Black Wings

由 imacreamoo

496 67 53

"She is better off dead. For all safety and it is not like she was ever going to win her appeal, the odds her... 更多

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
The End as you know it:

Chapter 9

16 3 4
由 imacreamoo

X was hiding under the table I had made while Astoria was furiously running around trying to find him. I stared at the two when they began to drag the other to them. Astoria won as she grabbed X from where he was hidden and screeched out, "VICTORY!"

Frisk turns around at the cheerful screech and laughs. She looks at me and notices the goofy smile I know is on my face and nudges me.

"I have teasing material now!" she says causing me to swing around and stare at her and frantically search for her blackmail picture. When i feel papery feeling brush against my fingertip I grasp at it and hold the photo of her when we got ice-cream together. She has her mouth dangling open and wide puppies' eyes while her hand is reaching for the spoon. I wave it in front of her face and snicker.

"Sure, but I'll post this on the internet!"

"What's the internet?" Frisk asked sincerely causing me to shriek and gasp at the same time.

I splutter out the words, "You do not know what the internet.. the world wide web.. is?"

She shakes her head in a negative, "No.." she whispers out accepting that I was going to give her the death sentence. I whip out my semi-old phone and load up the internet completely forgetting that we live in the middle of a forest now and service might as well be non-existant.

I screech like a tyrannosaurus when I receive the screen 'WiFi or data network is not working' when my data is on before I spot the deathly words of 'no service' on my bar. In that moment I die inside. Frisk looks at me confused.

"What is happening?" she asks me softly, noticing how my features are tense and my eyebrows have burrowed into themselves in case my out roar earlier had no given away my bad mood.

"I have no service and the closest place with the god damn stuff is the valley." At that moment Frisk frowns and gives an audible sound of relief.

I plonk down to the floor and cross my arms against my chest in hope it would give off an aura that screamed for everyone to get away from me. It both worked and failed.

Frisk had scampered away to go hug Q in the most adorable way known to mankind while I stood there doing nothing but glaring at the floor. Each crack seemed to crack more as I glared at it. I did not make a move until a scorching pain shot through the place my SOUL was. I bit back my scream but I still crippled to the floor. A groan escapes me and I place my hand over my SOUL already knowing why and how the culmination of my being has been destroyed but I keep my mouth shut and close my eyes in an attempt to ward off the agony that has settled by my heart.

Everyone has crowded around me but I try and shoo them all off but the pestering worries and the flickers of colour from where everyone tries to heal what can't be fixed makes me dizzy. It takes a few moments until either my weak hand gestures or whoever just screamed something scares the majority left allowing me to finally make out Kai, Irene and Astoria.

"Ast... leave..." I wheeze out despite the fact the pain has numbed and it does not pain me to speak. She looks hurt that I want the others around but considering our activities consist of screaming she leaves.

Once she is out of hearing range, I sit up straight and dart around.

"Guys, Ria's death is bringing back the soul injury..." I state slowly looking down at the floor not wanting to meet their gaze. Irene's hand finds mine before she mutters,

"It's hurting us all. We should get her resurrected first though!" Her skin is smooth and comforting but her words cause mine to widen and Kai goes silent, neither of us really know what to do in this situation.

"I will tell her." Kai whispers even though we're all so close we can hear each other's breathing.

"Tell me what?" Irene asks as her hand slips out of mine. She turns to both of us and continues to question us with her gaze instead of words.

"We need to speak to X about whether Ast can..." He starts to explain but I cut him off.

"She is better off dead. For all safety and it is not like she was ever going to win her appeal, the odds her to out scale for us to tip them. That is what X said." My voice hardly comes out and I get through the words as quickly as I could. I may not feel my soul splitting at saying the words but the knowledge that the crack is increasing, slowly chipping off my original soul, remains.

Irene looks at us and decides not say anything. The fact settles into them both before Kai stands up and Irene following as if the two have reached the same subconscious choice.

At the same time, they say, "We'll go speak to X and find out more."

They walk off and leave me on the ground glaring at the two until I remember that X lived in a cave; A cave with tables to hide under but a cave where only he resided none the less. I watch as the three begin to bicker between themselves no doubly demanding more than they are going to get.

I stand up, my vision swirling before I begin to cartwheel back over to them and just as I place in my front flip I grip their shoulders and pull them down. X stares at us before walking out, to hide under a table.

"What are you doing Olie?" Kai asks, "We were about to get something out of him!"
Irene just gasped in shock but my smile brightens as I whisper in their ear one by one what we all missed out seeing as we are idiots.

"Go pack your bags buckos we're heading to an unknown location to discover everything we didn't already know!"

We all scramble –or in my case cartwheel- off to get ready for the not so horrible journey ahead of us.

"Alex calm down. I also made a fool out myself just calm down. Deep breaths..." Isaac started to try and speak reason to his partner instead of plan someone who was not even involved murder.

Alex however was not taking her loss and pacing around with the creepiest grin on her face.

"Bloody murder! We need to kill him in the most painful way." Alex was started to mumble before she faced Isaac with wide eyes, "We'll be saving everyone Isaac. It does not matter if he committed the prank or not he is still using Astoria to his advantage. You don't want that do you?" The more she talked it had gone from screaming to cooing at Isaac. Her partner was starting to shake from the protective, righteous and dangerous aura she was giving out. Her pacing had stopped and he started to think about her words.

Why was he even defending Kai while both he and Olie had tried to slaughter him. He had a problem with Olie but seeing as she was okay most of the time he had to focus on Kai. The man child was trying to create a gang from the people Astoria thought she loved. Isaac knew she loved him. Kai was just standing in the way as a barrier like he always was. Kai was the threat that had to be eliminated. He turned to Alex smiling.

"Okay, but no one else dies."

"I knew you would come around eventually. So how about a bloody murder?" Alex grin relaxed slightly but she looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Bloody murder?" Isaac raised his eyebrow and angled his head to the left staring at Alex confused.

"Bloody murder!" Alex started to chant looking at Isaac hopefully.

"I'm not going to join you in your man hunt that starts chanting bloody murder in case that's what you are waiting for." Isaac stated calmly.

"Why not?"

"I do not want his death to be gruesome. I want him dead but I doubt anyone wants to go down while having their ex-girlfriend burst their eardrums screeching bloody murder in them."

"Why ever not? He deserves it."

Isaac took a second to consider whether or not he did deserve it. He had tried to kill him gruesomely before, why was he any different. While Isaac started to reconsider his life choices Alex was finally beginning to calm down from the hype of adrenaline from the fight earlier.

"So what do you say partner?" She asked smirking and offering her hand, "What do you say to Kai's death?"

Isaac hesitantly took the hand and smirked back at her, "I say sure, the bastard deserves it and we'll serve him karma on a silver platter!"

Both Alex and Isaax looked around the small gathering they made after both being kicked out from the cave and running open to chug down some coke, Alex grinned when her can popped open and she offered one to Isaac, who took it.

The clanked the cans togtehr and grinned, "To Kai's death!" they cheered before Alex lifted her mug to drink. It was smacked from her hand.

"I'm not dealing with you screeching bloody murder."


"Thank you!" He smiled and took a sip from his only for it to also be smacked from his hand. Isaac looked up slightly annoyed at the gesture,

"What was that for, I am not the person who go's running around on a sugar screeching what ever comes to their head."
"Otherwise we aren't even!"

Isaac sighed and accepted his defeat watching the coke can roll on the ground, "Fine." He muttered 


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