Heartbreak High • Pokemon

By alovableghost

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♡˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ COMPLETED Serena Yvonne wants a fresh start in her last year of high school. She cuts ties with her... More

⚠️ Author's Note ⚠️
1. Serena's New Start
2. The Results
3. Wild Accusations
4. Full Of Surprises
5. I Miss The Old You
6. Behind Closed Doors
7. Everything Is Fine
8. Paul is back
9. The Cheer Captain Isn't A Mary Sue
10. I Want To Be There For You
11. Confrontation Of Bitches
12. The Ursula Incident
13. Mother Knows Best
15. Lover, Where'd You Go?
16. Princess
17. Bitch You Better Be Joking
18. Average Day At Shalour High
19. Ruin Our Friendship
20. Shalour Carnival
21. Back To School
22. It's Nice To Have A Friend

14. Filthy Cheater

518 17 15
By alovableghost

Serena's eyes sparkled as the group entered the stadium. The rest of the new girls to the Vixens looked around, just as amazed as Serena, as they saw other teams scattered around, some talking about strategies, some stretching and some practicing.

"Alright Vixens, we'll set our stuff over here." Dawn announced, as she placed her bag down in an empty corner. "Start your stretches and I'll go let the judges know we're here." She gave a smile before she walked away from the group. Serena just gave Dawn a smile back before she'd walked away.

"Are you excited?" A voice piped up, as Serena turned to see Shauna had stood beside her. "You bet I am!" The blonde grinned.

The girls all sat in a circle and did their stretches. "So how does this all work exactly?" May asked, facing Hilda. "So most of our competitions have two rounds. The first round we have to show that we're coordinated and in sync by showing the judges that we can make any formation of our choice, with ease. Second round we'll be performing exactly what we've been practicing over the past month." Hilda smiled.

Ursula stood up, turning to leave the group. "Where are you going?" Dawn asked, as she was returning to the group. "I need a cigarette." Ursula looked at Dawn, blankly. "You're not allowed to smoke by the stadium.. if the judges catch you-" Dawn began, before Ursula cut her off. "Relax insufferable smurf, I won't get caught." She replied, giving a fake smile before she walked off. Dawn just rolled her eyes, before she joined the group and started stretching.


Ash sat in the library beside Brock and Brendan, tapping away on his computer as the trio were writing practice essays for their English homework.

Gary and Misty sat a few metres behind their table, making out. Misty had basically straddled Gary, as he sat in a chair, and the pair had been locking lips for several minutes now.

The trio had been quiet, but they were visibly growing annoyed as the sounds the pair made were quite distracting.

Ash was finally growing fed up, and turned around. "Can you two cut it out? I can't concentrate." He asked. Misty pulled away from Gary, shooting Ash a glare. "You dont have to listen to us, perv!" She growled. Brendan grit his teeth, irritated as he turned to the lovebirds. "I agree with Ash, you're both being distracting as fuck." He grumbled.

Misty rolled her eyes, climbing off of Gary before she reached out to grab his hand. "Cmon babe, lets leave the nerds and go some place quieter." She suggested, as Gary took her hand and the pair left.

"I thought they'd never leave.." Brock sweatdropped. "Same.." Ash agreed. "Wait, you managed to get them to leave? I thought they were going to start getting freaky in front of us." Drew huffed loudly, as he walked over and sat down at the table with the trio. "Honestly.. You and May are much worse.." Brock teased, causing Drew to blush lightly. He smirked, trying to play it off, "Whatever.."

"Have you come to sit with us because you're bored? After all a certain brunette isn't here." Brendan teased. Drew rolled his eyes, "May might not be here.. but at least she is responding to my text messages and calls." He shrugged. Brendan and Ash both shot Drew a glare. "Not cool man." Ash said.

Drew sweatdropped, as he got out of the chair. "I'll see you guys later.." He awkwardly said before he walked off. Ash just looked to Brendan, who still had a look of worry on his face. "School will be over before we know it and then we can go and check on Calem.." He assured him. "Yeah.. you're right." Brendan replied, hoping Calem had just had a sick day or overslept.

Ash went back to tapping away on his computer, before he realised he got a notification on his phone. He looked down to see a memory popped up on his Instagram from a year ago.

Ash curiously opened the notification, but his heart sank when he realised it was a picture he'd posted of himself with Ursula. Ash had been the one holding the camera, and the pink haired girl was kissing his cheek. The caption read, "So in love with you ❤️"

Ash was still struggling a bit with the break up.. he was getting over Ursula but really missed the feeling of being in love.

The boy then thought about Ursula, and the state he'd seen her in yesterday.. when she approached him and his friends.. she looked quite rundown and exhausted. Ash decided to send the girl a message.

Ash: Hey Ursula, I hope you're doing okay. I know we're no longer together, but I do really care about you. Please take care x


Ursula took once last puff of her cigarette, before she put it out. The girl was trying to psych herself up into going back inside the stadium, instead of having another cigarette.

Ursula flinched in surprise as her phone buzzed, and her expression turned into a glare when she realised Ash had sent her a message. Quickly, she made a reply.

Ursula: You don't care about me. If you did, you wouldn't be trying to get so close to Dawn. You're a filthy cheater.

She then put her phone away, as she bit her lip. She felt angered by Ash's message, and truthfully she was pissed off that Ash and Dawn had become so close. Ursula decided to walk back into the stadium, before she'd grow more infuriated.


"There's so many good teams this year.." Lillie said quietly, talking to Luna. "There are.. god we've got competition." She replied back loudly.

The Vixens had practiced their formation for this competition so many times.. Dawn was confident they could do it with their eyes closed.. even with adding Ursula to it, despite her not practicing with them for weeks.

About an hour had past and there were three remaining teams that had yet to try and make it through round one. "Next up is the Shalour Vixens!" The announcer said, as Dawn and her team stood up eagerly. Serena couldn't help but to feel a knot in her stomach, as she felt the nerves hit her out of nowhere.

The group all exited the audience and entered onto the stage. Music began to play, meaning the group had to begin.

The Vixens split into groups of four, one being Dawn, Shauna, Rosa and Luna. The second being Ursula, Serena, Lyra and Bianca. The third group was Hilda, Iris, May and Lillie.

They'd practiced in training to make a sort of triangle formation. Dawn, Hilda and Ursula were going to make the top of the triangle whilst the trio they were each grouped with, were going to hold them up and make the base.

With ease, Shauna, Rosa and Luna lifted Dawn into the air, making her the right side of the triangle. Next Iris, May and Lillie lifted Hilda into the air, to make her the middle part of the triangle, which was quite easy as she was the tallest out of the trio that were being lifted. Lastly Serena, Lyra and Bianca lifted Ursula into the air, making her the left side of the triangle.

Serena looked around with a nervous smile, noticing the audience looking pleased, as well as the judges. They'd done it so swiftly and effortlessly, as all the girls on the Vixens were quite flexible and strong. Her nervous smile grew, as she knew without a doubt they were going to make it to the next round.

That was until, someone in the team decided to sabotage their chance. Ursula, without hesitation, gave Hilda a push, knocking her into Dawn. The girls holding the duo up, tried to balance them, but they both fell down, Dawn hitting the ground before Hilda fell on her, with a thud.

"Oops, my bad. I must have slipped." Ursula said, as Serena, Lyra and Bianca put Ursula back on the ground as they went to help Hilda and Dawn.

"Are you guys okay!?" Lyra asked, in a panic as Iris was helping Hilda to stand up. "I can't.. move my knee." Dawn spoke, clearly in pain. "It looks like it's dislocated!" May blurted, as she tried to help Dawn up.

"I'm sorry but the Shalour Vixens are disqualified from today's competition, can the team please help the two injured girls to the first aid room." One of the judges announced through a microphone.


Hilda and Dawn sat in the first aid room, being seen by the nurse. Both of the pair had bruises and scratches, but due to Hilda falling on Dawn's knee, it became dislocated. The nurse helped to put it back in place, but it was going to be in pain for a while.

"Aw Dawn I'm so sorry.." Hilda said sadly. "It wasn't your fault Hilda." Dawn reassured her, trying to give her a smile. "I feel so bad though.. you're in pain.. and the team is out of today's competition." The brunette sighed. "There's always next time." Dawn insisted. "But next time, a certain bitchface will not be coming with us." She smiled fakely, deep down she was very pissed off at Ursula.
Timeskip again
The final bell of the day had rung, and the hallways filled with students that were eager to get home.

Ash and Brendan had left eagerly, planning to go and pay Calem a visit. Drew was hanging around for the vixens to return, as he was going to be spending the night with May.

"Are you sure you're not coming over tonight?" Gary asked Misty, as they walked down the corridor hand in hand. "I'm sure baby, I'll see you tomorrow." Misty replied, as the pair stopped walking. Usually Misty would put up a fight to stay at Gary's house and to spend time with him, this was unusual.

Misty and Gary leaned closer together before they shared a passionate kiss. Misty then pulled away and let go of Gary's hand, as she walked in the opposite direction. "Bye! I love you!" She called before he could no longer see her through the crowd of students. "I love you too.." He sweatdropped, before he exited the school building.


The bus ride back to Shalour high had been quiet. Dawn had fallen asleep, her head leaning on Serena's shoulder. The blonde herself was struggling to stay awake. Ursula kept to herself, she had her earphones plugged in and was on her phone. She knew everyone was angry at her, but she was quite proud of herself.

Iris and Hilda sat at the back of the bus. To their liking, the back seats were quite hidden. So if Iris wasn't asking her girlfriend every few minutes if she was feeling okay after she was shoved, they were cuddling or making out.

The rest of the girls were either having their own conversation, asleep or listening to music. The bus finally arrived back at the school, and with relief, everyone exited the bus.

Once they were off the bus, Dawn looked to Ursula. "You're off the team, Ursula." She said bluntly, before she turned to walk inside the school building. "Oh come on. You deserved what happened today, for stealing my boyfriend!" Ursula growled, quickly going after Dawn.

Serena had been standing next to Shauna as the pair were having a conversation. The blonde hadn't noticed Dawn leave the group and looked around in surprise when she realised she was gone. "Hey where'd Captain go?" Shauna asked, realising too that Dawn had disappeared.


Misty skipped over to Paul eagerly, as they were the only ones in the hallway now. "Hey hot stuff." Paul grinned, as Misty grinned back, before reaching up to kiss Paul. Paul closed his eyes and kissed Misty back, passionately as he found his arms moving to sit around her waist.

After a few minutes of what ended up being making out, Misty pulled away. "Shouldn't we wait until we're at your house?" She asked, not wanting to be caught locking lips with Paul. "Everyone left like twenty minutes ago, we'll be fine." Paul insisted.

With that being said, the pair made their way over to a bench beside the bathrooms, where they continued their make out session. Like Misty had done earlier with Gary, she straddled Paul and Paul pulled her closer as he put his arms around Misty's waist.

Paul had broken away from Misty as began to kiss her neck, gently. Misty couldn't help but grin, "Maybe we should take this back to your place.." She said, suggestively. "Eventually." Paul smirked, as he'd moved away from Misty's neck and back up to her lips. The pair collided lips again, this time being a bit more rough with eachother.

They were enjoying themselves a bit too much.. as they hadn't heard one of the doors to the hallway open. "The Vixen's will be nothing without me!" Ursula spat. "Ursula.. you can't expect me to let you stay on the Vixens after you missed so many training sessions and then deliberately caused us to lose. Not to mention you injured two of us." Dawn spat back, still walking ahead with a fast pace as she was heading towards the bathrooms. Ursula was trying to keep up as she was trying to change Dawn's mind.. but Dawn had been nice to Ursula for too long. Her mind was absolutely made up.

Misty had moved her hands to sit around Paul's neck loosely. Paul had moved his hands down Misty's waist slowly, and now had them on her thighs. The pair had continued to make out passionately, still unaware that people had entered the hallway.

Dawn and Ursula both walked fast towards the bathroom door, Dawn cursing under her breath as her knee was in pain, but she wanted to get away from Ursula. The pair froze in shock when they saw Misty and Paul holding eachother intimately as they were locking lips.

"What the fuck!?" Dawn blurted, causing the Serpents to break apart from eachother, as they looked at Dawn and Ursula in surprise. "You filthy cheater!!" Ursula growled at Misty.

It was at that moment Misty knew, she fucked up.

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