
By Megan-Nicole

3.7K 64 56

All I want is to leave. To be free. I want to go away and never come back. but they wont let me. So, I tried... More

School, Work, and Everything Inbetween
Ending All The Pain
Meeting The Boys
Introducing The Boys
Megan and Liam's Day
Miam Or Payzer?
Running Away
Realising The Truth
The Truth
What Is And What Shouldn't Be
Finding Her
Nandos With Niall
New Start
When the Unexpected Happens
I Promise
Just a Regular Day
Awkward Nude Party
The Search For Megan
Plane Trip
I Love You?
Best Friends or I Love You
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Family Reunion
Heaven at Last
Mommy, Daughter Day-Sort Of
Thank You!


20 0 1
By Megan-Nicole

"No." Liam mutters, tears springing to his eyes.

"I love you Kallista." I kiss the top of her head as I fall to my knees, matching her height. Liam grabs my face in his large hands, planting a long kiss on my lips.

"You're gonna be okay. I promise." He says, his eyes glazed with salty tears.

"Don't let her forget about me. Keep her safe Liam. I know you'll be an amazing father." I smile, tears clouding my vision.

"You're gonna be okay." He fumbles with his phone. I fall backwards and he pulls me into his lap.

"Yea-need-ambulance quick. The north end-lake-Waterlow park. Hurry." I catch bits of the conversation as he speaks into his phone and fumbles with it once more.

"Get here-Fast as-can." He speaks.

"Megan?" He shakes my face and I look at him weakly.

"C'mon I can't do this without you." He looks down at his pocket, breaking our eye contact for just a second. 

"Mommy?" Kallista cries, her voice fragile and small.

"Kallista, baby. Mommy's going to take a trip to a far place. Okay? Just remember you're safe in the flower garden." I smile, quoting her favorite lullaby.

"But mommy. Why are you leaving?" She asks, oblivious to my defeat.

"I just need to okay? Take care of daddy for me, will you?" My voice catches in my throat. Liam fumbles with his pocket and pulls a little box out. I look into his glassy eyes, mentally pleading for him not to make this harder.

"I bought this the other day. I asked Stan for permission to have your hand in marriage. I thought it would be the appropriate thing to do." He stifles a smile.

"I love you Liam." I sob.

"I love you more Megan. Would you do me the genuine honour of becoming my bride?" His voice cracks. I've never heard him so weak. So lost. So fragile. His voice is so different. I've heard him sad, but never this broken.

"I'd love to. As long as there's extra cake." I manage a laugh.

"Like I said, you always crack jokes at the worst times." He chuckles once, his face red and his eyes swollen.

"Oh god!" I hear someone cry followed by footsteps.

Time slows when you know it's over. When there's nothing left for your future to hold. When it's your true time you know. Not just because you know there's nothing that can be done to save you, but you can feel it in your heart. Your whole life flashes before your eyes. The good memories and the bad. You reminisce the best things in your life. Sometimes, the worst things are the best.

"I love you all." I say, my breathing steady. Minutes turn into hours and finally the boys let the paramedics through when they come.

"You're going to be okay! I promise." Liam shouts as they push him away. I listen to his words as they sink in. I'm going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.

I never worried about death. It never came as a scare to me. I always awaited it. Because I knew, when it's my time nothing can get in it's way. When it needs me, it will get me. And there's nothing anyone can do. I'm okay with that. I've used my limited supply of lives. I've been saved far to many times now.

Realization hits me like a brick. I'm dying. I won't be there to watch my little girl grow up. I won't be there to help her ride a bike, tie her shoes. I won't be able to hold her as she cries. I won't be able to pick her up every time she falls. I won't see her first day of school. It all floods my mind, the things I was actually looking forward to. I can never have it. I won't be able to have the wedding of my dreams with Liam. We won't exchange our vows that we've written and rewritten a thousand times over, not completely satisfied with them. I won't be able to pick the perfect dress or help Delaney with her maid of honor dress. Perrie won't be the perfect bridesmaid. I won't grow old with Liam. But maybe, that's just how it's suppose to be. I'm not suppose to live a long happy life. I guess 21 years is all I'm allowed, and I'll take that. It was a pretty good life after all.

All I know is that I will be there for them. Always and forever. I might not be able to touch them or talk to them again. But it's the way it has to be. I'll just have to wait until it's their time. And I'm okay with that.

"Megan Nicole. Time of death, 9:54 pm." A voice says in the distant.

I'm okay.


Oh my goodness gracious guys.

Can you believe this??? She's gone!


And ever.


How do you feel about this?

What will Liam do?

I'm going to add another chapter but it's going to be a thank you note from me.

Also, comment below and tell me if you want an epilogue or not! I'll write one up if you do! :)

Meg xx

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