Another World. - Harry Styles.

By deludedfreak

12.1K 105 23

Alexis, a girl who gets yelled at in school. Harry Styles seemed to be the only one who can save her. She als... More

I'll Take You To Another World. - Harry Styles.
Chapter 1 : The Dreams..
Chapter 2 : The party.
Chapter 3 : The concert.
Chapter 4 : This is unbelievable.
Chapter 5 : I finally found her, the girl of my dreams. Haha
Chapter 6 : No, not Stiles. But Harry.. Harry Styles.
Chapter 7 : You wanna hangout today?
Chapter 8 : 'Doesn't matter baby.. Relax.'
Chapter 9 : Fuck Fuck Fuckery Fuck
Chapter 10 : How about we go on a date tomorrow?
Chapter 11 : Just, shut up.
Chapter 12 : She did it.. She..
Chapter 13 : A Birthday Party. ( 1 )
Chapter 13 : A Birthday Party. ( 2 )
Chapter 14 : Just the two of us. Very cozy..
Chapter 15 : The 'kiss in the rain' thingy.
Chapter 17 : Magical
Chapter 18 : Irrelevant cunt.
Authors note.
Chapter 19 .
Chapter 20 : 'Harry and Alexis an item?!'

Chapter 16 : I'm kinda done.

350 3 0
By deludedfreak

Courtney's POV


"Yes. Leggo."

We, me and Alex walked outside. This school day is going to be really REALLY awkward. Since Alex haven't seen Stiles in like forever, and i really wanna punch Audri. Cause you know, i do not really like her.

"How are you and Hazzie?" I asked and her face lit up. "We're great. It's only been a day but he's already the best. But i guess you already knew that." I nodded and smiled. It's still weird to think that we, obsessed fangirls, are friend with One Direction. One of us is dating one. And one of us is dating the drummer. Who's actually quite hot. Haha.  

I pushed the door open and we walked into the school building. It feels like we haven't been here in 6 years, yet it were only 2 weeks. Short holiday thingy. People were now actually staring. 

"Is that the girl dating Josh Devine?" 

"Is she with Harry?"

"I thought she was with Stiles. Slut." This one made me laugh. I walked up to the little group of girls. "Did i hear the word slut? That's actually quite funny cause i was just thinking the same thing about you. Look at your clothes. You don't know shit, so I think you should shut the fuck up and get your ass gone." I yelled and the first graders ran off. 

"That was so  mean." Alex couldn't stop laughing. "Mean is my second name. Now get your books yeah?" I said and we walked to our lockers.

"What did you say to my sister?" I suddenly heard a horrible voice behind me. I turned around and looked at the bitch standing in front of me, with her little sister hiding behind her. She gave me this face and i was ready to rip her throat out.

"I told your sister how sweet she was." I said sarcastically. She didn't find that very funny. Alex joined me and her eyes stared Audri down.  

 "Ew you're so ugly. No wonder Stiles chose me." She suddenly said. Oh i'm done. SO FUCKING DONE. I grabbed her collar and pushed her against the lockers. "Maybe you should drink a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up before i drink it and spit it out all over your face!" She looked scared and as if she was about to shit herself. "Sorry." She whispered. "Good." I let her go and walked of with Alex by my side. "You're a great friend. I love you so much." She laughed her ass off and so did i. "I know mate. I love you too." I replied and we walked into the classroom

Alexis' POV

'I miss you.'

'Already? Awh.'

'Yes! That had to be cheesy but since you don't like it.. :('

'NO! It's cute. :3 I miss you too.'


I couldn't help but smile while i texted Harry. He's so cute.  

"NO TEXTING IN CLASS!" I heard an evil voice screamin from behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Says who." I chuckled as i saw her phone lying on the table. "One does not speak to me that way." I put up my middlefinger in the air. 'One is not me. Now shut your mouth before i'll help you with it." She obeyed and i continued texting Harry.

Why did the teacher take so long to walk into the fucking classroom and start the day? I wanna go home. 

"Who are you texting, your boyfriend? Oh wait, you don't have one." I burst out of laughter and people looked at me. "The funny thing is, i do have one. And why do you care anyways? So you can take him from me, again. Like you did with Stiles AND Noah?" I looked straight into her eyes. She chuckled and looked very insecure. 

"Sorry babe, won't happen again. Oh wait, i can't promise that."

"You're so full of yourself.  Don't you have anything else to do in life except for only looking at yourself." 

"I can. But why should i? EL O EL. I'm the prettiest girl in school. Can't help it you're jealous." She said sarcastically. 

" Oh my god. You're so right. You are the prettiest girl in school. You know what? Let's change that." I jumped up and grabbed her hair. "OUCH! LET GO OF ME BITCH!" She yelled and people gathered around us. "I didn't came her to pick a fight with you, but if you wanna take it outside. Let's fucking go outside. Cause i really REALLY wanna pull each one of your hair out of your head." I pushed her off causing her to fall backwards. 

"WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!" Miss Anderson walked in, with her Southern accent. All the kiddo's ran back to their seats, and of course, i was the only one standing. Audri crawled back into her seat and brushed her clothes off. The teacher walked towards me. 

"Everything okay here?" She asked. I nodded. This was the only teachers who i actually liked. She was nice. "She pulled my hair!" Audri yelled with her 11-year old voice. "I bet she had a reason for that." Miss Anderson smiled and walked back to her desk. Audri groaned and sat down again. She suddenly grabbed mmy shirt from behind, i almost choked. "Don't ever do that again. Or i'll kill you." My cheeks burned. I couldn't breathe. "Let go of me, or else i'll kill you before you can." She released me and i coughed. This bitch is gonna get it after school.

About 5 hours later school was over and i rushed to my locker. I had to get outside before Audri did, so i can finally beat the shit out of her. 

"Everything okay? I heard what happened in class." I suddenly heard a familiar voice next to me. Noah. He's pissed. "Yes, i'm fine." He smiled sarcastically.

"Why don't you just cut the crap and leave Audri alone?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Are you seriously asking me this? Cause i was ready to beat the shit out of her." I sarcastically smiled and he gasped. "I won't let that happen." He tried to stop me while i walked outside.

"That's a shame for you cause it will, happen. Now let go off me." I said and pushed him to the side. If he wants to be the shitty friend again, he can. Annoying little bitch. I walked outside and looked around. Suddenly a car passed me. The girl smiled sarcastically. "You're fucking lucky this time!" I yelled as she drove off. I heard a sigh of relief behind me. "You really think i won't fight her?" I asked as he grabbed my arm. "Please don't. I don't want to choose between you two." I raised my eyebrow. "You only say that cause you don't want to choose Audri over me. Which you will. Bye." I said and walked off. I'm kinda done with him. 

'How about i'll come to your house right now?'

'Yes please. I need to cuddle. :3'

'Oh, that's nice. Be there in 10.'

Yes, i need to see him right now.  

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