyes holding so much emotions. He was going to ask if she was okay. But he froze when he heard a single word leave her mouth- leaving him confused and more worried


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