Kylo Ren: The War In Our Hear...

By _J_Evans

282K 5K 868

As young Jedi, Nakari Kuolu, is sent to accompany the resistance's best pilot, Poe Dameron, to the planet of... More

Blast From the Past
Bruises and Broken Ribs
The Darkness
Who is she?
Going Home
Hello and Goodbye
Remember When
The Gala
Hello there!
The Throne Room
Not A Jedi
Supreme Leader Naku
Death Star2
Unexpected Circumstances
Keep Moving
Strange Hellos

The ending.

3.9K 81 30
By _J_Evans

I couldn't stop pacing across the throne room. I had sent the Knights of Ren away, needing to be alone as I waited for it to all come to an end. So, I paced in silence and darkness as the sun was now setting. When I got to tired to pace, I sat on the throne with my fingers drumming patterns on the arm rest.

My mind couldn't comprehend that this was it. It would all be over. It seemed like a dream, like I was watching it all play out from someone else's point of view. My mind took me on a funnel of old memories, playing through them one moment at a time as I thought of just how far Kylo and I had come. We started as Padawans, knowing nothing but we were told and through love and broken hearts, we ended up here.

At the sound of the heavy doors opening, I was brought out of my reminiscing and back into realty. Looking towards the doors, my eyes widened in disbelief at who I saw as my stomach dropped in realization.

I had never seen Supreme Leader Snoke before, but as I was staring into the face of the tall man who appeared to wasting away, I knew this was him. He looked fragile, like he was decaying, and his skin was deathly pale. Yet somehow even looking sickly, power radiated off of him.

"I had great plans for Kylo Ren but you ruined that. You ruined him."

The sound of his voice sent a wave of nausea through me and a hand went to my stomach on instinct. My other hand gripped my saber, igniting it as I stood to my feet. But he was quicker and sent it flying out of my hand.

"So the rumors are true, you're carrying his child. Perfect, there is still a chance for him to reach his full potential."

"I brought him back from the death you were sending him towards!  You have no right over him!"

"I created him!" He yelled back and with a flick of his hand, he sent me flying back into the throne, hard enough that the hair was knocked out of me. "He is everything he is because of me!" He started coming closer as I struggled against his force hold.

His own light saber ignited yet he was still always away, I started to panic. Though I knew things where coming to an end, this wasn't the end I was imagining.

"Get your grip off her!" The voice belonged to Rey and I had never been so glad to see her. She quickly  ran between Snoke and I with Leila by her side. This caused a sickly grin to cross his face as he spotted Luke's saber in her grip.

"Aw the young Jedi... making an appearance. And the aging Princess... what a surprise. Come to protect your grand child?" He seemed so pleased with himself, not worried in the slightest. That alarmed me even more so. "That throne belongs to me!"

"Don't take another step!" Rey's threats were pointless as Snoke came towards us and she fought him off. Leia was quick to my side, helping me off the throne and as she went to lead me towards an exit, I stopped her. I spun around, looking for my saber, and when I found it, I reached out my right hand and it flew into my grasp.

"Naku, we need to get you out of here." She gripped my other arm but I locked to her with urgent eyes.

"Go, send a signal to Kylo. I can't leave her."

I didn't give her a chance to argue as I pulled myself from her side and ran behind Snoke, aiming towards his back. I had hoped that if both Rey and I fought him together, we would be able to take him down. So far, it wasn't going as planned. With a hard force hit at Rey, he sent her flying across the room and sending her back colliding with a marble pillar. He then turned back to me with a sickly sweet grin.

"Finally, I can put an end to you and this ridiculous fantasy you've put in his head. Finally, I can end the Skywalker line."

As his Saber came down towards me, mine raised up towards him. I refused to give up without a fight. I wouldn't let him win without giving everything in me to protect not only my child but the man I loved. It was hit after hit, block after block, I was the defense and my strength was quickly leaving me weak as I faded from the exhaustion of lack of sleep and fighting for my life.

One wrong block sent the saber flying from my grip and scattering across the floor. It felt like it happened in slow motion as I watched it get further away from me before my eyes snapped back to Snoke's. I could see the victory in them as he started to process the fact that he had won. Or at least, he thought he had.

Just his Saber came towards me, ready pierce through my heart, a body jumped in front of me, taking the hit.

"No!" The scream left my lips before I realized it was Leia who now laid still in my arms as my knees buckled and I fell to the floor holding her now lifeless body.

Looking up I caught the look of confusion in Snoke's just before Rey's blue saber cut through the flesh on his neck. His head sat there for a brief moment before his body collapsed and his head rolled off his shoulders, clattering to the floor.

"Leia..." Rey dropped to her knees next to me, gripping the older woman's hand. I looked between them before focusing on Leia.

"Rey, she is gone."

I caught the tear that slipped down the young girl's cheek before she met my eyes and took my hand.

"She loved you."

"And she loved you." We looked back to Snoke's body before she helped me lay Leia down and stand to my own feet. Reaching out a tired hand, my saber came back and I attached it to my side. "We need to find Kylo and Poe, now."



The Epilogue


Every thing changed after that night. It had been a setup, Snoke had purposefully led Kylo to believe that he had found him when in reality all he did was leave me vulnerable. Or at least, that's what Snoke has thought he'd done.

Kylo had been truly devastated by the loss of his mother. In fact, I think that's what pulled him back over the edge. It was his idea to destroy the Death Star2 and pull the Chancellors off the planets. I staid on the throne as Supreme Leader though it was only to ensure peace. I helped Rey finish her Jedi training and within a year's time, young padawans surfaced and a new training begun.

A peace fell over the Galaxy, one it hadn't seen in quite some time.

Looking through the clearing of trees on Zothel, I smiled as I watched my little girl chase after the orange and white droid. Her dark hair was braided away from her face and her blue eyes shined with the innocence that every three year old held.

BB-8 rolled away from her but would always slow down enough to let her catch him before it was his turn to chase her. At least she'd run out of energy and sleep through the night, something I'm sure Kylo would be thankful for.

Looking over my shoulder at the sound of footsteps, I smiled when I spotted my husband walking towards me with our infant son in his arms. His dark hair was pushed away from his face and he was solely focused on the baby he was carrying, he didn't even notice me staring till he took a seat by my side. When he did finally notice, he leaned over and kissed my lips gently.

"How is he?" I asked, looking down at the sleepy, deep brown eyes of my son.

"Little Luke is fine. Just woke up from his nap and I'm pretty sure he wanted you." Upon Kylo's words, I took Luke into my arms and kissed his forehead before watching out little girl run towards her father, abandoning BB-8 who seemed sad about being left alone. "Leia, are you behaving?" His voice was teasing and she simply giggle as she threw her arms around her daddies neck and then looked over at her little bothers.

"Lu-lu." She said, touching his dark hair. "My Lu-lu." She said again, claiming her little brother as her own.

The end.


I can't believe it literally took me years to end this. For those of you who waited, thank you. For those of you who just found this story, I hope it brings some joy and excitement.
I thought of Naku and Kylo quite often but never had the ending, then suddenly it kind of just happened.

It might not be the best but I was finally able to bring them peace and let them rest.

I hope you enjoyed it. 🖤

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