Desolated - book 3 •StrangeFr...

By CosmicCubeTM

9.8K 538 151

What do I do now that he's gone? •.•.• Book 3, previous 2 books are 'Scarred' and 'Torn'. A StrangeFrost stor... More

Cold, Warm
Ah ah ah ah stayin alive stayin alive
I think it was about you
The feeling of haunted
Turning pages
Turning around again and again
Why do i feel something behind me
Chipping at an alredy finished statue
Aww man
Haha drunkie
Its all your fault.
Fast paced
My hands are cold, my heart is cold.
Plot break.
Lost and found
Thats a great joke
Its 5am and I still miss you
Sorry, dickhead
Help me. You're my only hope.
Brick wall
Guess what? Ooooooo
Colorful hues flowing though his head
Its not what it looks like
Going back to reality woop there goes gravity
The roses feel like air because the roses arent there
This mirror shows something else
The water I drink is slowly drowning me
Planet from far, far away
Decay is only an illusion
Not yet not dead
I found a joint in moms dresser
A world where roses bloom

Chasing objects that dont run

184 12 3
By CosmicCubeTM

"Loki said he knew where three were." Stark looked up at me, nudged my side with his elbow and said, "spill it, Loki."

We had all gathered to discuss the best way to gather all the stones.
I walked to the front of the room and inhaled. I was still getting over my test run at this point, but I had to tell them about the stones.

I inhaled lightly.
"I know both the mind stone and power stone are in New York during the-" I swallowed. "-2012. I the form of the scepter and the Tesseract. But I know that Stephen-" I felt myself choke on my own words. "Sorry, doctor Strange also had the time stone in the sanctum Santorum at this time, too."
I felt extremely uncomfortable with all the Avengers starring at me, especially professor banner. I had this picture in my mind of all of them just lashing out and yelling at me when I make a mistake.
I'm not scared of them, though.
I'm scared of the way I'll react. I only just realized recently that these five years have made me meaner and ruder. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

I swallowed.
"So three stones are in New York during 2012."


"Alright people. Remember what you need to do."
We were all standing on the time machine, in a circle.
Me, Rogers, Stark, Lang and Banner were all going to 2012, but I still was wary of banner.

"Everybody in three,"

I took a deep breath.


"Two," Natasha and rocket chimes in with Stark, as everyone put on their helmets.

"Three." Everyone said at once.

I activated the machine and felt myself shrink, both cold and hot hair blowing against my face. Bright streaks of orange and neon blue flew past me.

And then I was in New York again.
I heard a crashing above me as the suit came off of me.
I looked up seeing a chitauri soldier fly into a building.


"Alright, Scott and Loki come with me, Steve you go get the scepter and banner get the time stone."

I put an illusion on myself (of a Sheild Agent as to not attract much attention) and followed Stark.

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