Secret Flames (Sandor Clegane)

By insomniacwriter3

137K 5K 289

Tallulah Waters was the daughter of Anicia Waters, the most desired and well known whore in all of Kings Land... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 38

1.6K 63 8
By insomniacwriter3

Tallulah was running through the woods. The air was freezing and she could see her breath in the air. She had no idea what was chasing me, but she had to run, even when her lungs burned for more oxygen and her legs cried out for a rest, she could not stop.

In her ears she could hear a strange voice. One she had never heard before, but it kept whispering the same thing, over and over again.

"I life was returned for a purpose. A debt must be paid and pale blue eyes must close forever."

The crunchy white snow she had been running on had now turned into a shallow poodle of blood, the red liquid splashing up her legs. She kept going though, running and running until an explosion of fire exploded before her and the face of Jon Snow appeared in the flames.

Panicked, Tallulah suddenly woke up. A cold sweat covered her body as she quickly looked around the room snd realised she was still in her private chambers on the ship. To her side, Sandor sat up in bed, bis bare chest exposed as he looked at her with wild eyes.

"You were screaming," he spoke in his usual morning husky tone.

"Just a dream," she sighed and pushed him back down into the bed so she could rest her head on his chest.

Later on that day, they were finally arriving into Kings Landing through Black Water Bay. Tallulah and Sandor stood on the top deck alone and held hands as they watched the city grow larger in the closing distance. When they finally made land, they were onstantly greeted by the city guard and Lannister troops.

"We wish to speak with the Queen," Tallulah called out to the men.

"She will see you and no one else," one called back.

"It could be a trap," Davos spoke as Sansa looked on with terrified eyes.

"Does it matter if it is. We will all die either way, unless she lets us in."

"Tal," Sandor sighed.

Smiling, she quickly walked over to him and took his hands in hers. "Stay here. I will be back."

A smaller groups of guards then lead her away from the group. Up the hundreds of steps from the port and into the walls of the Red Keep. Even more guards were positioned inside, lining the walls, still as statues with their swords ready at the hip. Before she was allowed into the great hall, one of the guards made her remove of her own weapons though. A smart move under normal circumstances, but things were different now, and she prayed Cersi would see that.

"So, I believe things didn't go too well in the North," Cersei smiled from the Iron Throne as Tallulah stood patiently before her.

"Smile all you like, your grace. But the truth is the truth. The dead are coming and not our forces of thousands and help of a dragon could save the north. If we could stop them with all that, do you really believe you will out last them? Because they are on their way, your grace, and nothing is going to stop that."

Cersei's smile quickly dropped as she frowned her brow. "Then why are you here? If the south is just as doomed as you were in the North. Why run here for help?"

"Because if we help each other. If we listen to each other and learn from the mistakes of those before us... we might just survive this. Forget dragons and mad bloodlines, my loyalty is to the people who look at me for help, for hope, as do yours in this kingdom."

"And why should I listen to you. You were nothing just a whores medicine woman a few years ago,"

"And you where just the wife to some fat, lazy king. It would seem we have both moved up in the world."

Cersei smiled again, her eyes showing a level of admiration as she studied the young woman behind her. Finally, she stood up and spoke a little louder. "If I let you and your people in, I take it you have a plan?"

"You fucking bet I do," she smiled.

An hour later, around the war table inside the walls of the Red Keep, stood Cersei Lannister, Qyburn, Euron, Jamie Lannister, Varys, Tallulah, Arya, Sansa, Jon Snow, Bran, Podrick, Davos, Tormund, Gendry and Brienne.

"Who would have thought it, us all stood around the same table together. I take it my nephew didn't want to join?" Euron smirked.

"He guards our ships," Jon frowned.

"And my brother, he did not escape with you?" Jamie asked, resulting in an annoyed look from Cersei.

"He remained with Daenerys. I believe he might actually love her," Varys chuckled as he crossed his arms over himself.

Rolling her eyes, Tallulah cleared her throat. "Now that we've all had time to catch up, shall we get on with it?"

"I like her," Euron sniggered.

Ignoring him, Tallulah went onto to look over the map of Kings Landing. "In the Winterfell the dead attacked under nightfall and they showed up fast. Whatever they kill, rises up and joins them, meaning the numbers are always growing. We had men outside the walls, but they died in seconds, and then they crawled up the walls. This time we can't have anyone outside the walls, theres no point. To stop them climbing over we need to dig deep trenches all the wah along the wall and wide enough to keep the numbers. We can fill them with wildfire, that will burn the bodies to ash, making sure we don't end up with a growing pile. On the walls, we need to place as men as possible. Have them ready with bows and arrows, we have some deagonglass left, but use fire as well. But no matter what we do, it won't be enough until we kill the Night King. If he dies, so does his army,"

"That's great, but last time he didn't even charge the castle," Davos sighed.

"I know, that why Jon and I will find somewhere to hide it beyond the city. We can't attack him from the front. Whilst the armies are charging Kings Landing, we will take his 12 commanders and him,"

"Two people against all of them? Why?" Sansa asked.

"Because its dangerous. I can use my... my fire to distract and stop the 12 commanders from reaching the night king. Meanwhile, Jon... Jon can kill the night king,"

"But why Jon?" Arya questioned.

"Because no one else can do it."

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