The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome...

By TheStarShipUniverse

3.8K 188 58

It seemed like just another ordinary day, wake up, make videos, go to sleep. Just like yesterday, right? But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Before you read and Recap

165 5 0
By TheStarShipUniverse

This story takes place in the Minecraft Story Mode universe.

This story is a roleplay so forgive any grammar or spelling errors.

Any character is allowed in this story as long as they are a minecraft youtuber. They just need to post minecraft videos on youtube. (This has loosened up a little bit however)

The MCSM Story (episode 6) is still canon, those who died in Episode 6 respawned back at home, unknown to Jesse and the others. This also means there will be potential spoilers for this episode. (so they still alive)

The setting is it's own world, one that isn't found in season 1's portal room. It takes place between seasons one and two.

This world is pretty much a town in which all youtubers build their own houses (like hermitville in a sense)

This world has its own portal hall, each leading to a different smp or youtuber survival world.

All are whitelisted, you can't enter unless you have the server owner's permission.

The server owners have their own enchanted flint and steel.

When youtubers go on hiatus from youtube/ minecraft, or just stop uploading all together, they disappear from town. No one knows where they go.

When they come back to youtube, they randomly awake back in their house, not remembering their time away.

Respawn exists unless otherwise specified.

Real world relationships still exists (spouses/so exists as avatars that look like them irl)

Their name is whatever they go by on youtube the most (i.e MumboJumbo is Mumbo, but MinecraftUniverse is Jason)

Blood exists bc angst

PG 13+

Previously in the lost ones: 

Jason woke up to nothing but bright light. He squinted his eyes and sat up slowly.

"Congratulations, my champion. You made it." The voice from before greeted him.

Stampy was starting to stir from beside him. They were surrounded by crystal clear water that didn't touch their ankles and it went for miles.

Jason turned towards the voice. "W-who's there?!"

"It's alright. You have no need to fear. You made it to the beacon, you will be home safe and sound soon. But I wish to talk to you first." It answered. "You need not to fear me, my champion. I wish you no harm."

Stampy looked around, glancing at Jason.

"H-how do I know that you're telling the truth?"

"I've been protecting you this whole time, have you not noticed? Or did you really think Kalaraja was gifting you healing potions after trying to murder you?"

"Y-you're the one who gave us those?" Jason reached into his pockets to get it, but his pockets were completely empty.

"Yes, in fact, I did a lot more than that which you may not have even realized." She answered.

Stampy tilted his head slightly.

Jason looked at Stampy curiously.

He shrugged slightly at him.

"For example, I created Stella." she pointed out. "I also allowed your friend, Quentin, was it? To find you two."

Stampy's eyes widened.

"S-Stella?" Jason repeated before thinking about what she had said "but t-then why'd you let Quentin-" He choked back a sob.

"Simple, I saved him." She replied. "He is here with me. Recovering. Part of why I wanted to talk to you. I also noticed your relationship with Stella has grown since you met her. I have decided to gift her to you so that she can come with you on your trip home."

"Really?" Jason glanced down at the choker, which was now brightly glowing until the realization hit him. "Quentin's alive?!" Jason stood up and yelled into the seemingly endless terrain.

A gentle laugh echoed around them. "Yes, little star, he is alive." She repeated. The nickname sounding more endearing than Kala's.

Stampy shifted awkwardly as he stood up and looked around.

"C-can I see him?!" Jason's voice cracked. "P-please..?" He teared up.

"He is yet to be fully healed but... I suppose I could arrange something," she replied and a moment or two later a ghostly looking version of Quentin appeared in front of them.

"Q-Quentin?!" Jason took a step back, tears rolling down his face.

Quentin turned to face them, his eyes seemed lifeless, and a wound could still be seen on his stomach. "H-hey guys..."

Stampy stared in shock. "K-kippy??" He started to reach out his hand but hesitated and withdrew it.

"I am afraid Kalaraja injured him quite severely... I am doing what I can to help him recover but... he will not be able to return with you."

"He can't?" Jason frowned. Like Stampy he reached out towards Quentin, putting his hand up to the other's cheek. His hand didn't make contact and just fazed through his ghostly body.

"I'm sorry bud..." Quentin frowned. "I have no other choice..."

"First, because of how injured he is, second... He did not make it to the beacon."

Stampy looked up. "What?! That's not fair! We had no choice!"

"He's been stuck here longer than either of us! He deserves to leave with us!" Jason yelled.

Quentin stayed silent and looked at the ground.

"I know, but I'm afraid I can't allow that. At least... Not yet. Kala would kill him if he found out that he was still alive."

Jason fell silent.

"Don't worry about me." Quentin had a small smile on his face. "I'm gonna be safe while I recover. Kala can't get to me, she won't let him." He looked off into the distance.

"I will keep him safe until your return, my champion."

Stampy looked confused. "Wait, return? Why would we return?! I mean, obviously for Quentin but..." He glanced at Jason, concerned and confused.

"Return?!" Jason looked back at Stampy with fear in his eyes.

"Indeed. Though it will be on your own free will when you do."

Stampy's ears laid flat, glancing at Jason, uncertainly. "H-How can you know that?!"

A laugh. "Everyone who ever managed to leave always found their way back here eventually."

Stampy paled at that.

"Why? Do you want to keep us stuck here in some kind of loop?!" Jason yelled. "Do you like to watch us suffer?!"

"Kalaraja does, I'll admit that. I find less pleasure in it than he."

Stampy looked confused but said nothing.

"But it is time for you to go." She told them.

Quentin turned to face them with a look of sadness on his face.

Jason stares back at him. "Who are you?" He asked.

She didn't reply at first. "Kala has mentioned me at least once, I know of. But I am his Queen." She answered. "But don't worry, my little star, we will meet again soon..."

Before either could say another word, light engulfed them and they blacked out.

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