I Transmigrated into an otome...

By Liliana_York

199K 5.6K 1.8K

Kameko has a perfect life; a loving family, people she could truly trust and herself, a beautiful and strong... More

Author's Note
1. I died in an 'accident'
2. Reincarnated? Meh? Into an Otome game?!,
3. Oh well
5. Guest
6. Lets get along, brother
7. Debut
8. K
9. What's with this world?
10. Two Identity.
Not An Update!
11. Characters
12. Mind game: The Queen, The Joker and The King Part 1
13. The Queen, The Joker and The King Part2
14. Lawless
The Author has something to say
15. Lady's Lazy Life
16. His Obsession
17. Little innocent lamb
Special Chapter
18. "Who are you?"
You don't need to read as it's extra
19. Narcissari
This Author is really thankful≧﹏≦
20. SevenKin
The Author has something to say: 2
21. Dream
22. The Unexpected(s)
23. Truth?
This Author's Boring Thoughts
24. Beauty causes distruction
25. Her precious!
26. Birthday
Thank you for Understanding.
27. Home!
28. A play

4. Crown Prince

11.7K 382 113
By Liliana_York

A/N: Pic above is how I imagine Zen to look like❤



So you're Amerllyis.. " His blue eyes dazed off for a moment but then focused back with a mischievous glint.

"Nice to meet you, Llyse. I'm your fiancee, your future husband" He smiled.. Mysteriously.



Ever wanted to witness a 7 year old getting engaged? Guess what? You're in luck!

You will get to to witness it. Add to the fact that the 7 year old is the only goddess of beauty. Jackpot!

And yep, the beauty is me. Who did you think it would be, you? Stop kidding and get a life. ^_^

FYI if you think I'm a narcissist, I'm not. I get that a lot but It's just called self appreciation.

"Lets go, sweetie! It's almost time" Mom voiced out excitedly with her honey sweet voice that sounded as if she were singing.

"I'm ready, mama" I smiled innocently at her as she grabbed my hand and head to our carriage.

We were invited to the royal palace today, to discuss the engagement between the crown prince and I. Hopefully it wasn't decided so there was a slim chance I could avoid the engagement.

Even today, I was dressed so cutely that I almost said 'I'm too cute for the prince' aloud. Thankfully, I didn't.

We rode the carriage for like 2 hour which would've taken only around 30 to 35 minutes if we walked as there was a 'traffic' I didn't expect to see in this world.

Thank heavens it didn't take longer than 2 hour or now, I wouldn't have been able to feel my butt.

"Lets go greet Her Majesty" Mom said with a calm smile but I knew she was excited as she was 'best friends' with the queen.

And off I got out of the carriage and head into the palace.


3rd Person POV

The beautiful silver haired beauty held her daughter's hand as they went into the royal palace.

"Welcome, Your Ladyship Veronica De' Rose Lapis and Lady Amerllyis De' Scarlet Lapis." The maids greeted in unison to the pair.

"Please follow me, Her Majesty is waiting inside" The head maid said as she bowed respectfully.

"Please" Just a word from the silver haired was enough for them to understand. By now, she executed a heavenly and commanding aura that could come from no one but only from a royal blood.

Her daughter also had the same aura filled with confidence and elegance though she didn't know herself.

They were led to a beautiful extravagant and cleanly maintained garden that spokep royalty.

In the garden was a table for four where one was already taken. A woman in mid 30s sat on a chair.

She had a beautiful silver hair with red eyes, though she was a royal now, she was just a noble before she married. Only a royal blood had dark blue eyes. Still, she perfectly defined royal.

"Mama, I'm sorry but I really need to go to washroom so please.. " Amerllyis said with a look of emergence and a shaky voice.

To this, her mother tried to call a maid for her to lead her but she ran away saying there wasn't a need to do so.

The young blue haired who called herself a goddess had already hatched a plan. She would say that she got 'lost' and at the final minutes of the discussion, she would reject the proposal which would make her seem like a willful kid, thus, displeasing the Queen.

'Would the plan even work? Don't think so but well not like I got much time on me anyways. I'm not planning to return until they start searching for me'

That was what she thought at least until she ran into the devil she wished to avoid.

"Who are you?" The young silver haired boy asked. In truth, he had already seen her wandering around the place and had been following her.

He wanted to know who she was as after all, she was a little beauty even though she was still young but anyone could tell that she'd be a real beauty who'd cause men to fall.

He  made a guess that she might be a member of a royal family from the neighbouring kingdom because of her eye color but he didn't hear any news of it so came to a conclusion that his assumption was wrong.

Whichever country it may be, every single member of the royal family had dark blue eyes that shined deeply in darkness.

"Who are you?" He asked in a commanding yet in a gentle manner but she didn't answer and just looked at him in shock.

"Do you dare defy me, the crown prince? Why aren't you answering my question?" He asked in yet another commanding and authorized voice except that it wasn't gentle anymore.

"No, your highness. Forgive me for my lack of manners" Amerllyis said as she bowed elegantly while also cursing herself under her breath.

"Amerllyis De' Scarlet Lapis greets your Highness." Though she was taught of manners, it seemed to the prince that she just casually introduced herself which no one had ever done.

And it interested him as he could see she was doing it on purpose.

"So you're Amerllyis.. " His blue eyes dazed off for a moment but then focused back with a mischievous glint.

"Nice to meet you, Llyse. I'm your fiancee, your future husband" He smiled.. Mysteriously as he took her hand and kissed the back of her hand.

To this, the girl got surprised and ran away.

"... " The young boy couldn't understand why she ran away. Anyone would've died to get a kiss from him but why her?



I ran away flustered. How could such a young kid be so smooth? He was still not older than 10 years, I say. It somewhat reminded me of Haru..

"Mama" I gracefully greeted the Queen and mother as explained how I got 'lost' but she didn't seem to pay attention to it and smiled instead.

I was about to start playing 'willful and troublesome spoiled young lady' when

"It's decided. You will be the crown princess" She said in an excited manner with the queen smiling widely along with her.

F**k I thought I could escape.

.                   ____________________

"Amerllyis.. What a beautiful name" The prince said with a smile as a smile was seen, a smile as if he found what he had been searching for.


A/N: Finally done, guys! I'm going to sleep. Goodnight!

Thank you for reading ❤

Word count: 1039

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