I Swear This Time I Mean It (...

By amarie19xoxo

102K 2K 358

Ariel Simmons always wanted to be a WWE Diva. She finally got her dream job. She knew it was going to be hard... More

First Day
Dive Bar
Gym / Flashbacks
Day Off
Heading Home
Home at Last
The Date
To The Concert
Happiest Woman Alive
The Fight/Flashback
Day Off Date
Live Show
Pre-Raw Fun
The Next Fight
Girls Day Out?
Slammy Awards
Make Up
Good Morning
We're Going On A Date?
The Big Night
The News
Small Bump
The Bosses
New Scripts
The Announcement
It's Time
Congratulations Are In Order
What's Happening?


1.6K 44 14
By amarie19xoxo

I woke to the other side of the hotel room bed being empty. I picked my head up to see that there was a note on the pillow, odds are it was from Colby so I grabbed it and began to read.


I went out to set everything up for our announcement later after Raw, we're going to have a gathering of co-workers in the venue after the show. I'm just finalizing all of the plans and making sure everyone is going to be there. Tonight is the night that all of our viewers are going to find out that we're together. (Not like they didn't know already). I should be back in about an hour.

Love always,

Prince Eric

I was a bit unhappy that he was making all of the big plans without me and that he wasn't going to let me take care of some things but I decided to let it go. I was also a bit upset that my husband to be wasn't waking up beside me but I had to let that go as well. I looked at the clock, it read 11:42. I didn't know what time Colby had left so I decided that I would lay in bed for just a few minutes longer. I heard my phone start to vibrate on the nightstand and I reached over and answered it.

"Arieeeeeeeel!" I heard April's voice sing through the speaker.

"Hello daaaaaaaarling." I tried singing back.

"You sound sleepy love bug."

"It's because I definitely am. I can't seem to get comfortable lately but it's getting easier."

"But why darling?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Excuse me?" She said jokingly.

"It's something you need to hear in person."

"Okay darling. I'll trust you. I have to go for now Phil is talking about going out before I have to work tonight."

"Okay honey, I'll see you later."

"Goodbye princess!"

"Bye love."

I hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom of our suite. I turned on the shower and began to slide out of my clothes. Stepping in I started washing my hair and rinsing the sleep sweat off my body. I heard the door of the room open and began to get a little concerned when I wasn't greeted.

"Colby, is that you?"

"Hate to disappoint darlin' it's just Jon." I heard Colby's best friend yell from somewhere in the hotel room.

"Okay, just give me a sec I'll be right out. Alright?"

"Yeah sure darlin' just take as much time as you need."

I turned the shower off and quickly dried off and tossed on the sweats and t-shirt of Colby's that I had brought into the bathroom with me. After I got the rest of the way dressed I walked into the main area of the suite to see Jon lounging on the couch.

"How may I help you Mr. Good?" I said jokingly.

"Well darlin' I've been issued the task of delivering you to the venue."

"But Colby said he'd be back in an hour..?" I said trailing off. "Did something happen? Is he alright?!"

"Yes Ariel. He's fine, I promise. He's just carried away with getting everything all set for the get together tonight. He won't let anyone into the conference room. He won't even tell me what's up and I'm his best friend."

"Oh. Alright then. Wait," I said looking at the clock seeing that it read 1:36 already. "I didn't realize I had spent so much time in the shower." I said with a nervous laugh.

"Well, we ought to be getting a move on honey. We have to be there by two."

"The venue is only fifteen minutes away so that gives me time to grab the things I need for the night."

"Grab 'em quick. I want to get out of you and my bestfriends' love nest." He said with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said smiling back at him.

I grabbed my dress for the night along with shoes and accessories I would be needing and then Jon and I headed out the door. The car ride was silent but not awkward. But it did get me thinking about tonight. Colby and I were going to walk out to the ring tonight as a couple. The whole WWE Universe is going to get the confirmation that we are in fact an item. Then on top of that Colby and I are going to tell the entire locker room that we are expecting. It is enough to make any girl want to curl up in a ball and sleep for a week and a half. By the time we reached the arena I was already a ball of nervous energy but, I had to go in and face the music and help my future husband with the preperations.

Sorry it is rather short darlings but I've been very busy lately with the stresses of senior year and what not.
Again, thank you all for staying loyal to the story and reading my updates religiously.
I love you all xoxo

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